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Dark Sun for NWN



  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    We are always recruiting for this project.

    - (Classes) We need for someone go class by class tweaking each one for Dark Sun. There are a good bit of changes that will need to be made for different classes.(edited)

    - (Creature erf) We need someone to go through our creature hak and one by one create each creature in the toolset leveling them up, giving them the correct AC, BAB, HP, Attacks, Skills, and Abilities. Then take in game screenshots of them and make custom portraits for each one. After all of them are done they would need to be exported in one large erf. This will allow for use to import the erf into the server module and have all creatures created and working.(edited)

    - (Spells) We need someone to go through some of the spells to make them more Dark Sun and MMO compatible.

    - (Advertising) We could use someone who would take and create a really nice "Weekly Highlight" every week of something we have done the the project. These things could range between a Creatures, a Player Model, an NPC, a Class, a Placeable, a Tilesets Model, a Script, a spell, and so on. You only only need to take a nice screenshot or two of it and if there is a Dark Sun painting/picture of the same thing on the internet you could post it as well or do a side by side to show how close we are trying to be. Then you would do a write up talking about who created it, thanking them and so on. Again this would only need to be done once a week and then post it to all the websites that we are Advertising on. Then through out the week check on those sites in case someone has a question or is looking to join the team.

    - (3d Modeling) Making 3D models creatures, items, placeables, clothing, armor, weapons, NPC's, mounts, or tilesets. We have 5 people in this area so far, but we still need a lot of help in this area.(edited)

    - (Scripter) Creating Custom Scripts, We have 4 people in this area already but we could always use more help.

    If you have the time and think you would enjoy working on this project please contact me here on the forums or on Discord (My Discord name is Tonden#9076)

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2018

    Draygoth is a member of our team here at NWN Dark Sun, who is responsible for creating custom 3D Mounts and Creature models for the project. We really love the work that he is doing because like most of us on this project Draygoth is more concerned with the quality of work he is doing vs speed. He is a valuable member of the team and we are luck to have him.

    So thanks Draygoth for all you have done and are still doing for this project.

    We are still currently looking for more people who would like to join our team and help with this project. Here is just a small list of things you could be working on.

    - Website work
    - Recruiting
    - Art work
    - Interactive Map
    - 3D model creation
    - Scripting (code)
    - NWNX Setup (yes this is something we are looking into for the online server)
    - Website to Server features
    - Discord to Server features

    So if you have the time and would enjoy working with a great group a people come join us.
    Post edited by Tonden on
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  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    "Except... those violent halflings. The halflings in the planar sphere in Baldur's Gate 2. Are they from the Dark Sun setting?"

    Here is a nice little Dark Sun Halfling

    "Would you show a bit of the Aarakocra? Are they a playable race? Are they working already?
    Could you show some screenshots with them or animations?"

    Yes we have Aarakocra
    Yes they are Playable
    Yes they are already in game and working
    Not at this time but in the near future Yes I will be posting screenshots of them.

  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Amazing! I always liked the setting of Dark Sun.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Thanks " ShapiroKeatsDarkMage " We are always looking for more people who have the time to help create it ;)
  • jonesr65jonesr65 Member Posts: 66
    I've never play a PW before but I may have to give this one a try. I really like the Dark Sun Shattered Lands and Wake of the Ravager.
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  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Hmmmm Thanks for that information " Shandyr " I will look into to it and see when would be a good time for use to do it.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2018

    This team really is working on recreating a living 3D world of Athas (Dark Sun Setting) that we all know and love using NWN (Neverwinter Nights)

    I want to thank Azimn for the work he is doing for our NWN Dark Sun Project. Azimn is the newest member of our team, who is currently working on recreating some of the iconic Dark Sun NPCs.

    We now currently have six different people on the team who can create 3D custom models.

    That said, we are still currently looking for more people who would like to join our team and help with this project. Here is just a small list of things you could be working on.

    - Website work
    - Recruiting
    - Art work
    - Interactive Map
    - 3D model creation
    - Scripting (code)
    - NWNX Setup (yes this is something we are looking into for the online server)
    - Website to Server features
    - Discord to Server features

    So if you have the time and would enjoy working with a great group a people come join us.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2018

    The in game screenshot is about a year old and some of you may have already seen it. However we have started posting on over 30+ websites and it hadn’t been posted here yet. Plus I have learned a few things since then, so I’m going back and making changes to the Ziggurat.

    You can even see some of Broms Art work that I recreated to look as paintings on stone. For example the one of Rikus, you can tell that its the same picture but it don't look like a picture it looks more like someone painted it on solid stone.

