I think if you use minutes and seconds to describe durations, it will confuse people more than the abstraction of turns and rounds. Seconds and minutes are actual time segments in real life, and real life time doesn't match up with in game time, which is anyhow modifiable.
I think if you use minutes and seconds to describe durations, it will confuse people more than the abstraction of turns and rounds. Seconds and minutes are actual time segments in real life, and real life time doesn't match up with in game time, which is anyhow modifiable.
Real time does match the game time (6 seconds, minutes), until you have a duration in "hours" that are modifiable. Or am I mistaken? We should get rid of the concept of "hours" that can mean anything except an actual hour.
@1varangian I somewhat agree with you. While I like seeing rounds, turns, and hours for the sake of authenticity, it is probably a little jarring to newer players, especially because I'm not sure if Neverwinter Nights has it written down anywhere in game. This is something Neverwinter Nights 2 actually did, where a lot of spell descriptions use 6 seconds/level instead of 1 round/level, though I'm pretty sure there were a few that were forgotten.
However, I'd like to point out that an In-game hour can be modified on a module-by-module basis by the "Minutes/Hour" field in its advanced tab. I wouldn't be comfortable with changing the "hour" part of spell descriptions because this field actually affects their duration, IIRC, and would end up creating the need for a custom 2da to fix the descriptions of every spell whose duration is in hours, which is somewhat a pain in the neck. Rather, I think it'd be nice to display how long an hour is when you hover over the compass in the corner of the screen.
That's also part of the confusion when you have to know how long an hour actually is on a server to have an understanding how long your spells will last.
I would separate the adjustable day/night cycle from spell durations entirely. And maybe convert an hour in spell duration into 5 minutes real time to last clearly longer than 1min/level.
New feat suggestion: Roundabout Kick (Oriental Adventures, page 65) [General] You can follow up on a particularly powerful unarmed attack with a mighty kick, spinning in a complete circle before landing the kick. Prerequisites: Str 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack Benefit: If you strike a successful critical hit with an unarmed attack, you can immediately make an additional unarmed attack against the same opponent, as if you hadn't used your attack for the critical hit. You use the same attack bonus that you used for the critical hit. For example, Bujiko can make three unarmed attacks in a round, at base attack bonuses of +9, +6, and +3. If she gets a critical hit on her second attack, she can make an additional attack using her +6 base attack bonus. She then makes her third attack (at +3) as normal.
I have something very simple to request here. A single, very simple new script function. It seems ridiculous to me that there is a facility to get players input via the keyboard/chat window but there is no built-in function to remove leading and/or trailing spaces from such input, instead I have to write my own. Come on guys this is string functions 101. So All I want is a function something like -
string Trim(string sTrimMe, int iEnd = TRIM_BOTH_ENDS)
I miss a `SetSoundset` and `GetSoundset` functions, to change PCs and NPCs voices. Not sure if was an oversight, or there is a technical reason for this not being add.
Another missing function that is sorely needed and should be relatively simple to implement -
void Randomize()
Currently the random numbers generated in NwN are anything but, following the same sequence of numbers every time (at least in sp). Thinking on this could be extended to being a part of nwn.ini. Something on the lines of -
Randomize on load=1
Which would have the advantage of working with all modules.
The random number sequence is always the same for single player, but is usually different for multiplayer (assuming there is more than a single player playing in multiplayer mode).
The random number seed is reset when you enter a new area. This is true for single and multiplayer.
This seed is always the same for each area. The sequence for each area will be identical every time.
This seed is some combination of bits taken from basic area information. If you create "identical" areas they will have the same seed, and therefore the same sequence. Obviously this is also true of copied areas.
Bits are definitely pulled from the area height and width (in tiles) and the indoor/outdoor and natural/artifical flags. Changing any of these can change the sequence.
Bits are not pulled from the areas tag, name, or resref. Changing these will not change the sequence.
