You guys might want to try latter. I wish you all luck, but keep in mind local time in Edmonton is shortly before midnight. They will all be sleeping I'm guessing at this point.
Thats the other thing. Its not a holiday in Canada today. So umm... Trent and others will still be hard at work in the morning I'm sure (when it is morning in Edmonton).
Yes but imagine what will be in 28 th, if we can't pre load now w just be not able to download rest due the conection and servers problem to play at 28 and must waiting anyway. There was never such a problem on steam its only 2200 people who buy pre load so it isin't such a humulous number....this onky show the did not prepere for preload....
Yes but imagine what will be in 28 th, if we can't pre load now w just be not able to download rest due the conection and servers problem to play at 28 and must waiting anyway. There was never such a problem on steam its only 2200 people who buy pre load so it isin't such a humulous number....this onky show the did not prepere for preload....
Lets see. This is the first game Overhaul has ever come out with. Beamdog is still relatively new and only really sells older games (for the most part) but they are probably not used to sudden high volume downloading. Steam on the other hand has what nine years experience? I bet you when they started up they had exactly these same issues. Heck, they still have these issues today. The biggest difference is that they probably have a 24 hour staff on hand because they can afford it.
Personally I don't think running to steam is either a good answer for any starting video game company, or good frankly from a consumer standpoint. Competition, even in video game distributors, is always good.
Just found this alternative on another thread, so I thought I'd share the love. For those of you out there with a dedicated torrent downloader (utorrent, bit-torrent etc), try this suggestion out -
Just found this alternative on another thread, so I thought I'd share the love. For those of you out there with a dedicated torrent downloader (utorrent, bit-torrent etc), try this suggestion out -
Just found this alternative on another thread, so I thought I'd share the love. For those of you out there with a dedicated torrent downloader (utorrent, bit-torrent etc), try this suggestion out -
I have it downloaded and ready on my computer, I look at my deck top and see the hopeful shortcut that promises joy and happiness, I click it and I realize, my dreams of playing it are but 5 days away. I'm so excited for it to finally be out though, i'm not even mad that it's taken this long, because it must mean that they are spending a lot of effort to get the game right.
have a question. I started with the standalone installer. Was downloading at speeds of 8 B/S.(Yes, B/S) So, switched to the beamdog client and knoked it out tonight. So question: how do I remove the part that is downloaded and the standalone downloader from my pc without breaking something important?
I also gave up on the standalone installer. Switched to Beamdog and I'm done in about 15 minutes. I just used the standard windows software removal system and everything seems OK.
IPhillip Daigle posted "An update to the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Launcher is now available. If you are experiencing slow downloads please restart your launcher. You will be prompted to apply the update and your launcher will restart." I didn't get a prompt to update my launcher so just downloaded it again. Now seems to work fine, if a little slow.
I'm guessing the game will launch midnight on November 28th. Assuming that their is no delay in time-zones (east coast / west coast). Otherwise it is 3 am for everyone on the east coast.
Its 10pm GMT+2... as it only activates at 1pm in canada.
I'm just going to be that guy and point out that it actually activates at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, and 4:30 pm in Canada...all at the same time (mind blown).
We all cant play the game until the 28th. Ill bet you have it by that time
Look at the bright side.. Its weekend now :P
its 9 o´clock in the morning here in Denmark :P
Personally I don't think running to steam is either a good answer for any starting video game company, or good frankly from a consumer standpoint. Competition, even in video game distributors, is always good.
Thanks go to @Mortes
Too late! I'm halfway through now...but thanks!
I didn't get a prompt to update my launcher so just downloaded it again. Now seems to work fine, if a little slow.
1pm in Edmonton though
Did I forget any country with more than one time zone?