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Dark Sun for NWN



  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    We have a nice team of people working on this project but we are always looking for more. If this looks like a project that you would enjoy working on please contact me and we will find a way in which you could help.

    Thanks for your time.


  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited April 2019

    First I would like to let everyone know that we now have a Twitter page which we will be posting most of our updates on. So come support and follow us on our Twitter page.

    Second "Nairn" has joined our team taking on the role of lead scripter. This is very exciting for us because scripting was really our weakest area up to now. So we have now started working on all the core scripts to bring everything together.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited April 2019

    NWN Dark Sun

    Mekillots - are large creatures that pull very large caravan wagons on Athas (Dark Sun)
    “Mekillots are mighty lizards weighing up to six-tons, with huge, mound-shaped bodies as long as 30 feet. Their backs and heads are covered with a thick shell that serves as both a sunshade and protec- tion from attacks by other large creatures.”

    We wanted to create a mekillot that looked really cool why trying to stick with Brom’s art.

    So we needed
    - A large lizard creature
    - Short leggs
    - A hard shell that covered most of the body
    - The shell needed to be a dome (mound-shaped) like shape
    - A hard shell that covered the head
    - The front and back legs needed to be the same heights-then

    Now I’m not saying that our Mekillot matches Brom’s art work, however I really feel that we got the over all look while creating a massive creature that looks amazing in the game.

    Oh by the way we have created a Twitter page for this project.

    We have a nice core team but we are always looking for more people would would like to work a long side us and help to bring this world to life.

    - A large lizard creature
    - Short leggs
    - A hard shell that covered most of the body
    - The shell needed to be a dome (mound-shaped) like shape
    - A hard shell that covered the head
    - The front and back legs needed to be the same heights-then

    If you or anyone you know might be interested just let me know.

    Thanks for your time.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun


    Now that the Mekillots are in the game. I have started creating a 3D Caravan model (using Blender) for the Mekillots to pull. I still have a lot of work to do to this caravan before it will be ready to put in the game, but I really liked how it was turning out so I thought I would share with everyone how it looks so far

    We currently have a nice core group of people working together over Discord sharing screenshots, files, ideas, helping each other, and just chatting all while bring Athas (Dark Sun) to life using NWN. If you or anyone you know would enjoy helping with this project in one way or another even if its only a few hours a month then just get in touch with me.

    - 3d model creators
    - Texture creators
    - Scripters (code)
    - Writers (Adventures/Stories)
    - 2da editors (text documents)
    - Web design (website)
    - Creating interactive web map (using HTML or other code)

    Later on we will need

    - Area Building
    - Setting up NPCs and creatures
    - Setting up adventures/quests

    Come follow us on our Twitter page for this project.
    if you want to keep up with everything we are doing.
  • ThomaswThomasw Member Posts: 18
    Tonden, just wanted to chime in to say that I think your progress is amazing. I saw this last year or so after the EE was released and I wanted to see what others were doing with the game in 2018. I can't wait to see how you all continue with it. Keep up the good work.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Thanks Thomasw we have a really nice core team of people working on this project. We now have people working in just about every area now.

    - Scripting which was the one area we were really lacking in, but now we have the help that we needed, so I'm really excited to see what all we are able to do going forward.
    - 2da work which is nice to see someone pick up this role and start hacking through all the things that need changing for this project to be more like Dark Sun and less like Forgotten Realms.
    - Writers what can I say we have a lot of writers which is just wonderful. Now over time we will see how many of them complete full adventures / stories for our project.
    - 3D model creators we have a solid 6 Model creators on our team with a few others looking to help as well.

    Now all that said some people only have a few hours a week or may be even only a few hours each month to put into the project while others of us are working on the project just about everyday. However any and all help is better then no help at all. So because of that this project is really moving forward.

    So again if anyone would like to help with this project just let me know and we will get you on the team and see how you may be able to help.
  • SolscarSolscar Member Posts: 3
    Dark Sun was my first 2nd edition world. It captured my imagination like no other. Thank you for working on this oft forgotten realm
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    This new screenshot is of a new mounts we are creating for players using Broms artwork as a guide.

