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  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    My cousin homeschooled her kids and they turned out great. I think it really depends on the quality of the teacher, though--my cousin was herself a teacher, so she very much knew what she was doing.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    It seems to me the very first thing that should be done in the House is to introduce a bill that requires, by law, the government never shut down. If a new spending bill agreement cannot be reached by Congress, then the new appropriations would then simply revert to the previous year's numbers and go forward until a change takes place. Now, Republicans in the Senate will probably kill this proposal on sight, because, again, in the mid-90s, the GOP discovered they could use this as an explicit tactic, but we will at least have a record of who stands where. Again, keeping the government open is not an equivalent position to asking for a concrete policy proposal. And people really need to get that fact hammered in their heads. There was no give and take in this "negotiation" because Democrats were't looking to take anything at all.

    In regards to home-schooling, obviously parents should have the RIGHT to do so, but I will chime in that in my experience, knowing the children who were home-schooled in my area, and that is that going to public school for 13 years is not just about learning how to understand fractions and reading Jack London novels. It is also about learning how social interaction works and how one conducts themselves in the world. And, not for nothing, but every home-schooled kid I knew growing up (and they were all very polite and well-mannered, being as they were mostly Baptist) were also EXTREMELY socially awkward, and who knows how many years they were set back in that particular "class", so to speak.

    Sidenote: Call of the Wild and White Fang suck. Come at me.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @jjstraka34 I give you an agree for the first half.

    As for the homeschooling thing, it all depends on the child. I had social interaction up until highschool, and it never clicked with me. The prospect of dealing with people in person still makes me incredibly nervous. Its much easier for me to interact with small groups of people (like, less than five), for short periods of time (less than an hour). There are like 4 or 5 people that I can (and even want) to interact with for long periods of time.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    ThacoBell said:

    @jjstraka34 I give you an agree for the first half.

    As for the homeschooling thing, it all depends on the child. I had social interaction up until highschool, and it never clicked with me. The prospect of dealing with people in person still makes me incredibly nervous. Its much easier for me to interact with small groups of people (like, less than five), for short periods of time (less than an hour). There are like 4 or 5 people that I can (and even want) to interact with for long periods of time.

    I agree. I PREFER to deal with the situation you mention here as far as group-size goes (hell, even less for at least 98% of the year if I can avoid it). But what school did (and god knows people can have horrible experiences at school) is it teaches you simply by throwing you in the deep end of how to "fake it til you make it" in regards to everything else. Or rather, forces you to obtain a minimum level of adaptability to all different types of scenarios that you probably won't even ever recognize retroactively. But from the moment you are forced to share the play-kitchen area in Kindergarten with other kids, you are being taught a lesson by osmosis.

    I am adamantly, 100% pro-public school, but that is because both my parents were public school teachers, and I saw the work that goes into it that is never recognized after the bells ring at 3:15, and I also know the blame bad parents put on teachers who are not only teaching your kids, but trying to raise them as well if the parents are doing a shitty job. On the macro-level, I feel private schools foster a sense of superiority and elitism, and that home-schooling completely lacks one of the most important aspects of the education process, but that's just me.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    Sidenote: Call of the Wild and White Fang suck. Come at me.

    How dare you Sirrah. I rather like them myself for a bit of light reading :p.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    Grond0 said:

    Sidenote: Call of the Wild and White Fang suck. Come at me.

    How dare you Sirrah. I rather like them myself for a bit of light reading :p.
    If anyone else is roughly my age, they might remember a sort of new-age Jack London-ish book that they would have ran into the school library called "Hatchet", which was one of those vaunted Newbery Award Winners. If you were a reader as a child, nothing was more alluring in a potential new book than seeing that Gold Medal embossed on the front cover.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Grond0 said:

    Sidenote: Call of the Wild and White Fang suck. Come at me.

