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Suggestions Thread: Game Mechanics (scripts, spells, feats, combat)



  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2021


    In addition to this, the extra attack granted to a character by Haste (both the spell and the item property) currently doesn't display as an added attack on the character sheet either.

    I came back here just to say the very same thing. Thanks.

    @bigdogchris You're welcome, sir.

    I also came back to say that I forgot to mention the exact file of the Neverwinter Nights Critical Rebuild 1.67 was NWNEnglish1.67HotUUpdate. I had patched my original game with both expansions installed up to this version for a long time because it didn't seem to have the issues with the Combat UI that the later patches are exhibiting. If anyone at Beamdog wishes to investigate this further, you can find all 3 critical rebuilds for their respected versions listed in a directory at It is my hope that something from this game's past may result in a solution for the future. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446

    Can we have a script hook for when a Healing Kit is used and for when the last projectile in a stack in the projectile slot is fired?

    If you watch closely, the combat log will alert you when you are running low on ammunition and how many projectiles are left in that stack down to the last one.
  • flyinghtcherflyinghtcher Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2018
    SetName to work on PC's

    I'd like this for several reasons, To give players Titles as rewards, To change unwanted names, and to make shifters a lot more convincing in shifter form in multiplayer.
    Colour names would be nice too , no Idea why that got taken out.
    Post edited by flyinghtcher on
  • SagilSagil Member Posts: 6
    Script functions to iterate over all areas in a module (GetFirstArea, GetNextArea).
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    Sagil said:

    Script functions to iterate over all areas in a module (GetFirstArea, GetNextArea).

    Already available in NWNEE, since the first release.

  • SagilSagil Member Posts: 6
    Right you are, my bad. Problems of coding in 1.69 toolset for an EE server ...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772


    When a Monk is in Flurry of blows mode, have the Attack bonus UI in the character sheet show the additional attack. For example, at level 10 you have 3 attacks per round unarmed. When you initiate Flurry of blows, have the 4th attack added and shown in the sheet.

    Currently, the attack bonus penalty is applied and reflected in the existing attacks in the UI, but the free additional attack is not added to the UI.

    and @Prince_Raymond
    shadguy said:

    Suggestion: softcode Crippling Strike.

    Goal: we'd like to rebalance the duration.

    Background: We're an action mod and like to balance things under the principle that "what's good for the goose is good for the gander", (ie mobs can abuse anything PCs can), but we don't currently allow Crip Strike on mobs as it is considered overpowered. There are other exceptions (some whole core classes don't show up as NPCs/mobs), but this one came up in conversation recently.

    Cagus said:

    When actual stack of ammunition (arrow, bolts, bullets) is spent, game chooses pseudo-randomly from all ammunition of same type.

    When this occurs, game should always take next ammunition from left-top to right-bottom (from first tab to last). This way one can manage ammunition. (very often game picks 'expensive' ammunition, which gets wasted on weak mobs.

    There shouldn't be any randomness.

    Thank you and keep at your good work.

    Please, report this as a bug first at . It it's decided during the triage it should be on the Trello board, let me know.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @JuliusBorisov Thank you very much, sir. I take it the folks at Beamdog were able to test and reproduce the attack bonus miscalculation issue, then?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited June 2018
    No. I just put your request onto the Input board. The team will then look at it to start working through their pipeline for analysis of the issue.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    Very well, sir. It's a step in the right direction at least. I had a discussion with a gentleman on the old BioWare forums regarding this exact same issue. I forget the username he went by, but he used the same character portrait as Geldar, the instructor at the Academy who teaches you how to level up during the Prelude. He told me that Monks weren't the only ones affected by this issue, but Druids in their Wild Shape were also. If I recall correctly, he explained that the issue wasn't from the UI calculating from the first attack, but from the last attack and factoring down. It was a long time ago, and I'm sure my memory has missed a detail or two. I also recall someone by the username, The_Krit, being involved in that discussion. I wonder if that person might be on this forum. Anyway, I hope the link I provided proves useful to you and the rest of the team. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • ElridielElridiel Member Posts: 1
    Toolset suggestion: Could you give builders access to change the list of weapons that can use the weapon finess feat on their server?

    One of the servers on which I play should have spear as a finess weapon, but the current toolset doesn’t allow for the weapon to be given access to the feat.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @Drewbert_ahoy Haha, yes! Maul of the Titans, anyone?

    I would like to see a true pen-and-paper translation of the light and heavy maces somewhere down the road. I never understood why only one version of that weapon made it in the game. The greatclub or its Oriental Adventures equivalent, the tetsubo, would also be a welcome addition to NWN's arsenal in my opinion.
  • charly4711charly4711 Member Posts: 3
    Negative energy from spells and traps heals undead, from weapons it damages undead. Can we make it heal undead wherever?
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    I just played some Dragon Age Origins after a long while.

    I was really surprised how good the camera in that game actually is. You can mousewheel between an immersive OTS view and a tactical view. It feels really easy and fast to operate and get any kind of view you want. NWN camera feels a bit restrictive and stiff in comparison.

