Okay, how about this script, checking for items with a combination of a proficiency (SCIMITARWAKIZASHININJATO), category (Large swords) and appearance (S1)? That should single out ninjatos. I guess I'm not reading/writing something correctly? The first two fields are 1 byte long and the third is a text field.
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.*\.itm~ override PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x31 prof READ_BYTE 0x1c cat READ_ASCII 0x22 app
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & app = ~S1 - Long sword~) BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 328 target = 1 timing = 2 parameter2 = 359 special = 1 END END END
I guess I'm putting the reading operation for the ASCII in a wrong place, but where else? And how?
By reading it long you also pick the "minimal level" value, which iirc has never been used, so it generally makes no difference whether you read 2-byte string or 4-byte value. 2-byte is still the proper range, though.
Aha. Well, I can say honestly I would never have figured this out myself. But I'm getting a parsing error at that line. The code currently looks like this:
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.*\.itm~ override PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) THEN BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x31 prof READ_BYTE 0x1c cat READ_ASCII 0x22 app (2)
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & (~%app%~ = STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~S1~)) THEN BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 328 target = 1 timing = 2 parameter2 = 359 special = 1 END END END
Have a question - is it possible to make a pair of boots, or any item, that gives a movespeed boost out of combat, and disables the boost during combat?
It's about my only gripe with the game, that standard movespeed is too slow, but boots of speed effect on all chars make combat stupidly easy.
I know you can up game speed, but that borks cutscenes, which are still an enjoyable part for me.
Why only Charname? He's asking for a general speed boost. Here's how I would do it. Put this code on top of BALDUR.BCS:
Then you make the STEPUP spell, target Living actor, Effect "Movement speed bonus," target Everyone, duration 6 seconds.
P.S. @Ardanis, going to have to call on you. Your code above for STRING_EQUAL_CASE, it won't compile. Also does anybody know why I get numbers instead of letters when I try, for example, this code:
There is no need to avoid something that is completely not a problem. But you seem to be under the illusion that baldur.bcs starts running when there are some checks in it, and otherwise it's dormant and no "resources" are being consumed. Any performance problems, tiny too, that I've ever seen in this game have always been on the spell side, as when a spell removes multiple effects. But baldur.bcs is always and always running, whether there is anything in it or not. The only problem with it is when script commands are written without a Continue() or so many frequent checks are added on top that the script never gets to the bottom. But that's something to address to sloppy codders who plunk everything in that file, and even then it's a mod conflict issue, not a performance issue. If B.B. wants a straight and proper solution, he has it. He can sort out for himself whether his setup is to clogged up or not.
Thanks for the insight, mates - I'll play around chimerics version once I get home from work (and subtledoctors if it's done by then). But even though I got one possible solution, I'd also still like subtledoctors version, if possible - so if anyone can give him that script baf, I'll gift you with a like! :P
Yeah, I get that - just now changed it to 126, but the problem is that it's happening IN combat, instead of OUTSIDE of combat, which is the exact opposite of what I want.
And your version sounds easy enough, I'm sure... if I knew how to do that. :P
String values must be listed after "STR_VAR", just as Integer values are listed after "INT_VAR". RESOVE_STR_REF is only for in-game strings, where you need the reference number, not resource filenames
@BrutaleBent: Personally, I use the console to speed things up. CTRL-J can teleport you all the way across the map instantly, and CTRL-4 can highlight ground triggers to ensure that you don't accidentally skip over important plot triggers and spawn points (which can also happen when you have high movement rates). It requires no modding and is much faster than increasing movement rates.
@semiticgod It's not quite how I want to play the game, but thanks nonetheless for that info, mate - didn't know this. Does this work for people that spawn and walk to you and the like?
@subtledoctor@chimeric Don't know if you have any interest in this, but I changed "ActuallyInCombat()" to "CombatCounter(0)" - and it works, somewhat... It's far from perfect, as chars will run around for some time before the effect cancels, and I'm guessing anything that can cancel the effect on enemy sighted (like that lovely autopause), would work the best.
I thought you wanted it during combat... Misread it, I guess. Well then, you've got the right thing, except that you should negate ActuallyInCombat instead, !ActuallyInCombat. The combat counter is bugged, it also runs after dialogues, whether they end in a fight or not.
