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New Beamdog content for OC, SOU and HOTU?



  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited November 2017
    The OC could really use some livening started out OK but really started to get boring halfway through...
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992

    Balrog99 said:

    The OC could really use some livening started out OK but really started to get boring halfway through...

    The first chapter is very cool. The second also, and it has one of the best sidequests ever (Charwood). The third however, in my opinion is awful. And the fourth... Could have been so much better, to put it as diplomatically as I can.
    Expanding the campaign would require an increased level cap.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    What we need is a premium module following the early adventures of Fenthick Moss and Aribeth de Tylmarande! ;)
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    kcwise said:

    What we need is a premium module following the early adventures of Fenthick Moss and Aribeth de Tylmarande! ;)

    Only if it’s named “[THIS TITLE HAS BEEN CENSORED]” and involves Aribeth wearing a flying helmet and Fenthick brandishing some wet celery.

  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    tbone1 said:

    ... Aribeth... helmet... Fenthick...celery.

    Well, yes, that would be... yes, that would be something wouldn't it?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    oh my god yes please, the adventures of aribeth!
    I also would like to see the OC updated for SoU/HotU mechanics. It is a bit too bland. And more content in chapters 3 and 4
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    As far as I know, OC was always positioned as an example of modules/campaigns users can create with the wonderful tool called NWN. NWN was first and foremost designed as a tool to help tabletop players to visualise their adventures. So, polishing that tool makes more sense.

    However, even when the game (tool) was released many still bought it as a cRPG and were disappointed with the given example - OC. I am pretty sure a lot of people will still see it this way. So, improvements to OC also make sense. Or, may be, a better example (new campaign)?
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Bioware really dropped the ball in never updating the OCs to their current patch levels. Beamdog, at least, has had the sense to update BG and get the Infinity games all up to par. It's still very early, but I have confidence they'll get around to patching the OCs to uniform levels, too. I don't think that most of us are asking for new and original content here, but just keeping the OCs up to date with what is already there.
  • EldrickEldrick Member Posts: 12
    Premium modules that allow you to visit different areas (towns/cities) of the sword coast would be nice.
  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    @Mirandel I don't think I agree... I mean, it can serve as an example, but it was not created as such - as bad as OC is perceived it could have had MUCH less effort put in it if all it was was an example of a module. It would have been a total flop if people who were looking for "just" a cRPG without care for creating content didn't find anything for themselves. In general, there are a lot less creators than players after all.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited November 2017
    Deltharis said:

    @Mirandel I don't think I agree... I mean, it can serve as an example, but it was not created as such - as bad as OC is perceived it could have had MUCH less effort put in it if all it was was an example of a module. It would have been a total flop if people who were looking for "just" a cRPG without care for creating content didn't find anything for themselves. In general, there are a lot less creators than players after all.

    As I said - it's not my view of OC, it is as I remember the whole discussions about it. They positioned, presented OC as an example campaign with emphasising the role of the tools. It was "tools first" and "game second". Not the "tools for campaign" but "campaign as an illustration to the tools".

    Sure it could be shorter, but they wanted to demonstrate everything they got - maps, mechanics, rules implementation and so on. And they did! But plot and RP part were left secondary. So, it was a flop (again, as I recall the discussions) and SOU and HOTU came as a damage control.

    But I can not link you all those discussions and interviews, so you do not have to believe me on that.
  • Ratibor92Ratibor92 Member Posts: 149
    The question on the plot of the NWN original campaign and it's connection with the HotU expansion. I suppose there should be a possibility to choose a Hero of Neverwinter as a main protagonist of the HotU adventure. That grants lots of opportunities for the plot development. Imagine: the Hero of Neverwinter meets Lady Aribeth and the others.

    I know about the situation and all the pequlearities with the NWN original campaign's rebuid. But still... is there an opportunity to ''remaster'' it in another way? I mean, maybe, to recreate it from scratch, adding everything Trent was going to add previously? Or, in case it is impossible, we'll be pleased with the direct sequel to the original campaign, which would bring the answers to the questistions, mentioned there.
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    Ratibor92 said:

    The question on the plot of the NWN original campaign and it's connection with the HotU expansion. I suppose there should be a possibility to choose a Hero of Neverwinter as a main protagonist of the HotU adventure. That grants lots of opportunities for the plot development. Imagine: the Hero of Neverwinter meets Lady Aribeth and the others.

    I know about the situation and all the pequlearities with the NWN original campaign's rebuid. But still... is there an opportunity to ''remaster'' it in another way? I mean, maybe, to recreate it from scratch, adding everything Trent was going to add previously? Or, in case it is impossible, we'll be pleased with the direct sequel to the original campaign, which would bring the answers to the questistions, mentioned there.

    it would be nice to have something like NWN2 based on the choices that are made in the campaign and based on the origins you can get different scenarios and dialogs as well as different endings.
  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    I voted "I kind of wish new official expansion, rather than changing existing" because I would love to see an expansion that followed on from HoTU for some higher level play.
  • NinjamestariNinjamestari Member Posts: 18
    Absolutely not. Beamdog doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to changes in the content, so keep your hands out of the Official Campaigns. Include your own if you wish to try to do your own thing with modules, so that you can realize your own vision instead of messing up someone elses.
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2017
    I would love if they do a new premium module or campaign set in some place other than the ones Bioware/Black Isle/Obsidian Forgotten Realms games have already covered, and especially somewhere beyond the Sword Coast or the Western Heartlands. Calimshan, Lake of Steam or the Tashalar would be cool for Arabian Nights exotic tropical or desert adventures. The wild jungles of Chult with it's roaming dinosaurs and restless hordes of undead might be a good and interesting choice too with especially with the new Tomb of Annihilation 5E adventure module being set in it. The cold and grey lands of Moonsea could be interesting as well, could involve the Zhentarim, Hillsfarian slavers and gladiators, Cormanthor drow and elves battling for supremacy of the ancient Elven Woods.

