Really? Tell me where? Nu Metal has metal influence, but punk/crust predominates and as such is not metal, in my eyes and most other metal heads i know. The term metal in nu metal is just a way to fish in strange waters.
And I never said, this sucks and that sucks, and even if I had, I'm entitled to my opinion, and my posts should be regarded as such.
And quartz your comments are the regular stuff I expected, and that is why I usually don't talk about music on the internet.
Really? Tell me where? Nu Metal has metal influence, but punk/crust predominates and as such is not metal, in my eyes and most other metal heads i know. The term metal in nu metal is just a way to fish in strange waters.
And I never said, this sucks and that sucks, and even if I had, I'm entitled to my opinion, and my posts should be regarded as such.
And quartz your comments are the regular stuff I expected, and that is why I usually don't talk about music on the internet.
Alright you know what. Geselle you're fine. In fact, you're too sensible to be arguing about genres. I actually agree with you that nu metal typically isn't actual metal, it's hard rock with some rap elements. But seriously, the genre argument happens with all music and it's super, super annoying because it's nit-picking at something that doesn't *truly matter.*
Do yourself a favor next time and just don't bother contributing to these petty arguments. You have a brain quite clearly, you're above it. Okay? Cool. Peace Geselle.
I really didn't think I would have to step in on a thread about music. I don't even like Metal. *sigh*
I've deleted the most vitriolic post that I saw, mostly because of the language. But let's keep things civil from here on out.
The thread's called "Metal heads." not "People who like the Metal genre of music." (Why is there a period? That's so...formal!) So if you want to discuss Nu Metal, you can do that here. If you want to discuss Alternative Metal, you can do that here.
If you want to discuss Alternative Rock, you can do that here too. If you want to discuss Aluminum, that's fine too.
If you want to flame other people or provoke an emotional reaction from people who are clearly having a good time, start a new thread and call it "Gonna troll you now" or something.
Let's all take a minute, take a shower, take a bite out of crime, and continue doing what I think this thread started as: a discussion of music that some (but not all) people like.
Me, I'm partial to Sara Bareilles. There, I said it.
Are there some weird arbitrary rules to this forum? Where can I find them? Do you have to have 1000+ posts before it's allowed to call names or something?
We're working on the specific rules, but in general "no flaming" and "no trolling" is a good guideline.
I deleted your post specifically because of the language you used and the way that you used it. If you have questions, send me a PM. I'm not reprimanding anyone; just trying to keep the site's rating below R.
It's really too much to write if I'm gonna list my all-time favourites, so I'll just list what I'm currently in the mood for: lo-fi black metal! Big fan of the shitty quality, raw vocals and well, the overall sound. Big fan of drumming, and many times you get old punk drums in BM, which is pretty awesome.
Currently listening to: Darkthrone (always, always), Gjenferdsel (just discovered, pretty cool band), Mutilation Rites and Brutal Truth (not black metal but grindcore. Great band to train to).
Any fans of old school, lo-fi black metal here?
I'm a big fan of a lot of first-wave black metal; Bathory, Sarcofago, NME. Also a big fan of the "raw" black metal sound - stuff like Blasphemy and a lot of other Canadian bands like Revenge and Conqueror. I'm not really a fan of the big bands from Norway at all - expect Darkthrone.
I'm also a big fan of German-style thrash, anything doom, and Bolt Thrower. Bolt Thrower is without a doubt my favorite metal band.
We're working on the specific rules, but in general "no flaming" and "no trolling" is a good guideline.
I deleted your post specifically because of the language you used and the way that you used it. If you have questions, send me a PM. I'm not reprimanding anyone; just trying to keep the site's rating below R.
I'm not sure what below R means but apparently calling names is not trolling or flaming yet telling someone who was calling names to go fuck themselves is? This is quite confusing.
So, there are several people who point out how a big number of named bands are off topic and then this Quartz guy comes in telling those people they are douchebags. Being one of them I react to him properly and in his own style and then my post gets deleted but his remains.
See, I don't care if you want to delete posts, if that makes you happy or keeps thing 'below R' and you enjoy keeping things that way it's fine with me. I just don't get the seemingly arbitrary decision here and would like to know, so i'll ask again, is it the 1000+ posts of this Quartz guy that sets him above the normally applied rules or is it something else?
