Everyone knows why the government is shut down. Even if you agree with Trump, stating that his actions aren't singularly responsible for this happening is just ludicrous. The only argument is if you think Democrats are supposed to be held responsible for placating what is the political equivalent of a temper tantrum, which is akin to actually giving the bank robber holding a gun to the teller's head that plane ride to Brazil.
Someone explain this to me: Trump is asking for taxpayer money for the wall his campaign explicitly said Mexico was going to pay for. He had two years of full governmental control to do so. He had a deal for 5x as much funding in 2017. The entire legislative branch had voted on funding before Christmas, and Trump personally declared on tape he would shut down the government, and that he would take the blame. In addition, the shutdown started BEFORE Pelosi took the gavel. Even @Balrog99 can pinpoint the EXACT Rush Limbaugh segment that turned Trump around. In what alternate universe is this a 50/50 blame game?? It's "both sides" nonsense. Trump is asking for taxpayer dollars for something he promised another country would pay for. And Democrats are asking for......the government to function as normal.
The Democrats aren't even asking for anything. It's like saying that the United States government being open and paying it's workers is somehow a political position akin to asking for green jobs funding or an expansion of Medicaid. They aren't ASKING for anything but normal everyday function. Trump is the only one doing so, and he is using the tactic of shutting down the entire Federal government to facilitate it. This is beyond destructive as a precedent. It's lunacy to run a country this way.
So Trump's Soviet America has approved federal funding for a South Carolina foster care agency that discriminates and rejects Jews and gays.
The Trump administration's Department of Health and Human services issued a waiver to allow Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries to continue as a state-supported foster care agency.
Disgusting. State sanctioned, government funded discrimination.
Again, this push for religious freedom to discriminate is ludicrous and will make things worse. The government is supposed to stay out of religious matters not pick winners and losers.
So Trump's Soviet America has approved federal funding for a South Carolina foster care agency that discriminates and rejects Jews and gays.
The Trump administration's Department of Health and Human services issued a waiver to allow Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries to continue as a state-supported foster care agency.
Disgusting. State sanctioned, government funded discrimination.
Again, this push for religious freedom to discriminate is ludicrous and will make things worse. The government is supposed to stay out of religious matters not pick winners and losers.
Pretty sure if I was Jewish or gay, or especially a gay Jew, I would not want the 'Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries' to have anything to do with my foster care. I'd be looking for a more secular sounding place to work with...
So Trump's Soviet America has approved federal funding for a South Carolina foster care agency that discriminates and rejects Jews and gays.
The Trump administration's Department of Health and Human services issued a waiver to allow Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries to continue as a state-supported foster care agency.
Disgusting. State sanctioned, government funded discrimination.
Again, this push for religious freedom to discriminate is ludicrous and will make things worse. The government is supposed to stay out of religious matters not pick winners and losers.
Pretty sure if I was Jewish or gay, or especially a gay Jew, I would not want the 'Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries' to have anything to do with my foster care. I'd be looking for a more secular sounding place to work with...
Sure, but since this one is state funded and the pro-jewish/gay one isn't, you'll be paying more for the same service.
edit: not only that, but your taxes are still paying for the anti gay/jew one.
It is long, LONG past time we started taxing religious institutions in this country. ALL of them. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Scientology.....whatever. If they want to go through the process making themselves a non-profit, fine and dany, but this blanket exempt status is ridiculous.
Where on earth are you guys getting the idea that the bill only funds the Department of Homeland Security. I posted the full text of the bill for verification. Did you just read the headline and nothing else?
This is literally not true. It gives special provisions to Homeland Security under section C but ALSO funds programs and compensates employees.
The freaking PURPOSE OF THE BILL YOU LINKED WAS "Making further continuing appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for FY 2019, and other purposes".
The freaking TEXT of the bill SAYS it only funds the DHS. Section 1, paragraph 1, amends text so that DHS continues funding. Section 3(c) says it only applies since Dec. 22 (or thereabouts beginning as the shutdown), and only applies with respect to the DHS.
You DO know that Government is funded by a whole bunch of bills, right. More or less, each department is its own bill.
The ONLY department referred to in the text is DHS. I'm not going to look up what bill is amended, but I presume it is the one that funds DHS.
Alright, because I've got to cite it because you think the text funds ALL government.
SEC. 105. Unless otherwise provided for in this Act or in the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019, appropriations and funds made available and authority granted pursuant to this Act shall be available until whichever of the following first occurs: (1) the enactment into law of an appropriation for any project or activity provided for in this Act; (2) the enactment into law of the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019 without any provision for such project or activity; or (3) December 7, 2018.
Into this:
SEC. 105. Unless otherwise provided for in this Act or in the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019, appropriations and funds made available and authority granted pursuant to this Act shall be available until whichever of the following first occurs: (1) the enactment into law of an appropriation for any project or activity provided for in this Act; (2) the enactment into law of the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2019 without any provision for such project or activity; (3) except as provided by paragraph (4), December 7, 2018; or (4) with respect to appropriations and funds made available, and other authorities granted, pur- suant to section 101(5) of this joint resolution for the Department of Homeland Security, February 28, 2019.’