@BrutaleBent: Of the critters who talk to you the moment they see you and initiate a quest-related dialog, some of them are already spawned when you enter the area. Others only spawn when you cross a trigger. Saemon Havarian, for example, only appears in Spellhold to offer you an alternate way to Irenicus if you step on a certain trigger on the way out. Nalia, however, has no trigger to appear in the Copper Coronet; she's already there when you arrive.
CTRL-4 will show you where the spawn triggers are for folks like Saemon, but they won't tell you where people like Nalia might be. This means it's still possible to skip over plot-related characters using CTRL-J, even if you use CTRL-4 to find the triggers--unless you've played the game enough times that you already know where those people automatically spawn.
@BrutaleBent , another thing: you probably want to speed up just the party, not the whole world, right? Then choose Party only as the target of your spell effect instead of Everyone. I can only imagine what's happening to chickens right now.
And, for a cherry on that cake, you can stop the hasting with a positive ActuallyInCombat check and another spell doing the Remove effects by Resource opcode. To go to baldur.bcs, of course! Again!!!
P.S. I have another idea for code here, simpler. Still for baldur.bcs, but to start the hasting as soon as any of the party characters are active (moving, using stealth, casting etc.), including when they do it automatically, e.g. when checking for traps and so on. While there is any action, they'll be moving faster, when everything is off completely and they stand still, the speed will drop back to normal. You just need to exclude combat. Try this:
repeat for all of them...
Apply your spell here, but make it last just 2 seconds
You might not need the effect removal then, and this is flexible.
String values must be listed after "STR_VAR", just as Integer values are listed after "INT_VAR". RESOVE_STR_REF is only for in-game strings, where you need the reference number, not resource filenames
Okay, I used your code with success in one instance, but there remains the problem of patching weapons with custom spell states. How do I adapt STR_VAR to a check for ASCII? The code with Ardanis' suggestion looks like this:
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.*\.itm~ override
READ_BYTE 0x31 prof
READ_BYTE 0x1c cat
READ_ASCII 0x22 app (2)
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & (~%app%~ = STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~S1~)) THEN BEGIN
opcode = 328
target = 1
timing = 2
parameter2 = 359
special = 1
But STRING_EQUAL and so on isn't right here. I need to insert STR_VAR somewhere.
Yes, that was it! Thank you. I'm almost finished...
Say, do you happen to know how to translate the weird labels of KIT.IDS to the actual kit names in the games? The "Feralan" is the Archer, what are BEASTFRIEND and TOTEMIC? That last one is Shapeshifter, yes? Also, more important: do group class labels, like RANGER_ALL, include dual classes and multiclasses and kits, or just some of those? For example, if I want to affect all sorcerers, do I need to put in provisos for every existing kit, including Red Dragon Disciples? I'd much prefer something to encompass all kits that might have been added or might be added later, but I know that pointing to a straight class, like CLASS -> FIGHTER, limits application to fighters without a kit (I do miss the days when we didn't have so many damn kits around). I assume it's the same for CLASS -> SORCERER, so RDDs would be excluded. Must I go through every kit there is separately?
What about that Hivemaster guy? Never seen one of them, actually.
The ALL labels work in effects alright. I just squashed my illusionist and Edwin with a killing MAGE_ALL. It killed a mage/thief too, so I guess it applies roundly.
And another thing. Is there any way to apply a character's Strength bonus to a spell's damage, you know, factor it in? I know there are a couple of effects that change Strength itself, but I'd like a spell that does extra damage for strong characters. I think you've said this is possible in the thread about armor.
Also, can you please tell me how to add a temporary spell state on hit to weapons? I want to imbue all melee weapons, going by proficiencies, all missiles and all things called "Attack" (monster weapons) in such a way that they put the target in a spell state for a second, marking it briefly as wounded. It's not elegant, but I found that TriggerOverride doesn't work for TookDamage() and HitBy(), bugged, clearly, so I'm going to have to make my minions react to a spell state as they observe the situation of their summoner... All of this is for a new and attractive fighting tactic, but it's like a minefield. All of the functions that should have let me do what I have in mind days ago, if they only worked correctly, are unreliable or downright broken. You've been very helpful. I'm still hoping to get it to work. So here is what I'm using to patch weapons, only I know it's not right:
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.*\.itm~ override
READ_BYTE 0x31 prof
READ_BYTE 0x1c cat
READ_ASCII 0x22 app
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & app = ~S1 - Long sword~) BEGIN
opcode = 328
target = 1
timing = 2
parameter2 = 359
special = 1
I guess I'm putting the reading operation for the ASCII in a wrong place, but where else? And how?