    The Real Picture

    The Recreated painting for NWN

    However I just thought that I would show you all how we are really trying to change Forgotten Realms NWN (Neverwinter Nights) into Dark Sun.

    The screen shot isn’t 100% the same as the picture and it never will be, but we do feel that it looks a lot like it and after a few changes/updates to the models and textures it should even look a little closer to it.

    Again we are still looking for people who have the time and would enjoy working on this project

    - Website work
    - Recruiting
    - Art work (For example we could use some new Skyboxes)
    - Interactive Map
    - 3D model creation
    - Scripting (code)
    - NWNX Setup (yes this is something we are looking into for the online server)
    - Website to Server features
    - Discord to Server features

    So if you have the time and would enjoy working with a great group a people come join us.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    I created this Arena for NWN about a year ago, I have shared it once before on the old NWN Vault forums, but I thought I would share it again with all the websites.

    This was the 2nd thing I ever made with Gmax so its a little rough, I’m currently going back and making some changes to to the model and textures. So I guess you can say this is the Alpha model.

    These screenshots are of the outer/back side of Arena.

    Players will be able to walk under the arches from below, as well as walk behind the upper deck bleachers and look out through the arches at the city and the people below.

    Again this is an older model, so I’m currently going back and making some changes to the models textures.

    Oh and we are still looking for people who have the time and would enjoy working on this project

    - Website work
    - Recruiting
    - Art work (For example we could use some new Skyboxes)
    - Interactive Map
    - 3D model creation
    - Scripting (code)
    - NWNX Setup (yes this is something we are looking into for the online server)
    - Website to Server features
    - Discord to Server features

    So if you have the time and would enjoy working with a great group a people come join us.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited October 2018

    NWN Dark Sun

    Here is another screenshot to show off the Ziggurat and the Arena, with a side by side of the AD&D 2nd Edition Dark Sun painting, to show how close we are trying to get things. That said we are making a few changes here or there if we feel it looks better or if the changes are needed to work with the NWN game engine.

    That said, we are still currently looking for more people who would like to join our team and help with this project. Here is just a small list of things you could be working on.
    - Website work
    - Recruiting
    - Art work
    - Interactive Map
    - 3D model creation
    - Scripting (code)
    - NWNX Setup (yes this is something we are looking into for the online server)
    - Website to Server features
    - Discord to Server features
    So if you have the time and would enjoy working with a great group a people come join us.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    NWN Dark Sun

    I’m currently working on a Ruin Wall Crosser for the Dark Sun Project Tileset. I will have towers, keeps, and structures. I have always wanted a ruin castle tileset and well now I’m creating it. This will be for the NWN Dark Sun Project but I will also release all my work to the community once I’m done. I’m a really BIg fan on sharing and working with others, I feel we can learn and accomplish so much more by doing so.

    Well I just wanted to share what I was currently working on and let everyone know that we are still looking for more help and pass out our Discord channel for anyone who might want to see what we are doing daily and might be willing to help with the project in one way or the other.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    Our Team is hard at work turning NWN into Athas (Dark Sun).

    Here is a screenshot of some adobe buildings that I’m recreating to be used for the Desert City Tileset I’m working on. This tileset will be used to create Tyr and some parts of the other city states.

    This team is really working hard to bring the world of Athas to life in a 3D world using NWN for the base. Even though we have a great team of people already, we are still always looking for more people who would enjoy working on this project to join our team.

    - 3D model creators
    - Scripters / Coders
    - Art creators (Maps, Portraits, Loadscreens)
    - Writers
    - text documents
    - Website organizational work
    - HTML5 work
    - Ui work
    - Animadverting / Recruiting
    - Area Building
    - NWN Toolset NPC, Creature, Placeable, Creation

    If you have time and would enjoy helping with this project, come join us and we will find a way for your to help.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    We would like to thank Acidchalk for creating our fully dynamic Half-Giant playable race. Yes fully dynamic you can pick them from character selection, change skin color, add tattoos, change tattoo colors, change heads, and wear armor.

    They are 10 to 12 feet tall almost twice as tall as Humans, that said they can still fit through doors in the game. Not are they only the largest playable race in Dark Sun they are also the strongest.

    Oh yes we have Acidchalk to thank for the armor he is wearing as well. That armor can be worn by all the races.


    All that said even though we have a really nice size team for this project already, we are always looking for more help.

