A Neverwinter Nights: Director's Cut sounds better to me than Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, for sure!
For sure they need a Director's Cut for the OC but have it optional so the people who prefer the original experience can still keep that.
I don't feel SOU & HOTU needs extras but i remember one thing from HOTU when talking to Ensseric the Gray about a new body but it didn't lead to a quest and i was really interested in helping him.
Yeah, like if there were any unfinished quests, it'd be nice to see them in the game, eh?
But I think we're only getting an Enhanced Edition.
If they don't improve the Campaigns then what's been Enhanced? i can see they're Patching and adding new Lighting Effects and making it run on new hardware but that's not enough to Enhance my experience.
The Official Campaigns are the main selling point of most games, if they are selling a Patched game with a toolset well I've got NWN 1 & 2 now and both run on my PC (NWN 1 has be run from shortcut with changed name) and both run good, i got NWN 1 running on 1920 x 1200 and shiny water off no worries, i tried 4k just to see if it would but it crashed lol.
The point i'm trying to make is there are obvious areas for improvement in the Campaigns especially the OC and they can make it fully realized or they're just selling a repackaged game.
The EE looks like an update that'll run easier on newer systems, including better multiplayer connecting and probably cloud saves? That's what I think.
With that said, there are suggestions threads in the general forum. See if we can't hear from the devs about a possible Director's Cut.
I sincerely hope that the cat that does not want to insert a Director's Cut, is just a diversion to make us a surprise not to reveal too much of their plans ..or they are not really interested in modifying the OC and the rest of the modules and premium expansions...
I would like updates to the original campaigns but I also would like to see a new pair of campaigns that are about a single character (much like SoU and HoU).
There are certain fixes, items & content I feel are essential for this Enhanced Edition.
Syncing Level appropriate weapons & armor across Campaigns such as new weapons & armor types added in SOU & HOTU that aren't available in the OC's stores like Dwarven War Axes.
Fixing broken Prestige classes e.g Palemaster increases available spell slots every 2nd Lvl but doesn't increase spell power like it should, and other class issues I'm not aware of.
Crafting supplies made available across Campaigns, I know the crafting system is a bit lame but if that's something that can be altered I'd love to craft like I can on NWN 2, why does it cost XP to scribe scrolls, brew potions & and enchant wands? I can understandable gold cost but XP?
finishing cut content (if the content is good) like on HOTU when speaking to Enserric The Grey and he talks about helping him which implies we could've but it doesn't lead to a quest, was this cut content?.
The OC REALLY needs improving but some people don't want a forced change so maybe an optional Director's Cut?.
There are other requests for changes I like the sound of e.g inventory management for Henchman in OC, and personally I'd like a better loot system but these aren't essential.
These changes won't unbalance the game if thought out properly and will give us a proper Enhanced Edition instead of a Patched Edition.
When I first finished the OC I had this idea that in the next game the Male Protagonist from NWN 1 would return as the Villain to take revenge on Nasher and seek to take the Throne because of Nasher's weakness and poor choices in regards to Fenthick and mostly what happened with Aribeth, I know that wouldn't work now but at the time I thought it was a good idea.
When I first finished the OC I had this idea that in the next game the Male Protagonist from NWN 1 would return as the Villain to take revenge on Nasher and seek to take the Throne because of Nasher's weakness and poor choices in regards to Fenthick and mostly what happened with Aribeth, I know that wouldn't work now but at the time I thought it was a good idea.
Dis is intresting what you say ... even if ... maybe a little forced ... all the way away still makes sense because in PW's Neverwinter online and Criptic studio Nasher if I remember correctly he had fled or been ousted and went to take refuge in Waterdeep, and in his place guard Lord Nevember .. if I remember correctly ..
When I first finished the OC I had this idea that in the next game the Male Protagonist from NWN 1 would return as the Villain to take revenge on Nasher and seek to take the Throne because of Nasher's weakness and poor choices in regards to Fenthick and mostly what happened with Aribeth, I know that wouldn't work now but at the time I thought it was a good idea.
Dis is intresting what you say ... even if ... maybe a little forced ... all the way away still makes sense because in PW's Neverwinter online and Criptic studio Nasher if I remember correctly he had fled or been ousted and went to take refuge in Waterdeep, and in his place guard Lord Nevember .. if I remember correctly ..
