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Suggestions Thread: Game Mechanics (scripts, spells, feats, combat)



  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Since custom spellbooks are in the development patch and will eventually move to the stable patch I would like to bring attention back to the spellcasting and scripting suggestions posted earlier in this thread. Could someone at Beamdog please look through those suggestions and add what is possible to allow new spellcasting classes to be more fleshed out with robust scripting commands. Especially script commands for working with spellschools, learning/unlearning spells, and domains.

    In addition to that it would be useful to be able to pass a custom tag to the AOE object created using the EffectAreaOfEffect function.
  • EpicValorEpicValor Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2020
    I'm sure this has probably been said already, but there are too many posts to read if you're not paid to do it.

    We REALLY need a way to change a PCs base stats via scripting, OR best case add a working customizable race/subrace system that works at character creation without HAKs. Something that will work for both single player a persistent world modules.

    Since you guys already have DM commands that can do much of the work, make a script version of DM commands, OR add new item properties like "Ability Bonus: Base" to put on hides for players with the toolset cap. Though that last might cause issues with polymorph now that I think about it.
    Post edited by EpicValor on
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    You can define subraces as new races using racialtypes.2da with several issues. The first is that all race based and type based events relate only to the race by row number in racialtypes.2da therefore each addition to racialtypes.2da is erroneously treated as it's own race and creature type. The second issue is only seen with extensive use, and that is that everything starts to break down once racialtypes.2da exceeds 255 entries or so. You see the same 2da limit in other things too, I think classes is the same number, domains is 128ish, and so on.

    Really what it would need is to suggest they extend the racial system to contain more entries, and to fix the mapping in the various ways already explained by myself and others. Then have it display races in sub menus as members of a racial type.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Now that we have 8 radial can we get the other three SubRadSpell (6, 7, 8) columns added to the spell.2da Thanks
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    ShadowM wrote: »
    Now that we have 8 radial can we get the other three SubRadSpell (6, 7, 8) columns added to the spell.2da Thanks
    Has been said these were left off on purpose. You are able to add the columns in your custom 2da (anywhere you like, after the five present ones or at the end of the 2da) and they will be picked up so long as they are correctly named.

    Ahh must of missed that it would work, thanks. I have updated my spell.2da and can confirm it works, thanks again.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited May 2020
    Can we get a fix to different class that have spontaneous casting (I enabled the druid and add custom nature ally spells as spontaneous, but it cross with cleric heal spell on spontaneous casting. Maybe add a column to spell.2da that point to the class it supports (spontaneousClass) that point to the class that the spell goes too) or maybe the number on spontaneous points to the caster class. This will allow me to lock down spells to a specific caster. Just some thoughts.

    Ohh or make the numbers match up (so if I put a 2 in CanCastSpontaneously column in class.2da) I would have to put a 2 in the SpontaneouslyCast column in the spell.2da) this would keep compatibility and would not have to change any of the .2da
    Post edited by ShadowM on
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Also extending the other options to further customize the new classes would be great, like domain list, companion list, and so on. Filtering on those lists would be good too, so filters by alignment or feats and so on.
    Currently all those options except the spells are limited to options for existing classes.
  • EpicValorEpicValor Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2020
    You can define subraces as new races using racialtypes.2da with several issues. The first is that all race based and type based events relate only to the race by row number in racialtypes.2da therefore each addition to racialtypes.2da is erroneously treated as it's own race and creature type. The second issue is only seen with extensive use, and that is that everything starts to break down once racialtypes.2da exceeds 255 entries or so. You see the same 2da limit in other things too, I think classes is the same number, domains is 128ish, and so on.

    Really what it would need is to suggest they extend the racial system to contain more entries, and to fix the mapping in the various ways already explained by myself and others. Then have it display races in sub menus as members of a racial type.

