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Pathfinder : Kingmaker



  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I haven't gotten there since they patched it recently, but in the notes I saw it was supposed to be a lot less confusing, and which world you were in didn't matter for getting the 3rd key anymore.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    "Beneath the Stolen Lands" DLC Delayed

    Looks like it's been pushed back a month.

    I'm not overly enthused about this DLC anyways. Endless dungeon crawls with little story just aren't my thing. I was hoping they might slip in something extra, like another race, class or kit.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Just finished HATEOT again. If you don’t mind missing some stuff, you can zip straight through by:
    1) Enter the House lantern unequipped
    2) Walk through a fogbank
    3) Equip the lantern
    4) Gather all needed companions, witch key, worm key and go to the “special spot” in the basement
    5) Unequip the lantern, go to the tree area, get the third key and leave the tree area
    6) Go upper left
    7) Walk through a fogbank
    8) Equip the lantern and confront Nyrissa
    Easy peezy!
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Here is where i an




    How i an suppose to foretell what i need to do?
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Here is where i an




    How i an suppose to foretell what i need to do?
    Obviously spoilers
    You need to get 3 keys. There's a chrone in the basement with one, and the worm dude upstairs has another. You may need to switch to the other world by going through the fog if they're not there. Not all of the fogs switch you to the other world.

    The third key is the one Linzi is telling you how to get, I know they messed with the path a bit in some of the patches recently, so I'm not 100% sure if this is what you need to do. In the basement in the southeast there's an area with fog, a small gap of air and then more fog. You need to use the lantern to get through the first layer of fog, then take it off and enter the second fog. You should pop out in a forest and if you go southeast you'll be in room with some enemies and the last key should be on them or in the room somewhere.

    With all the keys you should be able to get into the central area upstairs where the goblet is stored at for the showdown with Nyrissa.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I believe the only change was it would work whichever time zone you start in.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    Already walked every part in the map. No signal of Linzi. I will wait an complete map showing where i an suppose to go. Already traveled a lot this fogs in this eternal loop of try and error, try and try again... Don't know if i understood wrong the instructions, but i rather wait than play a little more of walk simulator in fogs because my party that can defeat an outer world army can't breach an door, everyone knows that defeat an army is easier than breach an door, so i need to spend days searching for keys. That is very annoying and immersion breaking...

    The unique think that P:K needs is a debug mode, so i can skip the boring puzzles and bypass the doors more resistant to damage than greater deities like i do in NWN1. I really prefer IWD over BG exactly because IWD has almost no BS "test your IRL foretell skills" parts.

    And even the few battles are being awful because (spoiler)
    I can't get my cleric. Wild hunt without freedom of movment is a pain in the ****

    I was playing with 3 party members, but when i got forced to face wild hunt, i decided to use cleric and create an druid merc against then, since was too hard for a low party member run. My octavia and other companiosn are lv 11/12(no xp share)

    Spoilers for NWN1 - hotu below about inconsistencies on puzzles
    You can defeat Mephistopheles on NWN - hoty expansion. Someone who can defeat even mephistopheles needing to do an annoying puzzle to destroy a mimic makes no sense. And the transformation parts are very annoying. The unique puzzle that makes sense and is not boring try and error in this game is in the cave of beholder.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Linzi is now a book. You have to read her.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Not all the fogs take you to the other world, some just move you to somewhere else in the same world. Most of your companions are on the ground level floor. Find a difference between the 2 worlds, and you can spot it on the maps.
    Both Clerics are on the ground floor with Jaethal, Val, Jubilost and Nok-Nok and Reg and Octavia are at the end of the hallway at the northwest. Linzi's In one of the northern rooms on the ground floor. If they're not showing up, you need to go through the fog. Amiri and Ekun are in rooms that connect off the ground floor. All of them are in the same world. BTW, the book case quest is totally optional.

    I think one of the map pics you posted was close to the 3rd key. That little forest area you get to through the basement fog. If you go southeast there, you should get to a room with enemies where the 3rd key is.