    • 3D Model Creators
    • Scripters/Coders (Simple Programming)
    • Art Creators (normal map textures, a world Map)
    • Writers (Creating meaningful stories/adventures with interesting in depth NPC)
    • Advertising and Recruiting
    • Inter active world map using something like HTML5
    • Classes (reworking classes and or creating new classes)
    • Races (adding racial negatives and benefits)
    • Portraits (taking in game screenshots and using them to create portraits)

    About this Project:

    For this project we are taking all the Lore and information from the AD&D 2nd Edition Dark Sun book and using it to recreate a 3D world of Athas ( Dark Sun Campaign Setting ) using NWN ( ).

    Why NWN and not Unity, Unreal, or some other game/engine?

    1. Dark Sun is a D&D product that is owned by WotC there for we would have to deal with the whole licensing thing if we were to create a Dark Sun game from scratch.

    2. NWN is a D&D game that WotC has a hand in, that was made so players and DM’s could create their own adventures, modules, and servers. NWN has a toolset for creating your adventuers, and a lot of the game was left open, so people could customize it.

    3. NWN is a complete D&D game already, there for it has working combat, spells, creatures, character creation and everything already done. While at the same time the game is open enough to allow for us to make a lot of changes to it. So since NWN was made to be Forgotten Realms all we really are doing is making changes to the game to look and feel like Dark Sun. Which means we aren’t making a total new game, but just recreating the D&D Dark Sun Campaign setting inside a D&D game.

    4. We are a group of everyday people who have jobs, school, families, and are doing all this work in our free time. There for we don’t have the man power and time to create a totally new game from scratch and even if we had 70 plus people who were able to work on the game full time for five plus years, we would still have the licensing issue to deal with since Dark Sun is owned by WotC.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    Here are a few screenshots of our Desert City Walls, these walls will be used for the main walls around the City State of Tyr.

    The walls are really tall and wide in one of the screenshots you can see a human on the wall that should help give you an idea of how big they are.

    You can see the Walls, Battlements, and a Main Gate.

    There is so much going into this project with trying to get the look and feel just right. This is why we need a really great team of people working on this project to make sure we get it right.

    Even though we have a large team already, we are still looking for more people to help in the following areas.

    - Project Managers (organize and make material easy for Team members to access, help get information to members who need it )
    - 3D model creators
    - Writers (Creating Stories/Adventures not go grab be an items quest)
    - Scripters/Coders (creating scripts/code)
    - Art creators (creating custom textures and normal maps)
    - Music/Sound creators (creating custom music and sounds)
    - Class Development (make changes to text Doc’s for classes)
    - Race Development (making changes to text Doc’s for Races)
    - Spell Development (making changes to text for spells)
    - Cutscenes and Trailers Creator (create nice cutscenes for the Stories
    - Advertising and Recruiting (place weekly highlights along with recruiting adds and keep up on the sites through out the week.)

    If you think that you would enjoy helping with this project contact me and join the team.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2018

    NWN Dark Sun

    This week I thought that I would share our Aarakocra dynamic playable race for our Dark Sun project. Yes players will be able to change the colors of their feathers, beak, feat and so on. They can have tattoo paint that players will be able to change the color of as well. All this can be done from the character creation screen, plus they can wear and change out armor.

    This is a fully dynamic playable race for NWN Dark Sun and we have Acidchalk to thank for it.

    So I would like to personally thank Acidchalk for this playable race and all he is doing for this project.

    “ Thanks Acidchalk “

    He is only 1 of 8 people we have on our team who has and is currently creating 3D models for our project. However we are always looking for more.

    Hi we have been forming a team to recreate the world of Athas (Dark Sun) as a 3D world using NWN. So we aren't creating a game from scratch we are just recreating the Dark Sun Campaign setting with in another D&D game.

    - (8) 3D model creators
    - (12) Writers
    - (2) Scripters/coders/programers 
    - (1) Art creators
    - (1) Sound and Music people
    - (2) Character Development people

    Even though we have a large team already, we are still looking for more people to help in the following areas.

    - Project Managers (organize and make material easy for Team members to access, help get information to members who need it )
    - 3D model creators
    - Writers (Creating Stories/Adventures not go grab be an items quest)
    - Scripters/Coders (creating scripts/code)
    - Art creators (creating custom textures and normal maps)
    - Music/Sound creators (creating custom music and sounds)
    - Character Development (make changes to text Doc’s for classes and races)
    - Spell Development (making changes to text for spells)
    - Interactive world map for the website (could be done using HTML 5)
    - Cutscenes and Trailers Creator (create nice cutscenes for the Stories
    - Advertising and Recruiting (place weekly highlights along with recruiting adds and keep up on the sites through out the week.)