THIS is what creates an exception for the DHS. Sec 101(5) is the reference for the law to refer to the DHS funding. "The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2018 (division F of Public Law 115–141) and title II of division M of Public Law 115–141. " is the actual Sec. 101(5) text.
There's more crap, obviously, but that's basically it.
I was inclined to write something like that last night, but then I realized a couple of things. #1 being that I myself had to read the thing over and over to even remotely understand what the hell it was trying to say. I read Twitter comments and website comments about it, and I found that almost NO one knew what the hell was going on with it. Which was by design. Steve Scalise MEANT for the bill to be misinterpreted in the way it was. Not just by anyone here, but by nearly EVERYONE who commented on his original tweet. And the answer to why is simple. The language of bills is ridiculously obtuse. Scalise knows none of us read House resolutions in our daily lives, so he felt entirely confident that his lie wouldn't be noticed if he posted it.
So yeah, I can sit here and pretend I knew what it said the moment I looked at it, but I didn't. I had to study the damn thing for over an hour to feel confident in what I was saying, and even today I STILL wasn't 100% sure I was right until numerous other people came to the same conclusion (including those whose reading of that type of language I find very observant). So initially I was a little pissed it was posted, but then this morning I realized that the person to blame for the entire thing is Steve Scalise. He is the one who purposefully misrepresented what happened and purposefully lied about it to thousands upon thousands of Twitter followers. Steve Scalise is a leader in the House Republican caucus. He DOES know exactly what it says without having to feel like you are taking a Rosetta Stone lesson. And because he was confident most of us wouldn't (because we don't, not without careful examination), he felt supremely confident his lie would be believed.
So now I feel like I should go into confession mode. It's not exactly a secret that as far as this thread goes, @WarChiefZeke and I do not get along very well. There is likely no way we would ever hang out in real life, and that doesn't say so much about him as it does about me. But the reason I spent so much time last night looking into that damn resolution was because, if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted to be right and wanted him to be wrong. That's the truth of what I was feeling at the moment. And I realized this when he posted his response today, because then I felt I was the one who had been wrong, and I felt a pit in my stomach about how I was made to look like a fool on an internet politics thread. And then when @Grond0 checked in, I felt vindicated again. And then I realized what I was doing to myself. I was spending my day putting emotional energy into whether I was correct about a budget amendment not because it was that important, but because I didn't want to be shown up by someone I disagree with politically. So, there it is. It doesn't change anything, but I'm gonna at least be honest with myself. In the age of Trump, we are so tied to our arguments that we lose all sight of what is even driving them. This isn't to say I will act much differently in the future when arguing one way or another, but it's best to at least lay our cards on the table and not lie to ourselves. I studied that bill last night to prove a point, not out of any altruistic notions of finding the "truth", even though I happened to come across it.
Alright, this would be a long edit, so I'll make it into another post.
The REST of the cited bill is basically the changes necessary to implement the changed text I put in quotations for visibility.
Section 1 is the textual changes above.
Section 2 of the bill says basically that the money appropriated by the change Section 1 puts in, will be done in accordance with the usual law about paying government employees, and that any obligations incurred by doing what needs to be done to pay the DHS retroactively to Dec. 22 will be considered necesssary and approved automatically, as long as they don't break any other law.
Section 3 says basically that any payment/burden the States made to or took on for federal employees because the federal government didn't pay the employees, the federal government will pay them back.
I was inclined to write something like that last night, but then I realized a couple of things. #1 being that I myself had to read the thing over and over to even remotely understand what the hell it was trying to say. I read Twitter comments and website comments about it, and I found that almost NO one knew what the hell was going on with it. Which was by design. Steve Scalise MEANT for the bill to be misinterpreted in the way it was. Not just by anyone here, but by nearly EVERYONE who commented on his original tweet. And the answer to why is simple. The language of bills is ridiculously obtuse. Scalise knows none of us read House resolutions in our daily lives, so he felt entirely confident that his lie wouldn't be noticed if he posted it.
So yeah, I can sit here and pretend I knew what it said the moment I looked at it, but I didn't. I had to study the damn thing for over an hour to feel confident in what I was saying, and even today I STILL wasn't 100% sure I was right until numerous other people came to the same conclusion (including those whose reading of that type of language I find very observant). So initially I was a little pissed it was posted, but then this morning I realized that the person to blame for the entire thing is Steve Scalise. He is the one who purposefully misrepresented what happened and purposefully lied about it to thousands upon thousands of Twitter followers. Steve Scalise is a leader in the House Republican caucus. He DOES know exactly what it says without having to feel like you are taking a Rosetta Stone lesson. And because he was confident most of us wouldn't (because we don't, not without careful examination), he felt supremely confident his lie would be believed.