    How dare you Sirrah. I rather like them myself for a bit of light reading :p.
    If anyone else is roughly my age, they might remember a sort of new-age Jack London-ish book that they would have ran into the school library called "Hatchet", which was one of those vaunted Newbery Award Winners. If you were a reader as a child, nothing was more alluring in a potential new book than seeing that Gold Medal embossed on the front cover.
    "My Side of the Mountain" by Jean Craighead George. That was the big one when I was in school in the 70's. They even made a movie about it.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    More ammo for “fake news” claims:

    Negative fluff pieces like this also doesn’t help the division in this company. The telegraph should be ashamed of itself for stooping to this level.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I see no reason to bother criticizing Melania Trump to begin with. Nothing in her past has ever seemed scandalous or even political to me, and thus far, as First Lady, she hasn't said or done anything controversial. I think she's just a trophy wife (which I don't actually consider a bad thing) who got thrust into the political spotlight due to Trump's election. She seems like a normal wife, mother, and First Lady to me.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    I see no reason to bother criticizing Melania Trump to begin with. Nothing in her past has ever seemed scandalous or even political to me, and thus far, as First Lady, she hasn't said or done anything controversial. I think she's just a trophy wife (which I don't actually consider a bad thing) who got thrust into the political spotlight due to Trump's election. She seems like a normal wife, mother, and First Lady to me.

    So the lesbian and naked erotic pictures that she took don't bother you? They don't bother me, but they cut into the fake image she's trying to portray as First Lady, don't they?

    Here's a clothed one from one photoshoot, more are easily found online.

    She overstayed her visa (which was somehow an Einstein Visa. BS! Donnie Boy paid off some people and pulled some strings for that one.)

    By the way, overstaying visas is way more of a problem than the stupid crossing the border thing. In 2017 double the amount of illegal immigrants came from visa overstays than crossing the southern border.

    Oh and while we're talking about Melania and immigration, she brought her parents to the US through chain migration which is something Trump has fearmongered about.

    So what's it mean? About her: I really don't care, do u? She's a trophy wife doing whoever it takes to get rich. She's a Trump.

    She took a shortcut to riches. He's definitely a lottery ticket for a poor slovenian girl who used to do nude modeling to pay the bills.

    She's meaningless. Don't get me wrong, she's got it tough putting up with her mean caustic personality of a husband. Hey at least Obama's wife was educated, well spoken, and tried to improve children's lives. Melania's cyberbullying campaign is an utter failure and another pathetic attempt to follow in Michelle Obama's footsteps and of course doomed from the start given that her husband is one of the top problems in the world when it comes to being evil and abusive on social media.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    The utter hypocrisy in regards to her immigration issues is what I have the problem with. But no one ever talks about Trump's blatant, out in the open hypocrisy on immigration issues. Not the fact that Melania worked at least 10 modelling jobs for almost two months BEFORE she was legally allowed to do so, and not the fact that Trump has undocumented workers employed at his golf courses and resorts. The media doesn't talk about it AT ALL, and it's a complete and utter joke. We're having a national discussion every day about immigration policy, and the fact is the man in the White House and his wife are themselves at least as if not MORE guilty of perpetuating the problem than any individual immigrant crossing the border, and we don't even speak about it. Again, it's ridiculous. Hell, even Mitt Romney had to account for undocumented lawn care workers in 2012. But Trump having them working on his properties while he was President?? A minor story on page A-24 for about 12 hours. Here is another one about a DOZEN people they just had to fire that came out less than 3 hours ago. How in any rational universe is this not part of the conversation?? He is a goddamn poster child for the REAL part of the problem, which is the business owners. If Democrats don't pick this up and run with it, I have absolutely no idea what they are thinking. I would nail him to a cross with this shit:

    Frankly, I was going to go BACK to the story that came out a month or so ago, but it turns out that literally as I was typing this, MORE info about how pervasive the problem at his New York Golf Club was was hitting the wires. Un-frickin'-real. I'd like to hear a single reasonable defense of this news given his draconian stance on immigration. He should have this story brought up every time he mentions it until he is out office. Not that it will matter, since he will just lie and say it isn't true, and 33% of the country will believe him anyway.

    Beyond that, I guess we have also all forgotten the indisputable fact (the chances against it are about a billion to one) that she plagiarized Michelle Obama at the RNC. Now, she was quickly given a pass for doing so, and her staff and the speechwriters were thrown under the bus. And maybe rightfully so, because I sure as hell don't think she wrote her own speech. But answer me this: just how much of a pass does anyone think Michelle Obama would have gotten if she had plagiarized Laura Bush in 2008?? The answer is, she would have gotten none. It would have been a never-ending story until the day she left public life.
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  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    That does look like "fake news" - a piece that intentionally includes false information.

