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Pathfinder : Kingmaker



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    bleusteel said:

    sarevok57 said:

    Skatan said:

    came home from work and started the DL, from GOG in my case. IT's slow though and I doubt I will get to play it today. I'll finish the DL but then installing and before then it will be late and I have to go to bed :(

    DJKajuru said:

    'Downloading it from GoG , it might several hours to so it gives me time to think about a character s2

    why are the downloads being slow? is it a big game? or is it just too many people are trying to download it at once?
    I think Steam said it was a 20G download. That’s pretty big, IMO.
    20 GB? that on steam would take me around 17 minutes, i guess its just that the pathfinder: kingmaker site is getting bogged by downloads
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 270
    Can anybody explain the Ecclesitheurge subclass? I'm not sure what I gain in exchange for not being able to equip armor and shields. The game doesn't really explain it well.
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    Apparently it allows you to switch your secondary domain (while preserving its powers and whatnot) for a different one every day, thus making your spell selection more flexible.
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2018
    Having a blast with this, really nice reanimation of the IE spirit. May it be successful enough to spawn plenty of DLC and sequels. Some nice crunchy combat that requires a lot of fiddling about on the harder difficulties...

    Would've liked to have seen Beamdog go in this direction with modern licensed D&D stuff and a new engine that's easier to work with and mod for.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    sarevok57 said:

    bleusteel said:

    sarevok57 said:

    Skatan said:

    came home from work and started the DL, from GOG in my case. IT's slow though and I doubt I will get to play it today. I'll finish the DL but then installing and before then it will be late and I have to go to bed :(

    DJKajuru said:

    'Downloading it from GoG , it might several hours to so it gives me time to think about a character s2

    why are the downloads being slow? is it a big game? or is it just too many people are trying to download it at once?
    I think Steam said it was a 20G download. That’s pretty big, IMO.
    20 GB? that on steam would take me around 17 minutes, i guess its just that the pathfinder: kingmaker site is getting bogged by downloads
    I think it was 24 Gigs and even though I could DL faster, I got stuck at ~3 Mbit on average, with occasional speeds of ~5 Mbit or down to ~2 Mbit. It did finish after maybe 3 hours or so, so I dig get to boot up and play before nap time. I finished the opening tutorial section before quitting. It's good so far! I played on Challenging mode (though removed insta-death, added "death's door"). I found it weird that the "normal" mode didn't have normal enemies, they were of lower level.

    I made a dwarf Monk and will see if I can move into Druid. Not sure how everything works in PF, never played any before, but I am fairly accustomed to 3-3,5E from NVN1/2.

    I did encounter some minor bugs where my AC didn't calculate correctly, but not sure if it was just displaying incorrectly or if it was an actual effect on the rolls.

    Also, who the hell designed the tower shield graphics? They look absolutely ridiculous. That's a pavise! And pavises were not held as shields, they were usually planted in the ground a sort of mobile wall. There's one NPC who has this as her original equipment and I think I will have to not use that.

    I don't get the fighting mechanics just yet either. It seems in some fights my monk take like 6 seconds before attacking, which is like a full round. I assume this has to do with initiative, but it makes the battles a bit.. weird. I am sure I will get accustomed to it though, but it kinda feels like the "dance of death" from NVN1 at low levels where opponents stand idle and look at eachother, but here they just stand still, hehe.. I'm not complaining though, it's just an observation.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    That's what tower shields are, though. In-source, that is, regardless of any real world authenciticy or terms. That's why it has all the drawbacks in exchange for the Armour Bonus.

    Also that NPC is literally a Tower Shield specialist. I'm not sure her class features will work with another kind of shield.

    As for myself, I started with a fighter just so I could see what the combat was like, then I started again as a Magus. I like the game so far. Hits a steady not in between campy and serious. Not sure if the npcs are as straight forward as they seem or if there's hidden depth there. Some of they might become flat or even grating in the long run.

    UI is... Pretty good. Better than PoE (and the game is clearly using PoE's engine), but still clunky in places. Some odd choices, like the fold open spell/ability/belt(item quickslots) menus. I must admit it took me an embarrassing long time before I found the ability foldout.

