Even now, I'm not optimistic about the prospects for Trump's removal from office. It does depend very heavily on GOP senators, and the reality is that they need to avoid alienating Republican constituents in order to get reelected. A GOP senator who has supported Trump for 3 years and then calls for impeachment will lose a lot of Republican votes, but gain very few Democratic votes to compensate.
Conservatives aren't necessarily Republicans. I couldn't give two shits about the Republican Party right now. They're not real conservatives if they back this moron! The Kurd backstab is the last straw as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and the 'Im the enlightened one' tweet. What an asshole...
It seems to me there is far more going on there than meets the eye. Why would you buck your entire party on that issue, simply to move our guys to a different part of Syria and let Erdogan sweep in?? It would still be bad if every American troop had gotten airlifted out at the drop of a hat, but that isn't what happened. Take it for what it's worth, but this thread from a FOX News military correspondent is pretty damning. This is simply a discussion she had with one of those troops. Worth reading the whole thread:
The last line is so rough. "The Kurds are sticking by us. No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us." I oppose this strictly on the principle that the Kurds are noble fighters who are good to their word and deserve better, geo-political considerations be damned.
It's the final straw is all. I haven't been a Republican party member since 25 years ago. I voted nay to Hillary, not yea to Trump. In the last 20 minutes I even wrote both of my Democratic Party senators that impeachment votes wouldn't sway any future votes on my part. I'm seriously done with Trump. I almost hope he doesn't resign so he can go to prison after the next election rather than being pardoned by Pence...
Even now, I'm not optimistic about the prospects for Trump's removal from office. It does depend very heavily on GOP senators, and the reality is that they need to avoid alienating Republican constituents in order to get reelected. A GOP senator who has supported Trump for 3 years and then calls for impeachment will lose a lot of Republican votes, but gain very few Democratic votes to compensate.
Conservatives aren't necessarily Republicans. I couldn't give two shits about the Republican Party right now. They're not real conservatives if they back this moron! The Kurd backstab is the last straw as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and the 'Im the enlightened one' tweet. What an asshole...
It seems to me there is far more going on there than meets the eye. Why would you buck your entire party on that issue, simply to move our guys to a different part of Syria and let Erdogan sweep in?? It would still be bad if every American troop had gotten airlifted out at the drop of a hat, but that isn't what happened. Take it for what it's worth, but this thread from a FOX News military correspondent is pretty damning. This is simply a discussion she had with one of those troops. Worth reading the whole thread:
The last line is so rough. "The Kurds are sticking by us. No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us." I oppose this strictly on the principle that the Kurds are noble fighters who are good to their word and deserve better, geo-political considerations be damned.
It's the final straw is all. I haven't been a Republican party member since 25 years ago. I voted nay to Hillary, not yea to Trump. In the last 20 minutes I even wrote both of my Democratic Party senators that impeachment votes wouldn't sway any future votes on my part. I'm seriously done with Trump. I almost hope he doesn't resign so he can go to prison after the next election rather than being pardoned by Pence...
It's gonna be a hell of a fight. Trump has managed to escape accountability for 70 years, he may do so again. I don't know where it ends or what it does to the country. All I know is (like the Kurd situation) I feel impeachment is the right thing to do. If Democrats get beat because of it, it will not be in service of nothing. It would mean there was at least an ATTEMPT to stop this guy and we didn't just roll over. If he gets re-elected we're too far gone to be saved anyway. Eventually, you have to shit or get off the pot. I generally think most "independent voters" are mostly inclined to vote Republican but not all that political. Those people are the ones moving the impeachment numbers. I think a decent portion of it is they're delighted to see Democrats showing a spine for once.
Internationally we've been a mess. There's failure there. Trump is ruining Americas word internationally all over the place.
Protesters in Hong Kong have been begging for any sign of support including holding up American flags and I've seen painted slogans like "give me liberty or give me death". Too bad Trump isn't interested in Democracy he only praises strongmen dictator types.