    But how does that give "ammunition" to other fakes news "claims?"

    Fake news stories exist - pizzagate is a prime example, the story about Trump saying "if I ever run for predident it will be as a Republican, they are more gullible" is another one.

    Trump, in 1984 fashion, uses the term incorrectly to attack any news story that is critical of him. This has the unfortunate effect of damaging the social fabric. But lamenting fake news will not help; it is created maliciously, by bad actors. We can't stop malicious people from maliciously saying false things. The best we can do is recognize what is maliciously fake and recognize what is not maliciously fake, and differentiate the two categories. Using the term as a dumb way to sling mud at institutions you don't like doesn't help anyone.

    Because Trump paints in broad strokes. He can use the story as an example on how the media is unfair to him and his family and that they have paid for it and more will pay for it if they continue to spread "false stories."

    Let say it emerges that Don Jr was the one who ordered Stone to contact Wikileaks and CNN or MNBC covers it/gets the scoop on it. All Trump has to do is tweet "It's bad enough the lying media is going after me with their false claims, but they are now going after my family. First my wife with the Telegraph now my son. They paid dearly for going after my wife, how much should they pay now?"

    Now since half of that statement is true, some gullible will believe the other half to be true as well. He will get to point to this story (much like he is doing with the Buzzfeed stories) as proof that the media are lying about him and his family.
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  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    I don't think there has been a SINGLE news story that was damaging to Trump since he started campaigning that he hasn't dismissed as "fake news". Not one. Moreover, he ADMITTED to Leslie Stahl in a 60 Minutes interview that he does it, in a blanket fashion, on purpose, so that when bad stories hit, people won't believe them. Again, another instance, just like the Comey firing, where his OWN WORDS confessing to something don't even matter. In any given situation on any topic, Trump will just TELL you what his con is, because he thinks too highly of himself to keep it a secret, yet millions upon millions of people just pretend that isn't the case. He is like a serial killer who can't stop himself from sending notes bragging to the police about how he hasn't been caught yet.

    So by virtue of calling every single, solitary news story that comes into existence "fake", and given the nature of the world, some of them are obviously not going to pan out, contain incorrect elements, or require correction or revocation of the story. And if a SINGLE one meets any of these categories, he is vindicated. In the scenario he has created, the media must be PERFECT to avoid the charge, and even if they hypothetically were (which is impossible), he would STILL call them "fake" anyway. Meanwhile, he can lie with impunity at the rate of over 15 times a day.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2019

    I don't think there has been a SINGLE news story that was damaging to Trump since he started campaigning that he hasn't dismissed as "fake news". Not one.

    Pro tip: not all of them have been fake either.

    So he's been lying. Shocked? You shouldn't be people.

    Here is some really fake news:

    Blatant lying by the GOP. The facts are the shutdown began when the GOP controlled all branches and ended when Trump quit holding the country hostage.
    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    So, here's news from my feeds...

    Woman Who Almost Died From Vaccine Shuts Down Anti-Vaxxers With Powerful Story

    Pelosi Statement on Special Counsel Indictment and Arrest of Trump Campaign Advisor Roger Stone

    3 men get at least 25 years in prison in Kansas plot to kill Somali Muslims

    Roger Stone leaves court to chants of "lock him up"
    I can guarantee Trump will get this, too! Gandersauce!

    Wealth Distribution Goes Awry

    This puzzles me. Why? It's not like they are going to have kids *after* they get a sex change. If they want that, they can get sperm/eggs frozen anyway...

    NM Lawmaker: Women 'have a right to get slapped'
    And he has the right to be booted from office! :)




    Cohen's lawyer asks for a federal criminal investigation of Giuliani, congressional censure of Trump

    Trump proves he's never been to a grocery store by suggesting shutdown victims buy food on credit
    And if their credit card is over the limit?

    Romney Snaps at Tillis. Johnson Blames Yurtle. GOP in Disarray Prior to Votes to End Shutdown.

