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[MOD] PS:T Unfinished Business - Reloaded



  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    I'm currently playing with UB, couple questions:

    Hows does Able's research work? I gave him topics to research (previous incarnations, Ravel and dodecahedron's language), but nothing ever came of it and yes, I waited more than a day.

    Also, Devil's Due found in the player's maze is only worth one copper when you try to sell it. Is that intended? Thanks.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Mirak wrote: »
    I'm currently playing with UB, couple questions:

    Hows does Able's research work? I gave him topics to research (previous incarnations, Ravel and dodecahedron's language), but nothing ever came of it and yes, I waited more than a day.

    Also, Devil's Due found in the player's maze is only worth one copper when you try to sell it. Is that intended? Thanks.

    There should be a dialog option after about 20 in-game hours have passed, such as this one: "Find out anything about the writing in that 'journal' I showed you?" (when asked about dodecahedron language).

    You could check if the following game variables are set in the debug console with the following commands:
    They should exist and return 1 if you requested research of the respective topics.

    Additionally you could also check the timer values:
    They should exist and return some high number. To force expiration of a timer, you could set it to a small number, e.g. C:SetGlobal("Able_Timer_Language","GLOBAL",1)

    About Devil's Due, this item isn't changed by UB. The price has always been like this (even in original PST).
  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813

    Thanks. The timer was somehow set to 6771092. Setting to 1 helped.

    Same thing probably happened to Kii'na's supposed return. Do you know the console command for the timer of her return?

  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    Mirak wrote: »

    Thanks. The timer was somehow set to 6771092. Setting to 1 helped.

    Same thing probably happened to Kii'na's supposed return. Do you know the console command for the timer of her return?


    And now Kessai-Seris' timer in expanded Deionarra's Truth got screwed, as she says she needs more time.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited November 2020
    Mirak wrote: »
    Same thing probably happened to Kii'na's supposed return. Do you know the console command for the timer of her return?
    According to the game variables you might have to be more patient. It takes about 7 days for her to return. If she doesn't appear after that time, try resetting this timer variable: "Kiina_Return"

    Mirak wrote: »
    And now Kessai-Seris' timer in expanded Deionarra's Truth got screwed, as she says she needs more time.
    She should be ready after waiting a full day. If you still can't trigger the dream subquest, check these variables:
    - "Kesai_Dream_Quest": should be set to 3
    - "Kesai_Timer": the timer variable (reset if necessary)
  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    edited November 2020

    Yeah, Kii'na eventualy appeeared, but it's weird, Ive already traveled outside of Sigil and went back. More than 7 days definitely passed.

    I had to change Kesai's timer, because again, the number was incredibly high.

    Thank you.
    Post edited by MiraStastny on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Mirak wrote: »
    I had to change Kesai's timer, because again, the number was incredibly high.

    The timer variable stores the (absolute) game time when the timer should run out, so it'll be higher the longer you play the game. You'd have to know the internal game time to make sense of it.

    Setting it to a lower value simply ensures that the timer is counted as "elapsed" for scripted timer checks.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2020
    argent77 wrote: »
    Bluddy wrote: »
    BTW, @argent77, I believe qwinn also fixed the thieves hideout to make it an actual challenge. Was that included in the EE or is it here in this mode?
    You're probably talking about the component "Restored Alley of Dangerous Angles Thugs". It's included in this mod as well.

    Actually, I believe he was talking about the Fixpack component "Tenement of Thugs Fixes" (see here), which unlike the majority of the fixpack have not been integrated into EE. It would be great if it could become part of UB (it really is more of a cut content case than one for a fixpack, anyway).
  • ghorvathghorvath Member Posts: 2
    Not sure if this has been discussed before (haven't read through all 11 pages, yet). The timers for me don't work.

    Able-Ponder Thought has never got back to me with research results, not even after several days. I checked in the console
    The first one should return 1, but doesn't return anything, the second returns a huge number. Same with the other two research questions I posed him long time ago. (Don't mind much, though, I read the research results in the .d files directly, but would be nice to have the journal entries in the savegame.)

    Similar problem with the Deionarra's Expanded Truth Quest: Kesai tells me to come back after a day or so, I sleep 6 times, and still she is not ready. There, though, the relevant variable (Kesai_Dream_Quest) is 3, as it should be, and the timer is again huge, but she still tells me she's not ready.
    I realize that if I set Kesai_Dream_Quest to 4, then I can at least continue the quest with loosing a bit of dialogue (which I can read off of the .d file directly), but wouldn't mind doing it the proper way if possible.

