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Legacy of Bhaal bugged in v2.5?

Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
After playing the unmodded game on Core for a while I thought I would update my SCS modded version to 2.5 and have a go at LoB in that. It quickly became apparent that I was having difficulty hitting things and recruiting a few enemies into my party showed why - hobgoblins, ogres and xvarts all had an AC of -6, while diseased gibberlings had to do with a mere -1. At a guess, what has happened is that the +12 adjustment to levels has also been applied as a negative adjustment to AC.

Checking in the unmodded game, that seems to be the case there as well - but I can't see anything in the patch notes suggesting this was intended. While I enjoy kiting more than most people, an hours work to kill a single hobgoblin strikes me as a bit too extreme ;).

Has anyone else noticed this?


  • xizorxizor Member Posts: 89

    "Heart of Fury/Legacy of Bhaal should provide AC bonuses to enemies"
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited August 2018
    Thanks @xizor. I'd assumed the change would be referred to in the patch notes for BGEE / SoD, but it's only in the infinity engine version.

    I know a lot of people thought that LoB was previously too unbalanced - particularly if playing solo fighter types. I didn't think so myself before as it was possible for a decent level fighter to successfully melee most enemies. However, it looks like things got a whole lot more challenging, so I might need to reconsider my views on balance ...
  • MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
    xizor said:

    "Heart of Fury/Legacy of Bhaal should provide AC bonuses to enemies"

    Wow thanks. I thought I was loosing my mind wondering why in BG2EE it was harder to hit enemies. I never checked if AC bonuses were applied in the first place so I wouldn't notice it anyway. I just assumed they were.

    So I assume all enemies get -5 AC bonus now. This will have huge impact on BGEE early game.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited August 2018
    Myrag said:

    So I assume all enemies get -5 AC bonus now. This will have huge impact on BGEE early game.

    I think it's actually -11 AC, so will be a significant impact right throughout the games (though I agree with you it's greatest early in BGEE where requiring a critical to hit a diseased gibberling seems harsh :p. A high level kensai might still be hitting most things pretty automatically in late BG2, but not much else will be ...
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • domagoj_zgdomagoj_zg Member Posts: 11
    Im gonna do a bug report also, its about LOB experience. After a few reloads, even when game is terminated, XP reward resets to normal values (e.g. Mephit 840XP Irenicus Dungeon, Sea troll sewers 7400XP) not as it should (seas troll 34000XP). Problem is gone after PC is restarted, so obviously some value stas in memory and causes this bug. I've checked all relevant values in LUA file and all are ok (giving bonus XP).
  • MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328

    Im gonna do a bug report also, its about LOB experience. After a few reloads, even when game is terminated, XP reward resets to normal values (e.g. Mephit 840XP Irenicus Dungeon, Sea troll sewers 7400XP) not as it should (seas troll 34000XP). Problem is gone after PC is restarted, so obviously some value stas in memory and causes this bug. I've checked all relevant values in LUA file and all are ok (giving bonus XP).

    Uhmm... but LOB shouldn't give extra XP I think. I think nightmare mode did when you enabled extra XP via config file. Never seen any extra XP in LOB though.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Myrag said:

    Im gonna do a bug report also, its about LOB experience. After a few reloads, even when game is terminated, XP reward resets to normal values (e.g. Mephit 840XP Irenicus Dungeon, Sea troll sewers 7400XP) not as it should (seas troll 34000XP). Problem is gone after PC is restarted, so obviously some value stas in memory and causes this bug. I've checked all relevant values in LUA file and all are ok (giving bonus XP).

    Uhmm... but LOB shouldn't give extra XP I think. I think nightmare mode did when you enabled extra XP via config file. Never seen any extra XP in LOB though.
    IWD gave the additional XP by default, though you could change that in the config file. It's just the other way round in LoB - by default you don't get it, but you can change the LUA setting to provide it.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited August 2018
    Looks like LoB finally gets challenging... *cough*
    So (nearly) all solo chars without Enchanted Weapon + Martyrs Morningstar will now suffer "a bit more" against Big B - no? :D
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited September 2018
    The original HOW mode gave bonus XP by default. LOB mode always had it disabled by default and they added the option to turn on the XP bonus for those who wanted it. It seemed to me that this was Beamdog's way of balancing the mode for LOB since you are playing with a level 1 party and not trying to boost levels of an imported, high level team for a second play of the game.

    It would be nice if they added a tick box to "enable -11 AC bonus for enemies in LOB mode" beneath the option to enable "bonus XP in LOB mode". Again, to balance the original HOW settings for LOB mode in Baldurs Gate. I doubt there are many people who want to rely on luck to beat enemies in LOB mode instead of skill. It kind of defeats the purpose. Having the option to enable it would satisfy the few people who want it and would allow Beamdog to say that HOW was converted into Baldur's gate in it's entirety without ignoring the purpose of the game mode itself.