@iluvatar: Aosaw just said that we are allowed to discuss all types of metal in this thread. YOU are the one who swooped in on this thread and insulted the bands (and thus passively insulted those that were discussing their appreciation of said bands) without any kind of previous investment in this thread. Is that what you do? You just jump into a thread and look for someone to attack?
@iluvatar: Aosaw just said that we are allowed to discuss all types of metal in this thread. YOU are the one who swooped in on this thread and insulted the bands (and thus passively insulted those that were discussing their appreciation of said bands) without any kind of previous investment in this thread. Is that what you do? You just jump into a thread and look for someone to attack?
I never said you weren't allowed to do so, I merely pointed out that some bands were regarded as metal acts, while they are not considered to be so.
I do indeed dislike most of these bands but certainly not all. I enjoy RATM and Deftones for instance but they're not metal.
If you feel that by insulting a band that you like I have insulted you as well, you have a problem that I do not wish to be part of and certainly cannot solve for you.
Can you perhaps explain the previous investment line? I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Is there some rule before saying something?
I also did not attack anyone until this Quartz guy started calling me names, so that's just a silly statement.
@iluvatar: As you are still here, you apparently do indeed have an interest in being involved with whatever "problem" it is that I have. In regards to your confusion involving my statement about your lack of a previous investment in this thread, I am going to share a very short story.
Once upon a time, there was a thread called Metal Heads. People entered the thread and starting talking about music that they like. Music that included the word "metal" in their genre, and no one in the thread had such a bland and miserable life that they had to do an impression of Captain Buzzkill, changing the conversation from a love of music to "THAT ISNT METAL"...and then along came iluvatar, his first post in the innocent thread being:
It's funny how people in metal threads on non-metal specific fora are always talking about crappy mallcore acts like Slipknot, Disturbed, Otep, etc. These bands do not actually play metal, just modern rock.
Not exactly the best way to give a first impression about yourself in a thread, but then again, I'm not a psychologist like you are. Afterall, you claim to know problems about me that even I don't know that I have. I wish I was as intelligent and telepathic as you are. =(
I'm not interested in making a good impression, I was merely interested in pointing out that these bands are not metalbands. I happen to care a lot about metal and because of that I dislike seeing bands that have nothing or very little to do with it being named that way. It might turn off the uninitiated. I actually see it happen a lot. But regardless, whether it is a buzzkill to you is not my concern, again stop making me a part of your problem. If you don't like reading my posts for some reason, no one is forcing you to. Also, I'm sorry that your life is miserable and bland, maybe you should try some genuine metal to spice it up a little.
@iluvatar: As you are still here, you apparently do indeed have an interest in being involved with whatever "problem" it is that I have. In regards to your confusion involving my statement about your lack of a previous investment in this thread, I am going to share a very short story.
...and no one in the thread had such a bland and miserable life...
I'm not sure why you think that the word Anduine is spelled "no one", but hey, you're the telepathic genius with a greater knowledge of my problems than even I, so I'm not even going to argue.
I forgive you for ruining a potentially good thread for the sole purpose of defending your stance on metal, even though it did not change anyone else's perspective on any of it.
How come ruining? That doesn't even begin to make sense. The thread is still open, it's not locked, you can talk about anything you like here. Also your condescending tone is laughable. Even more funny is the fact that you're calling me a telepathic and then continue by implying that you somehow know for a fact that no one else has changed perspective. Also, if i may ask, what are your intentions here? Do you wish to discuss what is metal or not or do you just only want to troll like Quartz, by saying something along the lines of 'I don't agree with what you said, so now you this thread is killed/ruined/whatever'. If you have any actual arguments i'm happy to discuss. As it is you're not making much sense to me since it looks like the only thing you want to do is belittle people who have a different opinion than yours, which is quite a pointless endeavor.
@iluvatar: Actually, the only person that I am belittling at all is you.
Trolling definition: an internet user who sends inflammatory or provocative messages designed to elicit negative responses or start a flame-war.
"I don't agree with what you said, so now you this thread is killed/ruined/whatever". If you honestly think that the one and sole purpose for me saying what brought you to that interpretation is to elicit a negative response from you, then we clearly are not at eye level, and should probably just stop communicating with one another, as I have absolutely no interest in discussing the orthodoxy of the "metal genre", nor do I have interest in most arguments in general. I forgave you, and this is where I am ending it.