    That's all I have to say so far. Still to early to make any conclusions, but positive so far. Glad to be playing with a 3.5ish system again. Classes and abilities in PoE and Divinity Original Sin were great turnoffs for me, didn't enjoy them at all and it detracted from the game experience a lot.
    Skatan said:

    I don't get the fighting mechanics just yet either. It seems in some fights my monk take like 6 seconds before attacking, which is like a full round.

    Oh, one last thing. Yeah, this. I wouldn't have a problem with it if it weren't for one thing - it makes the Charge ability a lot less useable. If your iniative is too bad then your character will just stand around instead of charging, while the enemies move up to your character, meaning once it's your turn to go you can't use the Charge anyway since it requires at least 10 ft space between you and the target.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    scriver said:

    That's what tower shields are, though. In-source, that is, regardless of any real world authenciticy or terms. That's why it has all the drawbacks in exchange for the Armour Bonus.

    Also that NPC is literally a Tower Shield specialist. I'm not sure her class features will work with another kind of shield.

    I totally understand that, but the graphics have her holding the shield in a way that 100% blocks her view. That make the -2 or -4 to BAB look kinda strange since if you can't see anything, it should be -20. My point, to be crystal clear, is not against towers shields as they are in-source, it's how the graphic designer chosed to depict them in-game.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Maybe it has a small peep-hole that doesn't show up on the in-game graphics?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    People liking this so far? Seen some steam reviews complain about bugs while others like it a lot.
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2018
    Bit of both, but it's a hoot. I'm wondering how they deal with the rest of the AP and what is compressed and not, still mucking around about to take down the Stag Lord. Pretty impressive accomplishment for a small number of Russians and rent-an-Avellone. That comfy slipper 3.5 feel is really well-implemented and the character creator is so good I've already been hit by constant "hmmm maybe I should restart and try a different build..."

    They are going to need to do some furious bugfixing and patching, hit a handful of snags along the way and there's a lot of placeholder dev text. Prudent side would say wait a few weeks before buying to fix that stuff, selfish side would say -- buy it now, tell your friends, make this successful so they can make more of it for ME to play.

    Anyone mess with config files yet? I'd love to fix the camera boundaries and zoom out a bit more to suit the ultrawide.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I an at chap 1 at moment and one question; what happens if i fail on the time? I did most quests and don't know what to do, i an traveling the map and only have 55 days left...
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 270

    People liking this so far? Seen some steam reviews complain about bugs while others like it a lot.

    I love it but I've had a plethora of constant UI inconsistencies about tooltips displaying wrong and some really wild untelegraphed difficulty spikes that appear to be very deliberate. It is buggy and unfinished in unfun ways, but it's also has insane depth to character creation with more options promised to come and its a lot of fun if you like boilerplate Pathfinder Golarion setting stuff like I do. I backed the Kickstarter and so far I Am Impressed with what I've seen of Act 1 so far and it's still in really rough shape so I can't give a full blind buy recommendation to a stranger on an internet forum.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited September 2018
    Dorcus said: I can't give a full blind buy recommendation to a stranger on an internet forum.

    Haha come on live a little. The Internet is the place for making all kinds of recommendations and outrageous claims to strangers.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 270
    my 100 girlfriends and I say the jury's still out on this game, sorry
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Owlcat’s creative director posted on the official forum that the game is too hard and they’ll be reducing the difficulty of some staged and random encounters.

    I haven’t played enough to judge but it sounds like the devs are responsive to things they can fix fairly easily and aren’t shy about releasing hotfixes to address issues immediately.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    As with all games coming out of Kickstarter nowadays, I wouldn't touch the game for a couple of weeks until a couple of balance patches. It is fairly clear that the limited betas for these games just aren't really sufficient.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    If the enemy is too hard, FLEE, don't fight...

