Bernie is going to be near impossible to stop at this point. I read an article about Bloomberg's favorables dropping 30 points OVERNIGHT after the debate in internal polling. It is just as well he bought himself into the debate, because it allowed Elizabeth Warren to skin him alive on national TV. Thank God for small favors.
Why's Bernie gotta be stopped? I know you don't mean anything by it, but more than you have used that type of phrase. There was no talk of 'having to stop' Biden before. Interesting.
Dick Van Dyke endorsing Bernie Sanders
Clint Eastwood, lifelong Republican, dumps Trump and lets him have it and endorses Bloomberg (who's pretty much still a Republican).
It's really just a figure of speech. I'd use it about anyone. It's not meant to imply he SHOULD be, it simply means he can't be caught by the other candidates.
I don’t see it like that at all. I see it as Biden and Buttigieg playing chicken with each other to see who will drop our first. Once that happens there will be a real race at hand with Bloomberg and Warren siphoning off votes.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
Given that Trump and Sanders are both in their seventies and, by UK definitions, 'Old Age Pensioners' I thought I'd look up the average age of EU heads of state - to which the answer is 55.
Consequently the next person to run the USA will be a generation older than the people running Europe.
Aside from the obvious questions and takes on this, here's another one. How is a private citizen able to acquire the materials necessary to build a rocket??:
Aside from the obvious questions and takes on this, here's another one. How is a private citizen able to acquire the materials necessary to build a rocket??:
Rockets aren't that high tech really. If you know what you're doing a crude one wouldn't be that hard to make. The same for bombs or home-made grenades. The idea that these things are super-sophisticated is not true anymore with the tech we have access to nowadays.
I don’t see it like that at all. I see it as Biden and Buttigieg playing chicken with each other to see who will drop our first. Once that happens there will be a real race at hand with Bloomberg and Warren siphoning off votes.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
None of these people are getting out until after Super Tuesday, after which it will be far too late. Bernie's WORST outlook in early states has always been South Carolina. He has been gaining serious ground on Biden. Even a second-place victory there is a tremendous victory in his ultimate away-game.
You can see now how narrative shapes things after the early contests. Bernie was doing well before, but his support is surging now. Joe Biden has ran for President 4 times since the 1980s. He has never won a SINGLE state primary in that time. The idea he's going to go on some magic run is crazy talk. He isn't. Buttigieg has no support in the South. Warren can't match Bernie's support on the left-flank. Bloomberg is a worthless piece of garbage who has been revealed as such. Klobuchar is in nowhere-land. Who is going to do it before it's far too late for it to matter?? Tom Steyer??
The issue is that Bernie's support is genuine and organic and everyone else with the possible exception of Elizabeth Warren is trying to manufacture it.
I don’t see it like that at all. I see it as Biden and Buttigieg playing chicken with each other to see who will drop our first. Once that happens there will be a real race at hand with Bloomberg and Warren siphoning off votes.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
None of these people are getting out until after Super Tuesday, after which it will be far too late. Bernie's WORST outlook in early states has always been South Carolina. He has been gaining serious ground on Biden. Even a second-place victory there is a tremendous victory in his ultimate away-game.
You can see now how narrative shapes things after the early contests. Bernie was doing well before, but his support is surging now. Joe Biden has ran for President 4 times since the 1980s. He has never won a SINGLE state primary in that time. The idea he's going to go on some magic run is crazy talk. He isn't. Buttigieg has no support in the South. Warren can't match Bernie's support on the left-flank. Bloomberg is a worthless piece of garbage who has been revealed as such. Klobuchar is in nowhere-land. Who is going to do it before it's far too late for it to matter??
Not to mention the fact that when Warren finally decides she's kicking against the pricks, where do you think her supporters are going to go? Bloomberg???
I don’t see it like that at all. I see it as Biden and Buttigieg playing chicken with each other to see who will drop our first. Once that happens there will be a real race at hand with Bloomberg and Warren siphoning off votes.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
None of these people are getting out until after Super Tuesday, after which it will be far too late. Bernie's WORST outlook in early states has always been South Carolina. He has been gaining serious ground on Biden. Even a second-place victory there is a tremendous victory in his ultimate away-game.
