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Feature proposals/requests

SorenSoren Member, Developer Posts: 48
edited November 2017 in General Discussions NWN:EE
This might seem a bit quick but I've been waiting for this for ten years!

These are all based on my mere 15 year experience of modding, meddling with and messing up NWN. From my understanding of the engine, it should all be relatively feasible to add.

Oh, and everyone else is free to also propose stuff in this topic (in fact I encourage you to!), but I hope though that we can stick to what's realistic - after all it's NWN EE not NWN3.

Without further ado, from the top of my head:

- Improve pathfinding (both performance and ability to navigate) perhaps even with the possibility of placeables allowing elevation or even making places walkable that were not.
- Make more of the equipment worn adjusting character appearance (bracers and boots would be obvious choices, perhaps even open face helmets)
- Make creatures scaled using the "tail" slot properly highlight when tabbing/hovering (ideally supplemented with walkdist and rundist modifiers in tails.2da for individual walk/run animation adjustments)

Custom content:
- Bumpmap or even normal map support.
- Expand the amount of heads supported per race.
- Expand the amount of item appearances supported per item type.
- Expand the amount of custom animations supported.
- Make skinmesh natively support shadows.
- Add support for setting a diverging ambient and diffuse map on a model (odd request I know, but have needed it!)
- Make a custom content downloader.
- Make haks load on character creation. (already done!)
- Make the scrollbar texture load from haks (all other gui stuff seems to work fine.)
- Make placeable node naming more flexible.
- Make cubemap and regular environment maps work alongside each other in one scene (currently one of them turns transparent).

Scripting related:
- Scripting functions for setting area wind, fog clip distance and even lighting setting.
- Make VFX applied to the ground with duration support length longer than 10 seconds and make it appear for people entering the area.
- Add support for setting all PC event scripts as a module setting (the game engine seems to already support it).
- Add support for more customized effects (setting an apply script, hb script and end script, along with setting some form of ID)
- Add another custom item property that allows setting two or more parameters.
- Make SetName work on PCs.
- Make items sold at merchants with the unlimited flag not clear variables. (already done!)
- Add scripting support for creating and manipulating sound objects.
- Make a scripting function for setting a timer bar (like with resting and unlocking)

Not that long a list, eh? I'm sure I'll think of more. And so will everyone else!

Rock on!

Søren aka. Zarathustra217
Post edited by Soren on


  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Remove the insta-kill effects on some spells and low-threat creatures.

    Like bodaks or water elementals.

    It was one of the worst ideas in an RPG to include insta-kill abilities to creatures who otherwise posed to threat.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    There are some more suggestions in this thread on Neverwintervault as well.
  • thruddthrudd Member Posts: 96
    More Classes.... More Races....
    Ohh i dont remeber what the world map looks like, but update the world map to a 5e map including the updsted areas???
  • SorenSoren Member, Developer Posts: 48
    Oh yeah, the 16k resource limit would definitely be nice to get rid off too.

    Ah well, perhaps it would have made better sense to wait until after the official announcement and twitch live stream, but I'm just too excited!
  • Igneous_AvesIgneous_Aves Member Posts: 41
    I can only think of two things on the top of my head that need changes.

    Assassin's Death Attack - Make it be UNAFFECTED by Mind-Influencing Protection. Prot Vs. Evil really comes to mind lol. The idea behind Death Attack does not warrant it being blocked by such spell. Frankly nothing short of a Fort Save should prevent it.

    Cleric's spell Implosion - make it be unaffected by Death Ward. Same principle as Death Attack, the way the spell works Death Ward should not block this spell either.

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    First 10 I can think of:

    1. Treating companions as basically full party members with their own equipment, inventory and level up customisation
    2. Fade distance dramatically increased
    3. Difficulty scales number of mobs and size of encounters, not HP/ dmg
    4. More Crafting recipes and expanded into a single easy to parse recipe list
    5. Boobs less pointy
    6. Improved In engine community module manager
    7. Seamless shiting between campaigns > HotU without character importing
    8. Break down of every stat modfyer as part of the UI, in the same way that BGee does it
    9. Equipment swapping other than armour reflected on character models
    10. More precise movement controls and ability to manually move companions and summons
  • KarmaKarma Member Posts: 7
    Actual support for stat bonuses assigned to subraces so we don't need a hak or nwnx plugin to modify ability scores.
  • Dev6Dev6 Member Posts: 721
    ajwz said:

    5. Boobs less pointy

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    thrudd said:

    More Classes.... More Races....
    Ohh i dont remeber what the world map looks like, but update the world map to a 5e map including the updsted areas???

    There wasn't a world map in any of the main campaigns iirc
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited November 2017
    "The adventure does not have to end once you have finished BG2. Neverwinter Nights allows you to import your character from Baldur's Gate 2".
  • thruddthrudd Member Posts: 96
    We need a world map to be added then, or overland map.
  • michaumichau Member Posts: 11
    -option of equipping a medium sized weapon like a long sword or bastard sword with both hands
    -no 3-class limit maybe?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    rede9 said:

    "The adventure does not have to end once you have finished BG2. Neverwinter Nights allows you to import your character from Baldur's Gate 2".

