You know what I think is the funniest things about when people argue what is and isn't "metal"?
The term originated in the 60's in refence to bands like "The Byrds." Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple were considered heavy metal bands in their era. AC/DC and Queen have been called "traditional heavy metal acts" in their heyday.
So next time someone argues "That's not metal," punch them in the mouth and break a few teeth loose. I'm told "true" metalheads like that kind of display of "brutal" power and they should quit their backtalk.
Led Zepplin and Deep purple can be counted among the pioneers of the genre next to Black Sabbath being the first and fully metal band. So yes that's true. These 3 bands are the blue print of Heavy Metal music.
And while The Byrds did have some kind of "heavy riff" in a song. Still doesn't make them a metal band. But its a fun fact and might even had influenced some other musicians who became metal musicians later on, who knows?
But the fact that some journalist guy or media platform says some bands are "traditional heavy metal acts" does not mean it is so. Bullshit talk.
Looking back now, things are easily discerned in ways of being metal or classic rock. Simply because we we can hear and see the difference now what people back then (60's , 70's ) could not. Back then people were calling something heavy metal because they heard a chuncked up guitar. Or they saw "metalheads" attending rock concerts (or simply couldn't tell the difference) and naming the bands metal acts. To a lot of people during that blooming metal era it all sounded alike and was new.
Aside from that a band like Queen and AC/DC have some metal like and heavy sounds in some songs, next to a certain attitude. So i can understand someone who is not really into metal can make that mistake.
At my work some colleagues call something metal as soon as they hear a harsh vocal or heavy guitar. And themselves only used to softer sounding music, cant tell the difference and call Nickleback or Avril Lavigne metal......does that mean these are metalbands? means my colleague's simply don't know shit about it.
And do you really need to talk like a though guy? Who told you true metalheads like to be punched in the teeth? Please try me and i show you some "DEATH" metal.
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Really...punk music? Your a Troll right?
@brightnight a cave troll!!! like in lord of the rings one!!!! or maybe it is bara' dur demon? mmmmhhhh let me think ....
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Really...punk music? Your a Troll right?
Look, there's a better way to tell him that metal isn't derived from punk. Please guys, keep the discussions civil.
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Really...punk music? Your a Troll right?
Yes. Actually I'm wrong. It was Jesus. Oooh dammit i need to get my history right. It was Metallica!
Thrash metal borrowed elements of punk. Other sub genres borrow elements of thrash. Either way, depending who you ask, you will get different interpretations of what metal actually is. Therefore nobody can say where it started. Classic rock bands like sabbath, zeppelin, judas priest...not metal to me. Thrash being one if the earlier forms of what we refer to as metal nowadays means i believe punk helped create it. Same goes for sabbath, but again, depending on who you ask, it could go further back than that.
So stop trying to be smart about something you can't. Its completely subjective, and pointless, and off topic since all the OP wanted you to do is post shit you like in the god damn thread!
Ok, have flame wars. I'm done trying to keep shit civil in this thread, if all you kids wanna do is argue over the most trivial shit then have at it. You don't know each other, so it's probably best for all of you to keep being hardasses to your screens. Hell, half of you probably don't even listen to the bands you posted, you just wanna be cool to a bunch of random people that you will never meet. So have fun being dickholes to each other, you sackless buttholes.
Ok, have flame wars. I'm done trying to keep shit civil in this thread, if all you kids wanna do is argue over the most trivial shit then have at it. You don't know each other, so it's probably best for all of you to keep being hardasses to your screens. Hell, half of you probably don't even listen to the bands you posted, you just wanna be cool to a bunch of random people that you will never meet. So have fun being dickholes to each other, you sackless buttholes.
Calm down there fella. Nothin to get all bent out of shape about
Ok, have flame wars. I'm done trying to keep shit civil in this thread, if all you kids wanna do is argue over the most trivial shit then have at it. You don't know each other, so it's probably best for all of you to keep being hardasses to your screens. Hell, half of you probably don't even listen to the bands you posted, you just wanna be cool to a bunch of random people that you will never meet. So have fun being dickholes to each other, you sackless buttholes.
Calm down there fella. Nothin to get all bent out of shape about
So list your top 5.
Eh, my bad. 1. Meshuggah, favorite song probably either Aztec Two Step or War. Well, future breed machine is insanely sick too. 2. Rage, not exactly metal, still powerful as shit. Favorite songs are bombtrack, freedom, and calm like a bomb. 3. Black Sabbath, song is War Pigs. 4. Assjack, it's Hank III's metal band and they're freakin hilarious. Cocaine the White Devil and Gravel Pit are probably my top two. 5. Norma Jean, basically any song off of Bless the Martyr is beast, but Creating Something out of Nothing definitely stands out. There ya have it.