    Maybe when new graphical assets enter the picture, the camera could also be improved to work like DAO?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    I've wanted a two-handed war hammer, or maul, for a long time. It would have alot of appeal for a variety of character builds I think. It's omission is somewhat glaring in a game with a broad variety of weapons, including many not seen in most games, like double bladed swords, dire maces, and tridents.
  • ProontProont Member Posts: 141

    I've wanted a two-handed war hammer, or maul, for a long time. It would have alot of appeal for a variety of character builds I think. It's omission is somewhat glaring in a game with a broad variety of weapons, including many not seen in most games, like double bladed swords, dire maces, and tridents.
    That Trello item is missing tags, including the ***NEW*** tag. I'd like to see falchions, chakrams, and annulats added to the base game.
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Cat 'O Nine tails or multi-thronged whip. For what? Drow tentacle rods.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @JuliusBorisov Would it be possible to expand the Add New Weapons card to make it more inclusive for weapons in addition to the Maul? There was a discussion related to this topic that took place in Dec, 2017. I believe it deserves merit at the very least. The link for it is here:
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154

    @JuliusBorisov Would it be possible to expand the Add New Weapons card to make it more inclusive for weapons in addition to the Maul? There was a discussion related to this topic that took place in Dec, 2017. I believe it deserves merit at the very least. The link for it is here:

    It'd be cool to be able to make "bigger" weapon classes, for example for giants, even if they reuse the existing models. It'd be nice if we could update giants to show equipped shields and offhand stuff too, though I don't know if there are limits due to missing animations and such.

  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Charged melee weapons that expend charges on hit. A good example being the classic staff of striking. You can give huge damage bonuses within the toolset currently, but it can be very overpowered if not limited in some way.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2018

    I've wanted a two-handed war hammer, or maul, for a long time. It would have alot of appeal for a variety of character builds I think. It's omission is somewhat glaring in a game with a broad variety of weapons, including many not seen in most games, like double bladed swords, dire maces, and tridents.

    I second (actually 11th) that desire; I played at a level 60 PW that had them, made a maul focused Warlord to break a crit record @ the server (it was a thing there) :) I squeezed every perk I could from this heavily modded server to get a final 1342 crit after beating my own 3 previous records, had to use more heals than normal but man was it fun to play, watching my toon wail on em with that maul! yikes!

    So yes, I voted on this great idea.
  • ParadoxallParadoxall Member Posts: 2
    New emote animations, modern sprucing up (I know you can't prevent things clipping, ...if you can great), but I'd like my legs to... not disappear 10 feet behind me doing an animation.

    Updated combat visuals, while I would like it for the autoattack (allowing each weapon to have its own unique set), I mean more for the abilities, such as, Knockdown/GTR Knockdown, Disarm, whirlwind attack, etc.

    New spell visuals. New animations for all the spells for Wizards, Clerics, Druids. New models for the elementals. (My own cool idea) Make it so the light spell can be any color of our choice, make it so you can have any colored magical missile you want (Red, Blue, Green, etc). Damage property need not change with the color. (Though, that'd be kinda cool, as an option).

    Updated Picklock, pickpocket, disarm traps animations.

    Picklock, maybe have them crouching before the object in question, fiddling it with their fists (or hands if you give them hands).

    Disarm Trap, Kinda the same as above, but not that 'bend over' animation that's also used to pick up items, etc.

    Pickpocket, not sure what to say on this one.

    Spells again:

    Make it so all spells are still potentially useful. Maybe have spells have increased DC (but not damage)

    Currently, it's level of the spell - Level one as an example

    Difficulty Level (In this case level 1 = 1)+ (int modifier) + spell focus feats = DC

    Maybe instead becomes: Difficulty Level + Modifier + Spell Focus Feats + 1/2 CL (so if lv 30) (15 gets added)

    Well, these are my suggestions.

  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185

    Spells again:

    Make it so all spells are still potentially useful. Maybe have spells have increased DC (but not damage)

    Currently, it's level of the spell - Level one as an example

    Difficulty Level (In this case level 1 = 1)+ (int modifier) + spell focus feats = DC

    Maybe instead becomes: Difficulty Level + Modifier + Spell Focus Feats + 1/2 CL (so if lv 30) (15 gets added)

    We can already edit any spell we want and change just about everything about them how we please (including the DC calculation).

    The default DC for any spell is 10 + spell level + ability modifier + feats (e.g. spell focus). Changing this default calculation would mess up many mods already built using it.

    Now, new combat animations, those would be nice.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    To be fair the unchecked stacking of saving throw bonuses often messes up the efficacy of DC based spells in modules. Though I do agree that spell saving throws are more of a module design issue rather than a mechanics issue.
  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    Can we get a command which will retrieve the event type which activated the "default" script which gets executed for every player event?

    This would allow us scripters to customise a lot of the player behaviour, such as cancelling that annoying default of attacking the first thing which attacks your character, even when the player has clicked on the nasty caster in order to kill him before he blasts you with an implosion spell.

    We also need to be able to read the player's action queue so we know what the player was doing just before entering the script, and what the player is about to do after the script ends unless we modify that queue.

    And of course, we need a way to modify the queue. That way, we can find out that we were about to ActionAttack a creature and the next command is going to be a ClearAllActions to cancel that, followed by an ActionAttack on a different creature.

    Then we can check to see if the creature we were about to attack is a caster, and then clear the queue and reconstruct it without the ClearAllActions or the following ActionAttack, the result being that we actually get to kill that nasty caster before he can cast his spell and kill our player.

    And we ignore that silly little goblin with his weak little dagger even though he scored a minor hit on us while we rushed past him, instead of turning aside to attack him and thus allowing the caster to kill us.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    @Melkior Use the new SetEventScript() commands to change that 'default' to a different script for each event.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    Thank you, Mr. Borisov.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2018
    Do the effects of creature weapons (e.g., the touch of a mummy) bypass Magic Resistance (i.e., are not considered magical in nature)?
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