@Aosaw: I disagree with your first comment, but that really isn't important. In regards to this thread going off-topic, I now reiterate via quotation the last line of my most recent post:
@Iluvatar you know everyone was having a good time before you crept in here you should prob just stop posting your bullshit because your not going to win your argument!
And quite a few people have mentioned Meshuggah, have to say that Koloss is a beast of an album. They announced a tour with a gig here in Oulu a few months ago, and I was so excited. Then it turned out to be a mistake, and they would make the tour in the spring, with my hometown excluded. fuu.
I don't much care if someone likes to consider different kinds of alternative metal in the metal genre or not... what I care about is that there's some damn great stuff in alternative metal, and I enjoy it for many of the same reasons that I enjoy the supposed real metal.
I'm pretty partial to industrial influences myself. For example, I think Velcra did good stuff back in the day:
Are there some weird arbitrary rules to this forum? Where can I find them? Do you have to have 1000+ posts before it's allowed to call names or something?
I actually laughed out loud at this.
... And your following butthurt posts were pretty funny, too.
But anyway, you are right I should not have resorted to name-calling. I certainly don't take it back, but you are correct in labeling it as rude and, more importantly, a mistake on my part. I don't have much respect for (in Anduine's words) Captain Buzzkills, but that certainly doesn't mean I should be rude about it.
I feel dumb now. I forgot to mention in my post: Megadeth. Pretty awesome band. Not my favorite composition of music, but as far as the guitar-solo obsessed bands go, they pull it off better than anyone else I've heard.
There's a lot of music that's easy to listen. Some of it is like books for kids with spelling aids, some is pulp fiction, some otherwise clear and recognizable. With some music one really needs to learn a whole new language to understand it. A lot of classical music is challenging like that, in part because the basic musical language we hear all around is so different (pop), in part because some of that stuff is really complex and full of detail.
Metal music alone has a bunch of languages. There's this base, almost animalistic side, that tugs on the lizard brain. There are the massive stories within progressive metal. There are a bunch of other stuff... and then there's death metal. The best comparison to (some of) it that I can think of is poetry. And I'm having a hard time understanding poetry either
@Imperator I'm not well versed in death metal but I'm curious about it, have been for some time. Generally speaking it bothers me if I can't make out the lyrics So, when I saw that Clock Paradox has a lyric video, I just had to check it out: Virtual Compassion. Good stuff.
@Moira. Of all the genres and sub-genres (and probably sub-sub-genres) of metal, I'd say death metal is the most varied one, even when discounting melo-death. There's the brutal, fast, gore-themed Cannibal Corpses, progressive ones like Death (later albums) and Opeth, technical death such as Psycroptic and Obscura and so many more. On almost all them, though, the lyrics are pretty incomprehensibly growled.
All in all, I think that metal is the most varied music genre. Can't imagine pop or hip-hop having so many different sub-genres. If there's a music genre, someone's mixed it with metal.
This may seem random but we are all metal head have any of you played Brutal Legend? It has a kick ass sound track and is a homage to metal lore its a total blast I think alot of you guys will like it. I found alot more bands I have never heard of who are great like Mirrorthrone, Brocas helm if you havent played it rent it you wont regret it
And I never said, this sucks and that sucks, and even if I had, I'm entitled to my opinion, and my posts should be regarded as such.
And quartz your comments are the regular stuff I expected, and that is why I usually don't talk about music on the internet.
Do yourself a favor next time and just don't bother contributing to these petty arguments. You have a brain quite clearly, you're above it. Okay? Cool. Peace Geselle.
I've deleted the most vitriolic post that I saw, mostly because of the language. But let's keep things civil from here on out.
The thread's called "Metal heads." not "People who like the Metal genre of music." (Why is there a period? That's so...formal!) So if you want to discuss Nu Metal, you can do that here. If you want to discuss Alternative Metal, you can do that here.
If you want to discuss Alternative Rock, you can do that here too. If you want to discuss Aluminum, that's fine too.
If you want to flame other people or provoke an emotional reaction from people who are clearly having a good time, start a new thread and call it "Gonna troll you now" or something.
Let's all take a minute, take a shower, take a bite out of crime, and continue doing what I think this thread started as: a discussion of music that some (but not all) people like.
Me, I'm partial to Sara Bareilles. There, I said it.
I deleted your post specifically because of the language you used and the way that you used it. If you have questions, send me a PM. I'm not reprimanding anyone; just trying to keep the site's rating below R.