So now I feel like I should go into confession mode. It's not exactly a secret that as far as this thread goes, @WarChiefZeke and I do not get along very well. There is likely no way we would ever hang out in real life, and that doesn't say so much about him as it does about me. But the reason I spent so much time last night looking into that damn resolution was because, if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted to be right and wanted him to be wrong. That's the truth of what I was feeling at the moment. And I realized this when he posted his response today, because then I felt I was the one who had been wrong, and I felt a pit in my stomach about how I was made to look like a fool on an internet politics thread. And then when @Grond0 checked in, I felt vindicated again. And then I realized what I was doing to myself. I was spending my day putting emotional energy into whether I was correct about a budget amendment not because it was that important, but because I didn't want to be shown up by someone I disagree with politically. So, there it is. It doesn't change anything, but I'm gonna at least be honest with myself. In the age of Trump, we are so tied to our arguments that we lose all sight of what is even driving them. This isn't to say I will act much differently in the future when arguing one way or another, but it's best to at least lay our cards on the table and not lie to ourselves. I studied that bill last night to prove a point, not out of an altruistic notions of finding the "truth", even though I happened to come across it.
Well, I AM studying to be an accountant and plan to be a CPA, and I DID just get an A in "Accounting and Tax Research", and we did have to look at a whole lot of tax law. So I better get used to this, because this will be what I want to do for a living. Well, I don't want to be a tax accountant, but aspire to be a forensic accountant, so I better know BOTH the law AND accounting REALLY well.
A forensic accountant has to be able to understand accounting, and the law, and be able to explain why something wrong with accounting is against the law. And probably to lay people on juries who don't know either the law OR accounting.
Edit-And even if I got an A, I still didn't like doing tax research. Because there's far more than just what's the law that is relevant in tax, which is nice and black and white text. There's also how the tax law has been INTERPRETED by the government (IRS), and by prior lawsuits in various tax courts.
Jesus Christ.....Donald Trump thinks people are just going to get floated credit on mortgages and by grocery stores because.......reasons I guess?? You know, AOC and Elizabeth Warren are getting a decent amount of pushback the last fews days (AOC saying a just society wouldn't have billionaires and Elizabeth Warren proposing a wealth tax), and people find them radical. And then you just listen to Wilbur Ross and Donald Trump speak, and all of a sudden what they saying makes all the sense in the world. Holy god damn this is such delusional thinking:
For the record, banks ARE doing what they can do help these people for the moment, but it is nothing like what he is describing. It's not like the banks are going to eat the missed payments. I sure as hell know your local supermarket is not going to just let you walk out of the building with $300 worth of food if you promise to pay them back in a month. And even in the regards to what banks are doing to help, that doesn't mean your average person actually KNOWS what their options are at the moment. The only thing they know is that they haven't been paid in a month, and they have no frickin' money to buy anything. You can't just go get credit or a loan that will float you for another month or two. I'm willing to bet at least 25% of these people don't even HAVE bank accounts.
Point being, the President it absolutely out of his mind if he thinks grocery stores give random people credit to buy food, and that most people have a personal relationship with their bank's mortgage department. I mean, this makes Bush Sr. not knowing what a grocery scanner was look like an honest to god man of the people moment. How high are the ivory towers these people live in?? I mean, good god.
If the banks think working along is such a great idea, then presumably they would be happy to loan Trump a few billion for the Wall until that could be repaid from the proceeds of the new trade deal (might be a loooong time, but no biggie) .
If the banks think working along is such a great idea, then presumably they would be happy to loan Trump a few billion for the Wall until that could be repaid from the proceeds of the new trade deal (might be a loooong time, but no biggie) .
I'm being totally serious here, the comments coming out of the mouths of Trump and his economic advisers are so wildly and massively at odds with how the world actually works that I can barely muster up the words to describe it. It is absolutely astounding. I mean, what's next, hotels will just start "working along" with people who get evicted because they can't afford the balance of their Section 8 rent payment?? How long will the child care center "work along" before they can't anymore because they have to feed THEIR kids?? How can anyone listen to this and think this man is qualified for any position of authority on anything, much less the most powerful person on Earth. Are people hearing this shit?? It's absolute insanity.
Apparently there was a vote to ensure government workers get their pay. Republicans voted yes and Democrats voted no. I actually didn't know that, since there wasn't any media coverage of it. Funny that they missed that one! I'm sure it wouldn't be front page news that day if positions were reversed.
I expected better of Ocasio Cortez than to vote no on this but eh. Sticking it to the Republicans means more than sticking to your principles I guess.
I noticed that too. The fact is, because we were looking at two different bills, everything got mixed up. The Democrats, in regards to HR 28, absolutely voted to open the government, completely and totally, til Feb. 28th. They nixed a Republican amendment that did nothing but change a date, did NOT fully reopen the government, and only provided checks instead. The Democratic bill that passed does BOTH. The reading of HR 31 is correct, as THAT document is only about Homeland Security.
So the accurate read of HR 28 is that Democrats voted FOR paying workers and fully reopening the government when they passed it. They voted against the Republican addendum because it ONLY provided paychecks and didn't reopen the government. Which is absolute nonsense to even focus on when the bill they DID pass did so anyway, plus more.
Because we don't need to get things moving again piece by goddamn piece. The government should be functioning. 24/7/365 into infinity until this nation crumbles under the weight of it's own stupidity (which we are very close to doing). Again, asking for the United States government to function on a very basic level and pay workers is not some kind of radical leftist agenda. Christ, the way this is being framed, you'd think Trump was asking for the border wall and Democrats were demanding 5 billion in federal funding for abortions. Democrats are demanding a functional US government and nothing else. That shouldn't even have to be a demand, it should be a baseline that isn't even brought into the conversation.