    Yeah, but you would need a hak for that. It would be nice to be able to do it without haks and just use scripts. Unless all that could be done as a server override that players could still see on character creation.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    EpicValor wrote: »
    You can define subraces as new races using racialtypes.2da with several issues. The first is that all race based and type based events relate only to the race by row number in racialtypes.2da therefore each addition to racialtypes.2da is erroneously treated as it's own race and creature type. The second issue is only seen with extensive use, and that is that everything starts to break down once racialtypes.2da exceeds 255 entries or so. You see the same 2da limit in other things too, I think classes is the same number, domains is 128ish, and so on.

    Really what it would need is to suggest they extend the racial system to contain more entries, and to fix the mapping in the various ways already explained by myself and others. Then have it display races in sub menus as members of a racial type.

    Yeah, but you would need a hak for that. It would be nice to be able to do it without haks and just use scripts. Unless all that could be done as a server override that players could still see on character creation.

    It's good that it uses haks.

    There are some issues and script driven systems aren't properly integrated. If you still want the client to see content for example descriptive text, new icons, and so on then they need it downloaded one way or another obviously. NWN2 had some script features but haks always worked cleaner for character creation, however it worked better for post-creation adjustments.

    In the absence of built-in functions to alter the character file there is always nwnxee, otherwise if it's a single player module then they need to download the files anyway.

    For what it's worth script functions to alter the character file were some of the earliest requests. Keep in mind that altering the character file like this typically requires that the regular legal character check be disabled.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @FreshLemonBun said
    In the absence of built-in functions to alter the character file there is always nwnxee, otherwise if it's a single player module then they need to download the files anyway.

    For single player games Leto is probably better. There is also a version for the characters created for the PRC as well.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @FreshLemonBun said
    In the absence of built-in functions to alter the character file there is always nwnxee, otherwise if it's a single player module then they need to download the files anyway.

    For single player games Leto is probably better. There is also a version for the characters created for the PRC as well.


    You could use Leto or other third party programs of course but the point is more general i.e. if they are already downloading a module file to play single player then why would they not just download a hak file with custom content as well?
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited May 2020
    It's not as though they even have to go searching for the haks themselves if they are on PC. If they haven't got any necessary haks for a given module the Neverwinter Nights Mod Installer Tool - NIT will automatically do that and download them to the correct location on their HD.
    @EpicValor said
    Yeah, but you would need a hak for that. It would be nice to be able to do it without haks and just use scripts.

    Interesting. So you know how to add custom models, graphics, sounds, etc. just by scripting? Please tell us all how.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    NWN could really use some kind of limited availability feats along with mutual exclusivity.

    Take the example of a 3.5 ranger class. They have favored enemies and they choose a combat style. So you would want the following two things to do it properly.
    1. Two different main tracks of class feats, one for favored enemy, and one for combat style.
    2. Mutually exclusive selection of combat styles. If you select one style you can't select feats from the other style.

    I would suggest altering the processing of cls_bfeat_*.2da to contain named columns with a separate track of bonus feats. Then add a column "BonusFeatType" in cls_feat_*.2da which refers to the named column in cls_bfeat_*.2da to bind the selection to the pattern of bonus feats given by that column.

    For mutual exclusivity I would suggest adding a "NumberAllowed" column to masterfeats.2da which controls the overall number of feats permitted of the same type. On the class level I would suggest changing cls_feat_*.2da with two extra columns. One called "FeatType" which takes a number as input, so all feats with 1 will be mutually exclusive with other feats with a 1 in that field. Likewise a 2 with other 2's as well. The second column "FeatPath" can be used to select an incremental path of feats. Hence for combat style the feat CombatStyleArchery would be input as 0, RapidShot would be 1, Manyshot would be 2, and Improved Precise Shot would be 3.