    We currently have a nice core group of people working together over Discord sharing screenshots, files, ideas, helping each other, and just chatting all while bring Athas (Dark Sun) to life using NWN. If you or anyone you know would enjoy helping with this project in one way or another even if its only a few hours a month then just get in touch with me.

    - 3d model creators
    - Texture creators
    - Scripters (code)
    - Writers (Adventures/Stories)
    - 2da editors (text documents)
    - Web design (website)
    - Creating interactive web map (using HTML or other code)
    Later on we will need
    - Area Building
    - Setting up NPCs and creatures
    - Setting up adventures/quests

    Come support our project by following us on Twitter and get all the updated information as we release it.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Draygoth is hard at work on creating all of our New Mounts for Dark Sun.

    Come support us by following us on Twitter

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited August 2019
    Well I have been working on a Jungle Terrain for the desert tileset. Which I plan to use later on for a jungle tileset that I would like to create.

    I have just started on these tiles so I still have a lot of work to do but I feel that its a really good starting point.

    You can follow us on Twitter where we update what we are doing a lot more often

    We also have a website which we are trying to work on from time to time as well, that gives a little insight as to what the project is about.


  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited August 2019

    NWN Dark Sun

    I have been working on a Jungle Terrain to work with my Desert Tileset and I feel like its slowly coming together and starting to look really thick.

    Keep up to date on what we are doing with the project and or come support us by following us on our Twitter Page.

    We also have a website with some information on it that we are slowly working on.

    We have a really nice core group of people working on this project. We all hang out of Discord sharing ideas, screenshots, files, helping each other, and just talking all while working on the project. If this is something you or someone you know might enjoy helping with let me know we are more then willing to help you to learn how to create content if that is something you would like to learn.

    - Scripters/coders
    - 3D model creators
    - Animation creators
    - Texture creators
    - Writers Stories/Adventures
    - Website creating and updating

    Just let me know if you would like to join our team and help to bring the world of Athas (Dark Sun) to life as a 3D video game using NWN.

    Thanks for your time

  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Great job Tonden, great to see what you and your team are doing. :)
  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    Your jungle looks very cool. I would suggest adding a .txi to your foliage textures to set the blending to punchthrough. That will take care of a good deal of the alpha channel weirdness.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Thanks @Ancarion I will look into that.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited August 2019
    NWN Dark Sun

    Scrub Plains

    We are a core group of Dark Sun fans who have came together to recreate a 3D world of Athas (Dark Sun) as a 3D video game.

    We have a Discord where we talk, share ideas, files, screenshots, and just help each other while working on the project. Our goal is to launch a PW server of Athas, however we still have lots to do and the more help we have the quicker we can finish it.

    We are always looking for more people who would enjoy helping with this project. If you would like to help in some kind of way contact me and I will get you an invite.

    - 3D model creators

    - Texture Creators

    - Scripting/code

    - 2da text doc/spreed sheet work

    - Writing stories/adventures

    - Website work

    We do currently have a website in the works as well.

    You can show your support for our project along with getting the latest updates about the project by following us on our Twitter page

    * Oh and the sky in this screenshot will not be used for our project it was only used while we are currently creating a totally new skybox just for this project.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    Salt Flats

    You can show your support for our project along with getting the latest updates about the project by following us on our Twitter page.

    Currently we have a website in the works as well.

    This project consists of a core group of Dark Sun fans who have came together to create a 3D world of Athas (Dark Sun) as a 3D video game.

    We have a Discord where we talk, share ideas, files, screenshots, and just help each other while working on the project. Our goal is to launch a PW server of Athas, however we still have lots to do and the more help we have the quicker we can finish it. There for, we are always looking for more people who would enjoy helping with this project. If you would like to help in some kind of way contact me and I will get you an invite.

