Ain't no party like a Evil party cause a Evil party don't stop

So I have been considering another couple runs with creating the entire party from scratch. One of the ideas I have is for a classically/archetypally evil part (either characters restricted to evil or associated with evil tropes). I wanted you guys input on some of the choices, this is basically a Role-playing discussion.
Tank/Warrior: Blackguard of course. Seems straight forward enough.
Divine Caster: Talos. Only option really, but Is a Hurricane evil?
Rogue: Assassin seems the most likely candidate
Magic User: This one is a bit contentious. Seems like a toss up between Necromancer and Dragon Disciple. Necromancy is often associated with evil in many examples of media. And the Dragon Disciple is possibly a descendent of a Red (evil) dragon.
5th ranger: Another contentious spot, I think that perhaps the shadow dancer kit lends itself better to an evil persona. The other option would be a jester, I always have it in my head that these guys are like the Joker or Harley Quinn, a jester to me would have the personality of Xzar or sheogorath. Technically they could be 5th and 6th I suppose
Tank/Warrior: Blackguard of course. Seems straight forward enough.
Divine Caster: Talos. Only option really, but Is a Hurricane evil?
Rogue: Assassin seems the most likely candidate
Magic User: This one is a bit contentious. Seems like a toss up between Necromancer and Dragon Disciple. Necromancy is often associated with evil in many examples of media. And the Dragon Disciple is possibly a descendent of a Red (evil) dragon.
5th ranger: Another contentious spot, I think that perhaps the shadow dancer kit lends itself better to an evil persona. The other option would be a jester, I always have it in my head that these guys are like the Joker or Harley Quinn, a jester to me would have the personality of Xzar or sheogorath. Technically they could be 5th and 6th I suppose
Party from my Dragon Disciple run included Xan the Fighter, Eldoth the Jester and Viconia the Assassin. Tiax just got a reroll of stats, hard to improve an NPC who is almost perfect hehe. Shar-Teel the barbarian would have been a nice addition but I didn't really need a sixth wheel and I think she would kill Eldoth. To keep a little extra flavour I also left these characters with a weakness similar to their original incarnation. Tiax and Vic had low strength, Xan had low con and Eldoth had low dex.
If you want to be true to the MP custom party concept special abilities/items should also be removed. No poison arrows for Eldoth, MR for Viconia, ghast for Tiax or moonblade for Xan. I was weak though and kept the moonblade
Yeah Shar is great, but it would have been too powerful a group. As a substitute for Xan she would have been fine but I really wanted Xan for this particular run.
Anyway the idea was just to keep a bit more of the personalities while having complete control of the builds, completely not necessary. I have BG1 NPC mod and there are many interactions I would otherwise miss out on, e.g. you would not normally have a party with Eldoth, Garrick and Skie but there are apparently some great banters.
The class doesn't matter that much. I would perhaps cheat slightly and use BGEEkeeper to edit your character. I am enjoying role-playing a gnome wildmage who just does not give a flying cahoots if he accidently changes CHARNAME to a women, makes cows fall from the sky or have fireballs centred on the party. He will just cast reckless dweomers until the cows come home (from the sky) His high shorty saves makes sure he/she is alright while everything dies around him...
Also, I love gnecromancers.
I can absolutely relate to this. Ever since discovering BG1 NPC mod I cannot play the game without it. It's very well done, most of the lines are very much in character and it breathes so much life into this game...
Interesting take on eldoth.
What is this NPC mod you guys are talking about? I never used mods
Follow the link...
Magic user; I'd go with necromancer
5:th slot; definitely not ranger. Shadow monk is a good choice thematically but monks in BG1 lowlevels are really weak. Shadow druid (avenger) could also be a choice but needs some tweaking in eekeeper since you can't pick neutral-evil on char creation and use druid class.