At the time I finished it I was playing Sorcerer focusing in Evocation & Necromancy but I now prefer Wizard Necromancer with Conjuration, I only mention this because a Villain Wizard with these abilities can create a large army over time of undead and elementals & perhaps lure Mages from the Many Stared Cloaks and would cause a lot of trouble, but I don't see a full Campaign here and even if it doesn't involve old Protagonist or Nasher it could be a good setting for large side quest, I find Villains with initial good cause for hatred far more interesting.
A little like the poor Lady Arbrieth ... that we say at the end of the 2nd act is corrupted by that evil snake of necromantic lizard and becomes a Black Knight ... but what is interesting and the last part of the final battle ... various entrances for other dimensions and universes ... where indeed meet another version of Lady Arbrieth ... I think she and 2 other characters that I do not remember the name are the characters I love most in NWN ... but ... would not mind seeing new characters ... missions and companions to recruit ... a more like in BG: EE ... I would like to see more love in the basic campaigns and premium modules ... I do not believe that they have no intention of improve something like they did with BG: EE.
I don't support the idea of updating the OCs. To be honest I think it would be a waste of resources better spent elsewhere. I'm very supportive of Beamdog's current focus on improving the engine and developing new premium content.
I don't support the idea of updating the OCs. To be honest I think it would be a waste of resources better spent elsewhere. I'm very supportive of Beamdog's current focus on improving the engine and developing new premium content.
The difference between the previous Beamdog Enhanced Editions and NWN EE is those games already had strong Campaigns and Beamdog added to that which has been great, but Bioware really dropped the ball and neglected the work than released a game that wasn't ready and never fixed it up, I loved my old NWN experiences but I didn't get the game on launch, I got into it when the first expansion was already out and HOTU was about to come out and I saw my friend playing it and it captivated me, please don't follow Bioware's mistake.
Enhanced Editions are suppose to have fixed problems, graphic improvements and over all Enhanced experiences, so the idea would to me would be to update engine for newer hardware which they are doing, fix old problems e.g. Incomplete Classes (Palemaster & others) & add the new weapon types and crafting supplies from 2 expansions to OC (dwarven waraxe & others), check out cut content and finish it, than add new Modules.
"The difference between the previous Beamdog Enhanced Editions and NWN EE is those games already had strong Campaigns..."
The difference between NWN:EE and previous Enhanced Editions is that the game's success was never due to its OCs in the first place. Many people (myself included) played them once and then forgot they existed. NWN's success was made possible by its toolset, and by highly creative modding community that used it to create hundredsof original, high (and arguably, often better) quality, full-length SP adventures and persistent worlds.
There are several reasons why NWN faded over the years despite its longevity. But the technical aging of a 3D game designed and released in the days of dialup and before the GPU revolution is, today, at the top of that list. It's why it attracts few new players, and why ones who loved it and the creativity of its modding community nevertheless walked away from it for modern titles. That's the first thing that needs to be "enhanced" if NWN:EE is to be a success.
My impression from what Beamdog has said is that they understand and agree with that focus. The prospect of building and playing new content (including new premium modules) in a modern Aurora engine is why I'm here, and even considering a return to NWN modding. It's certainly not for a set of OCs that I'll likely never re-play, whether they are enhanced or not.
"The difference between the previous Beamdog Enhanced Editions and NWN EE is those games already had strong Campaigns..."
The difference between NWN:EE and previous Enhanced Editions is that the game's success was never due to its OCs in the first place. Many people (myself included) played them once and then forgot they existed. NWN's success was made possible by its toolset, and by highly creative modding community that used it to create hundredsof original, high (and arguably, often better) quality, full-length SP adventures and persistent worlds.
There are several reasons why NWN faded over the years despite its longevity. But the technical aging of a 3D game designed and released in the days of dialup and before the GPU revolution is, today, at the top of that list. It's why it attracts few new players, and why ones who loved it and the creativity of its modding community nevertheless walked away from it for modern titles. That's the first thing that needs to be "enhanced" if NWN:EE is to be a success.
My impression from what Beamdog has said is that they understand and agree with that focus. The prospect of building and playing new content (including new premium modules) in a modern Aurora engine is why I'm here, and even considering a return to NWN modding. It's certainly not for a set of OCs that I'll likely never re-play, whether they are enhanced or not.
If this Enhanced Edition is only to revitalize the Engine, Toolset and modding community well that's even more reason to improve the Campaigns, they serve as a model & demonstration of what Beamdog & NWN EE is capable of.
If this Enhanced Edition is only to revitalize the Engine, Toolset and modding community well that's even more reason to improve the Campaigns, they serve as a model & demonstration of what Beamdog & NWN EE is capable of.