If you do have the means and the extra income, donating to your (or even some in Washington) local foodbank will help a lot of people in need as their resources are going to be stretching thin the longer this drags on.
I would also like to say that everyone does make mistakes and if you notice a mistake a forumite made, its best to correct it tactfully and thoughtfully with as less negative emotion as possible. Educating the person about the mistake instead of calling them out on it benefits everyone. Not everyone is an expert in every field.
If even half of this article is true, then the Republicans in the Senate, and indeed McConnell himself have absolutely no idea how to play this. They don't want the shutdown because they know it is destroying them, yet they have no willingness en masse to stand up to Trump because they are afraid his Twitter gun will be pointed at them the minute they do. If this group of clowns are the ones who are going to save us from this mess, then we are all in for a rude awakening. What a shit-show:
Trump's support of a coup by tweet in Venezuela is ridiculous. "I declare this other guy the president" in less than 280 characters. WTF is that all about.
Can the Grand Ayatollah Of Iran or the King of Timbuktu say "we don't recognize Trump as president, the american people have suffered too long at the hands of the illegitimate Trump regime. Today, I have officially recognized Hillary Clinton as the President of the United States since she won the popular vote."
I was inclined to write something like that last night, but then I realized a couple of things. #1 being that I myself had to read the thing over and over to even remotely understand what the hell it was trying to say. I read Twitter comments and website comments about it, and I found that almost NO one knew what the hell was going on with it. Which was by design. Steve Scalise MEANT for the bill to be misinterpreted in the way it was. Not just by anyone here, but by nearly EVERYONE who commented on his original tweet. And the answer to why is simple. The language of bills is ridiculously obtuse. Scalise knows none of us read House resolutions in our daily lives, so he felt entirely confident that his lie wouldn't be noticed if he posted it.
So yeah, I can sit here and pretend I knew what it said the moment I looked at it, but I didn't. I had to study the damn thing for over an hour to feel confident in what I was saying, and even today I STILL wasn't 100% sure I was right until numerous other people came to the same conclusion (including those whose reading of that type of language I find very observant). So initially I was a little pissed it was posted, but then this morning I realized that the person to blame for the entire thing is Steve Scalise. He is the one who purposefully misrepresented what happened and purposefully lied about it to thousands upon thousands of Twitter followers. Steve Scalise is a leader in the House Republican caucus. He DOES know exactly what it says without having to feel like you are taking a Rosetta Stone lesson. And because he was confident most of us wouldn't (because we don't, not without careful examination), he felt supremely confident his lie would be believed.
So now I feel like I should go into confession mode. It's not exactly a secret that as far as this thread goes, @WarChiefZeke and I do not get along very well. There is likely no way we would ever hang out in real life, and that doesn't say so much about him as it does about me. But the reason I spent so much time last night looking into that damn resolution was because, if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted to be right and wanted him to be wrong. That's the truth of what I was feeling at the moment. And I realized this when he posted his response today, because then I felt I was the one who had been wrong, and I felt a pit in my stomach about how I was made to look like a fool on an internet politics thread. And then when @Grond0 checked in, I felt vindicated again. And then I realized what I was doing to myself. I was spending my day putting emotional energy into whether I was correct about a budget amendment not because it was that important, but because I didn't want to be shown up by someone I disagree with politically. So, there it is. It doesn't change anything, but I'm gonna at least be honest with myself. In the age of Trump, we are so tied to our arguments that we lose all sight of what is even driving them. This isn't to say I will act much differently in the future when arguing one way or another, but it's best to at least lay our cards on the table and not lie to ourselves. I studied that bill last night to prove a point, not out of any altruistic notions of finding the "truth", even though I happened to come across it.
I read much of the text of a trade deal between the EU and South Korea the other day for similar reasons. In that particular case I didn't even get a response from the poster who had requested that someone show them written & sourced evidence against their points. However, testosterone fueled debates aside one mild benefit for society could be that people are actually running their eyes over these kinds of documents a little more. In the Brexit debate lots of lawyers & trade experts seem to have massively increased Twitter followings these days as people have acquired a keen interest in some of the facts of the debate... though a little late! So possibly the tide may turn a little in the long run against media outlets that don't offer enough detail or outright attempt to mislead people... I hope.
Roger Stone indicted on obstruction charges. In before Trump says he never knew the guy, when the fact is he's been his political guru for decades. Perhaps the ultimate GOP ratf****r of the last 30 years. Back off to the races. 7 counts. Once again, isn't it just an amazing coincidence that nearly every single significant player in regards to Trump's political campaign keeps getting charged, found guilty, or is pleading guilty to lying about this case. For a bunch of people with nothing to hide, they sure all seem VERY invested in not telling the truth about it to federal investigators.