    Warriors did their post NBA championship visit-with-president trip yesterday.

    California preschooler shoots mom in completely preventable instance of 'family fire'

    The Shutdown of Science and Scientists

    President Trump has two paths to re-election and neither of them are easy

    He's Not a Self-Made Billionaire
    Well, duh.

    White House insists Roger Stone arrest is 'not something that affects us in this building'

    THIS. THIS is Why They Wanted Pelosi Gone
    Because she is good at her job. Very good at her job.

    Former CIA director: Indictments with names 'quite familiar to the average American' are coming
    I'm almost salivating here...

    Trump has ruined two of the GOP's strongest messages

    Trump's absolutely absurd Friday cements his place in history as worst president ever
    The "horrible, no good, very bad day".

    Ann Coulter is MAD! (hee hee)
    I sense she is somewhat perturbed... :)

    Nancy F***ing Pelosi, everyone!

    Man who dropped N-bombs and pulled guns on black teens riding bikes facing hate crime investigation
    Good. That guy is a d.

    School superintendent charged with 3 felonies for using own insurance to help sick student
    No. We need more educators like this.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited January 2019
    Balrog99 said:

    Question: How do you control all branches of government and not get what you want?

    Answer: You don't really want what you say you want...

    This needs repeating everywhere, by everyone.

    @Balrog99: To be fair, you actually are one of the more right-wing persons on this thread, if only because this thread skews liberal. According to the demographics poll on political affiliation, 16% of active forumites are conservative while 30% are liberal or far-left (with 54% being neither), and the liberals on the forum tend to post here more often.

    Normally, a majority-male, majority-white, RPG-playing population like ours would skew conservative, but I think the Mizhena controversy ended up scaring off the furthest-right gamers, and so this forum has remained mostly liberal since then, whereas most gaming fora are mostly conservative.

    Personally, I think it's the genre. It's a RPG, not a FPS or RTS.

    More Republicans obstruction of justice. What are they afraid of?

    Just LOOK at the preview pic.

    They haven't put members in:
    Ethics, Climate Change, Intelligence, and House Administration.

    They put them in everything else.

    You can tell where their priorities are. Or rather, where their priorities are NOT.
    LadyRhian said:
    “Government is the problem.” The one thing this shutdown is accomplishing is to show how important government is. The dimwits in the media are still talking about “800,000 government employees”. It is much bigger than that. It is affecting 40 million people directly.
    Amen to that. It is impossible to take America back to "small government". Not without such a catastrophic loss of GDP that America would not even be in the top 5 world economies.

    I love a quote attributed Oliver Wendell Holmes. Civil War vet, SCOTUS Chief Justice. It generally goes something like "I do not complain about paying taxes. With taxes, we buy civilization. Taxes are the price of civilization."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Night Gnus

    Nancy Pelosi Knocks Trump: ‘What Does Putin Have On The President?’
    The House speaker also took aim at the indictment of Roger Stone, calling Trump’s choice of friends “staggering.”

    Police hunt for Louisiana man accused of killing his parents and three others

    End of shutdown: workers left with debts, bad credit and shattered trust

    Washington Post: Trump golf course fired undocumented employees during shutdown
    Because of course he did. :P

    Florida Woman Arrested For Dancing Naked Outside A Waffle House


    White victimology, white privilege and the Covington Catholic rules of race
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2019

    Just LOOK at the preview pic.

    They haven't put members in:
    Ethics, Climate Change, Intelligence, and House Administration.

    They put them in everything else.

    You can tell where their priorities are. Or rather, where their priorities are NOT.
    I love a quote attributed Oliver Wendell Holmes. Civil War vet, SCOTUS Chief Justice. It generally goes something like "I do not complain about paying taxes. With taxes, we buy civilization. Taxes are the price of civilization."
    It's more insidious than you think. Their priorities ARE the ones that are unstaffed. By not staffing those committees, they are not able to give Mueller all the transcripts. By not staffing ethics they can't act on Republican blatant ethics violations.
    It's a stalling tactic. Watch the video, Rachel explains this particular Republican collusion.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited January 2019

    So, Trump this morning is going with the lie that 58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas. This is based off completely misleading information from the Texas Secretary of State's office and is basically a total lie (and I will paraphrase why courtesy of the Texas Tribune):

    1.) The secretary of state's office has flagged 95,000 registered voters who the state says counties should consider checking to see whether they are U.S. citizens.