Why? One could just as well say that a new premium module is needed to serve as "a model and demonstration of what Beamdog and NWN:EE are capable of." Developing a new campaign with new content, rather than putting a new coat of paint on an old campaign developed by another company (Bioware) 15 years ago, would arguably better accomplish the goal you state.
Limited resources (what we used to call "zots") are always an issue in developing a product. Games are no exception, and failing to make hard decisions about how to invest them wisely rarely ends well.
Beamdog has already been very clear that re-doing the OCs would involve a very expensive re-make to vast amounts of custom content that would be difficult to keep backward compatible. That latter point is especially important because what you're proposing would likely break a large part of the existing mod content available for the game. I don't think that's a very good idea.
I don't feel SOU & HOTU needs extras but i remember one thing from HOTU when talking to Ensseric the Gray about a new body but it didn't lead to a quest and i was really interested in helping him.
The Official Campaigns are the main selling point of most games, if they are selling a Patched game with a toolset well I've got NWN 1 & 2 now and both run on my PC (NWN 1 has be run from shortcut with changed name) and both run good, i got NWN 1 running on 1920 x 1200 and shiny water off no worries, i tried 4k just to see if it would but it crashed lol.
The point i'm trying to make is there are obvious areas for improvement in the Campaigns especially the OC and they can make it fully realized or they're just selling a repackaged game.
look in 29.15
look in 19.00
look in 57.30
my questions
No Dirrector's cut, no new content for OC, notning!((((He's a liar...
Syncing Level appropriate weapons & armor across Campaigns such as new weapons & armor types added in SOU & HOTU that aren't available in the OC's stores like Dwarven War Axes.
Fixing broken Prestige classes e.g Palemaster increases available spell slots every 2nd Lvl but doesn't increase spell power like it should, and other class issues I'm not aware of.
Crafting supplies made available across Campaigns, I know the crafting system is a bit lame but if that's something that can be altered I'd love to craft like I can on NWN 2, why does it cost XP to scribe scrolls, brew potions & and enchant wands? I can understandable gold cost but XP?
finishing cut content (if the content is good) like on HOTU when speaking to Enserric The Grey and he talks about helping him which implies we could've but it doesn't lead to a quest, was this cut content?.
The OC REALLY needs improving but some people don't want a forced change so maybe an optional Director's Cut?.
There are other requests for changes I like the sound of e.g inventory management for Henchman in OC, and personally I'd like a better loot system but these aren't essential.
These changes won't unbalance the game if thought out properly and will give us a proper Enhanced Edition instead of a Patched Edition.
I don't want to change any core rules, so they should just make the supplies available.
An Input board is exactly for what it is - for Input ideas by the community.
https://trello.com/c/XRSNLto9/111-a-directors-cut-version-of-the-original-campain is now added.
Enhanced Editions are suppose to have fixed problems, graphic improvements and over all Enhanced experiences, so the idea would to me would be to update engine for newer hardware which they are doing, fix old problems e.g. Incomplete Classes (Palemaster & others) & add the new weapon types and crafting supplies from 2 expansions to OC (dwarven waraxe & others), check out cut content and finish it, than add new Modules.
The difference between NWN:EE and previous Enhanced Editions is that the game's success was never due to its OCs in the first place. Many people (myself included) played them once and then forgot they existed. NWN's success was made possible by its toolset, and by highly creative modding community that used it to create hundredsof original, high (and arguably, often better) quality, full-length SP adventures and persistent worlds.
There are several reasons why NWN faded over the years despite its longevity. But the technical aging of a 3D game designed and released in the days of dialup and before the GPU revolution is, today, at the top of that list. It's why it attracts few new players, and why ones who loved it and the creativity of its modding community nevertheless walked away from it for modern titles. That's the first thing that needs to be "enhanced" if NWN:EE is to be a success.
My impression from what Beamdog has said is that they understand and agree with that focus. The prospect of building and playing new content (including new premium modules) in a modern Aurora engine is why I'm here, and even considering a return to NWN modding. It's certainly not for a set of OCs that I'll likely never re-play, whether they are enhanced or not.
Limited resources (what we used to call "zots") are always an issue in developing a product. Games are no exception, and failing to make hard decisions about how to invest them wisely rarely ends well.
Beamdog has already been very clear that re-doing the OCs would involve a very expensive re-make to vast amounts of custom content that would be difficult to keep backward compatible. That latter point is especially important because what you're proposing would likely break a large part of the existing mod content available for the game. I don't think that's a very good idea.