    Also, don't see Kiina back to the Lower Ward after telling her about Vristigor.

    Not sure if this is relevant, but I use the Modron portal to travel within Sigil (don't like artifical time counting by travelling between areas), and I had to do the Generalized biffing mid game, when I realized that Modron's maze reset will actually corrupt my save game and resets half of the visited areas. Generalized biffing solved it, though.

    I have the following mods:
    journalportraitconversations, banteraccelerator, leveluptweaks, hiddengameplayoptions, pst-ub-reloaded, generalized_biffing

    Can someone help me if this is a genuine bug or I just need to do something differently? Happy to provide savegames at any part of my playthrough. Even a console command to trigger this condition would be very welcome:

    Thanks in advance.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    @ghorvath Someone else had similar problems recently. You could try the suggestions from this comment and the following comments.

    Since you mentioned installing Generalized Biffing only later, this might be the cause if you travelled to the Modron Maze before. The PST:EE bug related to the maze removes not only items but also game variables and other plot-related stuff.
  • ghorvathghorvath Member Posts: 2
    argent77 wrote: »
    @ghorvath Someone else had similar problems recently. You could try the suggestions from this comment and the following comments.

    Since you mentioned installing Generalized Biffing only later, this might be the cause if you travelled to the Modron Maze before. The PST:EE bug related to the maze removes not only items but also game variables and other plot-related stuff.

    Thank you for the quick reply. Setting the variable to 1 indeed helped. Even with the Able-Ponder Thought research, where the other variable somehow doesn't show a proper value.... Anyway, thank you.

    Is there some way to deduce the current gametime variable from the game time that I see when I hit the pause button? Some easy way to convert between days/hours and the variable number?

    BTW, the Modron Maze bug should only corrupt save games, but not the game itself, right? When I applied the generalized biffing, I had save games from _before_ entering the Maze, to make sure to continue with an uncorrupted save game. And indeed it worked, when I came out of the maze, the areas I visited before showed that I indeed visited them before. So not sure how much that can mess up the game. And I only talked to Able-Ponder Thought after coming back from the maze (and the Kesai dream quest is of course also after coming back from the maze). So not sure how the generalized biffing can mess up variables that are set after applying the patch....

    In any case, thanks for all the hard work put into this mod.
    I really enjoyed my second play-through, mostly because of this unfinished business mod.

    PS. One last question: should I have applied the journal portrait mod after or before ub? I think now I applied before ub, and Vhailor doesn't seem to show his portrait when I talk to him. And a couple others (e.g. the Sensate in the dream).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    I can't say why the variables were not set correctly. Maybe the game bug has more side effects than we know. The game data could have already been compromised even before Generalized Biffing was installed.
    ghorvath wrote: »
    Is there some way to deduce the current gametime variable from the game time that I see when I hit the pause button? Some easy way to convert between days/hours and the variable number?
    Game time is measured in seconds. One hour game time lasts 300 seconds, one day lasts 7200 seconds. However, values of timer variables are measured in ticks (1 second = 15 ticks). So the values of timer variables have to be divided by 15 to get the game time and divided again by 7200 to get the day (or 300 to get the hour) when the timer runs out.
    PS. One last question: should I have applied the journal portrait mod after or before ub? I think now I applied before ub, and Vhailor doesn't seem to show his portrait when I talk to him. And a couple others (e.g. the Sensate in the dream).
    I can't say much about the Journal Portrait mod. It's possible that some portraits or portrait updates are not properly registered if Journal Portrait is installed too early. But this is just a cosmetic issue. It shouldn't affect actual gameplay.
  • ebbppebbpp Member Posts: 2
    It says installing is easy, but I'm not sure. I have the game in my Ubuntu Steam(Linux). So I just dropped the folder to games location (Project P folder). Since there is no runtime file in Linux version, this is all? The game will recognize this folder there and will use it's files by itself?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    ebbpp wrote: »
    It says installing is easy, but I'm not sure. I have the game in my Ubuntu Steam(Linux). So I just dropped the folder to games location (Project P folder). Since there is no runtime file in Linux version, this is all? The game will recognize this folder there and will use it's files by itself?

    Linux is special in that regard that you have to take care of filesystem case-sensitivity first. This is especially an issue with the Enhanced Editions because they happily mix lower-case and upper-case letters in their game resource names which causes problems with most mods. There is a topic which provides several potential solutions for this problem.