I listened to a bit of Meshuggah because of this thread. They are good, but my brain won't let me fully enjoy music without a very clear hook. It doesn't have to come from clean choruses like metalcore, but it seems the best for me.
I think what it boils down to, is alot of of bands with constant growling and heavy guitars can sound exactly the same to me. This bores me alot. I really need to find something interesting in what I'm listening to. I started with the usual bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Fear Factory, Pantera, etc. Branched out to Children of Bodom, In Flames, early All That Remains and the like. Never have been able to get into bands like Arch Enemy or the hundreds of bands that sound like them. It's not that it's too heavy...there's just no hook.
I gave that band Viraemia a listen. I have a pretty open mind, but what an awful mess that music is. The dudes guitar made me laugh lol. To each their own.
I haven't listened to Viraemia yet, but Obscura was pretty brutal. First song I listened to, Anticosmic Overlord, was sick. The transitions were clean and crisp, the break downs were intense, all around good shit.
Yeah, metal! The best kind of music in the entire universe! Way too many bands to list my "favorites" so here is some of the stuff I'm listening to a lot right now:
Fleshgod Apocalypse: a bit old but for some reason I "rediscovered" this album recently. An heresy to tech death elitists (and I'm one of them), the orchestrations add so much epicness that I just can't help to headbang like an idiot at work.
Krallice: almost only instrumental song, a must listen to for fan of guitars doing weird stuff for 15min while remaining super melodic.
Anaal Nathrakh: good stuff when my boss pisses my off, one of the most extreme music available out there with that cool little epic twist on chorus for maximum effect.
Ulver: true raw black shit, I completely overlooked this album for like 10 years. I would expect barely 10% of metalheads to be able to pass the 10sec mark which is a shame because the quality of riffing and melodies is pretty much unmatched.
Wasn't metal music born from European punk music? Either way, who gives a fuck. Throw some bands out there that you like and move on. Nobody wants to hear this retarded argument.
Really...punk music? Your a Troll right?
Yes. Actually I'm wrong. It was Jesus. Oooh dammit i need to get my history right. It was Metallica!
Thrash metal borrowed elements of punk. Other sub genres borrow elements of thrash. Either way, depending who you ask, you will get different interpretations of what metal actually is. Therefore nobody can say where it started. Classic rock bands like sabbath, zeppelin, judas priest...not metal to me. Thrash being one if the earlier forms of what we refer to as metal nowadays means i believe punk helped create it. Same goes for sabbath, but again, depending on who you ask, it could go further back than that.
So stop trying to be smart about something you can't. Its completely subjective, and pointless, and off topic since all the OP wanted you to do is post shit you like in the god damn thread!
I don't get the fuzz of this topic. We are talking in a normal way aren't we? Anyway, i'm sorry to call you a troll if that did offended you in anyway. I honestly thought you were joking.
You are right, Punk was a influence on thrash metal (it made metal bands go like' lets try to play fast and more chaotic to). But punk got his influence out of early metal/hard rock bands. Still thrash metal comes forth first out of heavy metal music of course. If we leave punk music out of history there still would be metal. If you leave Led Zeppelin out of history then we would not have so many different styles of metal as we have now (especially vocal wise). If we leave Judas Priest out of history there might not be a lot of bands who played like that with two guitar players. Also the studded leather look and motor cycles would be left out of the scene (plus lets not forget Rob Halfords sunglasses :-)))).
If we leave Black Sabbath out of history then this thread would simply not exist. Surely there would be "heavy" forms of music. But not Metal. I can number loads of reasons (facts!) why Black Sabbath is the first heavy metal band and created this style of music single handly and left the blue prints for other bands to follow.
I think we can all agree the most succesfull metal band of all time is Metallica, here you have a link of Metallica inducting Black Sabbath in the hall of fame....stating they wouldn't be there without Sabbath, there would be no hard rock as we know it and no heavy metal".
I don't want to be a winey boy but just like to 'show' you its fact and not my opinion.
Either way, you are of course free to have your own opinion and way of seeing things. But i still will react on things which are simply not true.
Claiming that nobody can say where it started that's simply not true and comes forth out not knowing enough about the history of Heavy Metal Music. I can tell you were it started like most Metalheads can. Why? Because they care alot about their music and lifestye. And know what they talk about to.
If you say that nobody can tell you where the theory of relativity began. I will tell you to read a bit more about it so you come to know Einstein invented it.
It appears to me you only enlist metal bands from the thrash metal tree to "metal music". Which is, i think, the way you like metal - heavy and fast. This doesn't mean however that these things defines metal music.
