Very recently I went from feeling this is one of the weaker Kamelot albums with Roy Khan to considering it a masterpiece. It's certainly far better than anything the band's done since he left. He basically took their inspiration with him.
That was the first heavy metal t shirt I ever owned wjen I was but a wee nipper. Will attend my first Iron Maiden concert ever this summer. Can't wait.
Funny enough, I actually preferred Iron Maiden on their first two albums, with Paul Di'Anno on vocals. Sure, they may not have been as polished and sophisticated as during the Dickinson era, but their songs had a greater raw intensity and were more distinguishable from one another IMO.
Today we'll do a bit of a shift, talking about a specific song that then a person.
Metal is pretty obviously a sub-genre of rock and roll. There is some debate about the first rock-and-roll, song, primarily because the music emerged over time; making a claim for first is difficult. However, it is generally agreed that you would be hard-pressed to make a claim for a song after "Rocket 88" by Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats in 1951.
The band was actually Ike Turner's Kings of Rhythm. Turner was 19 at the time, and his band, playing jump blues influenced by both electrified Delta Blues and and swing, got a chance to record for Sam Phillips in Memphis. They practiced in Clarksdale, Mississippi, before driving to Memphis to record. The legend goes that when they plugged in and tuned up, they found that Willie Kizart's amplifier had been damaged on the trip to Memphis. They stuffed it with paper to try to keep the cone in place, it created a fuzzed and distorted sound. Phillips, who always had a good ear, said Use it! No one else has that sound! The song was licensed to Chess and reached #1 on the R&B charts in 1951.
Here's another great youtuber who "metalizes" songs. He's more of a modern metal type sound than Eric Calderon (E-Rock) who seems more classic/technical.
He definitely has fun but you can tell he's really talented and always seems to invent killer riffs that add to the songs.
It's been 8 years since Dio passed away. He was one of metal's greatest vocals, and he was the one that brought the "devil horns" into metal music. A sad day indeed. Let us remember him.
Dies Irae is a sequence of the requiem mass. It's also where composers who loved metal before metal was around could finally go crazy. Verdi - Dies Irae
And to keep with the theme of my previous post: metal cover of the Infernal Dance segment from Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird. The Firebird is pretty damn metal in its original shape too.
How this band turned into that, I do not know. I'm aware they still have a lot of fans though, so good for them.
I like both. I don't even think the change is that drastic, they just embraced the melodic part of melodic death metal more. And I think that puts them in a good position as the most accessible band in the genre, they did help me get into the likes of Be'Lakor and Swallow the Sun.
A mainstream post with some of my favourite classics.
Metallica - Master of Puppets Love 'em or hate 'em you cannot disagree that Metallica had a huge impact in the world of metal music and how it's seen by non-metalheads. They've changed their musical direction time and time again. From their absolutely devastating first album Kill'em All, to the more produced heavy sound of Master of Puppets, to the mainstream-is-this-even-metal-anymore of the Black Album and Load/ReLoad, they've alienated thousands of fans and gained thousands more. Here's my personal favourite, their magnum opus, Master of Puppets. I remember the first time I listened to it as a teen, I was absolutely overwhelmed by how incredibly intense Battery is. I remember thinking "that's it. they opened with the best song on the album, there's no way the rest of it holds up". But then it did hold up. And it still does.
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance I'm sure there's people here that prefer Tim Ripper Owens over Rob Halford. Those people are wrong. I don't have enough knowledge about their discography to make an analysis like I did with Metallica, but this is my favourite album of theirs. It's fast and powerful, and it's one of those albums that I just can't get tired of.
Iron Maiden - Powerslave I reckon most people would post either The Number of the Beast or Fear of the Dark, but this one is my favourite due to both the quality of the music and the lyrics.
Slayer - Reign in Blood Slayer's songs are a bit hit-and-miss. Their albums usually have 3 or 4 great songs, and the rest is filler "meh" songs. Having said that, one thing that they never miss on, is brutality. It's a bit hard for me chosing between this album, South of Heaven or Seasons in the Abyss, but ultimately I must chose this one due to the title track. I've seen Slayer live twice and this damn song is the best mosh-pit/headbang experience you will ever have.
Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I rarely listen to Megadeth, but they're great live.
Metallica is a little weird for me. I find super overrated and kinda annoying, but I absolutely ADORE at least 2 of their songs. Call of Ktulu is just an incredible instrumental that has this otherworldly feel to it.