So now I feel like I should go into confession mode. It's not exactly a secret that as far as this thread goes, @WarChiefZeke and I do not get along very well. There is likely no way we would ever hang out in real life, and that doesn't say so much about him as it does about me. But the reason I spent so much time last night looking into that damn resolution was because, if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted to be right and wanted him to be wrong. That's the truth of what I was feeling at the moment. And I realized this when he posted his response today, because then I felt I was the one who had been wrong, and I felt a pit in my stomach about how I was made to look like a fool on an internet politics thread. And then when @Grond0 checked in, I felt vindicated again. And then I realized what I was doing to myself. I was spending my day putting emotional energy into whether I was correct about a budget amendment not because it was that important, but because I didn't want to be shown up by someone I disagree with politically. So, there it is. It doesn't change anything, but I'm gonna at least be honest with myself. In the age of Trump, we are so tied to our arguments that we lose all sight of what is even driving them. This isn't to say I will act much differently in the future when arguing one way or another, but it's best to at least lay our cards on the table and not lie to ourselves. I studied that bill last night to prove a point, not out of any altruistic notions of finding the "truth", even though I happened to come across it.
Respect for honesty.
You may dislike me, and that's fine, but I don't dislike you at all. I know we get heated, who doesn't in these times, but I try never take it personally.
I'm sure we've all been there at some point in time.
I was inclined to write something like that last night, but then I realized a couple of things. #1 being that I myself had to read the thing over and over to even remotely understand what the hell it was trying to say. I read Twitter comments and website comments about it, and I found that almost NO one knew what the hell was going on with it. Which was by design. Steve Scalise MEANT for the bill to be misinterpreted in the way it was. Not just by anyone here, but by nearly EVERYONE who commented on his original tweet. And the answer to why is simple. The language of bills is ridiculously obtuse. Scalise knows none of us read House resolutions in our daily lives, so he felt entirely confident that his lie wouldn't be noticed if he posted it.
And yeah this is exactly how I feel about it, a lie covered up by the fact that most people would be too lazy to check, and those who did check, most wouldn't get past the arcane legalese.
Trump's support of a coup by tweet in Venezuela is ridiculous. "I declare this other guy the president" in less than 280 characters. WTF is that all about.
Can the Grand Ayatollah Of Iran or the King of Timbuktu say "we don't recognize Trump as president, the american people have suffered too long at the hands of the illegitimate Trump regime. Today, I have officially recognized Hillary Clinton as the President of the United States since she won the popular vote."
It probably went through official channels with strong regional backing (which it had) before being announced.
And it was more the States Deptartment saying this is what we are doing and Trump going OK. If you think Trump has any idea of how this all shook out prior, your sadly mistaken. I doubt Trump knew who Maduro was (with an easily nicknamed name like that to begin with) was or still is.
It goes without saying that you cannot possibly expect human beings in this kind of hyper-capitalistic society to keep coming into work for a month without pay to continue to do so indefinitely. It isn't reasonable, it isn't realistic, and they aren't going to keep doing it. At a certain point, a person is just going to say "f**k it" and call in, for any number of reasons. If LaGuardia is being affected, then there is absolutely not reason to believe other airports aren't right behind them. In fact, just by virtue of this decision, given it's size as a destination and hub, it is going to by default cause massive issues at nearly every other airport in the country.
The fact is, I'm increasingly becoming convinced that what is needed to move the GOP is a national strike, for one day, ALL workers. It will never happen in the society we have built and molded for ourselves, but at a certain point some type of drastic non-violent action is going to have to be taken here. At the very least, the air traffic controllers need to strike again. Then the second Republican President in the last 40 years can fire them again, but this time because they were protesting not getting paid AT ALL.
My point all along has been that you can shut government down as a stunt for a week or two and most people probably won't notice. You get past the 30-day mark, and shit is going to just start falling apart before your eyes. And we are on day 35. Meanwhile, Trump is suggesting the people in charge of making sure planes don't crash into each other in the air should ask for store credit at the supermarket. I mean, you don't have to be a high-priced political mind to see which way this is going to go. Again, even IF you believe the two parties are equally to blame (which I vehemently disagree with), we all know who is going to keep getting blamed for it. And they continue to make things worse for themselves by going on TV and making insane pronouncements that might as well have come from the royal family in Versailles before the guillotines got rolled out. If the Administration wants some advice, the first thing they might want to do is stop going on TV and making absolute fools of themselves talking about how people who aren't going to be paid are going to be fine and have plenty of options. It makes you look completely nuts.
Roger Stone indicted on obstruction charges. In before Trump says he never knew the guy, when the fact is he's been his political guru for decades. Perhaps the ultimate GOP ratf****r of the last 30 years. Back off to the races. 7 counts. Once again, isn't it just an amazing coincidence that nearly every single significant player in regards to Trump's political campaign keeps getting charged, found guilty, or is pleading guilty to lying about this case. For a bunch of people with nothing to hide, they sure all seem VERY invested in not telling the truth about it to federal investigators.
If Donald Trump really wanted to lock up Hillary Clinton he should have hired her for his campaign.
The projection in these types of people is funny: Law and order types are surrounded by crooks Sanctity of marriage types are caught with mistresses Anti-gay types hire gay lovers Etc.
The projection in these types of people is funny: Law and order types are surrounded by crooks Sanctity of marriage types are caught with mistresses Anti-gay types hire gay lovers Etc.
Well, to be fair, crooks are surrounded by crooks too. Look at Trump...