If you are interested in it i think this is a nice docu about metal:
I see your view, but then you have to ask where sabbath got their influences from. Even then you have to go back further to much older forms of music. This is my point of view. If you call black sabbath, iron maiden, judas priest, and led zeppelin heavy metal simply because they were the hardest of their generation, then you also have to consider every band that is as weak as them by comparison today as being heavy metal as well. Since i don't want to call fallout boy heavy metal, I'm going to have to choose the fact that Thrash metal is where it started.
Anybody listen to Dillinger? The album with Mike Patton was absolutely sick. Of course, anything with Mike Patton (besides Peeping Tom, which was just awful) is freaking insane in my book. I know it's not metal, but have any of you heard Mr. Bungle?
I see your view, but then you have to ask where sabbath got their influences from. Even then you have to go back further to much older forms of music. This is my point of view. If you call black sabbath, iron maiden, judas priest, and led zeppelin heavy metal simply because they were the hardest of their generation, then you also have to consider every band that is as weak as them by comparison today as being heavy metal as well. Since i don't want to call fallout boy heavy metal, I'm going to have to choose the fact that Thrash metal is where it started.
Of course you can trace back as far as you want (till the point we have some cave man banging with a stick on a rock). But once in a while there is a evolution/change in sound and style so big that a entire new genre is born. This was the case when Black Sabbath defined heavy metal music which by that time they didn't know themselves but looking back we can say that it happened. There are lots of points i can sum up that tell you why Sabbath was so very different in every way. You could not call it blues or rock anymore.
I understand that from your point you think Thrash metal is really pure metal. I can agree that in terms of heavyness en fastness combined you hear in it "metal" and bands before that you call it hard rock. What i try to make you understand is that its not about fast or heavyness what makes a band "metal".
Anyway, i don't think we will agree on this. And that's not a problem at all for me.
What i do like is, you seem to love Thrash Metal a lot. And that's for a big part my fav genre of metal.
Anybody listen to Dillinger? The album with Mike Patton was absolutely sick. Of course, anything with Mike Patton (besides Peeping Tom, which was just awful) is freaking insane in my book. I know it's not metal, but have any of you heard Mr. Bungle?
Mike Patton is a very creative guy indeed. I like his work with Faith No More best.
Anybody listen to Dillinger? The album with Mike Patton was absolutely sick. Of course, anything with Mike Patton (besides Peeping Tom, which was just awful) is freaking insane in my book. I know it's not metal, but have any of you heard Mr. Bungle?
Mike Patton is a very creative guy indeed. I like his work with Faith No More best.
Faith No More is sick, ever hear of Fantomas? It's some pretty good shit, but not as good as Tomahawk.
I see your view, but then you have to ask where sabbath got their influences from. Even then you have to go back further to much older forms of music. This is my point of view. If you call black sabbath, iron maiden, judas priest, and led zeppelin heavy metal simply because they were the hardest of their generation, then you also have to consider every band that is as weak as them by comparison today as being heavy metal as well. Since i don't want to call fallout boy heavy metal, I'm going to have to choose the fact that Thrash metal is where it started.
Of course you can trace back as far as you want (till the point we have some cave man banging with a stick on a rock). But once in a while there is a evolution/change in sound and style so big that a entire new genre is born. This was the case when Black Sabbath defined heavy metal music which by that time they didn't know themselves but looking back we can say that it happened. There are lots of points i can sum up that tell you why Sabbath was so very different in every way. You could not call it blues or rock anymore.
I understand that from your point you think Thrash metal is really pure metal. I can agree that in terms of heavyness en fastness combined you hear in it "metal" and bands before that you call it hard rock. What i try to make you understand is that its not about fast or heavyness what makes a band "metal".
Anyway, i don't think we will agree on this. And that's not a problem at all for me.
What i do like is, you seem to love Thrash Metal a lot. And that's for a big part my fav genre of metal.
Which bands you like most ?
Ah one more thing to add to the discussion. Was Black Sabbath the first band to pick up an electric guitar and make metal music? I am not sure they claimed that one. I would believe you if you said so, but it is something I am curious about. Surely they are the first ones to do it and be popular, no doubt about that.
I was specifically referring to heavy metal though. Even Ozzy himself said in an interview that classic rock artists along with glam bands from the 80's may be considered metal, but it certainly wasn't heavy. This is where thrash bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, and the like are in my mind the birth of heavy metal music. I'm not saying they were the creators, just the ones that did it successfully enough to be remembered.