    How many keys have you been able to get?
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    For those interested in the PnP Adventure Path, Paizo is running a crowdfunding campaign for a revised 10th anniversary edition of the Kingmaker AP. Add-ons include bestiaries for 1e Pathfinder and 5e D&D so you can convert the AP, which is written for 2e Pathfinder, to those systems.

    They are also adding stuff from the CRPG to the AP like the final chapter Lantern King showdown and a companion guide for NPCs that are in CRPG.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Looks like there will be an Enhanced Edition of Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I just hope people who already backed/bought the game won't have to pay twice for it.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I've been replaying the game finally and got past the point when my save originally corrupted and holy crap this game is hitting all my fantasy jams. If it keeps up the quality this will most assuredly be my favorite CRPG. NWN2, Pillars, and BG2 were all fighting for the top but this is shooting past them so far.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Once the Enhanced Edition and last DLC are out, I think it will FINALLY be safe to dive into this game with both feet. Both Divinity: Original Sin games benefited massively from their Enhanced Editions, and Pathfinder needed a similar undertaking even more than those two did. But that's the thing with this entire recent crop of isometric CRPGs since Pillars of Eternity was released. They all needed a very large post-release window to come into full-form.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    I came back to the game after my latest rants on it on the minimal reload thread (quite a bit aged now, those rants). I’ve had a change of heart, which is probably good considering I’m at just under a thousand hours into the game at this point. I backed it. I’m definitely interested in the new DLC and what the ‘enhanced edition’ looks like.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Third DLC and EE both come out June 6th apparently, and the EE is free to all owners of the game. The EE is going to have a new class and a whole bunch of additional content and systems additions and enhancements, plus of course numerous bug fixes. Yay Owlcat!!
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    It is shocking to me that Owlcat with a mere 5 or 6 people is able to produce such an awesome thing while Beamdog with ten times as many people cannot produce anything new.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @kanisatha I don't want to go into specifics, but do you really think they have 5 or 6 people? Saying about "anything new", do you really skip Axis & Allies?

    Here's a rundown on Owlcat. They're cool, no question about that.

    But look at the timeline: since July 2016, Beamdog released: PST:EE, NWN:EE, and now is close to releasing Axis & Allies Online, as well as bringing all the IE and NWN games to consoles.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited May 2019
    Not to get argumentative here, but I don't really LOOK to Beamdog to produce new content. Siege of Dragonspear was just a nice cherry on top of the sundae, not something I ever expected. I am fully capable of modding the Infinity Engine games to get them to basically the same stand as the Enhanced Editions, but the whole point is that I don't want to take the 30-60 minutes to do so every time I download them. Even based on widescreen and UI scaling ALONE, I'd rather have the remakes.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    a nice cherry on top of the sundae

    Sorry, couldn't resist. ?
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    So to answer @ShapiroKeatsDarkMage from the locked thread,

    Just because you can get to somewhere, doesn't mean you should be doing it at your level. That area's actually gated behind a kind of high perception check you just happened to pass. The swamp witch's hut is probably one of the worst maps for being able to run into stuff that's past you're level. Personally I enjoy stuff like this, since it adds risk to exploration. If you run into something you just can't handle, don't sweat it, and come back at a higher level.
    That spot with the owl bears is part of a quest you should get around chapter 3 or 4 from an artisan asking for a swamp flower. There's also another spot on that map with some venomous hodag's that's also meant for higher level than you're at.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    @kanisatha I don't want to go into specifics, but do you really think they have 5 or 6 people? Saying about "anything new", do you really skip Axis & Allies?

    Here's a rundown on Owlcat. They're cool, no question about that.

    But look at the timeline: since July 2016, Beamdog released: PST:EE, NWN:EE, and now is close to releasing Axis & Allies Online, as well as bringing all the IE and NWN games to consoles.

    Sorry @JuliusBorisov, but I disagree. Firstly let me be clear about who I am. I was among the very first people to pre-order BG:EE after that mysterious timer was put up way back when and have been a consistent supporter of Beamdog ever since, even getting into heated arguments with Beamdog-haters on other developer forums and buying PsT:EE even though that game is not one I particularly care for. So I am a faithful Beamdog supporter as any you will find out there.

