Universal Archer Kit v1.0: Archer Kit for Fighters, Paladins, and Thieves

I've always loved Archers, but I was never very fond of rangers. I always wanted a gnomish or halfling Archer for the save bonuses, or a human Archer who could dual-class to mage or thief. So, I've created a new Archer kit for fighters, as well as an Archer kit for paladins and thieves.
The Archer kit is identical to the original ranger kit, with two exceptions: first, the ranged damage bonuses no longer slow down after level 18 (and now scale up to level 50 if your install removes the XP cap). Second, Archers can gain Grandmastery in slings and darts as well as bows and crossbows.
The classes still retain their unique differences. Archer rangers and thieves will still be able to use stealth, Archer paladins and rangers can still cast spells, and Archer thieves will still be able to set traps. However, Archer thieves will no longer be able to backstab (like regular Archers, they are not adept at close range combat) and will only gain 15 skill points per level instead of 25, in lieu of a regular Archer's armor restrictions (which would be redundant for a thief who can't wear metal armor before Use Any Item anyway).
The Archer kit is identical to the original ranger kit, with two exceptions: first, the ranged damage bonuses no longer slow down after level 18 (and now scale up to level 50 if your install removes the XP cap). Second, Archers can gain Grandmastery in slings and darts as well as bows and crossbows.
The classes still retain their unique differences. Archer rangers and thieves will still be able to use stealth, Archer paladins and rangers can still cast spells, and Archer thieves will still be able to set traps. However, Archer thieves will no longer be able to backstab (like regular Archers, they are not adept at close range combat) and will only gain 15 skill points per level instead of 25, in lieu of a regular Archer's armor restrictions (which would be redundant for a thief who can't wear metal armor before Use Any Item anyway).
Post edited by semiticgoddess on
The gnomish community thanks thee!
Naturally, the values are different if you're using special ammunition, the Gauntlets of Specialization, haste effects and other buffs, or you're using a different weapon (like the Gesen Bow instead of the Tuigan Bow). Basically, GM compensates for the weak per-hit damage of darts by adding +3 damage and it compensates for the low APR for slings by adding +0.5 APR compared to specialization.
It won't make darts or slings overpowered; it just bumps them up to the level of bows and crossbows.
is there any possibility to make an archer kit for thieves too? I always wanted to play an archer with thieving abilities (not fighter-thief, a mage-archer, halfling cleric-slinger or pure thief with archery). Thx!
Since thieves are already restricted to leather armor and can already only put one proficiency point in melee weapons (the original drawbacks for Archers), I've given Archer thieves unique disadvantages: they cannot backstab, and they will only gain 15 skill points per level instead of 25. Note that Archer thieves, like other thieves, will not be able to use longbows until Use Any Item and will not be able to put proficiency points in longbows.
edit: I do not know if it is my fault, but i had a message: Sys_error /lang.es/dialog.tlk access denied"
The kit is there, but there is no label for it.
Sounds similar to the Sharpshooter kit from Song and Silence.
When you say there's no label for the kit, do you mean there's a blank space during character creation where the kit should show up? I've seen that issue in the past, and I think it was due to not installing ModMerge on a BG:EE+SoD install, but I'm not really sure.
Archer thief can GM in short bow? And they get thaco as thief or as ranger/fighter ?
Ok i made some tests, the archer thief kit keep thief taco progression!
Semeticgod, do you know if the kit is « keepered ». To make a multi archer fighter/thief ?
Is there any way to create a Throwing Dagger weapon proficiency so that Archers can specialise in using them? I would love to play an Archer Thief who specialises in throwing daggers.
I installed the universal archer kit in a clean BG2 V2.5 installation directory without problems. When I tried to remove the experience cap via cdtweaks, the installation failed with the error message
Please see the zipped SETUP-CDTWEAKS.DEBUG below.
Thanks again for this kit!
In eekeeper, all the « archers » have the same name! So i don’t know which one is the archer fighter or paladin or thief ..
In kit selection I see something like