Please , please if possible do something to address the UI on large screen displays. I use font haks that could be improved upon and added in, but the main thing is being able to read the text and see the bars from my couch 8' away from my television. A UI thats size could be adjusted is really the only thing i'm begging for in a game I already play everyday.
I'm really looking forward to see this game get some love again. Can't wait to have multiplayer working properly and also having the game running smother on newer systems.
-option of equipping a medium sized weapon like a long sword or bastard sword with both hands -no 3-class limit maybe?
I agree with this. It would be really awesome if the class limit was increased or removed, there was no limit in IWD2, but they didn't have prestige classes but still pretty awesome. NWN2 had one additional class slot, but then the level cap was lower than in NWN1
Being able to Two-Hand those weapons as a medium size character would also be nice!
And one thing I was thinking of, would be really awesome if we could dual wield throwing weapons. very few games that I'm aware of allows you to do so,
For a start, I'd love it if the following were added: - Bug fixes: -- Permanent visual effects on placeables stack an extra time every time they leave and re-enter a player's visual radius. - Extra VFX support (all of these _should_ be simple switch statements which could just have a bit of extra code added): -- Support for additional weapon VFX (just name them like `waxbt_fx010` or whatever for ones greater than the current hard-coded) -- Support for additional beams (have undefined ProgFX_Durations between 600-699 key to `vim_ray650` or whatever) -- Support for additional MIRVs (have undefined ProgFX_Impact between 900-999 key to `vpr_mirv950` or whatever) -- Support for additional skin overrides (have undefined ProgFX_Duration between 1000-1099 key to `vdu_tex_1050` or whatever)
1. Official Implementation of DMFI tools or similar, for dice rolls and emoting as well as quick tools for DM usage 2. A process similar to NWN2, where upon joining a server for the first time it will run a checksum and download the haks/tlk from a URL and plant them where they need to be to play 3. "Un" hardcoding feats and class features that would require work around scripts or NWNX to control, and make it easier to add scripted feats. 4. A script wizard (Think Lilac Soul) & other tools (2da editor, tlk editor, etc) bundled in with the main game so that aspiring developers have everything they need to easily edit 5. A PW Prefab/Base module that is easily edited (like an updated Vuldricks, but this could be a community project)
The ability to play bik files any time during a module through scripting, an IncrementRemainingSpells() function, and perhaps being able to use a texture's alpha channel for calculating shadows...
Please , please if possible do something to address the UI on large screen displays. I use font haks that could be improved upon and added in, but the main thing is being able to read the text and see the bars from my couch 8' away from my television. A UI thats size could be adjusted is really the only thing i'm begging for in a game I already play everyday.
This is explicitly mentioned in the FAQ. We're getting that.
Other requests: - Allow us to disable the 'You triggered a trap!' message (this could even be global in server settings). - 1.69 made a major change to bumpability which made pathfinding for PCs significantly harder. It would be great if there were a server setting that would make it so PCs cannot block pathfinding for other PCs (allowing them to walk through each other). - If not already fixed, there's a bug where level-up is checking 'has feat' rather than 'knows feat', meaning feats from items can grant pre-requisites. - Allow servers to disable all items on character upload (causing new players to enter the server naked) to prevent importing items (we've done this both to prevent exploits and because people can generate buggy/crashy items). Also, clear PC's tags on initial character upload. - This might already be fixed, but there are a number of cases where the offhand weapon will use the onhand weapon's critical hit multiplier. - Stacking damage immunity increase/decrease past 100% doesn't always work, resulting in improper values when an effect is removed or expires. - Add EffectIcon() and allow us to create our own icons (increasing the limit to 250 or whatever) - Add EffectBonusFeat() - Add the ability to detect if an effect is EffectKnockdown() (currently it has no effect type) - If feasible, fix the issue where when you have two sources of a bonus feat (e.g. two items) and remove one, you lose the bonus feat even though you have a different item providing it. - Don't allow items with different locals to stack. - Fix copying of locals when stacks are split. - Properly fire OnDisturbed when merging stacks from placeables. - It would be great if we had some way to tell when a monster is blocked in its pathfinding by a placeable (so we could, for example, have Wall of Stone spells that monsters would then attack to destroy). Firing OnBlocked would be ideal. - There's a strange bug in the toolset where giving creatures spells metamagicked to level 9 causes those spells to sometimes be lost when the creature is saved. - Fix the issue where if two clients behind NAT have the same client port set in their configuration that the server can get very confused (even if there is NAT presenting them on different ports to the server).
