Would love to get a free copy! I've been broke and cant even put up the 20$ right now NWN is my favorite game ever tho, the embodiment of my childhood haha. cant wait to play and mod again
Please get in touch with me in a PM to claim your prize! I will need your email you want me to send you your prize! Winners have until January 31st to claim their prize! Any prize which is unclaimed will be rolled for again!
Congrats to all the winners, and a massive thanks to Atremious (and Beamdog for resurrecting my all time favourite gane) for arranging this! My PM should be with you now
Yay, big thanks to Atremious. That was very awesome of you. I've sent you my email info (just posting that I did it here just in case I made a mistake when sending it; forums can be confusing to me some times).
Congratulations to the winners! Even those 12 with new accounts with registration December-January with 1 post
Let's hope it will be a start for the long forum journey for all of you! Congratulations!
In my defence, I didn't know about this Enhanced Edition forum, and I only found out about the contest because I'd ended up on NWVault to grab copies of ProjectQ and CEP. I'll be around for a while, although primarily as a single player player, as it were
What was that growing? It was about 100 comments three days ago and now it's about 300 comments. I was only waiting this result to decide to buy the game. At least buying it will help the game builders with $19,90!
Count me in please.
@SylvesterTemple - 1- Claimed
@TinaH -2
@balmz -3 - Claimed
@Micrisoft12321 -4
@Noctropolis -5 - Claimed
@Mukora - 6 - Claimed
@Wistress - 7
@Svyy - 8 - Claimed
@fkirenicus - 9 - Claimed
@Tinker - 10 - Claimed
@PieRatCat - 11
@jonesr65 - 12 - Claimed
@daxiongmao87 - 13
@Luke93 - 14 - Claimed
@Rinsvind - 15 - Claimed
@Cyrus77 - 16 - Claimed
@Matjos - 17
@gugulug5000 - 18 - Claimed
@Sinister01 - 19
@Modderpunk - 20 - Claimed
Please get in touch with me in a PM to claim your prize! I will need your email you want me to send you your prize! Winners have until January 31st to claim their prize! Any prize which is unclaimed will be rolled for again!
Even those 12 with new accounts with registration December-January with 1 post
Congratulations to all the winners... To busy playing the game... what would I do with an extra copy anyway...*grumble grumble*
I was only waiting this result to decide to buy the game. At least buying it will help the game builders with $19,90!