    Once that problem has been taken care of you can download WeiDU from here and unpack the files "weidu" and "weinstall" into the game directory. Afaik, it's common to place these files into the user/bin folder to have them globally available.

    Afterwards call "./weinstall PST-UB-reloaded" from the game directory to run the mod installer. Alternatively you can rename "weidu" -> "setup-PST-UB-reloaded" and call "./setup-PST-UB-reloaded" instead to run the installer.

    Unfortunately there is no simpler solution that I know of, since proper (i.e. user-friendly) Linux support was never really implemented in the WeiDU installer.
  • ebbppebbpp Member Posts: 2
    Ohh, oh well, thank you for replay.
    argent77 wrote: »
    Linux is special...

  • LordDanteLordDante Member Posts: 3
    Pendant of yemeth quest got bugged, ratbone doesn't appear, i've finished the quest so i remember where he should be but he just isn't there or anywhere else, the dustman behind the smoldering corpse appears, so does the warrior guy, but the abishai don't talk about the pendant so i have no idea what to do, i'm already right before going to curse so i guess that's my last chance to finish this quest
  • ToveriJuriToveriJuri Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2021
    Also had the bug with kesai-serris where the timer was set to an absurdly high count. Had to look up dialog files and variables in Nearinfinity to fix this.

    Looking back at some of the responses in this thread. I also went for Generalized Biffing (did it before new game) and I pretty much spam the Modron cube to travel around. For Kesai portion of the quest I went to the modron cube to rest for a day and came back. I guess going to the cube and back screws up active in-game timers
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    ToveriJuri wrote: »
    Also had the bug with kesai-serris where the timer was set to an absurdly high count. Had to look up dialog files and variables in Nearinfinity to fix this.

    There were some reports about timer issues in the past. I couldn't reproduce them reliably. It's possible that they only appear under specific conditions (maybe an overflow when the internal game time has exceeded a certain threshold). Let's hope there will be another PSTEE patch which fixes this issue.
  • AshmodelAshmodel Member Posts: 2
    I'm having an issue with the Deionarra truth quest. After traveling into the dream/memory with Serris' help and killing the demons, the sensate continues to give dialogue about showing her how I dealt with the monsters. Not sure if there's a way to force it to advance or something I'm missing.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited July 2022
    Ashmodel wrote: »
    I'm having an issue with the Deionarra truth quest. After traveling into the dream/memory with Serris' help and killing the demons, the sensate continues to give dialogue about showing her how I dealt with the monsters. Not sure if there's a way to force it to advance or something I'm missing.

    It's been a while, so I don't remember all the details. But from what I can see in the files you have to kill both Glabrezus in the dream sewers map to advance the quest. Talk to Kesai again after returning to the Foundry to unlock the container in the Festhall room.

    If you still can't trigger the right dialog in the Foundry, try this console commmand and talk to her again:
  • AshmodelAshmodel Member Posts: 2
    Thank you, this did allow me to bypass the section where I was stuck and investigate the locked closet.

    argent77 wrote: »
    Ashmodel wrote: »
    I'm having an issue with the Deionarra truth quest. After traveling into the dream/memory with Serris' help and killing the demons, the sensate continues to give dialogue about showing her how I dealt with the monsters. Not sure if there's a way to force it to advance or something I'm missing.

    It's been a while, so I don't remember all the details. But from what I can see in the files you have to kill both Glabrezus in the dream sewers map to advance the quest. Talk to Kesai again after returning to the Foundry to unlock the container in the Festhall room.

    If you still can't trigger the right dialog in the Foundry, try this console commmand and talk to her again:

  • ronisonironisoni Member Posts: 3
    Hey. I know that this question has probably already been asked before, but I wanted to ask again in case something changed in the meantime (i've seen it asked a few years back). Is the mod safe to install and run on a pre-existing save file (EE)? Because i'm far enough into the game that restarting would be a nightmare, but I also really want to experience the extra quests that the mod provides. If it isn't safe, would backing up the save file, and uninstalling if anything bad happens before using the backup, work? If so, do you know how to backup save files?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    ronisoni wrote: »
    Hey. I know that this question has probably already been asked before, but I wanted to ask again in case something changed in the meantime (i've seen it asked a few years back). Is the mod safe to install and run on a pre-existing save file (EE)? Because i'm far enough into the game that restarting would be a nightmare, but I also really want to experience the extra quests that the mod provides.
    It should be safe in the sense that it won't break your game. However, some quests may not trigger anymore if you talked to key characters before, or may not be completable because you visited affected maps already (which are stored in the save, so that later changes are not registered anymore).

