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[Kit Pack] Deities of Faerûn - v [53 Cleric Kits and more for IWD, BG(2)EE and EET]



  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    1) The way the Holy Symbols are installed: Done.

    2) Summons review: Done.

    3) Shamans: Done.

    4) Game's improvements: Done.

    5) Readme's Bestiary: Done.

    6) Spells improvement: Done.

    7) Strings review: Done.

    8) Spheres review: Done.

    9) New Readme: 0%.

    10) The way CLAB files are installed: 0%.

    It is a wise idea to hold 1.9.0 a little to do topic #10.

    The uploaded 1.9.0 is a solid beta, you can play with it and enjoy all the improvements made so far, but the final push will be only with the closure of #10. And I don't believe that I'll be able to do it this week.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Yup, that's exactly what I'm doing :)
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    I'm in the process of making a new install and, to be completely honest, DoF has replaced Divine Remix forever as my divine caster mod. So congrats are in order for this product. High quality shit. Here are my initial thoughts.

    1) You should add an option to install kits in bulk for people who don't install the sphere system. Like, an option that says : (I)nstall all kits or (a)sk about each one. Since there are a lot of kits and more will be coming, it's a bit tedious installing each kit individually if you want them all.

    2) Also (it's a very minor thing), even for those who don't install the sphere system, the kit descriptions state the accessible spheres anyway. Since it's not relevant to them, maybe you could change the description in this case ? I know Divine Remix had something like that. It's a simple copy/paste of the kit description withtout infos on the spheres. I understand that you would consider such a thing as a low priority though, because it is.

    As a note, I'm not against the sphere system, I just tried to install the mod both way to see how things are. Don't worry, I'll play with the sphere system on my default install. :p

    3) The sphere system is really good, but I wonder how balanced it is. Dweomer of Mystra stands out as very powerful. Time Stop as a level 7 divine spell is ... something else. Also, I don't know how the AI will react to the Breach immunity. However, it does seem balanced for a lot of kits. I created a bunch of clerics and boosted them to high level through the console to see what they have access to. All in all, it looks very very good. I'll keep you informed on my opinion on the matter.

    4) I can't install Myrkul and Bhaal kits. The debug file states that this component was skipped because it's not available for my game. Is it because I'm still on 2.3 ?

    5) I have two Tyr kit. The original and your kit. 2.3 problem ?

    6) We had talks about that before, but the balance of the warrior cleric is, in the end, pretty ok. Better than I would have thought. Having apr on spec does make Tempus and co. as good as fighters early, but after level 7, the gap gets bigger, so it's not too bad. And, since the warrior cleric also have fewer accessible spells AND fewer proficiency points, it's all good in my honest opinion.

    7) The addition of multiclass kit is awesome. Opens up a shit ton of possibility. Bravo.

    8) You're not on the BWS mod list ? What for ? Some of your other mods are. What's the reason ?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018
    That's a lot of questions hah

    1) The current behavior of the install is not optimal but it is necessary for me as I test and reinstall lots of kits and many of them on a one-by-one basis. When Phase I finishes I'll be able to change that.

    2) I don't think I'll change that as applying resources in this breaks the Pareto's Law.

    3) The Time sphere is a very restricted one. From all DoF's kits, counting all Phases, probably only 3 will have it as a Major. Mystra's immunities were already toned down and I'll keep it as it is. Mystra is not a power to be ignored, after all.

    4) Some deities are only available in IWD, some others are only available in BG(2). This is because some gods were killed during Times of Trouble (so they won't appear in BG) and some others ascended during TT (so they won't appear in IWD).

    5) I'll look into that, thanks for reporting. What game are we talking about? BGEE? BG2EE? IWDEE?

    6 & 7) Thanks :)

    8) I'm not in BWS yet because there's a lot of kits to be released and I would drive @ALIEN crazy with tons of pulls requests. I'll request its addition when Phase 1 is done.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    5) BGEE.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @Raduziel Tyr's KITID changes from BG v2.3(38) to v2.5(40).
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    kjeron said:

    @Raduziel Tyr's KITID changes from BG v2.3(38) to v2.5(40).

    Just figured it out. The current code tracks #40.

    @Arctodus this problem will be solved with 2.5 (that should be released this week apparently)

    I'll flag this as not an issue.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited August 2018
    Hum, I got a bigger booboo here : Shaman can't select any spell at level up. On the same install without DoF, everything's ok, but, with DoF, I can't select spells at level up. Bit of a biggie. Is it *again* because 2.3 ?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018
    @Arctodus You should have a new icon in your special abilities menu named "Spell Selection". This one replaces the pick-spell-screen from level up.