You can see now how narrative shapes things after the early contests. Bernie was doing well before, but his support is surging now. Joe Biden has ran for President 4 times since the 1980s. He has never won a SINGLE state primary in that time. The idea he's going to go on some magic run is crazy talk. He isn't. Buttigieg has no support in the South. Warren can't match Bernie's support on the left-flank. Bloomberg is a worthless piece of garbage who has been revealed as such. Klobuchar is in nowhere-land. Who is going to do it before it's far too late for it to matter??
Not to mention the fact that when Warren finally decides she's kicking against the pricks, where do you think her supporters are going to go? Bloomberg???
I'll be eternally grateful to her for ripping Bloomberg's guts out to his face. I like her, I think her stances against financial corruption have been unimpeachable the last 15 years or so. She is a genuine advocate for consumer rights and I would love to see a woman President. But this is not her time.
I don’t see it like that at all. I see it as Biden and Buttigieg playing chicken with each other to see who will drop our first. Once that happens there will be a real race at hand with Bloomberg and Warren siphoning off votes.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
None of these people are getting out until after Super Tuesday, after which it will be far too late. Bernie's WORST outlook in early states has always been South Carolina. He has been gaining serious ground on Biden. Even a second-place victory there is a tremendous victory in his ultimate away-game.
You can see now how narrative shapes things after the early contests. Bernie was doing well before, but his support is surging now. Joe Biden has ran for President 4 times since the 1980s. He has never won a SINGLE state primary in that time. The idea he's going to go on some magic run is crazy talk. He isn't. Buttigieg has no support in the South. Warren can't match Bernie's support on the left-flank. Bloomberg is a worthless piece of garbage who has been revealed as such. Klobuchar is in nowhere-land. Who is going to do it before it's far too late for it to matter??
Not to mention the fact that when Warren finally decides she's kicking against the pricks, where do you think her supporters are going to go? Bloomberg???
I'll be eternally grateful to her for ripping Bloomberg's guts out to his face. I like her, I think her stances against financial corruption have been unimpeachable the last 15 years or so. She is a genuine advocate for consumer rights and I would love to see a woman President. But this is not her time.
There's something just not likeable about Warren. It's not the same visceral dislike that Hillary brought out in me, but there definitely is something. I can't put my finger on why, but I don't think I could vote for her.
I'm sitting here watching CNN and wondering why we don't have as much discussion about non-US politics on this thread. Is it because of the Trump phenomenon swamping out everybody else? @semiticgod, do you think it might be a good idea to have separate threads for US and non-US politics? I miss the days when we heard more from other parts of the world...
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
I'm sitting here watching CNN and wondering why we don't have as much discussion about non-US politics on this thread. Is it because of the Trump phenomenon swamping out everybody else? @semiticgod, do you think it might be a good idea to have separate threads for US and non-US politics? I miss the days when we heard more from other parts of the world...
Because CNN, in the 90s, used to actually cover international affairs and was actually a news channel, much like TLC used to actually have educational programming and the History channel wasn't just 24-hour marathons of truckers driving on ice.
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bloomberg is literally spending money on billboards mocking Trump's preference for burnt steak and that he cheats at golf. I like snide jabs as much as anyone, but I don't know how much more oblivious to the everyday needs of voters one can possibly be. His campaign slogan is basically "I'm a better billionaire". Do these people understand how much they are hated??
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bloomberg is literally spending money on billboards mocking Trump's preference for burnt steak and that he cheats at golf. I like snide jabs as much as anyone, but I don't know how much more oblivious to the everyday needs of voters one can possibly be. His campaign slogan is basically "I'm a better billionaire". Do these people understand how much they are hated??
No they don't. But they are paying people to do what he says.
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bloomberg is literally spending money on billboards mocking Trump's preference for burnt steak and that he cheats at golf. I like snide jabs as much as anyone, but I don't know how much more oblivious to the everyday needs of voters one can possibly be. His campaign slogan is basically "I'm a better billionaire". Do these people understand how much they are hated??
I don't hate them, but these people aren't the rich people of years past. There was a time when the rich folks, in this country anyway, actually gave a damn about the little guy. Maybe not as much as I'd like to think, but certainly they wanted to at least appear that they cared more than they do today. Living in their gated communities has made them callous. My major beef with the Democratic party is that these assholes are embedded there and nobody called their asses out. The Republican policies, on paper, looked good and made some logical sense but that was assuming that the rich people actually behaved like they used to. With Trump in power that illusion has been dispelled big time.
Trump is a genius in that he made fucking the little guy look righteous to the religious right by catering to their fears of losing the culture war. I can't be sure if he did it consciously or just by instinct but either way, it was genius.