Explicit scripting functions to get the system time (UNIX timestamp would be perfect) and shut down the running server process would be great.
Here some I like to be fixed. Creatures special abilities missing from radial when DM possessing NPC (breath weapons, etc....) left over from patch 1.69
Aurora Toolset support in Linux/Mac (I know it was mentioned in the stream that it was built using Borland C++ making hard to port, but I would be happy if it was officially supported in Wine and fixed to play nicely with it. Though it would be extra nice to have it rebuilt to be fully cross-platform.)
1. Open up the combat engine so it isn't hardcoded, allowing for custom weapon feats and allowing weapon specialization/focus for custom weapons 2. Allow for custom ranged weapons to be added without overwriting the existing ranged weapons 3. Allow Flurry of Blows to work with custom weapons
* parallax mapping * Texture alpha channel shadows * Improved blending of objects when clipping (to prevent texture/polygon flashing effect and/or unintended transparency glitches) * Implement transparency on the second level of large objects instead of making it invisible as it currently is. (I suppose a la NWN2) * Adding a special effect that for foliage that is not visible trough the FOG so we can make trees and bushes like in this example
* Adding the ability for tilesets to have fully functional dynamic placeable tiles (that can be spawned and unspawned dynamically without having reload an area by leaving and re-entering) * Greater color spectrum for FX and Lighting please. 2 bit color doesn't cut it!! * The add individual option do disable *Flare* light effect. Apparently some folks like it. * I remember some issues with scripted On/Off lighting (It is a bit wonky). Sometimes recompute had the adverse effect of lighting up the place while lights were turn Off and properly scripted. * At the edge of tilesets, that repeating tile... I'd like more flexibility like choosing 2 different tiles to break the pattern of even all 4. (IDK) * Maybe try to fix the walkmesh (code) issue that when a certain angle with small polygons jumps your character over 20 in-game meters. * I think the folks who have a AMD Graphics card haven't been able to play the game in some time... or at the least not without major issues. (Not me, "Nvidia" here)
Despite apparently having original devs and major community members, during the stream they seemed very confused about why people would want certain things.
1: Increase number of hotbars. This is actually super important for casters, since while a martial struggles to fill even one, a full caster has enough spells and abilities that three isn't enough.
2: Increase the multiclass limit. On max level servers, the game devolves into character building puzzles, and a lot of the time character building amounts to figuring out the "optimal" number of levels for any given class (15 Barbarian, 7 Weapon Master, 10/16 Pale Master, etc) and giving players the opportunity to use another "puzzle piece" would give that part of a community a shot in the arm.
My suggestions: 3. Allow Flurry of Blows to work with custom weapons
The Community Patch Project restores a cut prestige class called Shou Disciple, which gets a feat called Martial Flurry, which is just FoB with any weapon. I'd very much like to see the CPP integrated into the EE.
Thanks for announcement EE NWN and sorry me my bad english Please, check if it possible to do some things: 1) Possibility to create spellbooks for custom classes through the 2da. Its needed so much... 2) Subraces! Its cool! Its must be! 3) Possibility for use effects with duration type: DURATION_TYPE_EQUIPPED 4) Fix server crush with stack items. Function CNWSCreature_SplitItem - need to check CNWSCreature object for NULL value 5) Fix possible dupe items with box in container 6) Fix immobilize effect. He lowers dexterity to 3, this affects the function OnApplyEntangled (which should lower dexterity by 4) I will be happy, if at least the first two items from the list will be implemented
Is it possible to remove caps on stat bonuses? For servers that run crazy gear stats, it's ensured Barbarian Rage is rather useless at endgame. I also think Shifter forms were affected.