If it was Obama or another President a simple statement might have made a difference to diffuse tensions. Obama might have said something like "The US supports the right of people to protest for their Freedom" (and maybe throw a bone something to pacify China). If I recall correctly this exactly type situation DID happen at one point under Obama.
Instead there is a moral vacuum, an ethical leadership vacuum from the Trump Whitehouse - he doesn't care about massacres or democracy. So things there have just escalated and of course Trump is unable or unwilling to be a calming influence.
We're backing out of treaties for no reason - like abandoning the Iran Nuclear deal when independent assessors verified that they were following the treaty. Now Iran's free to pursue nuclear weapons.
Additionally, Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement for no reason (well he's corrupt is the reason). That reneged on our word and leaves us and I believe one other tiny dictatorial country as the only countries on Earth not even addressing climate change.
Next, he's also going to pull out of the "Open Skies Treaty" that is used in practice to monitor Russian military movements in a gift to Putin. He also pulled out of an international nuclear missile proliferation pact in another gift to Putin. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/08/politics/trump-open-skies-treaty-exit/index.html
So he's ending all kinds of deals like an asshole. He's ended far more deals than he has created. He's a corrupt international embarrassment. He's turned the US reputation into that of a third world type banana republic. There's no deal with North Korea either despite him pretending there is.
Even now, I'm not optimistic about the prospects for Trump's removal from office. It does depend very heavily on GOP senators, and the reality is that they need to avoid alienating Republican constituents in order to get reelected. A GOP senator who has supported Trump for 3 years and then calls for impeachment will lose a lot of Republican votes, but gain very few Democratic votes to compensate.
Conservatives aren't necessarily Republicans. I couldn't give two shits about the Republican Party right now. They're not real conservatives if they back this moron! The Kurd backstab is the last straw as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and the 'Im the enlightened one' tweet. What an asshole...
It seems to me there is far more going on there than meets the eye. Why would you buck your entire party on that issue, simply to move our guys to a different part of Syria and let Erdogan sweep in?? It would still be bad if every American troop had gotten airlifted out at the drop of a hat, but that isn't what happened. Take it for what it's worth, but this thread from a FOX News military correspondent is pretty damning. This is simply a discussion she had with one of those troops. Worth reading the whole thread:
The last line is so rough. "The Kurds are sticking by us. No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us." I oppose this strictly on the principle that the Kurds are noble fighters who are good to their word and deserve better, geo-political considerations be damned.
It's the final straw is all. I haven't been a Republican party member since 25 years ago. I voted nay to Hillary, not yea to Trump. In the last 20 minutes I even wrote both of my Democratic Party senators that impeachment votes wouldn't sway any future votes on my part. I'm seriously done with Trump. I almost hope he doesn't resign so he can go to prison after the next election rather than being pardoned by Pence...
It's gonna be a hell of a fight. I don't know where it ends or what it does to the country. All I know is (like the Kurd situation) I feel impeachment is the right thing to do. If Democrats get beat because of it, it will not be in service of nothing. It would mean there was at least an ATTEMPT to stop this guy and we didn't just roll over. If he gets reelected we're too far gone to be saved anyway. Eventually, you have to shit or get off the pot.
Honestly, I don't think you have to worry much about backlash. My family represents about 30% of the population, tops. Trump needs people like me and my buddies at work and he's losing them fast. If even a small portion of the religious right ditches him because of Syria he's in for an epic beat-down in 2020. That's "if" he can avoid impeachment before then. My view is not in a vacuum so even in this tiny forum you can be certain that I'm not speaking solely for myself.
Protesters in Hong Kong have been begging for any sign of support including holding up American flags and I've seen painted slogans like "give me liberty or give me death".
If it was Obama or another President a simple statement might have made a difference to diffuse tensions. Obama might have said something like "The US supports the right of people to protest for their rights but we also recognize (something to pacify China)". And that calming reassuring influence might have been been enough to get all sides to back off. Instead there is a moral vacuum, an ethical leadership vacuum from the Trump Whitehouse - he doesn't care about massacres or democracy. So things there have just escalated and of course Trump is unable or unwilling to be a calming influence.