The projection in these types of people is funny: Law and order types are surrounded by crooks Sanctity of marriage types are caught with mistresses Anti-gay types hire gay lovers Etc.
Well, to be fair, crooks are surrounded by crooks too. Look at Trump...
The projection in these types of people is funny: Law and order types are surrounded by crooks Sanctity of marriage types are caught with mistresses Anti-gay types hire gay lovers Etc.
'I'm going to hire a special prosecutor to look into your situation'.
Someone explain this to me: Trump is asking for taxpayer money for the wall his campaign explicitly said Mexico was going to pay for. He had two years of full governmental control to do so. He had a deal for 5x as much funding in 2017. The entire legislative branch had voted on funding before Christmas, and Trump personally declared on tape he would shut down the government, and that he would take the blame. In addition, the shutdown started BEFORE Pelosi took the gavel. Even @Balrog99 can pinpoint the EXACT Rush Limbaugh segment that turned Trump around. In what alternate universe is this a 50/50 blame game?? It's "both sides" nonsense. Trump is asking for taxpayer dollars for something he promised another country would pay for. And Democrats are asking for......the government to function as normal.
The Democrats aren't even asking for anything. It's like saying that the United States government being open and paying it's workers is somehow a political position akin to asking for green jobs funding or an expansion of Medicaid. They aren't ASKING for anything but normal everyday function. Trump is the only one doing so, and he is using the tactic of shutting down the entire Federal government to facilitate it. This is beyond destructive as a precedent. It's lunacy to run a country this way.
The Trump administration's Department of Health and Human services issued a waiver to allow Greenville Miracle Hill Ministries to continue as a state-supported foster care agency.
Disgusting. State sanctioned, government funded discrimination.
Again, this push for religious freedom to discriminate is ludicrous and will make things worse. The government is supposed to stay out of religious matters not pick winners and losers.
edit: not only that, but your taxes are still paying for the anti gay/jew one.
A Source btw
The freaking TEXT of the bill SAYS it only funds the DHS. Section 1, paragraph 1, amends text so that DHS continues funding. Section 3(c) says it only applies since Dec. 22 (or thereabouts beginning as the shutdown), and only applies with respect to the DHS.
You DO know that Government is funded by a whole bunch of bills, right. More or less, each department is its own bill.
The ONLY department referred to in the text is DHS. I'm not going to look up what bill is amended, but I presume it is the one that funds DHS.
Alright, because I've got to cite it because you think the text funds ALL government.
The law cited is PL 115-245, https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr6157/BILLS-115hr6157enr.pdf, Division C.
It changes this: Into this: THIS is what creates an exception for the DHS. Sec 101(5) is the reference for the law to refer to the DHS funding. "The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2018 (division F of Public Law 115–141) and title II of division M of Public Law 115–141. " is the actual Sec. 101(5) text.
There's more crap, obviously, but that's basically it.
So yeah, I can sit here and pretend I knew what it said the moment I looked at it, but I didn't. I had to study the damn thing for over an hour to feel confident in what I was saying, and even today I STILL wasn't 100% sure I was right until numerous other people came to the same conclusion (including those whose reading of that type of language I find very observant). So initially I was a little pissed it was posted, but then this morning I realized that the person to blame for the entire thing is Steve Scalise. He is the one who purposefully misrepresented what happened and purposefully lied about it to thousands upon thousands of Twitter followers. Steve Scalise is a leader in the House Republican caucus. He DOES know exactly what it says without having to feel like you are taking a Rosetta Stone lesson. And because he was confident most of us wouldn't (because we don't, not without careful examination), he felt supremely confident his lie would be believed.
So now I feel like I should go into confession mode. It's not exactly a secret that as far as this thread goes, @WarChiefZeke and I do not get along very well. There is likely no way we would ever hang out in real life, and that doesn't say so much about him as it does about me. But the reason I spent so much time last night looking into that damn resolution was because, if I'm being honest with myself, I wanted to be right and wanted him to be wrong. That's the truth of what I was feeling at the moment. And I realized this when he posted his response today, because then I felt I was the one who had been wrong, and I felt a pit in my stomach about how I was made to look like a fool on an internet politics thread. And then when @Grond0 checked in, I felt vindicated again. And then I realized what I was doing to myself. I was spending my day putting emotional energy into whether I was correct about a budget amendment not because it was that important, but because I didn't want to be shown up by someone I disagree with politically. So, there it is. It doesn't change anything, but I'm gonna at least be honest with myself. In the age of Trump, we are so tied to our arguments that we lose all sight of what is even driving them. This isn't to say I will act much differently in the future when arguing one way or another, but it's best to at least lay our cards on the table and not lie to ourselves. I studied that bill last night to prove a point, not out of any altruistic notions of finding the "truth", even though I happened to come across it.
The REST of the cited bill is basically the changes necessary to implement the changed text I put in quotations for visibility.
Section 1 is the textual changes above.
Section 2 of the bill says basically that the money appropriated by the change Section 1 puts in, will be done in accordance with the usual law about paying government employees, and that any obligations incurred by doing what needs to be done to pay the DHS retroactively to Dec. 22 will be considered necesssary and approved automatically, as long as they don't break any other law.