    That would be non-trivial to automate, since its a D&D version conversion. I remember it causing some heated discussions at the PnP table... :mrgreen:
  • dafenadafena Member Posts: 74
    I beg you, add transparency support for heads!!! And body scaling too.

    If that was the case, i'll just re-do all the custom heads that I made a month ago.
  • DurendalDurendal Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2017
    Official implementation of the CPP, including the Eye of Gruumsh and Shou Disciple prestige classes, built in support for custom classes being selectable at level on in game and the ability to give proper spellbooks to classes without relying on outside patches and .dlls. Remove the three-class limit so we can do crazy stuff.

    Also I wanna see Beamdog add a bunch of new, crazy ass prestige classes because that'd be super fun. (C'mon, Frenzied Berserker. Plz. Plz Beamdog.)
  • SorenSoren Member, Developer Posts: 48
    - Make GetCreatureTalentBest take an input to pick the next best and so on (like GetObjectByTag) and have both GetCreatureTalentBest and GetCreatureTalentRandom take a minimum CR parameter. It would really with improving spellcasting AI.
  • Sylvius_the_MadSylvius_the_Mad Member Posts: 23
    Redrake said:

    Remove the insta-kill effects on some spells and low-threat creatures.

    Like bodaks or water elementals.

    It was one of the worst ideas in an RPG to include insta-kill abilities to creatures who otherwise posed to threat.

    I completely disagree with this. NWN should implement the tabletop rules as closely as possible. Insta-kill and all.
  • GarrusN7GarrusN7 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 155
    edited November 2017
    1. Android support? (IOS can be too, but usually lacks mod support so....yeah....)
    2. Dragonborn race
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    edited November 2017
    Would there be extra henchmen options? I would really like that...
  • ZaowchenZaowchen Member Posts: 4
    I wanna see Tome of Battle, Psionics, and new races
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    I'm hoping that the original campaign and Shadows of Undrentide expansion will include options, especially for henchmen, that Hordes of the Underdark introduced.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Heya! Thanks for your suggestions! Make sure you all don't miss the stream that will start in less than an hour and ask your questions there!
  • MarquisInSpadesMarquisInSpades Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2017
    Could you guys make the multiplayer easier to configure?
    I've tried (we got it actually working) to play the current one with a friend and it was quite a hassle to get it working.
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    I can't comment on twitch due some bug, but I will definitely watch...
  • acidchalkacidchalk Member Posts: 70
    Steam workshop support, Steam workshop support, Steam workshop support, Steam workshop support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Soren said:

    - Improve pathfinding (both performance and ability to navigate) perhaps even with the possibility of placeables allowing elevation or even making places walkable that were not.
    - Make more of the equipment worn adjusting character appearance (bracers and boots would be obvious choices, perhaps even open face helmets)
    - Make creatures scaled using the "tail" slot properly highlight when tabbing/hovering (ideally supplemented with walkdist and rundist modifiers in tails.2da for individual walk/run animation adjustments)

    So the way armor worked in this game is that it would replace the entire chunk of the body so adding opened face helmets would involve making the game place the helm over the head instead of replacing it which would probably lead to a lot of clipping issues with certain heads and ears. It would be worked around but it would involve lots of reshaping of helm pieces.

    The braces they would have to separate from the armor as it was a full body replacing thing. It can be done, they just have to find a way to split it off from the armor sets. It would lead to a lot of bare forearmed armor though.

  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Dear Beamdog

    *ahem* Hello. I am typing on behalf of one interested customer (myself). First, I would like to congratulate you on a job well done, and thank you for enhancing and rereleasing this gem of a game. Second, I would like to wish you a happy holiday. And finally, I have a simple (well, maybe not) request for a new companion/henchman character.

    Now, everybody knows of course that of all the DnD races, the ferret is the most overpowered. Super shorty saves, 12x backstab modifier, innate Stinking Cloud ability, etc. However, I would ask that you not let that knowledge affect any decision regarding a possible ferret companion for the EE of NWN. Now, I understand you may have some reservations about adding such a fierce hero to the game, but I would point out that you have done such a thing before. Remember Wilson the bear? Yes, of course you do.

    Now, I’m not saying that you should add an overpowered companion that makes all other companions seem like jokes by comparison. If you feel the need to reduce their abilities somewhat to add them, then by all means, do so. I just really, REALLY want a ferret companion.

    The Ferret Lord
  • bdtgazobdtgazo Member Posts: 49
    edited November 2017
    The thing I'd like to see the most is making it possible for mods to hold more content without requiring haks. And then incorporating more choices into the toolset, like the CEP and Q stuff. Can never have too many options for tilesets, and within tilesets.

    I guess I'm assuming that Beamdog will also be working on the engine itself, and not just polishing the official campaigns.
  • Sylvius_the_MadSylvius_the_Mad Member Posts: 23
    I would very much like friendly fire to work as it did in the original NWN release (where it affected enemies as well), either by default or as a configuable option.

    Friendly fire for enemies was patched out of NWN many years ago. I hope to see it restored.
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