So there's failures there. And Trump is turning Americas word into shit internationally all over the place.
We're backing out of treaties for no reason - like abandoning the Iran Nuclear deal for no reason when independent assessors say they were following the treaty. Additionally, Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement for no reason (well he's corrupt is the reason). That renegged on our word and leaves us and I believe one other tiny dictatorial country as the only countries on Earth not even addressing climate change.
He's also going to pull out of the "Open Skies Treaty" that is used in practice to monitor Russian military movements in a gift to Putin. He also pulled out of an international nuclear missile proliferation pact in another gift to Putin. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/08/politics/trump-open-skies-treaty-exit/index.html
So he's ending all kinds of deals like an asshole. He's ended far more deals than he has created. He's turned the US into a third world type reputation as a banana republic. There's no deal with North Korea either despite him pretending there is.
I have to agree with you. I saw the 'Open Skies' withdrawal notification and honestly thought, why? I'm seriously wondering if the Russian connection has some merit now. This guy has to go. He's getting more and more off the rails as he sees his power slipping away.
If it was Obama or another President a simple statement might have made a difference to diffuse tensions.
Obama or another President would of done fuck all. Even the NBA bent the knee to all SUPREME CHINA.
It's one thing to laud a politician if they did something good for their people. Lower the cost of living, Real Health Care (not ObamaCare), getting homeless into homes they can afford, abolishing student dept and making education free for all. To think that Obama or any other President would do different when you have the Banks pressing on their throats is foolhardy to put it nicely.
The bad guys in that region are the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Israel's primary concern is their continued existence so they may appear to be bad to the outside world because of their methods, but Saudi Arabia, yeah. The US is all in to support the Saudi's because we think it's in our best interest. I'm not sure that makes us a 'bad guy' but maybe Lawful Neutral?
If it was Obama or another President a simple statement might have made a difference to diffuse tensions.
Obama or another President would of done fuck all. Even the NBA bent the knee to all SUPREME CHINA.
It's one thing to laud a politician if they did something good for their people. Lower the cost of living, Real Health Care (not ObamaCare), getting homeless into homes they can afford, abolishing student dept and making education free for all. To think that Obama or any other President would do different when you have the Banks pressing on their throats is foolhardy to put it nicely.
Know your enemy.
Two party system, corporations (and rich people) contribute to both. Easy math...
Understood. From us on the outside who know that the US is bought and paid for by the Saudis and Israelis and that all other world policies revolve around, Lawful Neutral has run its course.
The US is firmly Lawful Evil now. When a Mega Power can't even criticize China? Israel? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? These countries are at the top of the list of Crimes against humanity. They are treated like Kings and they are nothing more than common thugs.
The only good thing Obama tried to do is become friends with Iran. They have a lot of oil and they sell it dirt cheap. But the Saudis and Israel said no with God Emperor Trump.
Do people still think that Russia were the ones that hacked the elections? Come on guys, think.
Understood. From us on the outside who know that the US is bought and paid for by the Saudis and Israelis and that all other world policies revolve around, Lawful Neutral has run its course.
The US is firmly Lawful Evil now. When a Mega Power can't even criticize China? Israel? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? These countries are at the top of the list of Crimes against humanity. They are treated like Kings and they are nothing more than common thugs.
What about Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran, India, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Pakistan, Myanmar, Venezuela, Honduras, and dozens of African countries? Your list of nations with crimes against humanity seems a bit short.
The only good thing Obama tried to do is become friends with Iran. They have a lot of oil and they sell it dirt cheap. But the Saudis and Israel said no with God Emperor Trump.
Do people still think that Russia were the ones that hacked the elections? Come on guys, think.
The only good thing Obama tried to do is become friends with Iran. They have a lot of oil and they sell it dirt cheap. But the Saudis and Israel said no with God Emperor Trump.
Do people still think that Russia were the ones that hacked the elections? Come on guys, think.