    2.) Those 95,000 registered voters are individuals who the state says have provided some form of documentation that showed they were not a citizen when they were obtaining a driver’s license or an ID card.

    3.) Of those 95,000, 58,000 individuals cast a ballot in one or more elections from 1996 to 2018. That is a 22 year time period. And that does not mean the state is saying 58,000 non-citizens voted.

    4.) First: In its notice to counties, the secretary of state's office said the names should be considered "WEAK" matches, using all capital letters for emphasis. Weak watches mean this is almost certainly another use of Kris Kobach's "cross-match" system, where any name that is remotely similar is going to get flagged.

    5.) Moreover, we are talking about a time period of 22 years. Even if you absurdly assume that all 58,000 people flagged because of this notoriously bad cross-check system DID vote and they actually ARE the people in question (which hasn't been remotely established), you would then ALSO have to see if at any time in the last 22 years those people who may not have been citizens at the time BECAME citizens and WERE in fact eligible to vote. For example, Texas naturalized over 50,000 citizens in just the year 2017.

    6.) Even assuming (again, ridiculously) that all 58,000 people voted illegally (and I'm guessing if we actually ever get a real number it will be less than double digits), there have been over 65 million votes cast in that time-frame. So, again, assuming every single one of these 58,000 is an illegal vote (and they aren't, not even close), it would still amount to exactly 9/100ths of 1% of the total votes cast in that time frame.

    So, to wrap up here. They for whatever reason are running checks on people who weren't citizens but legally in the country and could obtain ID or driver's licenses. They then ran a match system to see if people with even remotely similar names came up as having voted, in a 22-year period. And without even so much as a CURSORY look into how many of those names either 1.) became citizens sometime in the last two decades or (more importantly) 2.) checking to even see if the people are actually who the match system says they are, some media outlets and Trump are running with this story flat-out saying that 58,000 people voted illegally. It is just flat-out NOT true.

    58,000 x 50 states = 2,900,000

    Bam! Isn't that almost how many popular votes he lost by? Coincidence? I think not...

    (Tongue in cheek of course.) ;)
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    Balrog99 said:

    So, Trump this morning is going with the lie that 58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas. This is based off completely misleading information from the Texas Secretary of State's office and is basically a total lie (and I will paraphrase why courtesy of the Texas Tribune):

    1.) The secretary of state's office has flagged 95,000 registered voters who the state says counties should consider checking to see whether they are U.S. citizens.

    2.) Those 95,000 registered voters are individuals who the state says have provided some form of documentation that showed they were not a citizen when they were obtaining a driver’s license or an ID card.

    3.) Of those 95,000, 58,000 individuals cast a ballot in one or more elections from 1996 to 2018. That is a 22 year time period. And that does not mean the state is saying 58,000 non-citizens voted.

    4.) First: In its notice to counties, the secretary of state's office said the names should be considered "WEAK" matches, using all capital letters for emphasis. Weak watches mean this is almost certainly another use of Kris Kobach's "cross-match" system, where any name that is remotely similar is going to get flagged.

    5.) Moreover, we are talking about a time period of 22 years. Even if you absurdly assume that all 58,000 people flagged because of this notoriously bad cross-check system DID vote and they actually ARE the people in question (which hasn't been remotely established), you would then ALSO have to see if at any time in the last 22 years those people who may not have been citizens at the time BECAME citizens and WERE in fact eligible to vote. For example, Texas naturalized over 50,000 citizens in just the year 2017.

    6.) Even assuming (again, ridiculously) that all 58,000 people voted illegally (and I'm guessing if we actually ever get a real number it will be less than double digits), there have been over 65 million votes cast in that time-frame. So, again, assuming every single one of these 58,000 is an illegal vote (and they aren't, not even close), it would still amount to exactly 9/100ths of 1% of the total votes cast in that time frame.