Bits might be pulled from the tileset field (not sure).
There is a delay between the resetting of the seed and the calling of the OnAreaEnter script. During this period other scripts (heartbeats, perceptions, etc.) and maybe some hard-coded stuff can call the random number function, "consuming" the start of the sequence.
If the module has nothing in it but the player character the sequence will therefore be identical everytime.
That was never exactly true. However, there is merit in what they say - there were issues in single player where the sequence was reset based on some area parameters. This was fixed in I believe patch 1.67, in 2005. So it is 14 years out of date.
The random sequence is re-seeded often based on current "tick count", which is more or less number of microseconds the system has been running. This makes NWN random generator not suitable for millitary cryptography, but more than reasonable for a video game.
I have recently on these forums posted a chi-square test of NWN randomness and it was quite satisfactory. I'd be very interested in seeing a reproduction of "non random sequence" if you have it. But let's not repeat a 15 year old misconception as fact.
In that case the function I proposed is no longer needed. In my defence I would say that both the off and online lexicon say that their explanation of the Random() function is for version 1.61 so I was working from outdated information apparently.
Any way to make Darkvision actually do something visual on the screen? In NWN2, it has a useful and visually helpful effect. In NWN1, the screen stays just as dark without a torch out as if I were playing a Human. It's irritating to me to be playing a Half Orc and still need a torch out to "see" what's going on on-screen in the dark hallway.
I have something very simple to request here. A single, very simple new script function. It seems ridiculous to me that there is a facility to get players input via the keyboard/chat window but there is no built-in function to remove leading and/or trailing spaces from such input, instead I have to write my own. Come on guys this is string functions 101. So All I want is a function something like - string Trim(string sTrimMe, int iEnd = TRIM_BOTH_ENDS) TR
I think I mentioned this before but can with get new function to return saving throw bonus / penalty from all sources by type of target nSave = SAVING_THROW_FORT, SAVING_THROW_WILL, SAVING_THROW_REFLEX
nSaveType = SAVING_THROW_TYPE_MIND_SPELLS, other sub-types etc...
int GetSavingThrowBonusPenalty(object oTarget, int nSave, int nSaveType)
Maybe Another option is to expand on the three saving throw functions. Where nSaveType default to SAVING_THROW_TYPE_ALL and should be readable by older scripts the same. Where nSaveType = SAVING_THROW_TYPE_ACID, SAVING_THROW_TYPE_COLD etc...
GetWillSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
GetFortitudeSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
GetReflexSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
Speaking of item properties, I was playing around with the Aurora Neverwinter Nights Toolset when I discovered I could add the Keen item property to a hammer. Not to sound redundant, but is it possible that instead of having Keen be applied to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning weapons, could it be made applicable to just slashing and piercing weapons? This would reflect its PnP equivalent. For bludgeoning weapons, you could create the item property, Impact, which is directly from the Magic of Faerûn source book published by Wizards of the Coast. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
Speaking of item properties, I was playing around with the Aurora Neverwinter Nights Toolset when I discovered I could add the Keen item property to a hammer. Not to sound redundant, but is it possible that instead of having Keen be applied to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning weapons, could it be made applicable to just slashing and piercing weapons? This would reflect its PnP equivalent. For bludgeoning weapons, you could create the item property, Impact, which is directly from the Magic of Faerûn source book published by Wizards of the Coast. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
This is really terrible idea.
Toolset only allows you to do it, it does not mean you are forced to do it. In fact with community patch installed you will be able to put keen on a ranged weapon and gloves as well and much more. And you can apply the "is not in DnD" argument on about anything especially when NWN uses epic levels. Basic nwn palette has +7 and +8 weapons, these are in DnD basically items that only a demigods and gods can use and so on should we remove +7 and +8 weapons from palette, HotU campaign and all servers then?
Limiting options is really bad idea, how someone uses what should be entirely up to him. Too bad BD agrees with you on this and did not agreed on removing lvl 41+ ILR (but community patch does).