    This is just an example but there are many uses for this including variants, racial substitution levels, and alternative class features. It would be preferable than either (1) deleveling the player and telling them to take the right feats this time, (2) letting players take any combination of feats they like, (3) using NWNXEE and conversations to give the feats, or (4) creating many variations of the same class which is messy and takes up a limited classes.2da slot.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2020
    I would suggest altering the processing of cls_bfeat_*.2da to contain named columns with a separate track of bonus feats. Then add a column "BonusFeatType" in cls_feat_*.2da which refers to the named column in cls_bfeat_*.2da to bind the selection to the pattern of bonus feats given by that column.

    Yeah that is how I did it in 1.69. Anyway, this is client side thing so it is not possible to do under EE anymore. Someone take a look into NWNCX_Patch plugin there are much more ideas that would be great if BeamDog adapted.

    EDIT: more detailed, my plugin allowed to set a class to have a bonus feats for a class separated by epic bonus feats. In vanilla, the moment you get to epic levels, whenever you get a bonus feat like fighter or ranger, you can select any epic bonus feat instead. And then I allowed extra feat requirements to be set such as max class level, not having certain feat, having specific, alignment, (not) being specific race and mainly "SneakLevel". Which was a sum of all feats with a Constant FEAT_SNEAK_ATTACK. (Without that, it is not possible to create custom class granting sneak attack to work properly with Improved Sneak Attack feat or any other custom feat requiring 8d6 sneak.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Sadly I think they chose to not support NWNCX which really hampered more advanced modding for NWN EE. They said something along the lines of "Now we can just add it into the source code directly so it should be easier" but years later and still most of the NWNCX added capabilities aren't available. Like this but also many other things like color, vfx, and model adjustments. It starts to get limiting because you know there is an elegant solution to most of these problems but they just haven't gotten around to it yet, and you can't use the old tools anymore.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Late to the party.

    Just started my NWN:EE campaign on Switch and hugely enjoy it. I still have my Diamond edition game in the attic - it can stay there.

    So far I am really really enjoying it. I have restarted a zillion times whenever I found a more optimal build... It’s the same as it was back in the good ole days I’d reckon.

    The only thing I miss is Leto or at least access to debug mode. So as suggested in this thread (
    I would love to see easy access to the console. The newly (and nicely) implemented mirror of “skip tutorial” could hold access to the console as well?

    It could be a small dialogue that warned players that they are changing the core game and that it’s for experienced players only. I am not calling for a massive thing of great beauty - just a simple add on that would complete my gaming experience.

    I am even willing to say “pretty pleas Trent” - if it helps..
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I'm probably repeating myself but the limited number of classes in classes.2da (and races in racialtypes.2da for that matter) should be extended, along with the other changes I listed about the feats to create branching progression paths. Another thing that would be useful is to have sorting of classes.2da and racialtypes.2da so that they can appear alphabetically and sorted by grouping. Such that all base classes are presented first in alphabetical order followed by all prestige classes in alphabetical order. Currently as far as I can tell to do this we would need to overwrite existing rows with new classes in order, with the row for monk probably being the only row that is still hardcoded due to monk speed. That could cause problems such as if the file is updated by Beamdog it could create conflicts or need extra work.

    Another thing I've been thinking of as a result of the discussion a few posts back, it would be really helpful if Beamdog developed some standard way that plugins could be developed for the client in the absence of NWNCX.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2020
    I'm most certainly repeating myself, but I posted a new feat suggestion on page 17 of this thread. I figured since there are so many issues with Circle Kick, what would be the repercussions of replacing it with Roundabout Kick? Mechanically, both feats are dependent upon circumstances that allow a free unarmed attack to be generated in combat. Unlike Circle Kick's one free attack per round to a nearby enemy, Roundabout Kick generates a free unarmed attack to the same enemy struck by a successful critical hit. The attack is done at the same attack bonus of the critical hit. This has the potential to generate another unarmed attack (at the same attack bonus) to the same enemy if the previous one was also a critical hit. Thoughts? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • GenisysGenisys Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2020
    Truly, the thing that's truly needed the most is a way to permanently set ability scores, adjust base attack bonus, add feats, set max hit points, adjust saves up/down, and set appearances, all permanently....