    Edit: I'm testing over a clean 2.3 install anyway and will let you know of the results.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Ok, sorry, everything's ok. I didn't know about the Shaman special ability button... Maybe I should read that readme... :(
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Arctodus said:

    Ok, sorry, everything's ok. I didn't know about the Shaman special ability button... Maybe I should read that readme... :(

    Actually, it's my fault. I didn't write it anywhere. Will add to the Readme.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Raduziel, are elementals suppose to be able to be put to sleep by the mephit in Irenicus dungeon?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018

    Raduziel, are elementals suppose to be able to be put to sleep by the mephit in Irenicus dungeon?

    PnP doesn't inform about any immunities against this and the Fire Elemental (aka my benchmark) doesn't have any either (at least that I could find), so yes.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018
    Version 1.9.0 is up and it contains:

    * Strings review: some leftovers were excluded. The pattern I use for the strings was improved to make easier to create new kits.

    * Spells review: some leftovers were excluded, lots of spells coding were improved. Many spells that had a flat duration now scales with level, what should provide more balance in earlier levels and more utility in advanced levels.

    * A fully revised Readme, I strongly advise that you read it before playing. It contains spells description and a bestiary with the creatures introduced by Deities of Faerûn. It also teaches how to go around an engine limitation that affects Fighter/Clerics and Ranger/Clerics of deities that gives to their clergy d10 as hit dice.

    * Item review (Holy Symbols): several non-optimal .itm files were excluded. Now DoF relies more on coding and less on files, what means less trash in your computer.

    * Tables review (CLAB files): as above, several .2da files were excluded as now they are created through Weidu during install.

    * Creatures review: All the creatures introduced by DoF were revised. They are now more aligned to PnP and with IE's mechanics. Check the Readme's Bestiary for more.

    * Game improvements: A change was made to the game to fix bugs related to a defective projectile. Now spells like Glyph of Warding, Skull Trap and Nature's Beauty should act in a more reliable way.

    * Sphere System now includes Shaman. The Improved Shamanic Dance, if used, needs to be installed after Deities of Faerûn. Shaman Kits needs to be installed before Deities of Faerûn. If you have a Shaman Kit mod and want to integrate it in the sphere system to have a custom selection of spheres, get in touch and we'll sort it out.

    * Druids/Shaman spheres revision: I did my best to keep their spheres as close to PnP as possible without harming the game's balance. This way the Fire sphere is now a Minor sphere (alongside Sun and Healing). But trust me, Druids and Shamans are a beast with DoF. You should check them out.

    * M'Khiin was properly integrated to the sphere system. Her spellbook was altered to fit the sphere a true class Shaman has access. She loses Armor of Faith and Doom and gains Sunscorch and Burning Hands. With the amount of undead and trolls that DoF throws at the party, I think it is a fair trade.

    * Shaman's spells selection is now done through a special ability ("Select Spell") located at the special abilities menu both for character creation and for level up.

    Now that the house is clean and organized I can invite more guests. The following kits will be created next:

    Shaundakul, Valkur, Ulutiu, Eldath and, for IWDEE only, Ibrandul.

    Unfortunately, many of the powers provided by these deities don't translate well to the Infinity Engine, so I'll have to do some adjustments (like a did with Auril and Umberlee). I don't like it, as DoF's main goal is to reproduce PnP as much as possible, but it is part of the process. Those new kits will take a while to show up, so don't hold your breath.

    I want to thank @kjeron for being very patient and supportive. Without his help I wouldn't be able to accomplish this much with DoF and this project would probably be as bad as my first mods.

    I'll take a break now, work on some way-smaller side projects and handle some things from my personal life.

    Stay tuned for more.

    Edit: I know I've said it before, but I'll repeat.

    Uninstall DoF's previous version completely, delete the old folder. Just them copy the new folder and install the new version. This will make sure that you no longer have leftover files and will prevent misbehaves.

  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Raduziel said:

    * Sphere System now includes Shaman. The Improved Shamanic Dance, if used, needs to be installed after Deities of Faerûn. Shaman Kits needs to be installed before Deities of Faerûn.

    Why is that so ? I'm on a mac, but have access to windows on which I make BWS installs of the game. I then *transplant* files into the mac game. Since you're not yet on BWS, I installed DoF after Improved Shamanic Dance. And, because it's a transplant install, I can't uninstall Improved Shamanic Dance before installing DoF.

    ...and it just so happen that I'm playing a Shaman right now. What problem can I expect ?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Arctodus said:

    Why is that so ? I'm on a mac, but have access to windows on which I make BWS installs of the game. I then *transplant* files into the mac game. Since you're not yet on BWS, I installed DoF after Improved Shamanic Dance. And, because it's a transplant install, I can't uninstall Improved Shamanic Dance before installing DoF.

