Baldurs gate @60 fps ????

Really hoping this game renders at 60fps so scrolling and movment is smooth.
Can anyone confirm that the game is indeed running at this speed ?
I sure hope its not running at the old 30fps.
Can anyone confirm that the game is indeed running at this speed ?
I sure hope its not running at the old 30fps.
60 FPS could very well double the game speed.
Enhanced doesn't mean they rebuilt the Infinity Engine to decouple the graphics engine from the game engine.
It would be nice if they have done that, but honestly I would have though that is unlikely. What's wrong with 30fps anyway? I never noticed an issue. BG isn't Crysis.
Im not a computer games programmer and used a word that i thought may help to express what i was talking about no need to be a smart ass.
In the Infinity Engine, the rendering code and game logic appear to be intertwined. Without anyone having the source, there's no way for us to say how difficult it would be to separate the two - it could range from nearly trivial to an absolute nightmare. I'm inclined to believe it's probably the latter in this case, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for it running at 60FPS.
It has to do with the animations. Each action has a set number of sprite animations that are used to execute it. Because they're literally just sprite frames, you can't increase the FPS without increasing the speed at which the animations occur. The Infinity Engine compensates for this by also speeding up the game's mechanics--so if you increase the FPS to 60, it effectively doubles the speed of the game.
In order to "upscale" them, you'd have to create (from scratch) all of the sprites for each of the in-between frames in every animation. A monumental task, to say the least--and one that would be better saved for creating HD sprites, rather than redrawing new animations.
For example, let's say I have an animation that's 25 frames and should last a total of 5 seconds, and each frame of the animation should be evenly spaced. I can implement this two ways. First, I can set the animations to shift every number of frames based on my goal. If it's 60fps I'd shift every 12 frames, 30fps I'd shift every 6 frames, etc. The other way is to have it shift every 200ms. The first case, which is what the IE seems to do, will mean that the actual time of the animation will change if you're not sticking specifically to the targeted fps. If your FPS is higher the animation will finish quicker, or if your FPS is lower it'll finish slower. In the latter version, you'll still have issues (skipped frames, preferably) if you don't meet the targeted FPS, but on higher than targeted FPS, it will look entirely the same.
The issue is that if you write your code using the first model, it can (will) become increasingly complex to swap to the second model, and I find it unlikely that they've spent to resources to do that. Quite frankly, I don't mind if they haven't - it looks fine at 30FPS.
In the infinite engine, the FPS boost the speed of everything; mouvement, casting time, ennemi reaction, etc. So, if its still the case in bg:ee, that how its work.
As mentioned multiple times above, they have not altered the engine in such a way as to allow it. Blame time restrictions or lack of data, either way 30fps it is.
Now, 30 to 60 would 'fit' just fine but they'd ultimately have to remove the option to set total frames and have pre-set options. In either case that is a lot of engine re-tooling for the sake of something you can't visually see take place with in the own games animations.
30 FPS shouldn't effect your 'scroll speed' to any real extent, and that being the only reason to want a higher FPS just.. kind of sounds like whiny nitpicking.
I cant seem to find either the config program, or an ini file to edit.
I used to play infinity games at 45 fps just to get an acceptable speed, 30 fps is imo too slow.
I enjoy my BG with my cat and a cup of tea. And Minsc.
I am a game programmer.
There is no point on run the game at 60FPS, all game animations are probably made with few FPS.
And to change a game from 30FPS to 60FPS limit, is something really complex (old games).
The game gets faster, because the computer thinks like that. There is some code technics that make the FPS dont be a problem, but it has been created in 2000 ~ 2001. Baldur gates probably doesnt have this.
(Sorry about my English, I am not from USA)