Bernie has learned alot of the lessons of Trump VERY quickly. He's going to run against the media just like Trump does. Trump is basically doing a "don't throw me in the briar patch" routine with Bernie, because they think he will be easier to beat. That's exactly what Hillary and all of us thought about Trump.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bloomberg is literally spending money on billboards mocking Trump's preference for burnt steak and that he cheats at golf. I like snide jabs as much as anyone, but I don't know how much more oblivious to the everyday needs of voters one can possibly be. His campaign slogan is basically "I'm a better billionaire". Do these people understand how much they are hated??
No, but as long as he keeps Trump tilted, and Trump exerts there majority of his energy towards him all the better.
At this point I hope Bloomberg enters as a third party candidate because I think he’d strip more votes from Trump than the Democrats.
There is a shit show happening in Canada right now with rail blockades regarding a pipeline dispute. It’s entering a critical phase where ports may have to turn back ships and may start really crippling our GDP.
I’ve been wanting to post it for awhile, but it’s long with a lot of players and a lot of blame to smear around all over the place, that’s it’s be a real long post with a lot of research and I don’t have time to give it the in-depth response it needs.
I will say Trudeau has dropped the ball from the get go and has it’s been getting worse as days tick by and I may eventually post it all once it gets resolved.
No, but as long as he keeps Trump tilted, and Trump exerts there majority of his energy towards him all the better.
At this point I hope Bloomberg enters as a third party candidate because I think he’d strip more votes from Trump than the Democrats.
There were some hypothetical polls when Howard Schultz was talking about running. When he was placed as a 3rd party candidate, he usually took more votes from Democrats.
Now, he's different than Bloomberg - but not THAT different. Also, Bloomberg is nearly at 15% in the democratic primary. Surely, some of those votes would go to the actual winner, but you could see a world where he gets even 5% of the Democrat votes as a 3rd party (especially if Sanders is the nominee. Actually, if Sanders is the nominee, Bloomberg would probably destroy any chance of the Democrats winning).
2.5% of the vote in any of PA, MI and WI would have swung the state (and therefore, the election).
I haven't been watching much of anyone's stump speeches this go-round, but I just listened to Bernie's after Nevada walking home from the store. He does what ALL successful Presidential candidates do, which is ALWAYS stay on message and relentlessly push the same things over and over and over. Bernie's are as follows:
1.) The 99% is getting screwed by the 1%.
2.) 12 years ago we bailed out Wall Street crooks, and now their bill is coming due.
3.) Healthcare is a human right.
In a country where over 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck according to some surveys, if you don't think that strikes a chord, you're dreaming. And I'm not sure any amount of clips of him supporting left-wing governments in the 1980s will change that. Bernie Sanders is proposing nothing more or less than returning the Democratic Party to the one of FDR, but this time, including EVERYONE. Here is one of FDR's most famous quotes. This is Bernie Sanders at his core:
"We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hatred!!"
There is a reason this guy got four terms (before the Constitution was changed). The Japanese internment camps are a blight on us forever, but this was a great, great man. Perhaps only a hair below Lincoln. And by great I mean the sense of how he shaped a better society for the future. Republicans have been attempting to dismantle what he did ever since. Without the internment camps, I'd probably rank him as one of the greatest leaders in human history.
I haven't been watching much of anyone's stump speeches this go-round, but I just listened to Bernie's after Nevada walking home from the store. He does what ALL successful Presidential candidates do, which is ALWAYS stay on message and relentlessly push the same things over and over and over. Bernie's are as follows:
1.) The 99% is getting screwed by the 1%.
2.) 12 years ago we bailed out Wall Street crooks, and now their bill is coming due.
3.) Healthcare is a human right.
In a country where over 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck according to some surveys, if you don't think that strikes a chord, you're dreaming. And I'm not sure any amount of clips of him supporting left-wing governments in the 1980s will change that. Bernie Sanders is proposing nothing more or less than returning the Democratic Party to the one of FDR, but this time, including EVERYONE. Here is one of FDR's most famous quotes. This is Bernie Sanders at his core:
"We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hatred!!"
There is a reason this guy got four terms (before the Constitution was changed). The Japanese internment camps are a blight on us forever, but this was a great, great man. Perhaps only a hair below Lincoln. And by great I mean the sense of how he shaped a better society for the future. Republicans have been attempting to dismantle what he did ever since. Without the internment camps, I'd probably rank him as one of the greatest leaders in human history.
