I had to look up what the flag here is. It is the flag of "kekistan", a 4chan alt-right meme, with obviously the Nazi flag beneath it. Aside from the field turning red to green and the center emblem, they're identical.
A good point. I, too, remember their cries against hoodies.
Simple. The wall will not work. First because a lot of illegals overstay tourist visas. Second because there are another routes towards USA, Cubans for eg tends to use Boats. Third because a ladder can easily "skip" the wall.
Just like gun control. Will NEVER work; on US the most violent places like Chicago are exactly where there are more gun control. On Europe, the most safer places are where there are more guns like Switzerland, on Latin America, Uruguay has the highest gun per capta and is the safest country. Brazil and Mexico have the most strict gun control and are the most violent.
There are a lot of misconceptions about Monarchy, some people believe that Emperors are just dictators with fancy cloths but here is an good video about the last Emperor about the last Empire on Americas. I recommend this video to anyone that wanna thinks about "president VS king".
Monarchy fell in Brazil = An corrupt semi socialist failed state Monarchy fell in Russia = An bloody revolution and the most totalitarian government on the history and the biggest genocide on the history Monarchy fell in Germany = Failed Weimar republic, hyperinflation and then the rise of Adolf Hitler.
The highest country in GDP per capita is a monarchy(Liechtenstein)
Instead of taking this opportunity to, you know, maybe let people know if they see a homeless person outside in this weather to do everything you can to make sure they are safe for the night, he uses it to demonstrate he doesn't know the difference between climate and weather. And for the record, in Minnesota and North Dakota, a -50 wind chill could be any random day in January or February. Once it gets below -30, it's almost impossible to tell the difference anyway.
There's a lovely article in the New Yorker about a corporate whistleblower named Darren Sewell, who exposed fraud at Freedom Health. Apparently fraud is a major problem at companies that receive government support (healthcare companies in particular can find lots of ways to manipulate the system), and the government compensates whistleblowers for helping law enforcement uncover fraud--a process which actually saves the government money!
Corporations are not supposed to be allowed to punish whistleblowers, but in practice, they can completely destroy a whistleblower's entire career by making up lies and spreading them through the industry, preventing the whistleblower from ever finding a job again. Only the promise of that compensation (whistleblowers can receive a percentage of the money saved by uncovering the fraud, which might also be divided with their lawyer) makes it worth the cost, and even then, informants have to deal with years of stress by helping the government gradually collect data and build a case.
It's a disturbing indictment of corporate malfeasance, and a powerful tribute to the hard work and self-sacrifice by conscientious whistleblowers. We need more people like Darren Sewell.
Instead of taking this opportunity to, you know, maybe let people know if they see a homeless person outside in this weather to do everything you can to make sure they are safe for the night, he uses it to demonstrate he doesn't know the difference between climate and weather. And for the record, in Minnesota and North Dakota, a -50 wind chill could be any random day in January or February. Once it gets below -30, it's almost impossible to tell the difference anyway.
Soon as I read about the polar vortex collapse I knew this shit was coming.
Every fucking year now we are getting fucking repukes saying "It's so cold. What global warming?".
The problem is the the polar vortex collapse is caused by polar warming. The vortex breaks every year as part of winter to spring transition.
Basically "cold" poles have strong vortices, while "warm" poles have weak ones. The stronger it is, the faster it spins.
Because it is weak (slow), the vortex can be disturbed easier, and a warm snap can intrude the weak vortex and shear off a piece of it and send that fragment extra-polar.
tl,dr: It's so fucking cold BECAUSE of global warming.
No matter what your position is on the matter, this particular argument (which has been made popular on FOX News for over a decade) remains one of the singularly dumbest takes in all of politics. Everytime there is a snow-storm on the East coast, they will start trotting out this line, as if global warming means we should all be boiling in a pot 24/7/365. "Oh, we sure could use some of that global warming right about now" is just so, so stupid, and makes anyone saying it look like a complete fool.
This argument is not an good argument. If the world becomes colder in 10% of regions and warm in 90%, global warring is a reality. If is caused by humans or naturally, if the projections are wrong, etc is another discussion.
America is not a Demcracy. It's a Representative Democracy. There is a difference. In A Straight Democracy you vote directly for who is in charge. Here, we vote for representatives to make decisions for us rather than voting on every issue ourselves. Also, thus, the Electoral College.
I don't believe that they are very unstable or tyranny. Anyone here thinks that Venezuela is more stable than Liechtenstein? And that Liechtenstein is not an good place to live?
Mentioning my three examples, look to how many dictatorships, coups, etc Brazil had on the last decades. Over 90% of the white population was in favor of abolish slavery, only took so long to end slavery thanks to the lobby of few ultra rich farmers that have a lot of slaves. If Brazil was an republic in that time, i an pretty sure that slavery will last for much more decades.
In Russia, the most violent revolution, the biggest genocide on the story and and after the fell of soviet union, Russia is now an very corrupt and centralized government.