    - 3D model creators

    - Texture Creators

    - Scripting/code

    - 2da text doc/spreed sheet work

    - Writing stories/adventures

    - Website work

    * Oh and the sky in this screenshot is still being worked on so it isn’t the final sky yet.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    We are going to have an Amazing cave tileset for our NWN Dark Sun project Thanks to Merricksdad. He has been hard at work creating a totally custom cave tileset, so thanks for everything you have done and are still doing Merricksdad.

    You could help show your support and keep up to dare with this project by following us on our Twitter page

    If you feel like you would like to help with this project in some kind of way just contact me and we will see how you may be able to help.

    Thanks for your time


  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited September 2019
    Tonden wrote: »

    We currently have a nice core group of people working together over Discord. . . .

    If you or anyone you know would enjoy helping with this project in one way or another even if its only a few hours a month then just get in touch with me.

    - Writers (Adventures/Stories)

    @Tonden I might be interested in writing. How would I get on your Discord server?

    How far along is this project? I'm excited to see some Dark Sun come to PC again. I played the old games that are on GoG, but they haven't aged well. NWN will be a great place for it.

    Is this going to be a module or a persistent world?
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Hi there @themazingness all I can tell you is that we have a group of people working on it in there free time after work and or school. However we have lots of things to create to not only change NWN (Forgotten Realms ) to look like Dark Sun but to make the game look even better then it currently does. There for a ton of work is being put into this project.

    I will send you a Discord invite and you could join our other writers.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    Thanks to Draygoth for working on the items hak by finding and creating weapons needed for the project. Thanks to Acidchalk for finding and creating all new playable custom race models for this project

    If you would like to help with this project just contact me.


  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    Acidchalk is in charge of finding and/or creating all new custom races for our project. So we have him to thank for this New Playable Dwarf Race and the armor he has on. Thanks Acidchalk.

    You can help show your support for our project and or keep up to date on what we are doing by following us on Twitter.

    We are also always looking for people who would like to help with this project. If this is something that you would like to help with just contact me and we will try and find out how you may be able to help.
    Thanks for your time and support

  • acidchalkacidchalk Member Posts: 70
    A Little more work here and there lol
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    Draygoth has been working on some new creatures for the project.

    If you would like to support this project and keep up to date on what we are doing you can follow us on our Twitter Page:

    If you would like to help with this project, just let me know.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    Draygoth has started working on some plant creatures.

    Come support this project by following us on Twitter. Where we post updates more often, so you can keep up to date on what we are working on.

    If this is a project that you would like to help with just contact me.

    Thanks for your time.
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    Tonden wrote: »

    NWN Dark Sun

    Draygoth has been working on some new creatures for the project.
    Those ants are awesome!
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    We are working on custom models for every player race, some are only place holders for now others are getting really close to being done, thanks to Acidchalk and now Tjured has started helping with them as well.

    If you would like to support our project and or just keep up with what all we are doing you can do so by folloing us on our Twitter page where we post a lot more often.

    If you or someone you know would like to help with this project, then please contact me.

    We currently could use any kind of

    All kinds of 3D modeling help (weapons, armor, creatures, buildings and so on). We even help teach if its something you really want to do.

    Scripting/Coding NWN using a very basic watered down C code.

    Thanks for your time.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    Creating the world of Athas (Dark Sun) as a 3D world for players to explore.

    We are using all the old Dark Sun artwork as guides when creating our models.

    Thanks to Tjured for creating the Braxat. Its really nice seeing these old black and white artwork being recreated as 3D models and giving animations, then brought to live before your eyes.

    If you would like to support our project you can do so by following us on our Twitter page where we post more often so you can keep up to date on what we are doing.

    If you or anyone you know would like to help out with this project just contact me.

    Thanks for your time.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited January 2020

    We have had some more work done when it comes to mounts, so thanks to Draygoth players will have a few to chose from.

    You can help support this project by following use on Twitter while keeping up to date on what is going on with the project.


  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    Working on one of the Main gate to the City State of Tyr

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