-//Set a script that is to be fired when eEffect expires //Use GetLastEffect( ) inside the effect script to get the effect //Object_self is the effect owner effect SetEffectScript( effect eEffect, string sEffectScript );
-Numerous events otherwise lacking standard *OnAttemptToCastSpell event to allow advanced spellcasting(such as without an animation) or block spells in special situations. *OnAttemptToUseItem event to block an item from being used without requiring the player to actually go through the animation of using it *OnAttemptToUseFeat event to block infinite use feats in specific situations *OnFeatApplied event to register if a knockdown or otherwise applied feat actually did apply it's effects without requiring a while loop to check for the effect. *OnAttemptToUseSkill event to block skill usage in specific scenarios without requiring the animation first or when otherwise hardcoded(IE healing). *OnAttack event to allow special effects such as my modified barbarian terrifying rage which rolls a will save when an attack is rolled on the barbarian(maximum of 1 time per round). *OnAttemptToToggleMode event to permit special circumstances for attack modes(called shot arm, means no power attack option). *OnExamined event to allow special circumstances where when scrying you can see extra information that normally isn't there on creatures. *OnApplyDamage event to allow undead to actually heal from all negative damage sources and all flesh golems to actually heal from all electrical damage sources. Current vanilla event doesn't allow modifying the damage and even giving the creature 100% immunity shows 0 damage in the log instead of -healed-.
-// Changes a base ability score iAbility (ABILITY_STRENGTH, ABILITY_DEXTERITY, etc) by iValue void NWNXFuncs_ModAbilityScore(object oCreature, int iAbility, int iValue, int bAdjustCurrentHitPoints = 1); Used to make ability bonuses exceed the +12 cap when they are intended to. Pretty sure you could copy the dm_modify* code from the debug menu.
-// Adds a feat to oObject's general featlist // If iLevel is greater than 0 the feat is also added to the featlist for that level void NWNXFuncs_AddFeat(object oCreature, int iFeat, int iLevel=0); This is used in my newest and most beloved creation. A utility to allow you to swap out your weapon feats when you want to try a new weapon without totally rebuilding your character.
-// Sets the base AC for a given AC type // Effectively, this is the base AC of the item (armour or shield) worn; or the Natural AC set in the toolset for a creature; ; does not make changes to any items themselves // Valid values for iACType are: // AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS (base ac of the armor worn) // AC_SHIELD_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS (base ac of the shield worn) // AC_NATURAL_BONUS (base ac of a creature set in the toolset) void NWNXFuncs_SetBaseAC(object oCreature, int iValue, int iACType = AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS);
// Returns the base AC for a given AC type // Effectively, this is the base AC of the item (armour or shield) worn; or the Natural AC set in the toolset for a creature // See NWNXFuncs_SetBaseAC for iACType values int NWNXFuncs_GetBaseAC(object oCreature, int iACType = AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS); Used for many, many situations with the NATURAL_BONUS parameter. It's most popular use is that Epic Toughness grants +1 innate AC per feat.
-// Changes the internal size of a creature to iSize (CREATURE_SIZE_*) // This does not change the physical size of the creature model as seen in game void NWNXFuncs_SetCreatureSize(object oCreature, int iSize = CREATURE_SIZE_MEDIUM); Used to allow upper level RDDs the ability to weild large weapons with one hand.
-A utility to allow players to print out their build's stats. Currently this is done by 4 nwnx_funcs functions. *string NWNXFuncs_GetFeatsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel); *string NWNXFuncs_GetSkillRanksGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel); *string NWNXFuncs_GetSpellsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iSpellLevel, int iLevel); *struct levelstats_s NWNXFuncs_GetStatsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel);
-// Returns a row from surfacemat.2da indicating the ground material of the location given // Returns -1 on error int NWNXFuncs_GetSurfaceMaterial(location lLoc); Used to register what can be traversed when utilizing teleportation or VFX application. It's also used in the AI to prevent pathing problems, but I figure you might just fix that.
-"IncrementRemainingSpellUses[all casters except sorc/bard](object oCreature, int nSpell)" "IncrementRemainingSpellsOnLevel[sorc/bard](object oCreature, int nSpellLevel) to allow casters to do more than just rest to regain spells.