Section 3 says basically that any payment/burden the States made to or took on for federal employees because the federal government didn't pay the employees, the federal government will pay them back.
A forensic accountant has to be able to understand accounting, and the law, and be able to explain why something wrong with accounting is against the law. And probably to lay people on juries who don't know either the law OR accounting.
Edit-And even if I got an A, I still didn't like doing tax research. Because there's far more than just what's the law that is relevant in tax, which is nice and black and white text. There's also how the tax law has been INTERPRETED by the government (IRS), and by prior lawsuits in various tax courts.
For the record, banks ARE doing what they can do help these people for the moment, but it is nothing like what he is describing. It's not like the banks are going to eat the missed payments. I sure as hell know your local supermarket is not going to just let you walk out of the building with $300 worth of food if you promise to pay them back in a month. And even in the regards to what banks are doing to help, that doesn't mean your average person actually KNOWS what their options are at the moment. The only thing they know is that they haven't been paid in a month, and they have no frickin' money to buy anything. You can't just go get credit or a loan that will float you for another month or two. I'm willing to bet at least 25% of these people don't even HAVE bank accounts.
Point being, the President it absolutely out of his mind if he thinks grocery stores give random people credit to buy food, and that most people have a personal relationship with their bank's mortgage department. I mean, this makes Bush Sr. not knowing what a grocery scanner was look like an honest to god man of the people moment. How high are the ivory towers these people live in?? I mean, good god.
House passes bill to temporarily fund DHS
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/426756-house-passes-bill-to-temporarily-fund-dhs?fbclid=IwAR2uQ1n76QDN7lp39Ql_iLUr3NbFg_l6dXXfJAR9BK0-xahCw626HtdAmYIHouse, not Senate. Le sigh.
Scientists Reveal Redhead Are Actually Genetic Superheroes
https://timelesslife.info/scientists-reveal-that-redheads-are-actually-genetic-superheroes/?fbclid=IwAR0St898sUuDdABzaNuzzK5N6cifFekSwTylHe3-jbpS6iuOx84qmsk-PpgSilent wars: Why we don’t pay attention to the world’s worst violence
https://globalnews.ca/news/4862506/yemen-saudi-arabia-silent-wars/?utm_source=notification/RCMP arrest 2 in Kingston raids related to major national security probe
https://globalnews.ca/news/4886034/rcmp-kingston-police-conduct-raids-in-kingston/?utm_source=notification/Kingston, Canada, not jamaica
'This is the first time I've had to ask for help': Shutdown sends federal workers to food banks
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/22/1828417/--This-is-the-first-time-I-ve-had-to-ask-for-help-Shutdown-sends-federal-workers-to-food-banks?detail=emaildkreNew court-ordered Virginia House map gives Democrats a great chance to take the majority this year
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828800/-New-court-ordered-Virginia-House-map-gives-Democrats-a-great-chance-to-take-the-majority-this-year?detail=emaildkreGallup: Uninsured rate highest in 4 years, with 7 million losing coverage under Trump
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828915/-Gallup-Uninsured-rate-highest-in-four-years-with-7-million-losing-coverage-under-Trump?detail=emaildkreElijah Cummings/Adam Schiff: Cohen must appear at hearing despite mob tactics and intimidation
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828910/-Elijah-Cummings-Adam-Schiff-Cohen-must-appear-at-hearing-despite-mob-tactics-and-intimidation?detail=emaildkreCoast Guard admiral nails working during Trump's shutdown without pay as 'unacceptable'
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828745/-Coast-Guard-admiral-nails-working-without-pay-as-unacceptable-during-Trump-s-shutdown?detail=emaildkreTrump offered NASA unlimited funding to go to Mars ... by 2020
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828769/-Trump-offered-NASA-unlimited-funding-to-go-to-Mars-by-2020?detail=emaildkreJust to get there by spaceship takes... 3 years...
Trump claimed there were no plans for Trump Tower Moscow. There were plans
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828741/-Trump-claimed-there-were-no-plans-for-Trump-Tower-Moscow-there-were-plans?detail=emaildkreTrump allows South Carolina foster care agency to discriminate against Jewish families
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828863/-Trump-allows-South-Carolina-foster-care-agency-to-discriminate-against-Jewish-families?detail=emaildkreMass arrest of federal employees outside Sen. McConnell's office: 'Where is Mitch? We want to work!'
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828923/-Mass-arrest-of-federal-employees-outside-Mitch-McConnell-s-office-Where-is-Mitch-We-want-to-work?detail=emaildkrePrincess of Lies Sanders gets Ocasiowned
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828996/-Princess-of-Lies-Sanders-gets-Ocasiowned?detail=emaildkreThis one does not deserve to be spoilered.
Michigan sheriff's office limits ICE cooperation after U.S.-born Marine veteran nearly deported
All it does is replace Dec. 7th, 2018 with Feb. 28th, 2019. It is not even 2 pages.
And it passed the House yesterday.
I dug this up because the voting record you cite is related to H JR 28. The text of the bill you cite is H JR 31. They are two different animals.
