"I also need a good, engaging character building and combat tactics system to enjoy a game. I'm not interested in spending my gaming time with an interactive novel, and I still haven't bought or played PST:EE.
That doesn't mean it wouldn't be a successful project for them. They just won't have me as a customer for it. If enough other people are into it and will buy it, then that's great. Enjoy. "
Yeah, this sums up my feelings pretty well. I DID play Torment and couldn't get into it. I find the setting super interesting but the gameplay between dialogues was just painful. At that point I just put the game down and read a book. Really hoping its more of a BG-like or a traditional rpg in the planescape setting, I could get behind that.
Planescape may have benefited from not being wedded to the AD&D ruleset. A social conflict mechanic with the option to escalate to physical violence - e.g. from Dogs in the Vineyard- may have suited the game better.
Planescape is presumably part of the D&D IP, so any future Planescape game would have to use 5e rules (which at least means it wouldn't be using the same combat system as PST).
Yes, and there is a slight clash here. The core activity of D&D is usually tactical combat, while the core activity of PS:T was exploration and interaction.
In any case it looks like Planescape will have to wait for now... probably less risky to stick to generic fantasy settings in any case.
I don't care if it's another Torment or not. Planescape is my absolute favorite campaign setting ever, and if Beamdog makes a new game set on the Planes, I'm going to throw my money at them as fast as I can.
If it forces you to play a character like PST does and it has crappy combat then I'm gonna have to skip it. PST is mind-numbingly boring to the point where it feels more like a chore than a game. I don't understand the praise. And anyone that feels like replying to this post with "oh you just don't get it", no, I get it. I just don't like it.
Planescape: Torment is one of the best interactive narratives I've ever played (maybe the best) and also a terrible RPG. For me the former outweighs the latter, but I wouldn't disagree with anyone who found the fixed protagonist and awful combat too much to overcome.
So I'd certainly like to see a game in the Planescape setting that a) let's you make a character and b) has non-terrible combat. (The PST UI was also awful, but Beamdog already fixed that in the Enhanced Edition.)
I have a feeling that if PST was a book I'd probably be able to enjoy it. As it is though... I just can't.
You're in luck. Somebody made a book based on a role players youtube series from the albino black sheep community I think. http://discogenie.dyndns.org/planescape/
That doesn't mean it wouldn't be a successful project for them. They just won't have me as a customer for it. If enough other people are into it and will buy it, then that's great. Enjoy. "
Yeah, this sums up my feelings pretty well. I DID play Torment and couldn't get into it. I find the setting super interesting but the gameplay between dialogues was just painful. At that point I just put the game down and read a book. Really hoping its more of a BG-like or a traditional rpg in the planescape setting, I could get behind that.
In any case it looks like Planescape will have to wait for now... probably less risky to stick to generic fantasy settings in any case.
I'm kind of dubious about this denial. If the licence negotiatons where still ongoing it would have to be denied, true or false.
I think their explanation actually makes a lot of sense. Moreover, they did drop many hints a while back that the new game is set in the Realms.