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BG2 EE Jan Jansen Game Breaking Bug

I am playing BGII EE on PC no mods. Windows 7 professional all patches current drivers. Jan Jansen just got his quest to save Jaela for Lissa. I complete the quest well within the 10 days but when I go to the top of the Jansen Household the quest does not resolve. Dialog is initiated and Lissa and Jaela leave to head downstairs where Vaerlag presumably is. Jan however just sits there. The game is stuck in an unending cutscene. I cannot get Jan back who is carrying most of my best gear plus loaded containers. To make matters worse the game is completely unplayable as you cannot get out of the cut scene.

I did a google search and could find no solution of any kind to fix this broken cut scene and get Jan back. I have Shadowkeeper installed but have no idea how to use it to fix something like this. If Jan's quest cannot complete I need a way to suppress it forever and ensure it never triggers. I also have the game in debug mode with CLUACONSOLE but again no idea how to repair this game breaking bug. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Post in troubleshooting and upload your save file, a dev will be able to help you there.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Thread moved to Troubleshooting. Sorry for your experience, @thelebk. Can you please attach a zip of your save before entring the Household?
  • thelebkthelebk Member Posts: 6
    Unfortunately I did not have one as I had no way to predict a game ending bug was about to trigger. I am trying to recreate one now. My first suspicion was the issue was related to the first bug with Jan where if you do not let him join you when he first blurts out in the government district because you are not ready for him he refuses to talk to you forever after and you have to spawn him with the console. This leaves two versions of his object in existence at the same time in the game world. As all other cut scenes with him have worked however, I am dubious on this as the cause.
  • thelebkthelebk Member Posts: 6
    Attached is DXDIAG for my system as well as an archive of the entire save file for the point right before entering the house at quest completion. I also have hard saved files for just as the quest starts, and the first time in Jan's house where he leaves the party. Let me know if you want these extra save spots. Thanks.
  • thelebkthelebk Member Posts: 6
    If anyone going to help or respond? I am at a complete standstill in the game. :(
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @thelebk, had a look around the Interwebs and found this. Made a copy of the solution here just incase...

    Thanks to -EZSlaver- of SHSForums:

    I've encountered the same problem, and thanks to your help, I think I solved it:

    What I did, is before going upstairs where the scene gets stuck, I set the JANLISSAPLOT variable to 11. This results in me coming up, and Jan going down right away with Lissa and Jaella staying there. I than came down, and just before Vaelag showed up, I paused, and CreateCreature'd LISSA and JAELLA (although I think the latter is unnecessary), in order to have the complete cutscene. I don't know about "long term" effects (CTRL-Ying the copies upstairs might take care of those if any), but at the end of the talk, the JANLISSAPLOT variable is set to 14 (for me), so I guess it's ok. I had just done it, so I would post if anything doesn't go well.
    [End Quote]

    Tried it out on your saved game and it seemed to get past the problem. If you aren't able to make the adjustments, I have copied up the resulting saved game. Unfortunately, I didn't see any loaded containers but at least you can continue on.

    I am sure -EZSlaver- is happy to have helped solved someone's problem!

  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    edited November 2017
    I removed the version of Jan from the Government district (save attached) and the cutscene plays through fine.

    I'm also not seeing the initial dialogue issue you said. He either leaves the area (for good I assume) or I can speak to him. Is there a specific dialogue choice that led to him not talking.

  • thelebkthelebk Member Posts: 6
    My gosh this is awesome help @Gusinda and @Gate70. I can't wait to try!

    Gate70, Jan is a bugged NPC. When most NPCs ask to join you upon first meeting them you can safely turn them down and just recruit them later. Jan does not work this way. If you turn him down at initial dialog and then speak to him and not recruit him the second time he will just sit in the govt district forever and never speak to the player again. This does not appear to be the intended behavior by the designers.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @thelebk This isn't a universal bug. Jan works correctly for me.
  • thelebkthelebk Member Posts: 6
    @Gate70 Its perfect! Your save fixed everything and even let me see the cut scenes. Thanks so very much!
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    @thelebk I don't get that scenario. e.g. I see this

    1. Refuse to speak to him. He remains in the Government district
    2. Speak to him again, and turn him down. He returns home
    3. Go to his home and speak to him again. He can be recruited

    I can't see how he remains in the government district. Can you advise dialogue choices for steps 1 + 2 above. e.g.
    1. Response 2 (not at this time)
    2. Response 1 (yes), Trax (1, 1), Jan (4, thanks but maybe later)
    3. Response all 1's (Jan joins)
  • trihelltrihell Member Posts: 2

    I'm having the same issue as thelebk had wherein I had to spawn a 2nd Jan and now the same cutscene is bugged. I think I can fix it myself, but for your information the stuck unresponsive Jan happened like this as far as I recall:

    On his first dialogue that he prompted, I turned him down immediately (last option). I then did a bunch of other quests until I had a party slot open. Talked to his cousin who spawns outside the Jansen residence, went back to recruit Jan and found him nonresponsive.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Thanks @trihell
  • trihelltrihell Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018
    So my initial thought was to try to remove the original unresponsive Jan from the game but I couldn't figure out how to make that work without triggering a death flag for Jan, and it didn't solve the issue anyhow (maybe undoing death flag for Jan would have worked but I didn't try that). I was about to ask for some magic hands to manage my save file but then I had an idea which I'll share here for anyone else with the issue.

    I enabled cheats and used ctrl+q to add the unresponsive jan to my party. He stutters and stalls a bit as you move around so you may need to click movement a few times for him. Anyway I dragged that Jan up the stairs in the turnip tower and boom, cutscene played properly and my 2nd Jan went down the stairs. At this point I kicked the originally unresponsive Jan from the party (if you kick him out before this point, the cutscene still stalls). Went downstairs, rest of the scene played out, and my 2nd Jan rejoined the party. As a bonus, the originally unresponsive Jan is nowhere to be found. Win!

    (Note: I dunno if this will work if you snitched on Jan during the original encounter - the original Jan needs to be in the world somewhere so you can add him to the party)

    Post edited by trihell on
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