    So, to wrap up here. They for whatever reason are running checks on people who weren't citizens but legally in the country and could obtain ID or driver's licenses. They then ran a match system to see if people with even remotely similar names came up as having voted, in a 22-year period. And without even so much as a CURSORY look into how many of those names either 1.) became citizens sometime in the last two decades or (more importantly) 2.) checking to even see if the people are actually who the match system says they are, some media outlets and Trump are running with this story flat-out saying that 58,000 people voted illegally. It is just flat-out NOT true.

    58,000 x 50 states = 2,900,000

    Bam! Isn't that almost how many popular votes he lost by? Confidence? I think not...

    (Tongue in cheek of course.) ;)
    I just think it's extraordinarily destructive to keep making these claims. For instance, let's assume one of the people who was flagged was named "Miguel Rodriguez". Any bets on how many people with that name live in Texas?? Moreover, Texas already has a Voter ID law. What are they proposing to make it more stringent, finger-print analysis or barcode tattoos?? I also edited my original post. While what Texas is doing seems to have all the hallmarks of Kris Kobach's tactics, I have since learned that Texas is not in fact part of that program. It should also be noted that the bold section is mostly taken directly from info from the Texas Tribune with a little of my own commentary thrown in. The original article is here:
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    I can't help but hear Laurel saying to Oliver, "Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into , Ollie!" when I read this article and headline.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins seat on powerful House panel set to investigate Trump administration
    She's on the oversight Committee

    Oklahoma bill would revoke teachers' certification if they walk out and protest
    This isn't right at all. Someone should have the right to protest if they are being given a raw deal.

    One Million Moms Goes Ballistic Over Parents Mag Cover of Gay Dads
    Sorry OMM, they are parents, too!

    Conservative Leader Claims Only Christian Men Are Qualified For Elected Office
    You mean the same guys seemingly regularly caught with mistresses and having relations with rent boys? is my snarky response.
    Joe. My. God. reports Cass has previously declared that President Obama is not a Christian and that you can’t be a Christian if you don’t own a gun. Cass has also declared that gay people are “spiritually worthless” and that Canada has outlawed reading the bible because gays.
    (I am sure @deltago will reveal the truth on the last one...

    Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work?
    I'm no longer young. Young at heart, not in body. :)

    New Museum Votes to Unionize
    I'm all for it.

    Christian Rapper Nathan Sutherland Arrested For Raping Incapacitated Woman
    Remember the lady who was moaning and they found out she was giving birth? This is the guy who fathered her child. Color me sickened.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited January 2019
    LadyRhian said:



    You're all evil Habs fans! Your Satanic rituals are holding back the angelic hordes of the righteous Red Wings. Good thing the prayers of the Holy can only be held back so long. Enjoy it while you can Daemonspawn!
    Post edited by Balrog99 on
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Kamala Harris sounds like more of the same to me. Color me unimpressed...
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    edited January 2019
    *must stay on topic and not provoke the deadwing fan*

    Actually, sorta still on topic...

    NHL All Star weekend was this weekend and it highlighted equality in the sport.

    The NHL invited four women’s hockey national team players to the Skills Competition to demonstrate each of the challenges to the audience at SAP Center. Kendall Coyne Schofield and Brianna Decker represented the gold-medal winning Team USA, while Renata Fast and Rebecca Johnston were there to represent Team Canada.
    But when Nathan MacKinnon was announced as being unable to compete in the Faster Skater event due to injury, Coyne Schofield took his place, becoming the first woman to compete in the NHL All-Star Skills Competition.
    Her 14.346 second time was just under a second shy of winner Connor McDavid (13.378) but beat out Clayton Keller (14.526).
    Though the other women just performed the events as an unaired exhibition, they displayed an incredible level of skill. Brianna Decker may have even beat everyone in the Premier Passer drill, including the named champion, Leon Draisaitl.

    Winners of each event are given a cash prize by the NHL and when Decker was revealed to have the lowest time in the passing event, it started off a #PayDecker trend on Twitter. CCM, one of her sponsors, ponied up the $25,000 for her, and the NHL donated $25,000 to her (and the other 3 women players) to a charity of their choice in their name.

    Hopefully, this is a growing trend, and the four female players invited next year actually get to compete with the boys instead of just showcasing the events.

    edit: and I am an evil Sens fan.
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