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[MOD] EEex (v0.10.2-alpha)



  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @Grammarsalad: If there is indeed a conflict it is easy enough to change the hardcoded keybind / make it a setting at the top of the file. ^^
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: If it helps any, Opcode #403 (ScreenEffects) now passes along the originating effect as the immunity function's first Lua param. Example immunity function:
    function B3BLOCKD(originatingEffectData, effectData, creatureData)
        local effectID = EEex_ReadDword(effectData + 0xC)
        if effectID == 12 then
            local timesBlocked = EEex_ReadDword(originatingEffectData + 0x18) + 1
            EEex_WriteDword(originatingEffectData + 0x18, timesBlocked)
            Infinity_DisplayString("B3BLOCKD blocked damage "..timesBlocked.." time(s)")
            return true

    An interesting sidenote: a cool feature of using opcodes like this is that you can keep track of a few things inside the opcode itself, like I'm doing above for block count. Note that you can't do this for equipped effects as they reset on every reload.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bubb Thank you!

    However, I found a serious problem with opcode 403 (this was before your new update, so I don't know if you've fixed it already). Putting any opcode 403 effect on a creature sometimes causes enormous slowdown, and sometimes it doesn't. It seems randomly determined when the game is launched whether it will cause slowdown or not. When it causes slowdown, even putting a single opcode 403 effect on a single creature will slow down the game tremendously. When it doesn't cause slowdown, the game can run multiple opcode 403 effects on every creature on the map without any slowdown at all.

    It doesn't depend on the function; the same function can switch between causing massive slowdown and not causing any simply by exiting to desktop and running the game again.

    Whatever is variably causing slowdown or not causing any is most likely determined in the Lua code when the game is launched, not in the functions that are called by opcode 403 effects.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: I noticed something like that a couple times... I simply chalked it up to my computer being randomly slow. Makes sense it's not just me, though.

    I just launched my game ~20 times in a row without issue, so it is very possible this latest change fixed the issue. Hopefully it doesn't come back, as a bug that only happens some of the time + doesn't hard crash the game would be hell to find.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    * I've made it possible for spellcasters to adjust the power of their spells in new ways, like dealing maximum damage with their spells, or adjusting the saving throw penalties on each effect of the spell if the spell is of the right school (similar to the hardcoded bonuses specialist mages get). These would be set through stats on the spellcaster, and the screening opcode checks these stats on the spellcaster and changes the spell based on those stats.
    That's amazing! I bet this could lay the groundwork for a mod that adds a Metamagic system to the game; looks like you've already got the main part of Maximize Spell working!
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    * I've figured out a way for a weapon to deal non-physical damage as their base damage, so you could have a flaming sword that deals extra fire damage from Strength or from damage bonuses, and deals double fire damage on a critical hit or a backstab, and so on.

    voidsword and voidhammer from SoD need this as an actual fix, since they only apply unalterable d+3 magical damage and no base phys. damage, making it unaffected by any modifiers (including backstab, kai...), which is unlikely to be WAD (judging by the desc: "A powerful weapon when used against most targets" - ehhm no, it isn't)
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: That's just awesome! I knew Screen Effects was powerful, but not that powerful! Exactly the kind of thing I was hoping would spawn from EEex. :)

    And I feel like I should go and buy a lottery ticket. Accidentally fixing one of the most serious bugs in EEex to date? Practically unheard of...
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bubb I found another bug: the Screen Effects opcode doesn't screen any effects of a spell if the target has an opcode 318 or 324 effect that protects them from that spell - even if the target doesn't meet the splprot condition for that effect.

    For example, I gave Magic Missile an opcode 324 effect that checks if the target has the Shield spell state. This means the other effects from Magic Missile won't be screened even if the target doesn't have a Shield spell up.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: Fixed. Was a stupid mistake where I was copying the function string the wrong direction, (dest -> source instead of source -> dest). Interesting it didn't come up earlier - Opcode #324 must trigger a stats copy for whatever reason.
  • fearlessfearless Member Posts: 40
    Any more thoughts on documentation?

    Having this on the wiki so others can help you would be a good start, or as discussed maybe a separate repo for docs, which could use github pages (like IESDP does) or other solutions (sphinx and readthedocs etc)

    I'm sure others would be willing to help - especially modders that are actively using EEex and can post small examples of usage under each function.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bubb You have a new pull request!

    I made it so that EEex_IterateActorEffects() also looks through the equipped effects on the actor (I did this a while ago but I forgot to make a pull request for it). I also let EEex_ApplyEffectToActor() set the parameter3, parameter4, parameter5, and variable name in the effect (my system that allows effects to regain the caster's ID after a reload uses parameter5).
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    fearless wrote: »
    Any more thoughts on documentation?

    Having this on the wiki so others can help you would be a good start, or as discussed maybe a separate repo for docs, which could use github pages (like IESDP does) or other solutions (sphinx and readthedocs etc)

    I'm sure others would be willing to help - especially modders that are actively using EEex and can post small examples of usage under each function.

    I'm trying to help with documentation. I was using homebrewery, because it looks nice and would be easier to translate to github (because it uses markdown). But maybe a wiki would be a better option.

    In any case, let me share what I have so far so we don't duplicate efforts.

  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: Merged!

    Regarding documentation, I'll look into setting up the wiki on the GitHub repository. Once we get a good amount of documentation flowing, a pretty-looking doc, (see what @Grammarsalad has done so far), would be a great addition. :)
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @Bubb If you ever take a look at the "Range" detection for spell-casting, I am curious how it determines how much extra to add. It's usually between 1-2 feet for PC's, and consistent within a given environment(caster/target/area), but otherwise I have no idea how it's determined. I tried experimenting with various creature sizes, but didn't get anything determinate.