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & (~%app%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~S1~)) BEGIN
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.*\.itm~ override
READ_BYTE 0x31 prof
READ_BYTE 0x1c cat
READ_ASCII 0x22 app (2)
PATCH_IF (prof = 95 & cat = 20 & (~%app%~ = STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~S1~)) THEN BEGIN
opcode = 328
target = 1
timing = 2
parameter2 = 359
special = 1
It's about my only gripe with the game, that standard movespeed is too slow, but boots of speed effect on all chars make combat stupidly easy.
I know you can up game speed, but that borks cutscenes, which are still an enjoyable part for me.
P.S. @Ardanis, going to have to call on you. Your code above for STRING_EQUAL_CASE, it won't compile. Also does anybody know why I get numbers instead of letters when I try, for example, this code:
LPF ~ADD_SPELL_EFFECT~ INT_VAR opcode = 177 target = 2 parameter1 = 0 parameter2 = 2 timing = 0 probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 duration = 60 resource = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~RETMO2_#~) resist_dispel = 0 savingthrow = 0 savebonus = 0 END
It's supposed to be an immunity to that spell. Something about strings, though.
Attached BALDUR.BCS and STEPUP.SPL if you wanna see it for yourself.
And your version sounds easy enough, I'm sure... if I knew how to do that. :P
Let's hope G3 is up again soon!
RESOVE_STR_REF is only for in-game strings, where you need the reference number, not resource filenames
@subtledoctor @chimeric Don't know if you have any interest in this, but I changed "ActuallyInCombat()" to "CombatCounter(0)" - and it works, somewhat... It's far from perfect, as chars will run around for some time before the effect cancels, and I'm guessing anything that can cancel the effect on enemy sighted (like that lovely autopause), would work the best.
CTRL-4 will show you where the spawn triggers are for folks like Saemon, but they won't tell you where people like Nalia might be. This means it's still possible to skip over plot-related characters using CTRL-J, even if you use CTRL-4 to find the triggers--unless you've played the game enough times that you already know where those people automatically spawn.
And, for a cherry on that cake, you can stop the hasting with a positive ActuallyInCombat check and another spell doing the Remove effects by Resource opcode. To go to baldur.bcs, of course! Again!!!
P.S. I have another idea for code here, simpler. Still for baldur.bcs, but to start the hasting as soon as any of the party characters are active (moving, using stealth, casting etc.), including when they do it automatically, e.g. when checking for traps and so on. While there is any action, they'll be moving faster, when everything is off completely and they stand still, the speed will drop back to normal. You just need to exclude combat. Try this: You might not need the effect removal then, and this is flexible.
look back at Ardanis code: remove the '=' you have between '~%app%~' and 'STRING_EQUAL_CASE'
'STRING_EQUAL_CASE' is used in place of the '=', not with it
there is no need for STR_VAR with opcode 328, it doesn't use its resource field, so there are no string variables.
Say, do you happen to know how to translate the weird labels of KIT.IDS to the actual kit names in the games? The "Feralan" is the Archer, what are BEASTFRIEND and TOTEMIC? That last one is Shapeshifter, yes? Also, more important: do group class labels, like RANGER_ALL, include dual classes and multiclasses and kits, or just some of those? For example, if I want to affect all sorcerers, do I need to put in provisos for every existing kit, including Red Dragon Disciples? I'd much prefer something to encompass all kits that might have been added or might be added later, but I know that pointing to a straight class, like CLASS -> FIGHTER, limits application to fighters without a kit (I do miss the days when we didn't have so many damn kits around). I assume it's the same for CLASS -> SORCERER, so RDDs would be excluded. Must I go through every kit there is separately?
FERALAN = Archer
I don't know much about the (class)_ALL labels. I think they only work in scripts, not the IDS fields of opcodes, but that's about it.
The ALL labels work in effects alright. I just squashed my illusionist and Edwin with a killing MAGE_ALL. It killed a mage/thief too, so I guess it applies roundly.
And another thing. Is there any way to apply a character's Strength bonus to a spell's damage, you know, factor it in? I know there are a couple of effects that change Strength itself, but I'd like a spell that does extra damage for strong characters. I think you've said this is possible in the thread about armor.