    If it isn't safe, would backing up the save file, and uninstalling if anything bad happens before using the backup, work? If so, do you know how to backup save files?
    Uninstalling the mod is possible if you continue with a save that was made before you installed the mod. Otherwise, the game could become unstable because of references to nonexisting game resources. So yes, creating a save before installing the mod is a wise move. You don't have to back it up though. Your saves are not touched by the installation or uninstallation procedure of the mod itself.
  • ronisonironisoni Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the answer. However, I do have a question about it. What did you mean by "key characters" and "affected maps"? By affected maps my assumption is that you meant maps that are affected in some way by the mod through the items or npcs in them (like the alley of dangerous angles, or ratbone's ragpicker's square), but i'm not sure about that. As for key characters, I don't really have any ideas. I just wanna know so that i'll be fully aware of the risks, even minor, before playing the mod
  • ronisonironisoni Member Posts: 3
    Ok, another update: sorry for asking about it here if it here if it isn't the place, but how do I install the mod? I just don't know which file to even put it in before trying to extract the setup it says something about the "infinity engine game directory", which is what I saw on the guide on how to install this mod and other mods for infinity engine games. But... What is that? I don't see any file or folder with that name. What am I looking for here? I don't really have much knowledge on computers, sorry, and if this question doesn't fit here i'll move it elsewhere
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited July 2022
    ronisoni wrote: »
    Thanks for the answer. However, I do have a question about it. What did you mean by "key characters" and "affected maps"? By affected maps my assumption is that you meant maps that are affected in some way by the mod through the items or npcs in them (like the alley of dangerous angles, or ratbone's ragpicker's square), but i'm not sure about that. As for key characters, I don't really have any ideas. I just wanna know so that i'll be fully aware of the risks, even minor, before playing the mod
    Some maps are modified by the mod (e.g. by adding quest-related items or characters). For example, the restored "Candlestick" and "Pendant of Yemeth" quests add new characters to the Buried Village and Ragpicker's Square respectively, who are needed to start or progress the quests. If you already visited these maps before the mod was installed then these characters won't be visible in your current run. Other quests consist only of script or dialog additions and will (most likely) be unaffected by your current game progress. In any case, it's unlikely that something breaks because of game progress. In the worst case you won't have access to some quests.

    ronisoni wrote: »
    Ok, another update: sorry for asking about it here if it here if it isn't the place, but how do I install the mod? I just don't know which file to even put it in before trying to extract the setup it says something about the "infinity engine game directory", which is what I saw on the guide on how to install this mod and other mods for infinity engine games. But... What is that? I don't see any file or folder with that name. What am I looking for here? I don't really have much knowledge on computers, sorry, and if this question doesn't fit here i'll move it elsewhere
    There's a comprehensive guide at Reddit about installing mods:

    The tl;dr version:
    • Unpack the mod archive to the game folder (where the file chitin.key is located)
    • Run setup-PST-UB-reloaded.exe and follow the instructions
    • Run setup-PST-UB-reloaded.exe again if you want to uninstall the whole mod or selected mod components
    This is also outlined in the mod's readme. Because of a bug in the game itself I'd strongly recommend to install the mod Generalized Biffing afterwards.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Call for English proofreaders!

    I'm planning to release a new version of PST-UB which, among other things, adds two new components worth of content. For that reason I'm looking for volunteers who are willing to proofread the additions.

    The new content includes about 60 lines of game text and two paragraphs of text for the readme.

    Please let me know if you're interested, either here in this topic or shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance!
  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    argent77 wrote: »
    Call for English proofreaders!

    I'm planning to release a new version of PST-UB which, among other things, adds two new components worth of content. For that reason I'm looking for volunteers who are willing to proofread the additions.

    The new content includes about 60 lines of game text and two paragraphs of text for the readme.

    Please let me know if you're interested, either here in this topic or shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance!

    Hey, I'm not a native speaker, but if you don't get anyone else, I humbly offer myself.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    argent77 wrote: »
    Call for English proofreaders!

    I'm planning to release a new version of PST-UB which, among other things, adds two new components worth of content. For that reason I'm looking for volunteers who are willing to proofread the additions.

    The new content includes about 60 lines of game text and two paragraphs of text for the readme.

    Please let me know if you're interested, either here in this topic or shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance!

    Hey, I'm not a native speaker, but if you don't get anyone else, I humbly offer myself.

    Thank you! I'll PM you the details.
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