I have learned that when rolling a D20, I ONLY ever roll a 1,2,19 or 20. My character has a very high tendency to do something absolutely amazing that leaves the DM speechless, and then immediatel walk face first into something obvious or fail in such a specktacular way, that the whole table facepalms.
Speaking of Paladins, mine helped the whole party in a Pathfinder game. We were going into the Dungeons of the Citadel of Dreizen in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and we'd been fighting demons and undead all over the place, so I fgured we'd be facing a non-corporeal undead in the Dungeon, so I prepared Ghostbane Dirge as one of my spells, thinking I'd use it on them. Well, there are no non-corporeal undead in the dungeon. Just demons.
Including..... a Shadow Demon, which is completely incorporeal and cannot be hit without Ghost Touch weapons. Cue my look from... to... as I cast it on him and he rolled a 1. Yes, a 1 on his saving throw, I got this HUGE Shit-eating grin on my face. While I never got near enough to him again to attack him, the rest of the party took him down. My friend, the 9th level Vigilante, took the final shot that brought him down.
Including..... a Shadow Demon, which is completely incorporeal and cannot be hit without Ghost Touch weapons. Cue my look from...
Your class as decided by your birthday...
Stephen King is right.
Can we get permanently invisible Beholder fights in BG3? Pretty pleaaasseee...?
This could almost be Alora...
Existential horror