These anecdotes are perfectly useless. If you want a data driven analysis, you need to look at all the available data, all monarchies and all democracies, and see what differences are there.
A dictator or king has no incentive to treat the population like human beings; he's not held accountable for his actions. The king might have to plan 30 years down the line when he's still in power, but he has no incentive to plan for anyone but himself.
A politician might not be in charge of a national government for 30 years, but he or she almost assuredly will be in politics for much more than 30 years. A lot of politicians remain politically active and run for office for their entire adult life, and even after retirement age. A politician might only be in a given office from 2020-2022, but he'll be up for reelection multiple times for decades into the future.
A politician does have an incentive to plan long-term. And unlike a monarch, he or she also has an incentive to look out for their constituents.
I liked Obama and I still think he's a great leader, but I wouldn't put him in office for his entire life, even if did mean we wouldn't have Trump. Power can and will corrupt anyone if it's completely unchecked.
For long range planning in Democracies I wonder if something similar to the Roman system would work. E.g. you get to be President for a shorter time (like 1-2 years) and are allowed to run again only after 10 years in between. Similar for other major offices.
I think this would also give more politicians executive experience.
America is not a Demcracy. It's a Representative Democracy. There is a difference. In A Straight Democracy you vote directly for who is in charge. Here, we vote for representatives to make decisions for us rather than voting on every issue ourselves. Also, thus, the Electoral College.
I was watching a YouTube call-in show this weekend. The host referenced a list of the last couple-hundred mass shootings prepared by one of the gun control organizations. He talked about the one unifying factor in all those shootings and then gave his one (tongue-in-cheek) rule to reduce gun violence: Only women should be allowed to own guns.
I think America's system of 4-year terms, limited to 2 terms, is fine as it is. With rare exceptions, presidents already have lots of political experience when they enter office, and 4 years is enough time for a president's policies to show their effects and provide plenty of information to voters by the time the next election rolls around. Eight years is probably enough time for one politician to be in office. Twelve years might be fine, too, but we already have lots of excellent candidates for the presidency; we don't really need to re-use the same one for more than a decade.
These anecdotes are perfectly useless. If you want a data driven analysis, you need to look at all the available data, all monarchies and all democracies, and see what differences are there.
are not anecdotes, are historical examples. Each time that an monarchy fell, the results always was worst than the previous. The French revolution for eg was much more violent than any French emperor. And what is the main result? Napoleon...
A dictator or king has no incentive to treat the population like human beings; he's not held accountable for his actions. The king might have to plan 30 years down the line when he's still in power, but he has no incentive to plan for anyone but himself.
Of course there are an incentive. If an Lord/Monarch mistreats his population, the population can just move. The problem of modern states is mostly the centralization of the power and lack of limitation of government power. Some Lords tried to ban crossbows in medieval times and guess what. Most commoners just moved to other areas exactly because they don't wanna be defenseless.
About North Korea, "the Soviets held elections of their own in their zone on 25 August 1948 for a Supreme People's Assembly. Voters were presented with a single list from the Communist-dominated Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was proclaimed on 9 September 1948, with Kim as the Soviet-designated premier. On 15 August 1948, the south had declared statehood as the Republic of Korea. The Communist Party was nominally led by Kim Tu-bong, though from the outs"
They are anecdotes in the sense of a brief account of an incident. If you wanna make the point that "Each time that an monarchy fell, the results always was worst than the previous." then you need to look at all recorded instances, not just specific ones.
Moving to a whole new country is a massive sacrifice just to escape a vicious dictator. People should not have to give up their jobs, leave their homes, flee their homeland, and lose contact with all their friends and family just because one powerful person is abusing them. That's the sort of thing you do in response to a hurricane, and if a king is functionally identical to a hurricane, that sounds like a pretty lousy system of government. That's the situation in Syria, and the mass emigration from Syria isn't good for anyone.
Incidentally, you can't always just leave the country if you don't like the government. North Korea happens to be an excellent example: they forbid their people from leaving the country without authorization, and if you do escape, any family you leave behind will be thrown into a concentration camp for three generations.
Not everyone is willing to sacrifice everything they own and everyone they love to escape a tyrant. If they were, tyrannical governments would not exist anywhere.
They are anecdotes in the sense of a brief account of an incident. If you wanna make the point that "Each time that an monarchy fell, the results always was worst than the previous." then you need to look at all recorded instances, not just specific ones.
Indeed. The other difficulty is that Monarchy has so many different forms. There are at least the following broad categories
Absolutist monarchy
Feudalistic monarchy
Constitutional monarchy where the monarch still has real power (Germany prior to WW 1)
Constitutional monarchy where the monarch is only representative (e.g. England)
And those are on a spectrum instead of being really distinct.
As for Liechtenstein: it has a high GDP, but that is because it is a tax haven. It only works because it leeches the wealth of other countries. Even if you think low taxes are ideal, it wouldn't work half as well if every other industrial country did the same. It also does not scale, it is no coincidence that tax havens are usually very small countries. It's also the last country in Europe to grant women the right to vote (barely, with about 51% of votes) in 1984. I would hardly call that country exemplary.