Your theory is that it was Saudi Arabia?
Was it? Maybe them and someone else? Follow the media to the top and you will get your answers. Trump is not going anywhere, he hasn't finished what he has been paid to do.
He's the Chosen One, remember. He throws it in your faces even.
Honestly, I don't think you have to worry much about backlash. My family represents about 30% of the population, tops. Trump needs people like me and my buddies at work and he's losing them fast. If even a small portion of the religious right ditches him because of Syria he's in for an epic beat-down in 2020. That's "if" he can avoid impeachment before then. My view is not in a vacuum so even in this tiny forum you can be certain that I'm not speaking solely for myself.
Not sure I believe this (Not doubting your stance, but the general Conservative). I think 95% of the ones that jump off the bandwagon will find a way back to a "yes" vote for Trump by November of 2020 - probably because the Democratic candidate will be branded a socialist who's coming to take everyone's guns.
As a side note - I do think it's in the GOP's best interest (and Conservatives in general) if Trump loses, and loses big (landslide). Millennials hate Trump, and they currently make up the biggest part of the voting population (but are less likely to vote than Boomers, so they contribute fewer overall votes if I am not mistaken). Generation Z also hates Trump, and they'll start skyrocketing in voter population by 2024 (still behind the other generations, but gaining fast).
If Trump wins (or even loses, but narrowly) - there's a chance that the GOP will stick with his brand of xenophobic, nativist populism ("Trumpism"), and I'm not sure that's winning strategy in a country that is becoming more and more diverse, and who's younger population is being scared off of conservatism.
There will be a reversion to the mean, and it's possible that if the country goes too far left, there will be a backlash - but this looks like a potential generational shift in politics if we are understanding the country's demographics and opinion of the generations.
The bad guys in that region are the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
While I don't necessarily disagree, I don't think there ARE any "good guys" in the Middle East except the Kurds and Palestinians, minorities who were promised self-rule in the aftermath of WW1 and WW2 respectively, and reneged upon.
Certainly no state-level actor has even somewhat clean hands.
To change the topic, the recent right-wing terror attack in Germany bad as it ways, seems to be in line with what I expect from gun control... perpetrator still manages to build home-made guns, but they weren't that reliable and jamned several times. There is little doubt in my mind that this would have been a lot worse if you could legally buy reliable, automatic or semi-automatic guns. 100% effective? No. But quite a bit better than nothing.
So how far back does the practice of blaming games for "moral failings" go? How about this 5th century B.C. quote from the Buddha himself:
“some recluses…while living on food provided by the faithful, continue addicted to games and recreations; that is to say…games on boards with eight or with 10, rows of squares.”
What is "moral decline" anyway?? Because as long as I've been conscious of the concept, all it's ever seemed to be about is people having more sex and going to church less than other people deem appropriate.
There isn't, and never has been a "moral decline" even by evangelical standards. People have been going back and forth on going to church throughout history. I mean, how many europeans came here in the first place because they were Protestants who wanted to avoid orthodox churches of the time? Does that mean all members of the church since then are less moral than they the early settlers? Heck, churhces are more numerous around the world now than ever before, how does that translate to a moral decline?
I don't ascribe morality to going to church anyway. Where does that leave me? I've been to churches where the pastor's wife cheated on him with a deacon, another one where the youth-pastor/music leader was a child-molester and another where a very good pastor lost half his flock to BS politics. To me the church is just power politics disguised as morality. The true God in America is the almighty dollar, hands down...
My point was that even by their standards, there is no decline.
Unless you're one of them. You'll never convince anybody in my immediate family that there isn't a moral decline.
The only good thing Obama tried to do is become friends with Iran. They have a lot of oil and they sell it dirt cheap. But the Saudis and Israel said no with God Emperor Trump.
Do people still think that Russia were the ones that hacked the elections? Come on guys, think.
Yes, I think so. Russia has a long tradition of meddling in other countries' politics, including mine. Russian goverments have changed, but that one has remained a constant. And I'm tired of people trying to whitewash it in their zeal to criticize the US.