I don't agree with everything Bernie stands for by a long shot, but I can get behind the working class getting fucked and universal healthcare. That's enough for me. Guns and the (so called) green new deal are far behind those on my priority list. Just stating my priorities...
Aside from the obvious questions and takes on this, here's another one. How is a private citizen able to acquire the materials necessary to build a rocket??:
Rockets aren't that high tech really. If you know what you're doing a crude one wouldn't be that hard to make. The same for bombs or home-made grenades. The idea that these things are super-sophisticated is not true anymore with the tech we have access to nowadays.
IIRC, the only real difficulty is getting enough of the right materials for the fuel. Heck, you can find diagrams of what exactly goes into rocket fuel in any college textbook.
@smeagolheart This reminds of non-sense memes. The ones that make absolutely no sense, and get circulated on pure absurdity. I'm not even sure what the cartoon is trying to go for. The Communist imagery is clear at the end, but how does that tie into the previous panels? What about his platform would indicate what the first few panels seem to be saying?
I give it a -5/10
Completely fails to be satire or any kind of coherent criticism. Amusing in an absurdist way.
Aside from the obvious questions and takes on this, here's another one. How is a private citizen able to acquire the materials necessary to build a rocket??:
Rockets aren't that high tech really. If you know what you're doing a crude one wouldn't be that hard to make. The same for bombs or home-made grenades. The idea that these things are super-sophisticated is not true anymore with the tech we have access to nowadays.
IIRC, the only real difficulty is getting enough of the right materials for the fuel. Heck, you can find diagrams of what exactly goes into rocket fuel in any college textbook.
@smeagolheart This reminds of non-sense memes. The ones that make absolutely no sense, and get circulated on pure absurdity. I'm not even sure what the cartoon is trying to go for. The Communist imagery is clear at the end, but how does that tie into the previous panels? What about his platform would indicate what the first few panels seem to be saying?
I give it a -5/10
Completely fails to be satire or any kind of coherent criticism. Amusing in an absurdist way.
I can't even begin to express how much I hate meme-culture. My cousins and aunt made me play "What's that Meme", a board game that is like a mixture of Pictionary and Cards Against Humanity at Christmas and I was absolutely miserable the entire hour.
@smeagolheart This reminds of non-sense memes. The ones that make absolutely no sense, and get circulated on pure absurdity. I'm not even sure what the cartoon is trying to go for. The Communist imagery is clear at the end, but how does that tie into the previous panels? What about his platform would indicate what the first few panels seem to be saying?
I give it a -5/10
Completely fails to be satire or any kind of coherent criticism. Amusing in an absurdist way.
Yeah I don't get it either. But I don't know what triggers some people. Anyway, I too found it somewhat amusing.
have the real possibility of becoming awfully important in the coming weeks. I have no idea what is going to happen with this outbreak. But what we do know is that Trump already cut our ability to respond to such a situation off at the knees, and that he views any problems that DO arise from it not from a public health and safety perspective, but only through the lens of his own re-election chances. Frankly, this is why it matters who's in charge. There is a real possibility coronavirus could cause a global recession, and Trump's single concern is making sure he isn't blamed for anything.
And as absurd as that sounds, it shifts the conversation away from his price tag. And it shifts it, not only Trump’s stupidity and people’s belief in it, but how Trump was actually able to pay for it, taking Congressionally approved money that was slated for the over bloated military budget, declaring an emergency that wasn’t an emergency and using it for his pet project.
He can then follow it up with, “it’s not like everything I am proposing will be made into law on my first day of office. I am willing to work with the other branches of government to get my goals completed, to get creative as possible when it comes to the cost, so they will not be a burden to the average American family. America needs to say that they want this, more than they want a racist wall or another branch of the military.”
It. Is. Not. Hard.
This is why Sanders won’t win. He doesn’t know how to attack and swing controversial questions towards his opponents.
It’s going to be bad enough that everything from the right is going to be screaming “Socialism” 24/7 talking about him and will feature a story about his campaign which will probably be quickly followed up by something happening in Venezuela to tie the two together. He needs to fight back and dictate his message on spending.
And as absurd as that sounds, it shifts the conversation away from his price tag. And it shifts it, not only Trump’s stupidity and people’s belief in it, but how Trump was actually able to pay for it, taking Congressionally approved money that was slated for the over bloated military budget, declaring an emergency that wasn’t an emergency and using it for his pet project.