The Unforgiven 2. This one is fun because they have like 3 ir 4 different "Unforgiven" songs, and I always get really excited when I hear it on the radio, only to inevitably turn into the first or third one.
Saw the Priests in concert once, and I was amazed how good the drummer was...
@Shandaxx @Kamigoroshi
Very recently I went from feeling this is one of the weaker Kamelot albums with Roy Khan to considering it a masterpiece. It's certainly far better than anything the band's done since he left. He basically took their inspiration with him.
Fear Of The Dark
Funny enough, I actually preferred Iron Maiden on their first two albums, with Paul Di'Anno on vocals. Sure, they may not have been as polished and sophisticated as during the Dickinson era, but their songs had a greater raw intensity and were more distinguishable from one another IMO.
Metal is pretty obviously a sub-genre of rock and roll. There is some debate about the first rock-and-roll, song, primarily because the music emerged over time; making a claim for first is difficult. However, it is generally agreed that you would be hard-pressed to make a claim for a song after "Rocket 88" by Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats in 1951.
The band was actually Ike Turner's Kings of Rhythm. Turner was 19 at the time, and his band, playing jump blues influenced by both electrified Delta Blues and and swing, got a chance to record for Sam Phillips in Memphis. They practiced in Clarksdale, Mississippi, before driving to Memphis to record. The legend goes that when they plugged in and tuned up, they found that Willie Kizart's amplifier had been damaged on the trip to Memphis. They stuffed it with paper to try to keep the cone in place, it created a fuzzed and distorted sound. Phillips, who always had a good ear, said Use it! No one else has that sound! The song was licensed to Chess and reached #1 on the R&B charts in 1951.
He definitely has fun but you can tell he's really talented and always seems to invent killer riffs that add to the songs.
Frog Leap Studios (Leo Moracchioli) from Norway
Folsom Prison Blues (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Rob Chapman)
Toto - Africa (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Rabea & Hannah)
Whale metal post!
Mastodon - Leviathan
Prog Sludge Metal
Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
Prog/Groove Death Metal
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
Funeral Doom Metal
I see your whale metal and raise you some squid metal!
Alestorm, Death Throes of the Terror Squid
Alestorm, Surf Squid Warfare
/Contemplative_Hamster: Casts Ink Cloud of Confusion
Contemplative_Hamster: escapes/
Verdi - Dies Irae
Mozart - Dies Irae
How this band turned into that, I do not know.
I'm aware they still have a lot of fans though, so good for them.
When I think of hard-driving metal powerchords, this is the first song that comes to mind:
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Love 'em or hate 'em you cannot disagree that Metallica had a huge impact in the world of metal music and how it's seen by non-metalheads. They've changed their musical direction time and time again. From their absolutely devastating first album Kill'em All, to the more produced heavy sound of Master of Puppets, to the mainstream-is-this-even-metal-anymore of the Black Album and Load/ReLoad, they've alienated thousands of fans and gained thousands more.
Here's my personal favourite, their magnum opus, Master of Puppets. I remember the first time I listened to it as a teen, I was absolutely overwhelmed by how incredibly intense Battery is. I remember thinking "that's it. they opened with the best song on the album, there's no way the rest of it holds up". But then it did hold up. And it still does.
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
I'm sure there's people here that prefer Tim Ripper Owens over Rob Halford. Those people are wrong.
I don't have enough knowledge about their discography to make an analysis like I did with Metallica, but this is my favourite album of theirs. It's fast and powerful, and it's one of those albums that I just can't get tired of.
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
I reckon most people would post either The Number of the Beast or Fear of the Dark, but this one is my favourite due to both the quality of the music and the lyrics.
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Slayer's songs are a bit hit-and-miss. Their albums usually have 3 or 4 great songs, and the rest is filler "meh" songs. Having said that, one thing that they never miss on, is brutality. It's a bit hard for me chosing between this album, South of Heaven or Seasons in the Abyss, but ultimately I must chose this one due to the title track. I've seen Slayer live twice and this damn song is the best mosh-pit/headbang experience you will ever have.
Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I rarely listen to Megadeth, but they're great live.
Call of Ktulu is just an incredible instrumental that has this otherworldly feel to it.
The Unforgiven 2. This one is fun because they have like 3 ir 4 different "Unforgiven" songs, and I always get really excited when I hear it on the radio, only to inevitably turn into the first or third one.
@FinneousPJ Thanks for the tip!