    If you think that you would enjoy helping with this project in some king of way, then contact me and come join us on our Discord Channel.
  • TazeraTazera Member Posts: 9
    Amazing work, can't wait to play this Persistent World: Dark Sun all the way!
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Thanks @Tazera

    Also if you feel that you would enjoy helping create this project in some way or another our really large team is always looking for more help.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2018

    NWN Dark Sun

    We have Shemsu-Heru to thank for making our Gaj creature for our NWN Dark Sun project. Shemsu-Heru is just one of 8 3D module creators we have creating custom content for our project. As you can see from the pictures we are really trying to create content to look as close to the art work as we can. Now we know its not 100% but we do have limits to what all we can do when using NWN, plus we are only a group of community members who are doing what we can in our free time.

    Even though we have a very Large team we are still always looking for more people who would like to help in some kind of way.

    Some core areas but not limited to that we could still use some help in.

    - 3D model creators
    - Writers
    - Scripters / Coders / Programmers
    - Classes we could use a small team of people working on the Dark Sun classes, mostly 2da (text) work.
    - Interactive world map for the website (could be done using HTML 5)
    - Portrait and Load screens
    - Art work in game textures and/or a custom world map
    - Music and sounds
    - Custom Map Making

    If this sounds like a project that you would enjoy helping with in one way or another then let me know and come join our team on our Discord Channel.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    NWN Dark Sun

    We would like to thank Draygoth who is part of our team for creating the Crodlu Chariot. He is also working on another Crodlu model along with a chariot that is pulled by two crodlus.

    Dark Sun is a campaign world of that has been shown a lot of love across all kinds of RPG additions from 2e, 3e, 4e, 5e, and even Pathfinder. This has lead a group of us to come together to recreate this campaign setting in a 3D game world using NWN.
    We are creating all new custom player races, creatures, weapons, armor, items, placeables, Tilesets, along with new music and sounds. This project is about really creating the Dark Sun setting the way it was meant to look and feel.
    Even though we have a very Large team we are still always looking for more people who would like to help in some kind of way.
    Some core areas but not limited to that we could still use some help in.
    - 3D model creators
    - Writers
    - Scripters / Coders / Programmers
    - Classes we could use a small team of people working on the Dark Sun classes, mostly 2da (text) work.
    - Interactive world map for the website (could be done using HTML 5)
    - Portrait and Load screens
    - Art work in game textures and/or a custom world map
    - Music and sounds
    - Custom Map Making
    If this sounds like a project that you would enjoy helping with in one way or another then come join our team.

    Our Discord Channel is
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    The speed at which this is coming along is amazing and inspiring. Half Giant looks to be already working, I hope Thri-Kreen makes it in although that I know that ones a bit more difficult. Once this is in a complete state i'll be highly tempted to open up the toolset again and craft a Dark Sun module.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    Well Thri-Kreens are working at character selection and in game. They can even wear and change out armor. One of our team members even made some custom animations for them.

    We will be releasing all of our work and when we do you will be able to create some Dark Sun modules.

    That said we are always looking for more people to join our team and help with the project if you think you might enjoy working on it in one way or another.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited December 2018

    NWN Dark Sun

    Thanks for this Klar model Draygoth

    Draygoth is part of our team, who has been hard at work on creating a lot of the Dark Sun creatures we are using for our project.

    We currently have a really large team, however we are still looking for more people who would like to help with this project in one way or another.

    Some core areas but not limited to that we could still use some help in.

    - 3D model creators
    - Writers
    - Scripters / Coders / Programmers
    - Classes we could use a small team of people working on the Dark Sun classes, mostly 2da (text) work.
    - Interactive world map for the website (could be done using HTML 5)
    - Portrait and Load screens
    - Art work in game textures and/or a custom world map
    - Music and sounds
    - Custom Map Making

    What is Dark Sun? What is this project about?

    Dark Sun is a campaign world that has been shown a lot of love across all kinds of RPG additions from 2e, 3e, 4e, 5e, and even Pathfinder. This has lead a group of us to come together to recreate this campaign setting in a 3D game world using NWN.

    If this sounds like a project that you would enjoy helping with in one way or another then just contact me and come join our team and Discord Channel
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited March 2019
    We are still hard at work on recreating Dark Sun using NWN as you can see from the screenshot below.


    This screenshot is of the desert tileset I'm currently working on/creating for Dark Sun.

    That said we are always looking for people who would like to help with this project. If this is something you think/feel like you would like to help with please contact me. Thanks
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited April 2019
    NWN Dark Sun

    I'm currently working on Deep water for the Desert tileset. If you look close you can see down into it.

    We currently have a small team of people working on this project but if anyone has the time and or would want to help in one way or another just let me know ;)

    Twitter NEN Dark Sun

    Facebook NWN Dark Sun

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
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