I'm also a big fan of German-style thrash, anything doom, and Bolt Thrower. Bolt Thrower is without a doubt my favorite metal band.
So, there are several people who point out how a big number of named bands are off topic and then this Quartz guy comes in telling those people they are douchebags. Being one of them I react to him properly and in his own style and then my post gets deleted but his remains.
See, I don't care if you want to delete posts, if that makes you happy or keeps thing 'below R' and you enjoy keeping things that way it's fine with me. I just don't get the seemingly arbitrary decision here and would like to know, so i'll ask again, is it the 1000+ posts of this Quartz guy that sets him above the normally applied rules or is it something else?
I do indeed dislike most of these bands but certainly not all. I enjoy RATM and Deftones for instance but they're not metal.
If you feel that by insulting a band that you like I have insulted you as well, you have a problem that I do not wish to be part of and certainly cannot solve for you.
Can you perhaps explain the previous investment line? I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Is there some rule before saying something?
I also did not attack anyone until this Quartz guy started calling me names, so that's just a silly statement.
Once upon a time, there was a thread called Metal Heads. People entered the thread and starting talking about music that they like. Music that included the word "metal" in their genre, and no one in the thread had such a bland and miserable life that they had to do an impression of Captain Buzzkill, changing the conversation from a love of music to "THAT ISNT METAL"...and then along came iluvatar, his first post in the innocent thread being:
Not exactly the best way to give a first impression about yourself in a thread, but then again, I'm not a psychologist like you are. Afterall, you claim to know problems about me that even I don't know that I have. I wish I was as intelligent and telepathic as you are. =(
I forgive you for ruining a potentially good thread for the sole purpose of defending your stance on metal, even though it did not change anyone else's perspective on any of it.
Trolling definition: an internet user who sends inflammatory or provocative messages designed to elicit negative responses or start a flame-war.
"I don't agree with what you said, so now you this thread is killed/ruined/whatever". If you honestly think that the one and sole purpose for me saying what brought you to that interpretation is to elicit a negative response from you, then we clearly are not at eye level, and should probably just stop communicating with one another, as I have absolutely no interest in discussing the orthodoxy of the "metal genre", nor do I have interest in most arguments in general. I forgave you, and this is where I am ending it.
Provoking someone who provoked you is rather the same as provoking someone who didn't provoke you at all.
If you still have an issue, take it to private messages; this thread has gone off-topic far enough.
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Metallica (pre Black Album)
Iced Earth
I could go on for some time lol
And quite a few people have mentioned Meshuggah, have to say that Koloss is a beast of an album. They announced a tour with a gig here in Oulu a few months ago, and I was so excited. Then it turned out to be a mistake, and they would make the tour in the spring, with my hometown excluded. fuu.
I'm pretty partial to industrial influences myself. For example, I think Velcra did good stuff back in the day:
Can't Stop Fighting (the big hit)
Shine for Me (not so metal but my personal favorite as it's so wonderfully f*d up)
P.S. How do you embed videos in this forum?
... And your following butthurt posts were pretty funny, too.
But anyway, you are right I should not have resorted to name-calling. I certainly don't take it back, but you are correct in labeling it as rude and, more importantly, a mistake on my part. I don't have much respect for (in Anduine's words) Captain Buzzkills, but that certainly doesn't mean I should be rude about it.
I feel dumb now. I forgot to mention in my post: Megadeth. Pretty awesome band. Not my favorite composition of music, but as far as the guitar-solo obsessed bands go, they pull it off better than anyone else I've heard.
Thanks for the tip, Disarmonia Mundi sounds fantastic. Will definitely need to check them out further... nice, they're in Spotify.
Metal music alone has a bunch of languages. There's this base, almost animalistic side, that tugs on the lizard brain. There are the massive stories within progressive metal. There are a bunch of other stuff... and then there's death metal. The best comparison to (some of) it that I can think of is poetry. And I'm having a hard time understanding poetry either
I'm not well versed in death metal but I'm curious about it, have been for some time. Generally speaking it bothers me if I can't make out the lyrics
All in all, I think that metal is the most varied music genre. Can't imagine pop or hip-hop having so many different sub-genres. If there's a music genre, someone's mixed it with metal.
Enjoy the RAGE!
Viraemia - Cancrum Oris
Bathory - Hammerheart (Full Album)
1349 - Hellfire
Sodom - ein bisschen Spaß muss sein
Could go on for decades