He can then follow it up with, “it’s not like everything I am proposing will be made into law on my first day of office. I am willing to work with the other branches of government to get my goals completed, to get creative as possible when it comes to the cost, so they will not be a burden to the average American family. America needs to say that they want this, more than they want a racist wall or another branch of the military.”
It. Is. Not. Hard.
This is why Sanders won’t win. He doesn’t know how to attack and swing controversial questions towards his opponents.
It’s going to be bad enough that everything from the right is going to be screaming “Socialism” 24/7 talking about him and will feature a story about his campaign which will probably be quickly followed up by something happening in Venezuela to tie the two together. He needs to fight back and dictate his message on spending.
Since Republicans as high as the Chief of Staff have ADMITTED in the last few years that their concerns about deficits and spending for the last half-century have been a total ruse, I legitimately don't think Democrats should answer another question about spending again for the next 50. They have TOLD us in no uncertain terms that it was a completely bad faith argument. But STILL, we have this standard where Democrats are called upon to account for every single nickel and dime of everything they propose, and Republicans can put $3 trillion dollar wars on the credit card and never be asked a single question about it. It's absolutely maddening. I'm dead serious about being in total agreement with what you say here. This is not me being a smart-ass. Bernie Sanders should answer every question about how much his proposals cost with "Mexico is going to pay for it" and walk the hell away from the person asking it, if for no other reason than to prove a point that he isn't going to play by a completely different set of rules. ESPECIALLY when the people ostensibly making the case against that spending have confessed to it being nothing but a cynical political tactic. Most of us who pay attention have known this for decades. But they now think they have worked the refs (the media) so well that even if they basically sign a written confession that it was all bullshit, Democrats still get hammered with the same shit. Fucking nauseating.
AOC actually understands this dynamic PERFECTLY. Every time she is asked a question about spending she says "why is it you only ask that question when it's about programs that could help the average person, but never when it's a corporate tax-break or military boondoggle??". A-goddamn-men. Just the other day, she did the same thing on "The View", cleverly pointing out that whenever a Democratic proposal is discussed in the media, it's always a ten-year cost, but when it's a Republican proposal, it's talked about annually. She gets it, and as I've said before, this woman should be holding seminars on how to properly deal with this nonsense for every Democratic politician in the country.
Spending and the deficit. Give me a break. There are NO Republican politicians who care about it, and there might be, 15% of Republican voters who do. If that. Want to know how I know this?? The deficit under Trump continues to go up. Where is the Tea Party?? Which we were told for YEARS was a grassroots movement about fiscal responsibility. Of course, it wasn't. It was a Republican re-branding effort meant to erase George W. Bush from the public consciousness, and also had the added side effect of attracting alot of people who saw a black man in the White House and decided to cosplay as Revolutionary War soldiers.
Incompetence and maliciousness is Trump's way of doing things. The Trump government has no plan and is not acting in the best interests of the country, again.
On February 23, 2020, President Trump spoke with Alabama Senator Richard Shelby and promised to protect the people of Alabama by not sending Coronavirus patients to that state even though the facility there is a former military base, a multi-jurisdictional training center for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, and one of the most suitable in the country to handle the unique challenges of isolating and treating Coronavirus patients. Yet Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar confirmed to Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers that no one exposed to Coronavirus would be sent to the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, Alabama.
Instead, Trump is using the Coronavirus as political weapon to punish California and ‘reward’ red states according to a lawsuit recently filed against the Trump administration. This is malicious and dumb and when the outbreak breaks loose in earnest in California, it won't stay there. Vote blue no matter who.
Why's Bernie gotta be stopped? I know you don't mean anything by it, but more than you have used that type of phrase. There was no talk of 'having to stop' Biden before. Interesting.
Dick Van Dyke endorsing Bernie Sanders
Clint Eastwood, lifelong Republican, dumps Trump and lets him have it and endorses Bloomberg (who's pretty much still a Republican).
Trump disgustingly weaponized the intelligence services against Bernie by leaking the Russia story right before this vote in Nevada to try and damage Bernie but it it didn't work. Womp womp.
As long as both Joe and Pete stay in the race however, they are both going to split the centralist vote handing it to Bernie in the process.
Consequently the next person to run the USA will be a generation older than the people running Europe.