-A method to send any message on any channel and define the sender and receiver. This is primarily used for guild chat(/g) or when people have others blocked so they don't have to see shout or talk from that person either.
-Literally EVERYTHING from nwnx_sysdata. File control, timestamp reads, ACTUAL REAL CLOCK TIME AND DATE. All of it.
-A method to retrieve which spell school specialization a wizard has taken.
-Array functionality
-Allow non-monks to have more speed than 50%, really important one for gameplay. Purple Dragon Knight class vanilla is almost worthless without it. Also just mentioning, but there is a very bad speed bug with monks... It is not scaling correctly and they get ludicrously fast with any amount of speed bonuses outside the norm.
-Fix Weapon Master's Ki Damage ability to deal maximum weapon damage(but not allow critical hits).
The one thing from NWN2 that I really enjoyed was how they put all the spellcasting into a single GUI quickcast menu, allowing players to have access to ALL of their spells without having to put them in the quickbar. I also liked how they non-invasively showed the casting areas of all spells for which it was applicable, showing exactly where my Fireball would land. Would it be possible to put this into NWN:EE?
The thing I'd like to see the most is making it possible for mods to hold more content without requiring haks. And then incorporating more choices into the toolset, like the CEP and Q stuff. Can never have too many options for tilesets, and within tilesets.
I guess I'm assuming that Beamdog will also be working on the engine itself, and not just polishing the official campaigns.
in the live feed Trent said they are not touching the OC for any of the three
Wait - I really want new content in OC, and new content in SOU would be nice...
I created a thread here (which I seem to accidentally have put in a non-existent forum) that explains one of the features I would really like to see:
First of all, thanks to Beamdog for the stream last night - it really does look promising and I look forward to seeing what you do with the game. Neverwinter Nights has been one of my favourite games for years and I still play it to this day. Our Steam group were only recently playing a co-op game through the Aielund Saga.
Anyway...I asked this question in the stream but will sling it up here as well, as it's something that's bugged me about NWN 1 for some time.
Neverwinter Nights 2 had a maximum level cap of 30 and yet it allowed you to multiclass into 4 different classes. It worked really well and added an additional layer of character customisation.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had a maximum level cap of 40 (10 more than NWN 2) and yet you could only multiclass into 3 classes. With such a lot of levels, it seemed to really limit character creativity.
One of my favourite characters to play in NWN 2 was a Fighter/Wizard/Assassin/Arcane Archer. You just cant do this in NWN 1 due to the restrictions. Especially since classes like the Assassin never got HIPS in NWN 1 but did in NWN 2.
Character building was one of the things I loved about the NWN games - especially NWN 2. It would be great to see some "love" here.
The thing I'd like to see the most is making it possible for mods to hold more content without requiring haks. And then incorporating more choices into the toolset, like the CEP and Q stuff. Can never have too many options for tilesets, and within tilesets.
I guess I'm assuming that Beamdog will also be working on the engine itself, and not just polishing the official campaigns.
in the live feed Trent said they are not touching the OC for any of the three
Wait - I really want new content in OC, and new content in SOU would be nice...
I think they're relying on fan modules for additional content. I mean it would be nice if they could revamp the OC because god knows it needs it but I can understand not doing it.
Also, they got some negative feedback for adding content to Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II EEs.
-- Support for additional MIRVs (have undefined ProgFX_Impact between 900-999 key to `vpr_mirv950` or whatever)
I did find a way to do this, unfortunately it has an unfortunate side effect of the occasional rainbow coloured missile storm...
A few things off the top of my head that I didn't see in the patch notes: Extra damage from EffectDamageIncrease() currently bypasses resistance/vulnerability and even the invulnerability flag. Remove the infinitely growing/looping WalkWaypoints() of Doom stack from the default AI. Would be nice if the caster level of Special Abilities for npcs could be able 15. A bigger limit to the script compiler would be good. (As in for when it refuses to compile a script because it is too long.)