    ...and it just so happen that I'm playing a Shaman right now. What problem can I expect ?
    To be honest, IDK exactly. If everything is working fine, good. I stated this install order because I know it works as was the one I've tested and I know there will be no conflict with the Shaman Pact introduction.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Ok, everything works fine for now. I'll keep you informed if something comes up.

    On the other hand, I think I found a bug : Tiax has Monster Summoning III at level 2 spell slot and MS II at level 3 spell slot.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Arctodus said:

    Ok, everything works fine for now. I'll keep you informed if something comes up.

    On the other hand, I think I found a bug: Tiax has Monster Summoning III at level 2 spell slot and MS II at level 3 spell slot.

    Couldn't reproduce. Every single Tiax I spawned (tiax, tiax4, tiax6, tiaxd) had the spells assigned properly.

    Can you give me a copy of your Weidu.log and SETUP-DeitiesofFaerun.DEBUG? Turn them into .txt and you'll be able to upload here.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited August 2018
    There's my DoF setup.debug. However, since I transplant installs in my mac, I don't have my weidu.log. Also, since I didn't have the latest weidu version, I had to reinstall DoF because it refused to install the sphere system at first. I'm still on the next to last version before your official 1.9 release, since all that seem to be added is a more comprehensive readme, so I haven't install the latest version. Maybe that's it ?

    Anyway, things seem to point that the problem is on my end.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Arctodus said:

    Anyway, things seem to point that the problem is on my end.

    As both Kjeron and I were unable to reproduce and based on the lots of "since" in your post, I believe it is in your end indeed.

    Maybe you should try with DoF's new version using the installer provided. I don't know anything about Mac installs, so I'm really in the dark here.

    Don't use Weidu's reinstall function. Uninstall and install. Seems stupid, but makes a difference, trust me.

  • Radamanth77Radamanth77 Member Posts: 16
    Got some error with the Mask kit installation with the ramask1 and radark files. I'll post the log {when I find it in the multiple installations..)
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018

    Got some error with the Mask kit installation with the ramask1 and radark files. I'll post the log {when I find it in the multiple installations..)

    Thanks. I'll really need that because here Mask installs alone, with sphere system, with Shar and with both.

    And I've just checked Github and all the related files are there (RAMask1.spl and UB!Dark.bam).

    Edit: And now I can say that this is true for BGEE (+SoD), BG2EE and IWDEE. All three games got the kit without any sort of problem.

    @Radamanth77 Are you positive that you're using the latest version from Github and that you're installing as instructed by me? And are you using the installer (Setup-DeitiesOfFaerun.exe) provided by me?

    Uninstall DoF's previous version completely, delete the old folder. Just them copy the new folder and install the new version. This will make sure that you no longer have leftover files and will prevent misbehaves.

    If you check that you're doing this way and the problem remains, I'll investigate it.
    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Radamanth77Radamanth77 Member Posts: 16
    Mmmhh weird. I'll redo a clean install to recheck. Might easily be on my part thought. But maybe at this point it's better to test on the new bgee patch for more constructive spent time. I'll update.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Radamanth77 Let me know the results, please. If the problem remains, I'll need the log.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I have my priest of Auril in BG2EE (12th level). I summon the Ice Para-elemental and he gets dire charmed. I cast dispel magic and remove the charm, but now he is not under my control anymore. Is this a BG thing or should he be back under my control?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    I have my priest of Auril in BG2EE (12th level). I summon the Ice Para-elemental and he gets dire charmed. I cast dispel magic and remove the charm, but now he is not under my control anymore. Is this a BG thing or should he be back under my control?


    If I had to guess, I would say that this is an unintended behavior, but I need to test how the original game responds before answering that. I've checked the Fire Elemental and for BG his Allegiance is set as "5 - CONTROLLED" (same as the Paraelemental), but for IWD it is set as "128 - NEUTRAL". I'm over 26h awake and really can't check it out now, will try to do so tonight.

    Based on what I discover I'll need to alter the other creatures as well. I'll tag you here as soon as I have an answer.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    I have my priest of Auril in BG2EE (12th level). I summon the Ice Para-elemental and he gets dire charmed. I cast dispel magic and remove the charm, but now he is not under my control anymore. Is this a BG thing or should he be back under my control?

    It's a BG bug. Allied summons become "allied but uncontrollable" (EA 30 - GOODCUTOFF) as soon as they are charmed, so that is what they revert too once charm ends.
    Also, Dispel Magic displays "Dispel Effects" regardless of whether or not it's successful, so it probably did not dispel the charm.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited August 2018
    It did go from being hostile toward my group (red circle and attacking me) to not controlled (brown circle), but attacking my enemies after casting dispel magic (it had just been charmed so it was not that the charm expired).
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Well, not a DoF issue. I'll fill a bug report.
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