And here I thought NWNEE was going to be the answer to help PW devs go beyond the normal vanilla NWN as some 1.69 PW's have already done with great difficulty, hard work, and without the implied benefits EE might provide to the level 40+ PW's like: Un-hardcode Level cap, feats, skills, spells etc.
whatever is needed to break the barrier ( I am no dev so I don't know all whats needed) .
IMO opening up NWNEE for easier expansion of 40+PW's is the ticket for long term success... I mean like who would want to ditch a PW when they have a level 118, 183, and 213 toons and have yet to explore level 250>2000 areas? and all the content to match, scale, and balanced? Not me, no no...I still play 1.69 PW just for this ability so I don't think gimping the game further can help in this endeavor.
I must note that a 1.69 level 60 PW that went belly up (RIP The Awakening) was a kick ass server and from what I remember, the dev was hoping for EE to make it viable again (broken from 1.69 limitations)
though I am not certain as to the cause of it's demise.
To be clear. IMO NWNEE has made a lot of improvements so far, and I realize it takes some time to dev and fix bugs etc so I remain hopeful that eventually these "roadblocks" can be opened. Please no gimp
Speaking of item properties, I was playing around with the Aurora Neverwinter Nights Toolset when I discovered I could add the Keen item property to a hammer. Not to sound redundant, but is it possible that instead of having Keen be applied to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning weapons, could it be made applicable to just slashing and piercing weapons? This would reflect its PnP equivalent. For bludgeoning weapons, you could create the item property, Impact, which is directly from the Magic of Faerûn source book published by Wizards of the Coast. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
This is really terrible idea.
Toolset only allows you to do it, it does not mean you are forced to do it. In fact with community patch installed you will be able to put keen on a ranged weapon and gloves as well and much more. And you can apply the "is not in DnD" argument on about anything especially when NWN uses epic levels. Basic nwn palette has +7 and +8 weapons, these are in DnD basically items that only a demigods and gods can use and so on should we remove +7 and +8 weapons from palette, HotU campaign and all servers then?
Limiting options is really bad idea, how someone uses what should be entirely up to him. Too bad BD agrees with you on this and did not agreed on removing lvl 41+ ILR (but community patch does).
Please forgive the wording of my last comment. I didn't mean to propose that the Keen item property be limited or removed, only for the way it's implemented to better represent the two item properties that apply to their respected weapon types in the PnP game. Although I realize it does the same thing no matter what name it goes by, just the fact that I can make a bludgeoning weapon "Keen" instead of have more "Impact" initially seemed a little odd to me. That's all it was. I had no idea it was the Community Patch that allowed me to do this in the first place. The whole time, I thought it was the devs at Beamdog who decided to expand the boundaries of the toolset and let players apply item properties in more various ways. Thank you so much for all the time and hard work you've put into giving players this gift. I agree, limiting options is a really bad idea, and it's up to the player to decide how those options are used. In fact, I've always wanted the option to actually roll my character's stats in addition to using the point buy system at character creation. By the way, what exactly is the lvl 41+ ILR? What does ILR stand for? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
@Prince_Raymond actually it is not community patch which allows you to put Keen on bludgeoning weapons. Basic NWN distinguish weapons only by melee / ranged / throwing (and gloves and mage staffs are its own category). Keen is normally allowed to use on melee weapons and it does not matter if that weapon is slashing or bludgeoning. But CPP allows you to add keen onto ranged, throwing, gloves, staffs as well (and much more). The actual details are in one of the readmes included with package.
What is ILR 41+ issue. If you add way too much itemproperties on your item in toolset (or using some kind of ingame forge if it exists in module/server you play) and base vanilla Item Level Restriction is enabled, then you might easily end up with an item which will have Item Level Restriction of 41 or higher. As you know max level of player character is 40 and NWN:EE did not expand this cap. (And NPCs ignore ILR btw) This means that such item is unusable and useless.