    Anyway, anyone knows how i past old sycamore caves???? I an trying everything but can't foretell how to past it
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    so i've been reading some reviews on this game, and there are 2 major things that make me feel disappointed:

    #1 the fact that they make the "resting" mechanic an unnecessary pain ( by the sounds of it ) from what i hear you need to bring camping supplies with you and such and there is no fast travel ( lol why? ) to anywhere so resting can be a pain especially since the penalties you can get can become severe? now i dont mind penalties for not resting, but the fact that you just cant do a quick rest up to get rid of said penalties? *sigh* this push for "realistic" game play needs to stop, RPG games should be about combat and story, not fiddling with this crap where you have to make sure you character eats, and make sure they have supplies for resting out in the woods, and making sure you have enough toilet paper to wipe your character's bum after going number 2, just get this crap out of here, i'm playing an RPG for adventure and story, not to fiddle with silly tasks that dont need to be there

    #2 rumor has it that some battles are horribly inbalanced, and this frustrates me because by the sounds of it, it seemed like the devs who made this game has passion for their product and really wanted to make something great, but then they do idiotic things like throwing werewolves at you when you are super low level? or insect swarms that are basically invincible to all your damage unless you were somehow meta gamed prepared for it? i just dont understand how crap like this is just designed, did the devs sit back and go..... "hmm, lets see random enemies that will wipe the party no sweat with the party having virtually no way of defeating them, lol this sounds great, lets add this in" and this is on normal difficulty which apparently "shouldn't" be that hard since there is 3 difficulties higher

    things like this just make me put my hands to my face and go "why on earth would they do this?" its such a bummer because i was somewhat excited about this game, but these 2 above issues are a complete turn off, now i have to wait for "balance" patches to come in ( if they even do at all ) and then i will have to wait and see if someone makes some mod so that tedious game mechanics that just slow down gameplay can be nullified *sigh* such a bummer, good thing i did not pre order this game
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    edited September 2018
    The only thing bad about resting is that hunting time isn't displayed properly. Resting for 9 hours, hunting field says hunting will take 0-0 hours and yield 5 rations. Rests. "Hunting took 13 hours". Suddenly I've spend a whole 22 hours in camp.

    Camping supplies/rations are too heavy, but beside that it's not a problem.

    I, for one, live that they've tried to make resting more than just pressing a button. What they've done is that they've made a system where when you rest you get to assign duties to your party members, there's hunting if you don't want to use camping supplies/rations, camouflaging the campsite, cooking, and of course guard duty, and one spot where an npc can perform a special assignment ability (each npc has their own, each providing different bonuses). So it's more like an actual rpg, and more fun, rather than say BG "click to regain all spells and health" superpower, or worse, NWN's "six second snooze" nonsense.

    As for bugs, I think I've run into a few. Nothing too bad, but I had one freeze up. Lots and lots of typos, though, but not in the dialogue as far as I have noticed so far, just the tooltips and menu texts. Still, being a bit of a grammar nazi, it grates on me.

    A question about an (and spoilers for) early game sidequest below:
    Ilyana's ring quest, she asks you to spare the chick Kressle, but I wasn't able to with any dialogue choice.
    Since I'm not good aligned there was one dialogue option I couldn't pick. Did any goody goody play through here and pick it, and were you able to not kill her through it?
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    sarevok57 said:

    so i've been reading some reviews on this game, and there are 2 major things that make me feel disappointed:

    #1 the fact that they make the "resting" mechanic an unnecessary pain ( by the sounds of it ) from what i hear you need to bring camping supplies with you and such and there is no fast travel ( lol why? ) to anywhere so resting can be a pain especially since the penalties you can get can become severe? now i dont mind penalties for not resting, but the fact that you just cant do a quick rest up to get rid of said penalties? *sigh* this push for "realistic" game play needs to stop, RPG games should be about combat and story, not fiddling with this crap where you have to make sure you character eats, and make sure they have supplies for resting out in the woods, and making sure you have enough toilet paper to wipe your character's bum after going number 2, just get this crap out of here, i'm playing an RPG for adventure and story, not to fiddle with silly tasks that dont need to be there

    #2 rumor has it that some battles are horribly inbalanced, and this frustrates me because by the sounds of it, it seemed like the devs who made this game has passion for their product and really wanted to make something great, but then they do idiotic things like throwing werewolves at you when you are super low level? or insect swarms that are basically invincible to all your damage unless you were somehow meta gamed prepared for it? i just dont understand how crap like this is just designed, did the devs sit back and go..... "hmm, lets see random enemies that will wipe the party no sweat with the party having virtually no way of defeating them, lol this sounds great, lets add this in" and this is on normal difficulty which apparently "shouldn't" be that hard since there is 3 difficulties higher

    things like this just make me put my hands to my face and go "why on earth would they do this?" its such a bummer because i was somewhat excited about this game, but these 2 above issues are a complete turn off, now i have to wait for "balance" patches to come in ( if they even do at all ) and then i will have to wait and see if someone makes some mod so that tedious game mechanics that just slow down gameplay can be nullified *sigh* such a bummer, good thing i did not pre order this game

    About the stat inflation, see this image


    The battles aren't the main problem. You can figure out an strategy to beat then after trying some times. The problem is that I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!