    IF you could do these six things the game would be PERFECTED!

    Because that would allow for simply subrace systems, higher levels, etc...

    I don't know if you could also add the missing Weapon Master Feat Weapon of Choice (Unarmed Strike), that too would be awesome in & by itself.

    Any means to hook into the DM Client's Console to allow us to use those commands as script functions would be the bomb, maybe even a way to log DM Command Usages etc... (For monitoring our overlords of course!)

    Chat commands are phenomenal if you can use them to in tells, but there's no way to use the tell channel, if you could add something for that, that would be AWESOME!

    My only last suggestion would be one feat....

    A feat that allows a player to use their wisdom as an attack modifier instead of strength or dex...
    (Not for ranged attacks, but rather for unarmed & melee)
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @Genisys Don't bother asking Beamdog to implement Unarmed Strike as a weapon of choice for Weapon Masters. Believe me, I tried. They decided that Monks are viable enough masters of unarmed combat, so they don't need to be allowed to prestige as Unarmed Weapon Masters.

    As far as using your character's Wisdom modifier instead of his/her Strength or Dexterity modifier in melee, I believe there is a class feature of the Sensei Monk archetype in the Pathfinder game called "Insightful Strike". I don't see it being very difficult for Beamdog to add a feat that functions this way to their base game. How quick they would be to implement it is a different matter entirely.

    Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • RohomildRohomild Member Posts: 26
    In HotU second level of Undermountain there is a Mountain Giant named Stoney, he's got a nice club that deals extra cold damage, the Stone Club of Cold, but it's only usable by giants. I wish that you could patch in so that when wearing a Belt of Frost Giant Strength or Belt of Hill Giant Strength you could use the Stone Club of Cold. That would add a small feature that I think should already be in the game.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited August 2020
    I tried using a whip and found that I have to stand toe-to-toe with enemies just like using regular melee weapons. That's very disappointing. :(

    In real life, a big advantage of using whips is that you can hit, fetch or entangle an object from a distance without having to involve yourself in close combats. The implementation of whips in this game missed that big advantage. :(

    Please increase whips' ranges. Implementing that advantage of whips can also encourage more players to use whips. Thanks.
    Post edited by Ian579 on
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    They give you disarm for free. That's the main reason to ever use a whip. I don't believe something like a halberd will give a range advantage in NWN either.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    It would be nice to have parameter flags for item properties such as hidden(true/false), active(true/false), equipable(true/false), unequipable(true/false).

    The use case obviously has to do with things like improved curses which would take a lot more laborious scripting as it currently stands. That is if a curse is hidden it would need to be discovered properly first. If the item is equipped then the curse could have an effect but remain hidden, or be revealed and in full effect while it can't be removed. It's possible to do this with scripting "sort of" but it's just a mess.
  • Adam_BlackwellAdam_Blackwell Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    Fix Weapon Focus Unarmed (Feat - Line) while in druid shape-shifted forms. Weapon focus does not work while shape-shifted currently.
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    Fix Weapon Focus Unarmed (Feat - Line) while in druid shape-shifted forms. Weapon focus does not work while shape-shifted currently.

    Should it even work? If you shape shift into a bear for example, you aren't exactly fighting unarmed just because you wield no weapons, you have your claws after all.
  • NicoenNicoen Member Posts: 12
    I would like to see that you fix the ancient issue with knockdown/disarm/called shot etc. not always triggering on your attacks even though you've targeted an enemy with it. It's especially bad on the first attack of combat where it barely ever occurs.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @Nicoen Do you know if a bug report has been submitted for this issue already? If it hasn't, then it might be wise to do so. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • NicoenNicoen Member Posts: 12
    I've made a bug report with video evidence, so hopefully they'll get it fixed.
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