    Whatever it turns out to be, I hope they at least get to the point where they can make some new premium modules or campaigns.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Would they even be able to use NWN2 assets?
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    edited November 2017
    deserk said:

    I would love if they do a new premium module or campaign set in some place other than the ones Bioware/Black Isle/Obsidian Forgotten Realms games have already covered, and especially somewhere beyond the Sword Coast or the Western Heartlands. Calimshan, Lake of Steam or the Tashalar would be cool for Arabian Nights exotic tropical or desert adventures. The wild jungles of Chult with it's roaming dinosaurs and restless hordes of undead might be a good and interesting choice too with especially with the new Tomb of Annihilation 5E adventure module being set in it. The cold and grey lands of Moonsea could be interesting as well, could involve the Zhentarim, Hillsfarian slavers and gladiators, Cormanthor drow and elves battling for supremacy of the ancient Elven Woods.

    Whatever it turns out to be, I hope they at least get to the point where they can make some new premium modules or campaigns.

    A premium module on Tomb of Annihilation I see it a bit hard to integrate into a game based on rules 3.0-3.5, it would indeed be ... it would make more sense to inspire some of you have user modules like Temple of Elemental Evil, or something about Ravenloft, on ravenloft here ... they could lean on / hire the PW Prisoner of the Mist guys after all, there's ... from my point of view expanding on D & D version campaigns over 3.0-3.5 and difficult to implement (second installment) would be nice though instead try to make "virtual" some of the most famous campaigns like ToEE.

    Would they even be able to use NWN2 assets?

    What do you mean by that? do you mean a kind of pre-NWN2 campaign? a link at the beginning of the main story? if so and it would not be bad though ... that would mean for BD to do the NWN2 EE, and it seems too soon to parry me since NWN: EE has been announced for even 4-5 days.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I was answering @deserk , since he said that he would like to see unfamiliar lands. My question was whether it could even be possible to port NWN2 content to NWN1 in order to use the tilesets.
  • TexNexTexNex Member Posts: 2
    I'd like new content but, I would also pay for mods that followed the old SSI Goldbox games or even the FR books. I started with Pool of Radiance in the 80's and it still holds a special place in my dark hart.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    There were a couple of fan-made modules based on the Goldbox adventures. Pool of Radiance, for one. A Beamdog version of some old classics would be nifty though, I agree. Enhanced Editions within the Enhanced Edition!
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2017
    NWN: EE: Pool of Radiance: Enhanced edition

    Lol. Would be great. Followed by Curse of the Azure Bonds: Enhanced edition.

    NWN gets full party control + new tilesets and models. Where's my wallet!?
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited December 2017
    The last time i played NWN & NWN2 i used the tool sets to mod the Campaigns enemies because i found them less than difficult after years of playing and when i looked at their stats many in the first half of both games don't even have Attributes feats and abilities for their class or some enemies in (NWN2 especially) have "Commoner" class which i changed and gave feats relevant to their race and class, and the Mages & Clerics have illegal amount of spells such as the Escaped Prisoner Sorcerers who spam invisibility & fireballs but the number of them is illegal for their level so i changed almost all the Mages in the game to have Necromancer or Evocation spell lists and if there where 3 or more mages in one room i'd make 1 a Abjurer to cast Dispel magic and 1 a Conjurer to summon Elemental's or Demons to throw at me, an example is a Conjurer summoning a Demon to jump me than casting Evard's Black Tenticles at me which has a lesser effect on the Demon due to their damage resistance.

    So what i'm saying is can the enemies be changed by Beamdog so they at least have proper Classes Attributes Spells & Feats.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    I'm sure people are excited about the idea of new content (I doubt so but let's say they do) for SoU and HotU but I don't think it should be a priority.

    My wish list is more like:
    - Conclude Witch Wake
    - Conclude Shadowguard
    - Conclude Kingmaker (yes it calls for a sequel)

    - Need to fully integrate Darkness over Daggerford (cancelled premium module)
    - same to Crimson Tides of Tethyr (same reason)
    - same to Tyrants of the Moonsea (same reason again)
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385

    Absolutely not. Beamdog doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to changes in the content, so keep your hands out of the Official Campaigns. Include your own if you wish to try to do your own thing with modules, so that you can realize your own vision instead of messing up someone elses.

    I don't feel that BGEE 1 or 2 was messed up by Beamdog I enjoyed the new content, the extra companions, areas & Blackpits where added but completely optional however I understand many don't want to risk messing it up so maybe we could suggest an optional alternate OC with enhanced enemies and tactics.

    Most of the enemies in the OC have poor stats.
  • AbdelAdrian1992AbdelAdrian1992 Member Posts: 17

    Seeing as how Trent Oster was the director of NWN and David Gaider wrote two major expansions, HotU and SoU, I'd have no problem if they changed or added material.

    Trent lied and betrayed us!
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532

    Seeing as how Trent Oster was the director of NWN and David Gaider wrote two major expansions, HotU and SoU, I'd have no problem if they changed or added material.

    Trent lied and betrayed us!
    I wish more developers would "betray" us in this manner. Say, Bioware with Jade Empire 2?
  • AbdelAdrian1992AbdelAdrian1992 Member Posts: 17
    Mirandel said:

    Seeing as how Trent Oster was the director of NWN and David Gaider wrote two major expansions, HotU and SoU, I'd have no problem if they changed or added material.

    Trent lied and betrayed us!
    I wish more developers would "betray" us in this manner. Say, Bioware with Jade Empire 2?
    I mean about Dirrector's cut of OC and new content for OC and HotU
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