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Dark Sun for NWN



  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    If anyone would like to make a nice looking custom texture for this Ziggurat could you please get in contact with me. If not no problem I will get to it at some point.

    Thanks for your time.



  • CalionCalion Member Posts: 2
    So…is this project dead? The website has no content and the Discord link is broken.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    There is stuff being done on it almost every day. I can send you a new link if you want it.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    Twitter Page

    This project is far from dead. We still have a lot to do yet but we have created a ton of stuff for this project and are getting closer and closer to having a test server before long.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Also the tileset creation tutorials made a few months ago are good. You should do more.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    That is the plan ;)
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    Also the puppy pics you post are so good. You should post more. ;-)
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    Our website has been revamped and we are always looking for people who would like to join our team and help with this project. If your interested check out our Positions and Join the Team pages.

    You can also help show your support and keep up on what we are doing by following us on our twitter page.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2020
    Dark Sun for NWN

    We are looking for people who will use PDF Dark Sun books and notepad to help edit text files changing NWN (Forgotten Realms) to Dark Sun. So come join the team and help with this project.

    If you can read the Dark Sun books and plug that information into text files using notepad then you can help in this area where we could use the help.

    Everyone on the team are working in other areas, 3D models, Scripting, Artwork, Writing, and so on. So we need a few people willing to help in this area.

    Here is a link that could give you a bit more insight on what 2da's are for NWN.

    If it seems like its a lot it really isn't it really is just changing current text documents to whats in the Dark Sun books vs what is in the documents not. Because the current docs are for Forgotten Realms.

    Thanks for your time.

  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226

    Dark Sun for NWN

    We have started putting the City State of Try together using the models that we have been creating. So from this point on the city will slowly continue to grow.

    We have a really great team of
    - Scripter's
    - 3D model creators.
    * But we are always looking for more. After all the more help we have the less work any one person has to do and the faster things get done.

    That said the two areas that we could still need help with is

    - Writing (Stories/Adventures with interesting NPC's)
    - Race, Class, Skill, creation , (We need people to edit the current NWN text files (no scripting/coding needed) to set them up for Athas (Dark Sun) races, classes, skills and so on.)

    If you feel like you would enjoy helping create this project then you should come join the team and find a way that you could help. The key isn't what you know its far more about being interested in what your doing, putting in the time, and being willing to learn.

    There are two different Dark Sun servers in the works for NWN. That's right two servers/teams who are working together to create Dark Sun for NWN. By having to different server we hope that most people will find one that they enjoy playing.

    You and your friends are to keep up with what is happening with the projects as well as show your support by following us on our websites and joint Twitter page.

    Landing page to both websites:
    Joint Twitter page:

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