    The game demands that the player can "foretell" what he needs to do with 90 days as time limit. And walktroughts don't help either. For example, i did the quest bitter rival, but by some unknow reason i can't figure out what i need to do to access the Fort, some walktroutghts say that i need to find Jhod Kavken, some say that i need to pick a letter that i din't picked on a previous location(And wasen't in any place, i searched a lot), not mention that to complete most dungeons layouts forces you to walk the same location over and over again, took almost 5 hours only on Old Sycamore Caves and i only managed to pass by a alfa video on yt. I don't know if my game bugged or if i can't understand what i need to do...

    NEVER PRE ORDER ANYTHING, doesn't matter if is an old school RPG made by a Russian developer. I hope that Beamdog decides to make an game similar to nwn1 with pathfinder rules or something like it. Honestly, i hope that they will fix it on the future and make the game enjoyable... At moment, i have better games to play
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Jhod Kavaken is literally the first area that gets added to your map after you get to Oleg's. It's along the (Thorn?) River, to the south-west of Oleg's. Might be called something with "ford" until you visit it. It's where Oleg tells you the bandits who hassled his store was coming from, he suggests you go there to look for more info on where to find their HQ. That's also where you find the letter you mentioned, if you're referring to what I think you're referring to.

    I can post a screenshot of it on the map ad soon as I get home (in a few hours).
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2018
    the quest journal is simultaneously too detailed in terms of RP fluff and not detailed enough in terms of telling you where you need to go. a lot of it is sniffing out clues and examining your world map, but I've had to do a lot of backtracking a number of times bc I missed some narrow part of an interior map or something. so far I've been able to manage the main quest tho and I'm closing in on the bad guy's fort. I agree that resting is needless, but I find it kind of neat to see what they did there. (until I get attacked in my sleep and I have no armor on)

    ok so does anybody know what I'm supposed to be doing with vendor trash items that say "an antiquities dealer would be interested in this" ? do I sell those just like regular vendor trash or is there actually an antiquities dealer that'll give me a better price? or uhhh are those actually funky quest items?
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Thanks, scriver i honestly will wait until bugs got fixed and people made good walktroughts....
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Wait wait wait. I've seen a couple mentions of a timer now. What is timed?
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    as far as i can tell, if you fail the 90 day timer for a certain quest it's game over.

    i like the game so far. my fav enounter was with mature leopard (or some big cat like that). had to reload 10 times. i don't know how many apr it has but it feels like 5
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    TImed quests? Hard pass.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    'Been 2 days and install progress is at 70%, Ill play it tonight if God is my witness.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 270
    not a fan either but I beat the first act main quest with about 60 days to spare, fwiw

    I read that the rest of the game is not timed aside from a few subquests but idk for sure
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 207
    ThacoBell said:

    TImed quests? Hard pass.

    It's only one quest and you have 90 days to do it which is over twice as much time as even a completionist like me who visited almost every location I could beforehand needed.

    After that afaik there is no timed anything.

    I'm loving it so far. A few bugs but really minor things.
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2018
    Yeah I wouldn't worry about the chapter one timing. It flows just fine.

    Really enjoying this now that the management sim stuff is going. I think it could benefit from mods that let you tweak camping/encounter stuff to please some of you guys. It's a damn treat so far tho once you dial in your difficulty settings to your liking - the basic ones aren't very well chosen and it definitely benefits from manually tweaking them yourself. And there is some nice flexibility there.

    They definitely needed to add Bokken giving you AOE stuff and a tip to take on the spider swarms!

    That loot screen that comes up when you leave an area is SERIOUSLY quality quality-of-life. That'd be a great idea to nick for EEs.
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