I was told that this is a mechanism to help builders to not make too overpowered items and so there is no need to fix it.
@Shadooow Understood, sir. Thanks for clarifying that for me, and thanks again for allowing Keen to be applied to a much broader selection of items. I guess what I was originally trying to request was for the item property to be duplicated, so there would be two Keens. Then, make one apply to slashing and piercing weapons and the other apply to bludgeoning weapons. Finally, rename the item property that applies to bludgeoning weapons, Impact. This would be a direct translation of their PnP equivalents. I mean what I say, I just don't always exactly say what I mean if that makes any sense. Good thing no one cast a Wish spell on me at the time I made the request, eh? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
Suggestion: Please allow players the option to roll a character's ability scores in addition to using the point buy system during character creation. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
Suggestion: Please allow players the option to roll a character's ability scores in addition to using the point buy system during character creation. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
Such characters would not be usable in multiplayer though, due to anti-cheat checks.
They would not be considered "legal" characters. When you host a MP game (Whether PW or just LAN stuff or whatever), you can choose to "Enforce Legal Characters" or not. If you don't have that checked, players can log in with 'hacked' characters that are stronger than normally allowed.
Typically all games will either have the ELC turned on, or they will be password protected and only allow friends you trust anyway to join. The rolled stats characters would only really be usable in the second group.
@JuliusBorisov @Sherincall
I love the SetEventScript functions, but can we get if heartbeat event is set to a pc that it fires every 6 seconds like the module heartbeat? As of now it is 7(ish) seconds like creatures heartbeats. I have a question, would switching to pc event heartbeat make much/if any difference on performance vs module? I like the pc heartbeat event just for organization compared to other functions I may run under the module heartbeat. The timing is the only negative. Thanks in advance.
The performance difference between iterating over PCs and having each PC fire their own is minuscule. PC's firing their own will cause overall more time to be wasted; using a single module HB will cause a larger spike at once. The difference is likely only noticeable if you have like 200 PCs and you want to go through each one's entire inventory each heartbeat or something.
So, tl;dr, if you want a reliable 6 second interval just use the module HB and iterate over all PCs. No real reason not to.
A few ideas I would like to see implemented in a patch:
New Feats:
Improved Called Shot ( maybe make Head shots for a 1 round daze effect? )
Epic Knockdown (maybe something simple like reduced AB penalty on feat attempts by 2)
Epic Disarm ( ditto )
Epic Called Shot ( ditto )
Detect combat feat hit:
Can we detect when creature is hit with combat Feat like Called Shot in an event script? If not then that would be a good addition too. So I could script special effects like so; called-shot:arm when the target holds a shield - results in a chance to destroy shield if attacker wields an axe. Or Called-shot:head when defender is in a helmet results in a chance to destroy the helmet if attacker is wielding a warhammer or dire mace.
New Damage type:
Slashing-Bludgeoning, I'd like to apply this to some axes and halberds
More standard item Models and portraits, to many still use the standard bag model.
Model based character portraits - I might try to implement this one myself someday. Idea is to automate cycling through all available PC heads and combinations of skin/hair colors on the character creation screen taking screenshots and resizing them to build a huge portrait library. Not sure how to automate the character creation screen UI though.
Dynamic character portraits - when a character puts on a helm the portrait should change to look like the helm, when removed go back to normal. Ditto shapechanging. I guess the SetPortrait* commands are for this sort of thing though i haven't tried them out yet. Also might try to implement this one yet myself as it looks like it might be fairly easy.