Back to the main discussion:
Favorite band, Trivium. They blend genres and it is catchy and abrasive at the same time. Some say they rip off Metallica. Its hard to rip off a band that hasn't done anything truly notable in 15-20 years(depending on who you ask). You have to be a dumbass to even make the comparison in the first place when you really get into them.
Best song from Trivium would be a toss up between Kirisute Gomen, Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr, or Gunshot To the Head of Trepidation. Even their songs from their first album that they wrote when they were only 14-15 are impressive for their age.
Never been into death metal. It's just too damn generic and ends up being a mockery of itself. Especially the recent influx of metal bands with chick singers. It's a crappy gimmick and 99% of them aren't doing a damn thing interesting with their music. It's like "Hey we are so brutal right? and I sing like a dude even though I'm hotter than your average bar trash. Listen to us!"
It's gotta have melody. Without it there is nothing to get stuck in my head. it's just noisy filler music to pump me up while working out(and I don't work out lol)
That song by Death kicks ass btw! Pioneers of the genre did it way better than they do now.
I go through lots of phases of music but it's mostly cyclic; Electronica -> Rock/ Alternative -> Metal -> Death Metal -> Doom -> Ambient -> Electronica
And while The Byrds did have some kind of "heavy riff" in a song. Still doesn't make them a metal band. But its a fun fact and might even had influenced some other musicians who became metal musicians later on, who knows?
But the fact that some journalist guy or media platform says some bands are "traditional heavy metal acts" does not mean it is so. Bullshit talk.
Looking back now, things are easily discerned in ways of being metal or classic rock. Simply because we we can hear and see the difference now what people back then (60's , 70's ) could not. Back then people were calling something heavy metal because they heard a chuncked up guitar. Or they saw "metalheads" attending rock concerts (or simply couldn't tell the difference) and naming the bands metal acts. To a lot of people during that blooming metal era it all sounded alike and was new.
Aside from that a band like Queen and AC/DC have some metal like and heavy sounds in some songs, next to a certain attitude. So i can understand someone who is not really into metal can make that mistake.
At my work some colleagues call something metal as soon as they hear a harsh vocal or heavy guitar. And themselves only used to softer sounding music, cant tell the difference and call Nickleback or Avril Lavigne metal......does that mean these are metalbands? means my colleague's simply don't know shit about it.
And do you really need to talk like a though guy? Who told you true metalheads like to be punched in the teeth? Please try me and i show you some "DEATH" metal.
a cave troll!!! like in lord of the rings one!!!!
or maybe it is bara' dur demon? mmmmhhhh let me think ....
Thrash metal borrowed elements of punk. Other sub genres borrow elements of thrash. Either way, depending who you ask, you will get different interpretations of what metal actually is. Therefore nobody can say where it started. Classic rock bands like sabbath, zeppelin, judas priest...not metal to me. Thrash being one if the earlier forms of what we refer to as metal nowadays means i believe punk helped create it. Same goes for sabbath, but again, depending on who you ask, it could go further back than that.
So stop trying to be smart about something you can't. Its completely subjective, and pointless, and off topic since all the OP wanted you to do is post shit you like in the god damn thread!
So list your top 5.
1. Meshuggah, favorite song probably either Aztec Two Step or War. Well, future breed machine is insanely sick too.
2. Rage, not exactly metal, still powerful as shit. Favorite songs are bombtrack, freedom, and calm like a bomb.
3. Black Sabbath, song is War Pigs.
4. Assjack, it's Hank III's metal band and they're freakin hilarious. Cocaine the White Devil and Gravel Pit are probably my top two.
5. Norma Jean, basically any song off of Bless the Martyr is beast, but Creating Something out of Nothing definitely stands out.
There ya have it.
I think what it boils down to, is alot of of bands with constant growling and heavy guitars can sound exactly the same to me. This bores me alot. I really need to find something interesting in what I'm listening to. I started with the usual bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Fear Factory, Pantera, etc. Branched out to Children of Bodom, In Flames, early All That Remains and the like. Never have been able to get into bands like Arch Enemy or the hundreds of bands that sound like them. It's not that it's too heavy...there's just no hook.
I gave that band Viraemia a listen. I have a pretty open mind, but what an awful mess that music is. The dudes guitar made me laugh lol. To each their own.
Fleshgod Apocalypse: a bit old but for some reason I "rediscovered" this album recently. An heresy to tech death elitists (and I'm one of them), the orchestrations add so much epicness that I just can't help to headbang like an idiot at work.
Krallice: almost only instrumental song, a must listen to for fan of guitars doing weird stuff for 15min while remaining super melodic.
Anaal Nathrakh: good stuff when my boss pisses my off, one of the most extreme music available out there with that cool little epic twist on chorus for maximum effect.