So the accurate read of HR 28 is that Democrats voted FOR paying workers and fully reopening the government when they passed it. They voted against the Republican addendum because it ONLY provided paychecks and didn't reopen the government. Which is absolute nonsense to even focus on when the bill they DID pass did so anyway, plus more.
Because we don't need to get things moving again piece by goddamn piece. The government should be functioning. 24/7/365 into infinity until this nation crumbles under the weight of it's own stupidity (which we are very close to doing). Again, asking for the United States government to function on a very basic level and pay workers is not some kind of radical leftist agenda. Christ, the way this is being framed, you'd think Trump was asking for the border wall and Democrats were demanding 5 billion in federal funding for abortions. Democrats are demanding a functional US government and nothing else. That shouldn't even have to be a demand, it should be a baseline that isn't even brought into the conversation.
If you do have the means and the extra income, donating to your (or even some in Washington) local foodbank will help a lot of people in need as their resources are going to be stretching thin the longer this drags on.
I would also like to say that everyone does make mistakes and if you notice a mistake a forumite made, its best to correct it tactfully and thoughtfully with as less negative emotion as possible. Educating the person about the mistake instead of calling them out on it benefits everyone. Not everyone is an expert in every field.
Kumbaya over.
Emeril Lagasse latest to offer free meals in federal shutdown as plight of workers grows
https://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/entertainment_life/food_restaurants/article_aac5d754-2003-11e9-9ca5-1f12ce89aa67.html?utm_content=buffer617f5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=bufferBorder Patrol just sent Trump a message about the wall that he can’t afford to ignore
https://washingtonpress.com/2019/01/24/border-patrol-just-sent-trump-a-message-about-the-wall-that-he-cant-afford-to-ignore/?fbclid=IwAR14IfpwRupTDuUXSgnJVpCxXgIiNAHF-mrkPvbEvZsLWBq8bWVNHe9D6McA video of 110 "Central American" Immigrants climbing over the border fence. (it's hard to tell who they really are- it's filmed from too far away). This just shows why walls don't work.
CDC Report: Nearly 2 Percent of High Schoolers Are Transgender
https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2019/1/24/cdc-report-nearly-2-percent-high-schoolers-are-transgender?fbclid=IwAR2F5TN61IBL-aCtqbL3xPbn1jGKGlDA2rtkIw73l6AvJp9J8mgsAEJxRRFrom a poll that looked into 10 states and 9 High Schools in major cities. Make of that what you will.
Can the Grand Ayatollah Of Iran or the King of Timbuktu say "we don't recognize Trump as president, the american people have suffered too long at the hands of the illegitimate Trump regime. Today, I have officially recognized Hillary Clinton as the President of the United States since she won the popular vote."
Respect for honesty.
You may dislike me, and that's fine, but I don't dislike you at all. I know we get heated, who doesn't in these times, but I try never take it personally.
I'm sure we've all been there at some point in time.
And yeah this is exactly how I feel about it, a lie covered up by the fact that most people would be too lazy to check, and those who did check, most wouldn't get past the arcane legalese.
It probably went through official channels with strong regional backing (which it had) before being announced.
And it was more the States Deptartment saying this is what we are doing and Trump going OK. If you think Trump has any idea of how this all shook out prior, your sadly mistaken. I doubt Trump knew who Maduro was (with an easily nicknamed name like that to begin with) was or still is.
It goes without saying that you cannot possibly expect human beings in this kind of hyper-capitalistic society to keep coming into work for a month without pay to continue to do so indefinitely. It isn't reasonable, it isn't realistic, and they aren't going to keep doing it. At a certain point, a person is just going to say "f**k it" and call in, for any number of reasons. If LaGuardia is being affected, then there is absolutely not reason to believe other airports aren't right behind them. In fact, just by virtue of this decision, given it's size as a destination and hub, it is going to by default cause massive issues at nearly every other airport in the country.
The fact is, I'm increasingly becoming convinced that what is needed to move the GOP is a national strike, for one day, ALL workers. It will never happen in the society we have built and molded for ourselves, but at a certain point some type of drastic non-violent action is going to have to be taken here. At the very least, the air traffic controllers need to strike again. Then the second Republican President in the last 40 years can fire them again, but this time because they were protesting not getting paid AT ALL.
My point all along has been that you can shut government down as a stunt for a week or two and most people probably won't notice. You get past the 30-day mark, and shit is going to just start falling apart before your eyes. And we are on day 35. Meanwhile, Trump is suggesting the people in charge of making sure planes don't crash into each other in the air should ask for store credit at the supermarket. I mean, you don't have to be a high-priced political mind to see which way this is going to go. Again, even IF you believe the two parties are equally to blame (which I vehemently disagree with), we all know who is going to keep getting blamed for it. And they continue to make things worse for themselves by going on TV and making insane pronouncements that might as well have come from the royal family in Versailles before the guillotines got rolled out. If the Administration wants some advice, the first thing they might want to do is stop going on TV and making absolute fools of themselves talking about how people who aren't going to be paid are going to be fine and have plenty of options. It makes you look completely nuts.
Law and order types are surrounded by crooks
Sanctity of marriage types are caught with mistresses
Anti-gay types hire gay lovers