    This is in regards to "normal" spellcasting. For example, the spell Burning Hands has a range of 5-ft in it's ability headers, but it can be cast up to ~7-ft away. If farther, the character will walk towards the creature before casting to get within range.
    To contrast, if you put Burning Hands into a sequencer, it will fail if the target is more than exactly 5-ft away. I am also curious if it would be possible to add this same extra range to spells cast through sequencers and contingencies, so that touch-spells can actually be used in them without failing when targeting others.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited June 2019

    It seems to have to do with the character's Personal Space value (set in the animation INI file or by opcode 342). I set Dynaheir's personal space value to 14, and she could cast Invisibility on Jaheira from farther away:


    However, increasing a character's Personal Space also causes problems. Having a high Personal Space value is what causes large creatures to get stuck in doorways.

    Also, setting a creature's Personal Space to 0 lets them cast a spell at any creature on the map, even outside their visual range. They can also attack or interact with any creature they see.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @OlvynChuru I was more curious about the formula, I knew it was tied to personal space, but there still seems to be other factors.
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Also, setting a creature's Personal Space to 0 lets them cast a spell at any creature on the map, even outside their visual range. They can also attack or interact with any creature they see.
    This can also be overridden with op342, and it goes both ways - enemies can cast/attack you at any range.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited June 2019
    Bubb wrote: »
    @kjeron: Here's the steps the engine takes to calculate casting-range satisfaction:
    a = (sprite x / 16) - (target x / 16)
    b = (sprite y / 12) - (target y / 12)
    c = spell range + 2
    Spell Range Satisfied: a^2 + b^2 <= c^2
    Also, it appears if the caster is "touching" the target as a side effect of a large personal space the engine overrides the range requirement and casts anyway.
    Thanks for looking into it. I did some more testing and I think I know now why my observed results varied:

    It appears that these two steps:
    a = (sprite x / 16) - (target x / 16)
    b = (sprite y / 12) - (target y / 12)
    do not use floating point numbers, but integers. (edit: or include rounding somewhere)

    If I position the caster at 225x,1300y, I can cast a 15-ft range spell on a target at up to 511x,1300y.
    (range + 2) * 16 + 14 pixels
    If I position the caster at 224x,1300y, I can cast a 15-ft range spell on a target at up to 511x,1300y.
    (range + 2) * 16 + 15 pixels
    If I position the caster at 223x,1300y, I can cast a 15-ft range spell on a target at up to 495x,1300y.
    (range + 2) * 16 + 0 pixels
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bubb You have a new pull request!

    One new function:

    EEex_IsSprite(actorID) => Returns true if the actor is a creature; returns false otherwise (e.g. if the actor is BALDUR.BCS or a script for an area, door, container or region). For example, if you get the sourceID of an effect of a fireball from a trap, and you do EEex_IsSprite(sourceID), it will return false. If the source had been a mage casting a fireball, it would've returned true.

    Also, some EEex functions that only work on creatures now do a check with EEex_IsSprite() first so they don't crash if the target isn't a creature.

    EEex_GetActorAreaSize(actorID) no longer crashes if it's called right after the game was loaded (when you load the game, for the first few moments creatures don't know what area they're in).
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    edited June 2019
    @OlvynChuru: Thanks, merged! Was unexpectedly out for the weekend, sorry for the delay.

    Btw, I see you released High Power v2.0 - awesome work! Would you like a new EEex release to point to that includes everything you need? Targeting master might be a tricky business, with the uncertainty that comes with that and all.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    That would be nice! :)

    The problem is, when you push new features of EEex into master, within a day I usually start working and creating things using those features to put in my mods. So unless you make a new release with every important new feature you push, the releases may sometimes be outdated for purposes of my mod.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @OlvynChuru It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superbhaalspawn!
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    @OlvynChuru: Thought it would be as easy as flipping the creature list-type, it is not...

    Long story short: Assigning a character to the "flying" group messes with pathfinding, script detection, and crashes the game when the area changes.

    What I can do is simply brute force render them last, (which will put them on the top of everything).

    Some minor details:
    1. Should render-override creatures be completely on top, (I.E. above flying creatures), or just below flying creatures?
    2. I assume you don't want shadows / buildings to alter the character's tint while flying, so I'll disable that.
    3. Flying creatures have a brightness effect on them - or should I say, they ignore the area's light - see here:
      Keldorn is "flying" in that screenshot, and as such he is brighter. Do you want this brightness effect?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Bubb They should be below real flying creatures (unless doing it the other way would be much easier).

    Not having that brightness effect would be better (unless that's extremely hard to implement). If it's nighttime, sprites should be darker.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    edited July 2019
    @OlvynChuru: I will have the opcode done tomorrow. With the work I've done so far I've found that the shadows / lights in the area are all baked into the light map, and not separately removable. You either use the light map or you don't... so the reason why flying creatures are bright is because they ignore the light map.

    I can either make render-override creatures ignore the light map, (being bright like flying creatures), or they can obey the light map and take on the color of whatever space their circle is at. I'm going to assume you want them to obey the light map, so I'll leave that in - correct me if I'm wrong.

    So, in the end the opcode will do two things:
    1. Render-override creatures will render on top of normal sprites, but "true" flying creatures will still render on top of everything.
    2. Render-override creatures will always render on top of the map, so they won't be seen as "behind" any objects, see here:
      Keldorn is behind / underneath that roof, but he is rendering as if he is on top of it.

    Do those two behaviors satisfy everything the opcode needs to do?
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