Between the buried and me: they are pretty much all over the place so no description needed, as good as ever.
Ulver: true raw black shit, I completely overlooked this album for like 10 years. I would expect barely 10% of metalheads to be able to pass the 10sec mark which is a shame because the quality of riffing and melodies is pretty much unmatched.
You are right, Punk was a influence on thrash metal (it made metal bands go like' lets try to play fast and more chaotic to). But punk got his influence out of early metal/hard rock bands. Still thrash metal comes forth first out of heavy metal music of course. If we leave punk music out of history there still would be metal. If you leave Led Zeppelin out of history then we would not have so many different styles of metal as we have now (especially vocal wise). If we leave Judas Priest out of history there might not be a lot of bands who played like that with two guitar players. Also the studded leather look and motor cycles would be left out of the scene (plus lets not forget Rob Halfords sunglasses :-)))).
If we leave Black Sabbath out of history then this thread would simply not exist. Surely there would be "heavy" forms of music. But not Metal.
I can number loads of reasons (facts!) why Black Sabbath is the first heavy metal band and created this style of music single handly and left the blue prints for other bands to follow.
I think we can all agree the most succesfull metal band of all time is Metallica, here you have a link of Metallica inducting Black Sabbath in the hall of fame....stating they wouldn't be there without Sabbath, there would be no hard rock as we know it and no heavy metal".
I don't want to be a winey boy but just like to 'show' you its fact and not my opinion.
Either way, you are of course free to have your own opinion and way of seeing things. But i still will react on things which are simply not true.
Claiming that nobody can say where it started that's simply not true and comes forth out not knowing enough about the history of Heavy Metal Music. I can tell you were it started like most Metalheads can.
Why? Because they care alot about their music and lifestye. And know what they talk about to.
If you say that nobody can tell you where the theory of relativity began. I will tell you to read a bit more about it so you come to know Einstein invented it.
It appears to me you only enlist metal bands from the thrash metal tree to "metal music". Which is, i think, the way you like metal - heavy and fast. This doesn't mean however that these things defines metal music.
If you are interested in it i think this is a nice docu about metal:
Metal: A Headbangers Journey
follow this vid from 8:14 min to hear about sabbath if you like.
Another really good one is "heavy; the story of metal'
These two docu's are very cool to watch and they have a lot of metal musicians interviewed.
Anyway, i don't want to be a "i know it all better guy" i just cant help reacting on people who state opinion as fact.
I understand that from your point you think Thrash metal is really pure metal. I can agree that in terms of heavyness en fastness combined you hear in it "metal" and bands before that you call it hard rock.
What i try to make you understand is that its not about fast or heavyness what makes a band "metal".
Anyway, i don't think we will agree on this. And that's not a problem at all for me.
What i do like is, you seem to love Thrash Metal a lot. And that's for a big part my fav genre of metal.
Which bands you like most ?
A triva about the Death metal band Vader:
They took there name from one of the most evil and dark characters ever created.....
Darth Vader (no lie).
great band, great person, pity he is dead.
I was specifically referring to heavy metal though. Even Ozzy himself said in an interview that classic rock artists along with glam bands from the 80's may be considered metal, but it certainly wasn't heavy. This is where thrash bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, and the like are in my mind the birth of heavy metal music. I'm not saying they were the creators, just the ones that did it successfully enough to be remembered.
Back to the main discussion:
Favorite band, Trivium. They blend genres and it is catchy and abrasive at the same time. Some say they rip off Metallica. Its hard to rip off a band that hasn't done anything truly notable in 15-20 years(depending on who you ask). You have to be a dumbass to even make the comparison in the first place when you really get into them.
Best song from Trivium would be a toss up between Kirisute Gomen, Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr, or Gunshot To the Head of Trepidation. Even their songs from their first album that they wrote when they were only 14-15 are impressive for their age.
Never been into death metal. It's just too damn generic and ends up being a mockery of itself. Especially the recent influx of metal bands with chick singers. It's a crappy gimmick and 99% of them aren't doing a damn thing interesting with their music. It's like "Hey we are so brutal right? and I sing like a dude even though I'm hotter than your average bar trash. Listen to us!"
It's gotta have melody. Without it there is nothing to get stuck in my head. it's just noisy filler music to pump me up while working out(and I don't work out lol)
That song by Death kicks ass btw! Pioneers of the genre did it way better than they do now.
Few of my favorite choices from my Metal bands:
Parkway Drive - Romance is Dead
Whitechapel - Possession
Gojira - Heaviest Matter in the Universe
Neptune - Disequilibrium
his music touch my soul