<h2>Roger Stone won’t categorically rule out cooperation agreement with special counsel</h2>
<h2>"It Can't Be Warren and It Can't Be Sanders": Wall Street Executives Make 2020 Preferences Known</h2>
"Wall Street likes Biden, Booker, Harris, Gillibrand, and Beto. Guess who they hate? Sanders and Warren. All the rest is commentary."
<h2>Nation with Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall</h2>
Point. How about we fix other things first?
<h2>The Week: Stephen Miller reportedly said he ‘would be happy if not a single refugee foot ever again touched America’s soil’</h2>
There should be a limit to this Drek.
<h2>Wes Anderson Is Under Edward Gorey’s Spell</h2>
Edward Gorey did the credits for "Mystery", among others.
<h2>Tom Brokaw: ‘Hispanics Should Work Harder At Assimilation’</h2>
<h2>How Geddy Lee's Grandmother Saved Her Family During the Holocaust</h2>
<h2>Coexist Gaming Provides a Space For Gamers That Feels Like a House Party in Wakanda</h2>
<h2>Senators introduce bill to require special counsel report be made public</h2>
Simple. The wall will not work. First because a lot of illegals overstay tourist visas. Second because there are another routes towards USA, Cubans for eg tends to use Boats. Third because a ladder can easily "skip" the wall.
Just like gun control. Will NEVER work; on US the most violent places like Chicago are exactly where there are more gun control. On Europe, the most safer places are where there are more guns like Switzerland, on Latin America, Uruguay has the highest gun per capta and is the safest country. Brazil and Mexico have the most strict gun control and are the most violent.
This shot up on my news about a half hour ago.
Monarchy fell in Brazil = An corrupt semi socialist failed state
Monarchy fell in Russia = An bloody revolution and the most totalitarian government on the history and the biggest genocide on the history
Monarchy fell in Germany = Failed Weimar republic, hyperinflation and then the rise of Adolf Hitler.
The highest country in GDP per capita is a monarchy(Liechtenstein)
When you're right, you're right.
Instead of taking this opportunity to, you know, maybe let people know if they see a homeless person outside in this weather to do everything you can to make sure they are safe for the night, he uses it to demonstrate he doesn't know the difference between climate and weather. And for the record, in Minnesota and North Dakota, a -50 wind chill could be any random day in January or February. Once it gets below -30, it's almost impossible to tell the difference anyway.
Did Roger Stone Sell ‘Hillary for Prison’ Merchandise?
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/roger-stone-hillary-prison-merch/?fbclid=IwAR0u-51GqT9cKs0SPDo2caty8Rf-s680HntekXvAX_FXEfFxoFucHHy9yzoShort answer: Yes, yes he did.
Pipeline spills 176,000 gallons of crude into creek about 150 miles from Dakota Access protest camp
https://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/12/pipeline-spills-176000-gallons-of-crude-into-creek-about-150-miles-from-dakota-access-protest-camp.html?fbclid=IwAR32UpZki2Gd1-iwdNDIsLwH62qCvcY8oTmeSJdIgk19yonIa8jtOZFUg5gIn North Dakota
Instead of Giving Billions to Amazon, We Could Just Cancel Student Debt
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a3mg4e/instead-of-giving-billions-to-amazon-we-could-just-cancel-student-debt?fbclid=IwAR2b6AbCZxob3-c3ct0nRjhHt2vR0IEj1VG-tBlMOaaKwxPyFvGc4Ekt12EYes, this is actually possible.
Soon as I read about the polar vortex collapse I knew this shit was coming.
Every fucking year now we are getting fucking repukes saying "It's so cold. What global warming?".
The problem is the the polar vortex collapse is caused by polar warming. The vortex breaks every year as part of winter to spring transition.
Basically "cold" poles have strong vortices, while "warm" poles have weak ones. The stronger it is, the faster it spins.
Because it is weak (slow), the vortex can be disturbed easier, and a warm snap can intrude the weak vortex and shear off a piece of it and send that fragment extra-polar.
tl,dr: It's so fucking cold BECAUSE of global warming.
Mentioning my three examples, look to how many dictatorships, coups, etc Brazil had on the last decades. Over 90% of the white population was in favor of abolish slavery, only took so long to end slavery thanks to the lobby of few ultra rich farmers that have a lot of slaves. If Brazil was an republic in that time, i an pretty sure that slavery will last for much more decades.
In Russia, the most violent revolution, the biggest genocide on the story and and after the fell of soviet union, Russia is now an very corrupt and centralized government.
On Germany, an failed Weimar state with one of the biggest hyperinflation( https://nomadcapitalist.com/2014/04/20/top-5-worst-cases-hyperinflation-history/ ) and and centralized structure that easily allowed national socialists to raise to the power
An king needs to think on long therm. While an politician needs to think on short them.
I think this would also give more politicians executive experience.