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NWN:EE - Are Witch's Wake news coming?

Today at 3:25 pm @JuliusBorisov posted a link on a very interesting topic in the discord channel of NWValut...

Wild Surge it's an interesting magazine ...but the most interesting thing is that in this issue there is an interview with Rob Bartel the creator of Witch's Wake Premium Module..., it seems that BD has managed to find the original creator of this module ... who wants to return to NWN to finish this campaign?

What do you think? will there be any surprise in the BD streaming tonight?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    A quick note - the Wildsurge is a community magazine, it doesn't have anything to do with Beamdog.
    It's @deltago (the editor) who managed to find Rob Bartel and arrange an interview with him.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    As @JuliusBorisov said, I independently reached out Mr. Bartel for the interview and Beamdog had nothing to do with it (nor did they know I reached out unless Julius filled them in).

    That doesn't mean I wasn't the only one who reached out to him either. :wink: But I will quote something from the interview that is relevant to Beamdog making or not making Witch's Wake:

    Wizards of the Coast had originally advised us to go ahead and create whatever post-release content we wanted. They had one rule: as long as it didn’t take place within one of their settings, such as the Forgotten Realms, we were free to do as we wish with no need for an approvals process. So that’s what led to that whole wave of initial modules—Witch’s Wake, Kingmaker, and
    Shadowguard. I had planned out Witch’s Wake as a 5-module series, with the second module intended to be a flashback to the very start of the story...
    Just as I was about to start implementation on Witch’s Wake II, however, there were some staff changes within Wizards of the Coast’s licensing team and our new contact advised us, without even realizing the irony, that we were free to do whatever we wanted, so long as it all took place within the Forgotten Realms and went through their approval process. The Witch’s Wake series was set in a fundamentally different fantasy world of my own creation so, after all those delays and interruptions, that change in requirements is what ultimately killed off the series and made it impossible to proceed. It seems like Beamdog has a good relationship with the Wizards of the Coast team, however, so I’m hopeful that they have been able to establish some clear ground rules around downloadable content that will allow content from both official and unofficial settings to be released.

    Long Story short, it's up to WotC to determine if the story can continue officially.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited March 2018
    How about this: In the final scene of Witches Wake it is revealed that Elminster is telling the story to a bunch children in Waterdeap. Ergo, it was in the Forgotten Realms all along. Problem solved.

    (And the children are left traumatised.)
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