<<<The ability to use the rest of the toolset when you have the script or other editors open.>>>
Infinite Dungeons was one of the best modules ever to test out different high level builds. However, it was impossible to use any custom characters from the PRC Pack or any other hacks etc. on any of the premium mods. This wasn't due to any incompatibilities or problems. It just simply wasn't allowed. Please ensure that custom content/hacks are allowed on ALL the campaigns and modules (especially for single player games). Thank you.
1. Open up the combat engine so it isn't hardcoded, allowing for custom weapon feats and allowing weapon specialization/focus for custom weapons 2. Allow for custom ranged weapons to be added without overwriting the existing ranged weapons 3. Allow Flurry of Blows to work with custom weapons
This was something I wanted to post, but I also noticed, as much as there were a lot of nice additions, that there was no support for:
Bards and Sorcerers suffer from taking Prestige Classes - this really, really, really needs to be looked at and fixed. Currently if you have Bard or Sorcerer and take any PrC that advances spellcasting of said classes only get the benefit of extra spells per day and not spells known.
Alternative/additional Spellbook support It's possible to add a lot of custom spells, but not possible (or easy?) to add classes with their own custom spellbooks. This prevents the addition of new class types such as Psion without doing awkward things
Speaking of Psionics, the ability to add extra pool trackers (Displayed alongside HP) for classes with the ability to script it to follow specific things would be nice. (Either Powerpoints, or perhaps Bard Song or Turn Undead uses)
database support (mysql, postgresql) : can get more and better persistent worlds !!!!
Can't wait to have multiplayer working properly and also having the game running smother on newer systems. I agree with this.
It would be really awesome if the class limit was increased or removed, there was no limit in IWD2, but they didn't have prestige classes but still pretty awesome. NWN2 had one additional class slot, but then the level cap was lower than in NWN1
Being able to Two-Hand those weapons as a medium size character would also be nice!
And one thing I was thinking of, would be really awesome if we could dual wield throwing weapons.
very few games that I'm aware of allows you to do so,
- Bug fixes:
-- Permanent visual effects on placeables stack an extra time every time they leave and re-enter a player's visual radius.
- Extra VFX support (all of these _should_ be simple switch statements which could just have a bit of extra code added):
-- Support for additional weapon VFX (just name them like `waxbt_fx010` or whatever for ones greater than the current hard-coded)
-- Support for additional beams (have undefined ProgFX_Durations between 600-699 key to `vim_ray650` or whatever)
-- Support for additional MIRVs (have undefined ProgFX_Impact between 900-999 key to `vpr_mirv950` or whatever)
-- Support for additional skin overrides (have undefined ProgFX_Duration between 1000-1099 key to `vdu_tex_1050` or whatever)
Acaos (yes, I am one of the Higher Ground devs)
2. A process similar to NWN2, where upon joining a server for the first time it will run a checksum and download the haks/tlk from a URL and plant them where they need to be to play
3. "Un" hardcoding feats and class features that would require work around scripts or NWNX to control, and make it easier to add scripted feats.
4. A script wizard (Think Lilac Soul) & other tools (2da editor, tlk editor, etc) bundled in with the main game so that aspiring developers have everything they need to easily edit
5. A PW Prefab/Base module that is easily edited (like an updated Vuldricks, but this could be a community project)
As an active NWN DM and builder here is what I would like to see:
1) Community Patch 1.71, NWNX, CEP and Project Q contents incorporated in the game core
2) 3.5 ruleset (3.0 is so lame that had a short life)
3) Sub-races with natural bonuses (not the "green" ones), skill/feat bonuses and innate spell and spell-like abilities.
4) Easy ways for a DM to alter an NPC name, stats, appearance, faction and description in-game (same for items where applicable)
5) Psionics!
6) Better AI
7) Full manageable NPCs
8) More options for heads at character creation
9) A more friendly level-up wizard for NPCs creation at the Aurora Toolset
10) Limit the bonus from items to stats as PnP rules (no more 30 STR at level 5).
- Allow us to disable the 'You triggered a trap!' message (this could even be global in server settings).
- 1.69 made a major change to bumpability which made pathfinding for PCs significantly harder. It would be great if there were a server setting that would make it so PCs cannot block pathfinding for other PCs (allowing them to walk through each other).