On behalf of one @Grizzled_Dwarflord, I would like to put out a call for Assassins' Death Attack to be restored to its original implementation. Members of the the Beamdog Community, let us all band together to show our support in getting this suggestion put on the Trello Input Board. Lend him your keystrokes and mouse left-clicks, so this may be voted up when it is. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
@Calgacus nwnx_patch plugin adds softcoded special attacks + ability to create your own, there you can code these Epic versions easily. However since NWN:EE it is not available for singleplayer and it is also available only for windows.
as for slashing-bludgeoning weapons, you can add extra damage type itemproperty to simulate that - and if you were annoyed by the itemproperty visibility, you can make it invisible in itempropsdef.2da
However, I'd like to point out that an In-game hour can be modified on a module-by-module basis by the "Minutes/Hour" field in its advanced tab. I wouldn't be comfortable with changing the "hour" part of spell descriptions because this field actually affects their duration, IIRC, and would end up creating the need for a custom 2da to fix the descriptions of every spell whose duration is in hours, which is somewhat a pain in the neck. Rather, I think it'd be nice to display how long an hour is when you hover over the compass in the corner of the screen.
I would separate the adjustable day/night cycle from spell durations entirely. And maybe convert an hour in spell duration into 5 minutes real time to last clearly longer than 1min/level.
(Oriental Adventures, page 65)
You can follow up on a particularly powerful unarmed attack with a mighty kick, spinning in a complete circle before landing the kick.
Prerequisites: Str 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
Benefit: If you strike a successful critical hit with an unarmed attack, you can immediately make an additional unarmed attack against the same opponent, as if you hadn't used your attack for the critical hit. You use the same attack bonus that you used for the critical hit. For example, Bujiko can make three unarmed attacks in a round, at base attack bonuses of +9, +6, and +3. If she gets a critical hit on her second attack, she can make an additional attack using her +6 base attack bonus. She then makes her third attack (at +3) as normal.
string Trim(string sTrimMe, int iEnd = TRIM_BOTH_ENDS)
void Randomize()
Currently the random numbers generated in NwN are anything but, following the same sequence of numbers every time (at least in sp). Thinking on this could be extended to being a part of nwn.ini. Something on the lines of -
Randomize on load=1
Which would have the advantage of working with all modules.
The random number sequence is always the same for single player, but is usually different for multiplayer (assuming there is more than a single player playing in multiplayer mode).
The random sequence is re-seeded often based on current "tick count", which is more or less number of microseconds the system has been running. This makes NWN random generator not suitable for millitary cryptography, but more than reasonable for a video game.
I have recently on these forums posted a chi-square test of NWN randomness and it was quite satisfactory. I'd be very interested in seeing a reproduction of "non random sequence" if you have it. But let's not repeat a 15 year old misconception as fact.
I think I mentioned this before but can with get new function to return saving throw bonus / penalty from all sources by type of target nSave = SAVING_THROW_FORT, SAVING_THROW_WILL, SAVING_THROW_REFLEX
nSaveType = SAVING_THROW_TYPE_MIND_SPELLS, other sub-types etc...
int GetSavingThrowBonusPenalty(object oTarget, int nSave, int nSaveType)
Maybe Another option is to expand on the three saving throw functions. Where nSaveType default to SAVING_THROW_TYPE_ALL and should be readable by older scripts the same. Where nSaveType = SAVING_THROW_TYPE_ACID, SAVING_THROW_TYPE_COLD etc...
GetWillSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
GetFortitudeSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
GetReflexSavingThrow(object oTarget, nSaveType)
This is really terrible idea.
Toolset only allows you to do it, it does not mean you are forced to do it. In fact with community patch installed you will be able to put keen on a ranged weapon and gloves as well and much more. And you can apply the "is not in DnD" argument on about anything especially when NWN uses epic levels. Basic nwn palette has +7 and +8 weapons, these are in DnD basically items that only a demigods and gods can use and so on should we remove +7 and +8 weapons from palette, HotU campaign and all servers then?
Limiting options is really bad idea, how someone uses what should be entirely up to him. Too bad BD agrees with you on this and did not agreed on removing lvl 41+ ILR (but community patch does).
whatever is needed to break the barrier ( I am no dev so I don't know all whats needed) .