    This way Beamdog wouldn't have to spend time and resources on an unnecessary mod that most people won't even be aware of and it would make everyone happy.

    Bonus XP makes the game too easy and bonus -11AC for enemies makes the game too hard because it requires luck in order to progress through the game. In my opinion both of these options should be off by default in LOB mode in order to balance it. LOB is not intended to be played like HOW was originally and BG is not Icewind Dale. These would be very basic options that would at least attempt to balance the mode toward serving it's intended purpose within the Baldur's Gate series.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @the_sextein Please file this one as a feature request at, and our triage team will look.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    Ok, I submitted a request to have a tick box option added to the game menu that can disable the -11AC bonus back down to 0 like it was in version 2.3 of the game. Hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle and the team will see some merit in my request.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Wouldn't it be better to request settable values for all of the LoB bonuses?
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited September 2018
    lroumen said:

    Wouldn't it be better to request settable values for all of the LoB bonuses?

    I think Beamdog should really just spend some time balancing it and leave it at that. Adding tick options for every little thing is a slippery slope and I would rather them just slam the gauntlet down and tell us how it is. If @JuliusBorisov plays LOB mode and he and other members of Beamdog can honestly tell me that they think LOB mode in it's current form is the most balanced, polished and fun it can be then I will live with it and admit that it's just not for me.

    Some people think double damage on insane mode is silly but that is the way it is and we all have to deal with it. I think LOB mode should be the same way. The difference is I truly don't feel that Beamdog has put the time in to polish LOB mode. I think they just had the goal of importing it in from Icewind dale and once that was completed they were content to leave it that way. I'm hoping they will spend a little more time to make LOB mode worth while and cater it toward Baldur's Gate. I'm saying this as a fan of the EE games and the original implantation of LOB. Not trying to be disrespectful or a loud mouthed complainer. Just voicing my opinion.

    If they do balance it, they should say so in the patch notes and make it clear what the intended changes are so we know if it is working as intended and then we can all just deal with it and decide if we want to use it or not. @CamDawg and @JuliusBorisov have been playing the game as long as I have and many of the development team are probably as good or better than I am. I will respect their honest opinions regarding game balance and I believe the majority of the community will as well. I hope that Beamdog attempts to further balance it for Baldur's Gate rather than simply port the original settings from Icewind Dale. The games are different and the difficulty settings don't transfer between the games smoothly. That is why the bonus XP was disabled in the first place.

    I know that this will take time and money to do if you are paying guys to play it and configure it on the clock. If it's too costly then maybe they should just leave LOB mode as a direct port from HOW like it is and actually make a DLC difficulty mode that is true quality. I would gladly pay Beamdog for a DLC to add a quality difficulty mode that basically adds SOD level AI with balanced LOB difficulty for the whole trilogy. It would require the EE version of the infinity engine and it would be a separate DLC so I doubt it would cause any contractual problems. Or if it's not too costly to modify LOB then simply balance the current LOB mode a little tighter. I would be happy with either one.

    I have a feeling there isn't a single veteran player that thinks LOB mode in it's current state is balanced but maybe I'm mistaken. I hope other players of this mode will chime in a leave an opinion as to weather they are happy with it and what they think could improve it if they are not. I feel like these tick boxes will actually take away from the mode because there will be no established level of difficulty for those of us that choose to play it.
    Post edited by the_sextein on
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Sure, that is fair enough.

    Externalisation of the values to a tp2 could make it more easily moddable.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    Has anyone actually ever completed the game on Legacy of Bhaal with a new full party, with or without SCS?

    That would be quite an achievement. Fighting three Gibberlings in the opening woods felt like the end game battle for me :D
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    Thanks for the link @Arctodus Impressive stuff :)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    That's actually one of the reasons I'm worried about this new AC bonus. The reality is that the solo no-reload LoB+SCS+Ascension challenge is already so crushing that some classes flat out can't complete it without disabling the XP cap or using certain mods. The challenge is very dependent on maximizing numbers, and that AC bonus could crowd out certain characters who are only just barely scraping by in terms of their THAC0.

    The fight against Belhifet is already incredibly highly dependent on maximizing THAC0, and while the Martyr's Morningstar can win the fight regardless of THAC0 since it relies on landing critical hits, you need the Enchanted Weapon spell to use it against Belhifet as of v2.5 (or one of the other post-v2.0 updates). Cavaliers and rangers with Demon as a racial enemy should still be able to tackle him, but other classes just won't be able to overcome Belhifet's regeneration with the reliability needed for a no-reload run.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    I haven't beaten it solo but I have beaten LOB, SCS, Ascension with the cannon party and all SCS options enabled for maximum difficulty. It was a great challenge but doable. I feel like I can beat it in it's current state but the luck factor and massive kite gameplay is not fun.
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