- If not already fixed, there's a bug where level-up is checking 'has feat' rather than 'knows feat', meaning feats from items can grant pre-requisites.
- Allow servers to disable all items on character upload (causing new players to enter the server naked) to prevent importing items (we've done this both to prevent exploits and because people can generate buggy/crashy items). Also, clear PC's tags on initial character upload.
- This might already be fixed, but there are a number of cases where the offhand weapon will use the onhand weapon's critical hit multiplier.
- Stacking damage immunity increase/decrease past 100% doesn't always work, resulting in improper values when an effect is removed or expires.
- Add EffectIcon() and allow us to create our own icons (increasing the limit to 250 or whatever)
- Add EffectBonusFeat()
- Add the ability to detect if an effect is EffectKnockdown() (currently it has no effect type)
- If feasible, fix the issue where when you have two sources of a bonus feat (e.g. two items) and remove one, you lose the bonus feat even though you have a different item providing it.
- Don't allow items with different locals to stack.
- Fix copying of locals when stacks are split.
- Properly fire OnDisturbed when merging stacks from placeables.
- It would be great if we had some way to tell when a monster is blocked in its pathfinding by a placeable (so we could, for example, have Wall of Stone spells that monsters would then attack to destroy). Firing OnBlocked would be ideal.
- There's a strange bug in the toolset where giving creatures spells metamagicked to level 9 causes those spells to sometimes be lost when the creature is saved.
- Fix the issue where if two clients behind NAT have the same client port set in their configuration that the server can get very confused (even if there is NAT presenting them on different ports to the server).
Explicit scripting functions to get the system time (UNIX timestamp would be perfect) and shut down the running server process would be great.
Creatures special abilities missing from radial when DM possessing NPC (breath weapons, etc....) left over from patch 1.69
Custom Skill.2da causing crash!
Toolset item limit (16k Resource limit)
Spell targeting system like NWN2
1. Open up the combat engine so it isn't hardcoded, allowing for custom weapon feats and allowing weapon specialization/focus for custom weapons
2. Allow for custom ranged weapons to be added without overwriting the existing ranged weapons
3. Allow Flurry of Blows to work with custom weapons
Got some requests that come to mind quickly;
* parallax mapping
* Texture alpha channel shadows
* Improved blending of objects when clipping (to prevent texture/polygon flashing effect and/or unintended transparency glitches)
* Implement transparency on the second level of large objects instead of making it invisible as it currently is. (I suppose a la NWN2)
* Adding a special effect that for foliage that is not visible trough the FOG so we can make trees and bushes like in this example
* Adding the ability for tilesets to have fully functional dynamic placeable tiles (that can be spawned and unspawned dynamically without having reload an area by leaving and re-entering)
* Greater color spectrum for FX and Lighting please. 2 bit color doesn't cut it!!
* The add individual option do disable *Flare* light effect. Apparently some folks like it.
* I remember some issues with scripted On/Off lighting (It is a bit wonky). Sometimes recompute had the adverse effect of lighting up the place while lights were turn Off and properly scripted.
* At the edge of tilesets, that repeating tile... I'd like more flexibility like choosing 2 different tiles to break the pattern of even all 4. (IDK)
* Maybe try to fix the walkmesh (code) issue that when a certain angle with small polygons jumps your character over 20 in-game meters.
* I think the folks who have a AMD Graphics card haven't been able to play the game in some time... or at the least not without major issues. (Not me, "Nvidia" here)
Hope it's not too much to ask ;P
1: Increase number of hotbars. This is actually super important for casters, since while a martial struggles to fill even one, a full caster has enough spells and abilities that three isn't enough.
2: Increase the multiclass limit. On max level servers, the game devolves into character building puzzles, and a lot of the time character building amounts to figuring out the "optimal" number of levels for any given class (15 Barbarian, 7 Weapon Master, 10/16 Pale Master, etc) and giving players the opportunity to use another "puzzle piece" would give that part of a community a shot in the arm. The Community Patch Project restores a cut prestige class called Shou Disciple, which gets a feat called Martial Flurry, which is just FoB with any weapon. I'd very much like to see the CPP integrated into the EE.