IMO opening up NWNEE for easier expansion of 40+PW's is the ticket for long term success... I mean like who would want to ditch a PW when they have a level 118, 183, and 213 toons and have yet to explore level 250>2000 areas? and all the content to match, scale, and balanced? Not me, no no...I still play 1.69 PW just for this ability so I don't think gimping the game further can help in this endeavor.
I must note that a 1.69 level 60 PW that went belly up (RIP The Awakening) was a kick ass server and from what I remember, the dev was hoping for EE to make it viable again (broken from 1.69 limitations)
though I am not certain as to the cause of it's demise.
To be clear. IMO NWNEE has made a lot of improvements so far, and I realize it takes some time to dev and fix bugs etc so I remain hopeful that eventually these "roadblocks" can be opened. Please no gimp
Please forgive the wording of my last comment. I didn't mean to propose that the Keen item property be limited or removed, only for the way it's implemented to better represent the two item properties that apply to their respected weapon types in the PnP game. Although I realize it does the same thing no matter what name it goes by, just the fact that I can make a bludgeoning weapon "Keen" instead of have more "Impact" initially seemed a little odd to me. That's all it was.
What is ILR 41+ issue. If you add way too much itemproperties on your item in toolset (or using some kind of ingame forge if it exists in module/server you play) and base vanilla Item Level Restriction is enabled, then you might easily end up with an item which will have Item Level Restriction of 41 or higher. As you know max level of player character is 40 and NWN:EE did not expand this cap. (And NPCs ignore ILR btw) This means that such item is unusable and useless.
I was told that this is a mechanism to help builders to not make too overpowered items and so there is no need to fix it.
Such characters would not be usable in multiplayer though, due to anti-cheat checks.
Typically all games will either have the ELC turned on, or they will be password protected and only allow friends you trust anyway to join. The rolled stats characters would only really be usable in the second group.
I love the SetEventScript functions, but can we get if heartbeat event is set to a pc that it fires every 6 seconds like the module heartbeat? As of now it is 7(ish) seconds like creatures heartbeats. I have a question, would switching to pc event heartbeat make much/if any difference on performance vs module? I like the pc heartbeat event just for organization compared to other functions I may run under the module heartbeat. The timing is the only negative. Thanks in advance.
So, tl;dr, if you want a reliable 6 second interval just use the module HB and iterate over all PCs. No real reason not to.
New Feats:
Improved Called Shot ( maybe make Head shots for a 1 round daze effect? )
Epic Knockdown (maybe something simple like reduced AB penalty on feat attempts by 2)
Epic Disarm ( ditto )
Epic Called Shot ( ditto )
Detect combat feat hit:
Can we detect when creature is hit with combat Feat like Called Shot in an event script? If not then that would be a good addition too. So I could script special effects like so; called-shot:arm when the target holds a shield - results in a chance to destroy shield if attacker wields an axe. Or Called-shot:head when defender is in a helmet results in a chance to destroy the helmet if attacker is wielding a warhammer or dire mace.
New Damage type:
Slashing-Bludgeoning, I'd like to apply this to some axes and halberds
More standard item Models and portraits, to many still use the standard bag model.
Model based character portraits - I might try to implement this one myself someday. Idea is to automate cycling through all available PC heads and combinations of skin/hair colors on the character creation screen taking screenshots and resizing them to build a huge portrait library. Not sure how to automate the character creation screen UI though.
Dynamic character portraits - when a character puts on a helm the portrait should change to look like the helm, when removed go back to normal. Ditto shapechanging. I guess the SetPortrait* commands are for this sort of thing though i haven't tried them out yet. Also might try to implement this one yet myself as it looks like it might be fairly easy.
PS: Has someone already implemented these ideas?
as for slashing-bludgeoning weapons, you can add extra damage type itemproperty to simulate that - and if you were annoyed by the itemproperty visibility, you can make it invisible in itempropsdef.2da