Put this one in the "Interesting" file... Payless Opened a Fake Luxury Store, ‘Palessi,’ to See How Much People Would Pay for $20 Shoes https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/payless-opened-a-fake-luxury-store-palessi-to-see-how-much-people-would-pay-for-20-shoes/?fbclid=IwAR0N_eFm-gocST_u5_wD0NeiWe32-wFSVLS9ruAqYsYQML7xmoBqY7jnn30 The answer? A hell of a lot If you serve fast food on white tablecloths in a tony-looking restaurant, people sometimes think it’s haute cuisine. (At the very least, it tastes a lot different than it does when you’re scarfing it down from a drive-through bag). It turns out you can do the same for bargain kicks by showcasing the footwear against the kind of chic backdrop usually reserved for luxury labels like Jimmy Choo and getting people to pay outrageous markups. That’s what Payless did recently in Santa Monica, taking over a former Armani store and stocking it with $19.99 pumps and $39.99 boots. The chain, via agency DCX Growth Accelerator, invited groups of influencers to the grand opening of “Palessi” and asked their opinions on the “designer” wares.
The Onion has a brilliant article parodying PC criticisms of media. My favorite part:
If games are going to be taken seriously as an art form, they have to be held to the same standards as movies and television, where something like Kirby would have been dismissed as a laughably outdated stereotype decades ago. We can’t just focus on a game’s graphics or replay value while Kirby pile-drives turtles and inhales princesses like it’s the 19th century. We worked for years to move beyond Kirby. If we let publishers get away with these reprehensible images, then what were all the marches for? What did previous generations fight for if not to put an end to this?
Payless Opened a Fake Luxury Store, ‘Palessi,’ to See How Much People Would Pay for $20 Shoes
The answer? A hell of a lot
If you serve fast food on white tablecloths in a tony-looking restaurant, people sometimes think it’s haute cuisine. (At the very least, it tastes a lot different than it does when you’re scarfing it down from a drive-through bag).
It turns out you can do the same for bargain kicks by showcasing the footwear against the kind of chic backdrop usually reserved for luxury labels like Jimmy Choo and getting people to pay outrageous markups.
That’s what Payless did recently in Santa Monica, taking over a former Armani store and stocking it with $19.99 pumps and $39.99 boots. The chain, via agency DCX Growth Accelerator, invited groups of influencers to the grand opening of “Palessi” and asked their opinions on the “designer” wares.
Physicist Wins Ig Noble Prize For Study On Whether Cats Should Be Classified As Liquids Or Solids
https://www.sunnyskyz.com/blog.php?blogid=2649/Physicist-Wins-Ig-Noble-Prize-For-Study-On-Whether-Cats-Should-Be-Classified-As-Liquids-Or-Solids#.W_I9W_Bg12l.facebook"At the center of the definition of a liquid is an action: A material must be able to modify its form to fit within a container," Fardin said.
"If we take cats as our example, the fact is that they can adapt their shape to their container if we give them enough time. Cats are thus liquid if we give them the time to become liquid."
Proof of alien visitors? Artifact from an ancient civilization? The truth is out there — in Seattle
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/proof-of-alien-visitors-artifact-from-an-ancient-civilization-the-truth-is-out-there-in-seattle/?fbclid=IwAR2L38fALglkwFNbPcTMNCdJmvdNI4VDp1bTwnJx95KweVDdtnPRbWfMmhQIt's not what it seems...
I, I cannot even describe what the hell this is. I just can't stand it; it's too good. Jump to 0:45, when the run starts.
I love this so much. My cheeks hurt from smiling. Why the hell is this a game?
"Do you think he feels pain?"
"ow ow ow ow ow"
And Part 2
The "Dad Talk"
Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very Unfairly by People Who Wrote Constitution
Both of these are satire.
And, the story: http://www.dndadventure.com/html/articles/gaming_stories.html