Please, check if it possible to do some things:
1) Possibility to create spellbooks for custom classes through the 2da. Its needed so much...
2) Subraces! Its cool! Its must be!
3) Possibility for use effects with duration type: DURATION_TYPE_EQUIPPED
4) Fix server crush with stack items. Function CNWSCreature_SplitItem - need to check CNWSCreature object for NULL value
5) Fix possible dupe items with box in container
6) Fix immobilize effect. He lowers dexterity to 3, this affects the function OnApplyEntangled (which should lower dexterity by 4)
I will be happy, if at least the first two items from the list will be implemented
-//Set a script that is to be fired when eEffect expires
//Use GetLastEffect( ) inside the effect script to get the effect
//Object_self is the effect owner
effect SetEffectScript( effect eEffect, string sEffectScript );
-Numerous events otherwise lacking standard
*OnAttemptToCastSpell event to allow advanced spellcasting(such as without an animation) or block spells in special situations.
*OnAttemptToUseItem event to block an item from being used without requiring the player to actually go through the animation of using it
*OnAttemptToUseFeat event to block infinite use feats in specific situations
*OnFeatApplied event to register if a knockdown or otherwise applied feat actually did apply it's effects without requiring a while loop to check for the effect.
*OnAttemptToUseSkill event to block skill usage in specific scenarios without requiring the animation first or when otherwise hardcoded(IE healing).
*OnAttack event to allow special effects such as my modified barbarian terrifying rage which rolls a will save when an attack is rolled on the barbarian(maximum of 1 time per round).
*OnAttemptToToggleMode event to permit special circumstances for attack modes(called shot arm, means no power attack option).
*OnExamined event to allow special circumstances where when scrying you can see extra information that normally isn't there on creatures.
*OnApplyDamage event to allow undead to actually heal from all negative damage sources and all flesh golems to actually heal from all electrical damage sources. Current vanilla event doesn't allow modifying the damage and even giving the creature 100% immunity shows 0 damage in the log instead of -healed-.
-// Changes a base ability score iAbility (ABILITY_STRENGTH, ABILITY_DEXTERITY, etc) by iValue
void NWNXFuncs_ModAbilityScore(object oCreature, int iAbility, int iValue, int bAdjustCurrentHitPoints = 1);
Used to make ability bonuses exceed the +12 cap when they are intended to. Pretty sure you could copy the dm_modify* code from the debug menu.
-// Adds a feat to oObject's general featlist
// If iLevel is greater than 0 the feat is also added to the featlist for that level
void NWNXFuncs_AddFeat(object oCreature, int iFeat, int iLevel=0);
This is used in my newest and most beloved creation. A utility to allow you to swap out your weapon feats when you want to try a new weapon without totally rebuilding your character.
-// Sets the base AC for a given AC type
// Effectively, this is the base AC of the item (armour or shield) worn; or the Natural AC set in the toolset for a creature; ; does not make changes to any items themselves
// Valid values for iACType are:
// AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS (base ac of the armor worn)
// AC_SHIELD_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS (base ac of the shield worn)
// AC_NATURAL_BONUS (base ac of a creature set in the toolset)
void NWNXFuncs_SetBaseAC(object oCreature, int iValue, int iACType = AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS);
// Returns the base AC for a given AC type
// Effectively, this is the base AC of the item (armour or shield) worn; or the Natural AC set in the toolset for a creature
// See NWNXFuncs_SetBaseAC for iACType values
int NWNXFuncs_GetBaseAC(object oCreature, int iACType = AC_ARMOUR_ENCHANTMENT_BONUS);
Used for many, many situations with the NATURAL_BONUS parameter. It's most popular use is that Epic Toughness grants +1 innate AC per feat.
-// Changes the internal size of a creature to iSize (CREATURE_SIZE_*)
// This does not change the physical size of the creature model as seen in game
void NWNXFuncs_SetCreatureSize(object oCreature, int iSize = CREATURE_SIZE_MEDIUM);
Used to allow upper level RDDs the ability to weild large weapons with one hand.
