Does Black Blade of Disaster give 5 slot long sword even with off-hand to mage/warrior while cast?

Does Black Blade of Disaster spell give 5 slot long sword even with off-hand to mage/warrior while cast?
Non-warriors don't get extra attacks per round from the proficiency bonus, but they do get the THAC0 and damage bonuses. Thus, a mage will deal 2d12+5+5 damage with the Black Blade of Disaster at one attack per round, while a multi-classed fighter/mage will deal 2d12+5+5 with the Black Blade of Disaster at 3 attacks per round, and a normal longsword in the fighter/mage's off hand would deal 1d8+5 damage.
There are some mods that grant those attack per round bonuses to non-warriors.