If I knew your country I could understand you better friend. I didn't say Russia doesn't meddle in other countries, they have been trying to push a nationalist movement in FYROM for the last 10 years along with Turkey to destabilize the Balkans. What I am saying is that there are countries that have a very huge investment in the US that ties directly with their existence and financial security. Without it they would all collapse tomorrow.
It's the final straw is all. I haven't been a Republican party member since 25 years ago. I voted nay to Hillary, not yea to Trump. In the last 20 minutes I even wrote both of my Democratic Party senators that impeachment votes wouldn't sway any future votes on my part. I'm seriously done with Trump. I almost hope he doesn't resign so he can go to prison after the next election rather than being pardoned by Pence...
It's gonna be a hell of a fight. Trump has managed to escape accountability for 70 years, he may do so again. I don't know where it ends or what it does to the country. All I know is (like the Kurd situation) I feel impeachment is the right thing to do. If Democrats get beat because of it, it will not be in service of nothing. It would mean there was at least an ATTEMPT to stop this guy and we didn't just roll over. If he gets re-elected we're too far gone to be saved anyway. Eventually, you have to shit or get off the pot. I generally think most "independent voters" are mostly inclined to vote Republican but not all that political. Those people are the ones moving the impeachment numbers. I think a decent portion of it is they're delighted to see Democrats showing a spine for once.
“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump boasted in response. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers — two towers, instead of one, not the usual one; it’s two. And I’ve gotten to know Turkey very well. They’re amazing people, they’re incredible people. They have a strong leader.”
Internationally we've been a mess. There's failure there. Trump is ruining Americas word internationally all over the place.
Protesters in Hong Kong have been begging for any sign of support including holding up American flags and I've seen painted slogans like "give me liberty or give me death". Too bad Trump isn't interested in Democracy he only praises strongmen dictator types.
If it was Obama or another President a simple statement might have made a difference to diffuse tensions. Obama might have said something like "The US supports the right of people to protest for their Freedom" (and maybe throw a bone something to pacify China). If I recall correctly this exactly type situation DID happen at one point under Obama.
Instead there is a moral vacuum, an ethical leadership vacuum from the Trump Whitehouse - he doesn't care about massacres or democracy. So things there have just escalated and of course Trump is unable or unwilling to be a calming influence.
We're backing out of treaties for no reason - like abandoning the Iran Nuclear deal when independent assessors verified that they were following the treaty. Now Iran's free to pursue nuclear weapons.
Additionally, Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement for no reason (well he's corrupt is the reason). That reneged on our word and leaves us and I believe one other tiny dictatorial country as the only countries on Earth not even addressing climate change.
Next, he's also going to pull out of the "Open Skies Treaty" that is used in practice to monitor Russian military movements in a gift to Putin. He also pulled out of an international nuclear missile proliferation pact in another gift to Putin.
So he's ending all kinds of deals like an asshole. He's ended far more deals than he has created. He's a corrupt international embarrassment. He's turned the US reputation into that of a third world type banana republic. There's no deal with North Korea either despite him pretending there is.
Honestly, I don't think you have to worry much about backlash. My family represents about 30% of the population, tops. Trump needs people like me and my buddies at work and he's losing them fast. If even a small portion of the religious right ditches him because of Syria he's in for an epic beat-down in 2020. That's "if" he can avoid impeachment before then. My view is not in a vacuum so even in this tiny forum you can be certain that I'm not speaking solely for myself.
The bad guys in that region are the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
I have to agree with you. I saw the 'Open Skies' withdrawal notification and honestly thought, why? I'm seriously wondering if the Russian connection has some merit now. This guy has to go. He's getting more and more off the rails as he sees his power slipping away.
Obama or another President would of done fuck all. Even the NBA bent the knee to all SUPREME CHINA.