-A utility to allow players to print out their build's stats. Currently this is done by 4 nwnx_funcs functions.
*string NWNXFuncs_GetFeatsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel);
*string NWNXFuncs_GetSkillRanksGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel);
*string NWNXFuncs_GetSpellsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iSpellLevel, int iLevel);
*struct levelstats_s NWNXFuncs_GetStatsGainedAtLevel(object oCreature, int iLevel);
-// Returns a row from surfacemat.2da indicating the ground material of the location given
// Returns -1 on error
int NWNXFuncs_GetSurfaceMaterial(location lLoc);
Used to register what can be traversed when utilizing teleportation or VFX application. It's also used in the AI to prevent pathing problems, but I figure you might just fix that.
-"IncrementRemainingSpellUses[all casters except sorc/bard](object oCreature, int nSpell)"
"IncrementRemainingSpellsOnLevel[sorc/bard](object oCreature, int nSpellLevel) to allow casters to do more than just rest to regain spells.
-A method to send any message on any channel and define the sender and receiver. This is primarily used for guild chat(/g) or when people have others blocked so they don't have to see shout or talk from that person either.
-Literally EVERYTHING from nwnx_sysdata. File control, timestamp reads, ACTUAL REAL CLOCK TIME AND DATE. All of it.
-A method to retrieve which spell school specialization a wizard has taken.
-Array functionality
-Allow non-monks to have more speed than 50%, really important one for gameplay. Purple Dragon Knight class vanilla is almost worthless without it. Also just mentioning, but there is a very bad speed bug with monks... It is not scaling correctly and they get ludicrously fast with any amount of speed bonuses outside the norm.
-Fix Weapon Master's Ki Damage ability to deal maximum weapon damage(but not allow critical hits).
I. want. it!
First of all, thanks to Beamdog for the stream last night - it really does look promising and I look forward to seeing what you do with the game. Neverwinter Nights has been one of my favourite games for years and I still play it to this day. Our Steam group were only recently playing a co-op game through the Aielund Saga.
Anyway...I asked this question in the stream but will sling it up here as well, as it's something that's bugged me about NWN 1 for some time.
Neverwinter Nights 2 had a maximum level cap of 30 and yet it allowed you to multiclass into 4 different classes. It worked really well and added an additional layer of character customisation.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had a maximum level cap of 40 (10 more than NWN 2) and yet you could only multiclass into 3 classes. With such a lot of levels, it seemed to really limit character creativity.
One of my favourite characters to play in NWN 2 was a Fighter/Wizard/Assassin/Arcane Archer. You just cant do this in NWN 1 due to the restrictions. Especially since classes like the Assassin never got HIPS in NWN 1 but did in NWN 2.
Character building was one of the things I loved about the NWN games - especially NWN 2. It would be great to see some "love" here.
Also, they got some negative feedback for adding content to Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II EEs.
A few things off the top of my head that I didn't see in the patch notes:
Extra damage from EffectDamageIncrease() currently bypasses resistance/vulnerability and even the invulnerability flag.
Remove the infinitely growing/looping WalkWaypoints() of Doom stack from the default AI.
Would be nice if the caster level of Special Abilities for npcs could be able 15.
A bigger limit to the script compiler would be good. (As in for when it refuses to compile a script because it is too long.)
<<<The ability to use the rest of the toolset when you have the script or other editors open.>>>
The Social and RP players will be grateful.
Bards and Sorcerers suffer from taking Prestige Classes - this really, really, really needs to be looked at and fixed. Currently if you have Bard or Sorcerer and take any PrC that advances spellcasting of said classes only get the benefit of extra spells per day and not spells known.
Alternative/additional Spellbook support It's possible to add a lot of custom spells, but not possible (or easy?) to add classes with their own custom spellbooks. This prevents the addition of new class types such as Psion without doing awkward things
Speaking of Psionics, the ability to add extra pool trackers (Displayed alongside HP) for classes with the ability to script it to follow specific things would be nice. (Either Powerpoints, or perhaps Bard Song or Turn Undead uses)