    You guys promised us a NEW D&D cRPG several years ago. That is my benchmark by which to measure you. So yes, PsT:EE and NwN:EE do not count. AAO is a new game, I agree, but it is not an RPG. My feelings are driven entirely by my disappointment and frustration, not by any animus toward Beamdog. If you all have decided that EEs and console ports and celebrity voicepacks are what you are going to be about as a developer, so be it. That is certainly your prerogative. But I think it is eminently reasonable to expect that you should come forward and say so to us, the fans who've been with you through thick and thin for many years now, such that we can have some closure and then move on from our dream of a new IP D&D cRPG.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2019
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  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    chimaera wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    It is shocking to me that Owlcat with a mere 5 or 6 people is able to produce such an awesome thing while Beamdog with ten times as many people cannot produce anything new.

    It's awesome now, but to put things into perspective: it was far from that upon release. PK is slowly shaping up to be one of my favorite cRPGs, but that is despite the fact that I couldn't even finish the game when I've bought it, because it was so buggy, and despite losing a few of my characters to bugs introduced by hotfixes.

    Fair enough, but I have tended to look at the problems the game had at the beginning not so much as bugs but rather as the normal and natural 'teething' problems of a small new studio making their very first game. I expect their second game launch will be much better. You can already see how much they have learned and progressed over the past year as a studio.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Ya, the game was in a tough state when it came out, and if it were a triple A studio, I'd have been pissed. But, this is a tiny company that's done something really magical, so I cut them a lot of slack, especially since they've listened and adjusted and fixed so much since it came out. The state of the game's pretty great as it is, but I'm looking forward to the EE, although I really hope it doesn't break my no reload.

    So apparently the new class that's getting added is slayer
    It probably won't look exactly like the class from PnP, since some skills and other features aren't in the video game, but the rough idea is it's kind of a rogue/ranger hybrid. Not sure why they picked this one, seems like it could have just been a ranger archetype, it kind of resembles the stalker kit from BG2.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2019
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  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    chimaera wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    chimaera wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    It is shocking to me that Owlcat with a mere 5 or 6 people is able to produce such an awesome thing while Beamdog with ten times as many people cannot produce anything new.

    It's awesome now, but to put things into perspective: it was far from that upon release. PK is slowly shaping up to be one of my favorite cRPGs, but that is despite the fact that I couldn't even finish the game when I've bought it, because it was so buggy, and despite losing a few of my characters to bugs introduced by hotfixes.

    Fair enough, but I have tended to look at the problems the game had at the beginning not so much as bugs but rather as the normal and natural 'teething' problems of a small new studio making their very first game. I expect their second game launch will be much better. You can already see how much they have learned and progressed over the past year as a studio.
    Not calling the game breaking issues bugs doesn't change the state the game was released in. Not only that, but the hotfixes they've been releasing introduced new bugs even as they fixed the old.

    Sure there were a ton of bugs when the game came out, but they're all fixed now, and most have been for awhile. This is definitely my favorite of the CRPG renaissance games that have come out in the last several years. I definitely rank it above the PoE, Divinity and Tyranny games, although Tyranny is close behind it, IHMO. Kingmaker is definitely it's own thing, but I view it as the most Baldur's Gate thing that's been released since BG2. It's got everything, exploration, tactical combat, stronghold management and an epic unique story. If you haven't played it, you're doing yourself a disservice. The team at owlcat have done something truly unique and fixed up the issues the game had when it was released.

    @DrHappyAngry I wish I could give this post like five "agrees". For me also this is by far my favorite cRPG renaissance game and has replaced BG1 as my 'go-to' game for repeat-play whenever I feel the need for an IE-style game fix.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Open beta for the Enhanced Edition is now available! Any brave souls willing to beta test again?!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited May 2019
    kanisatha wrote: »

    You guys promised us a NEW D&D cRPG several years ago.

    I'm not going to derail this thread any further - just a note: Beamdog didn't promise that. One could get an impression that would be happening, however, it was then changed. I'll post a comment in another thread.
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