It's one thing to laud a politician if they did something good for their people. Lower the cost of living, Real Health Care (not ObamaCare), getting homeless into homes they can afford, abolishing student dept and making education free for all. To think that Obama or any other President would do different when you have the Banks pressing on their throats is foolhardy to put it nicely.
Know your enemy.
Israel's primary concern is their continued existence so they may appear to be bad to the outside world because of their methods, but Saudi Arabia, yeah. The US is all in to support the Saudi's because we think it's in our best interest. I'm not sure that makes us a 'bad guy' but maybe Lawful Neutral?
Two party system, corporations (and rich people) contribute to both. Easy math...
Understood. From us on the outside who know that the US is bought and paid for by the Saudis and Israelis and that all other world policies revolve around, Lawful Neutral has run its course.
The US is firmly Lawful Evil now. When a Mega Power can't even criticize China? Israel? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? These countries are at the top of the list of Crimes against humanity. They are treated like Kings and they are nothing more than common thugs.
The only good thing Obama tried to do is become friends with Iran. They have a lot of oil and they sell it dirt cheap. But the Saudis and Israel said no with God Emperor Trump.
Do people still think that Russia were the ones that hacked the elections? Come on guys, think.
What about Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran, India, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Pakistan, Myanmar, Venezuela, Honduras, and dozens of African countries? Your list of nations with crimes against humanity seems a bit short.
Your theory is that it was Saudi Arabia?
Was it? Maybe them and someone else? Follow the media to the top and you will get your answers. Trump is not going anywhere, he hasn't finished what he has been paid to do.
He's the Chosen One, remember. He throws it in your faces even.
Not sure I believe this (Not doubting your stance, but the general Conservative). I think 95% of the ones that jump off the bandwagon will find a way back to a "yes" vote for Trump by November of 2020 - probably because the Democratic candidate will be branded a socialist who's coming to take everyone's guns.
As a side note - I do think it's in the GOP's best interest (and Conservatives in general) if Trump loses, and loses big (landslide). Millennials hate Trump, and they currently make up the biggest part of the voting population (but are less likely to vote than Boomers, so they contribute fewer overall votes if I am not mistaken). Generation Z also hates Trump, and they'll start skyrocketing in voter population by 2024 (still behind the other generations, but gaining fast).
If Trump wins (or even loses, but narrowly) - there's a chance that the GOP will stick with his brand of xenophobic, nativist populism ("Trumpism"), and I'm not sure that's winning strategy in a country that is becoming more and more diverse, and who's younger population is being scared off of conservatism.
There will be a reversion to the mean, and it's possible that if the country goes too far left, there will be a backlash - but this looks like a potential generational shift in politics if we are understanding the country's demographics and opinion of the generations.
This can't be good.
British citizen living in Alberta receives Canadian voter card.
While I don't necessarily disagree, I don't think there ARE any "good guys" in the Middle East except the Kurds and Palestinians, minorities who were promised self-rule in the aftermath of WW1 and WW2 respectively, and reneged upon.
Certainly no state-level actor has even somewhat clean hands.
Oy vey... Political Liberals never learn.
Trump talks about the harsh reality of endless wars.
Trudeau seems really weird to me for some reason. That part of the video of him with the kids was just, yuck...
Kern has some balls. Almost as big as Trump's when it comes to China.
I AM one of them
If I knew your country I could understand you better friend. I didn't say Russia doesn't meddle in other countries, they have been trying to push a nationalist movement in FYROM for the last 10 years along with Turkey to destabilize the Balkans. What I am saying is that there are countries that have a very huge investment in the US that ties directly with their existence and financial security. Without it they would all collapse tomorrow.
Hope that clarifies my position.
Barr met privately with Murdoch amid impeachment scrutiny: report
Alternative Headline:
President's Attorney Meets Minister of Government Propaganda
Yeah, some areas of the internet are definitely up in the tree after this whole Blizzard debacle. Equally amuzing and sad to see.
I cancelled my sub after I saw the Blizzard China "Protect our Country" post. Shady.
At least Rubio figured it out. Might take CNN a little while longer.