Rockets aren't that high tech really. If you know what you're doing a crude one wouldn't be that hard to make. The same for bombs or home-made grenades. The idea that these things are super-sophisticated is not true anymore with the tech we have access to nowadays.
None of these people are getting out until after Super Tuesday, after which it will be far too late. Bernie's WORST outlook in early states has always been South Carolina. He has been gaining serious ground on Biden. Even a second-place victory there is a tremendous victory in his ultimate away-game.
You can see now how narrative shapes things after the early contests. Bernie was doing well before, but his support is surging now. Joe Biden has ran for President 4 times since the 1980s. He has never won a SINGLE state primary in that time. The idea he's going to go on some magic run is crazy talk. He isn't. Buttigieg has no support in the South. Warren can't match Bernie's support on the left-flank. Bloomberg is a worthless piece of garbage who has been revealed as such. Klobuchar is in nowhere-land. Who is going to do it before it's far too late for it to matter?? Tom Steyer??
The issue is that Bernie's support is genuine and organic and everyone else with the possible exception of Elizabeth Warren is trying to manufacture it.
Not to mention the fact that when Warren finally decides she's kicking against the pricks, where do you think her supporters are going to go? Bloomberg???
I'll be eternally grateful to her for ripping Bloomberg's guts out to his face. I like her, I think her stances against financial corruption have been unimpeachable the last 15 years or so. She is a genuine advocate for consumer rights and I would love to see a woman President. But this is not her time.
There's something just not likeable about Warren. It's not the same visceral dislike that Hillary brought out in me, but there definitely is something. I can't put my finger on why, but I don't think I could vote for her.
Because CNN, in the 90s, used to actually cover international affairs and was actually a news channel, much like TLC used to actually have educational programming and the History channel wasn't just 24-hour marathons of truckers driving on ice.
This might be the time for the ultimate liberal gamble. The problem with huge gambles though is that the stakes are equally as large. I can't honestly tell Democrats that they won't go down in flames with Bernie, but are the benefits worth the risk? I guess time will tell. I'm not a bit convinced that Biden or Buttigieg are an inherently 'safer' bet though and I totally think that Bloomberg would be beaten soundly.
Bloomberg is literally spending money on billboards mocking Trump's preference for burnt steak and that he cheats at golf. I like snide jabs as much as anyone, but I don't know how much more oblivious to the everyday needs of voters one can possibly be. His campaign slogan is basically "I'm a better billionaire". Do these people understand how much they are hated??
No they don't. But they are paying people to do what he says.
"Burnt steak are you serious Mr. Bloomberg?"
"DO IT! It's a surefire winner!"
"Um ok sure, sign this check here......"
I don't hate them, but these people aren't the rich people of years past. There was a time when the rich folks, in this country anyway, actually gave a damn about the little guy. Maybe not as much as I'd like to think, but certainly they wanted to at least appear that they cared more than they do today. Living in their gated communities has made them callous. My major beef with the Democratic party is that these assholes are embedded there and nobody called their asses out. The Republican policies, on paper, looked good and made some logical sense but that was assuming that the rich people actually behaved like they used to. With Trump in power that illusion has been dispelled big time.
No, but as long as he keeps Trump tilted, and Trump exerts there majority of his energy towards him all the better.
At this point I hope Bloomberg enters as a third party candidate because I think he’d strip more votes from Trump than the Democrats.
There is a shit show happening in Canada right now with rail blockades regarding a pipeline dispute. It’s entering a critical phase where ports may have to turn back ships and may start really crippling our GDP.
I’ve been wanting to post it for awhile, but it’s long with a lot of players and a lot of blame to smear around all over the place, that’s it’s be a real long post with a lot of research and I don’t have time to give it the in-depth response it needs.
I will say Trudeau has dropped the ball from the get go and has it’s been getting worse as days tick by and I may eventually post it all once it gets resolved.
There were some hypothetical polls when Howard Schultz was talking about running. When he was placed as a 3rd party candidate, he usually took more votes from Democrats.
Now, he's different than Bloomberg - but not THAT different. Also, Bloomberg is nearly at 15% in the democratic primary. Surely, some of those votes would go to the actual winner, but you could see a world where he gets even 5% of the Democrat votes as a 3rd party (especially if Sanders is the nominee. Actually, if Sanders is the nominee, Bloomberg would probably destroy any chance of the Democrats winning).
2.5% of the vote in any of PA, MI and WI would have swung the state (and therefore, the election).
I'd prefer he didnt run as a 3rd party.
1.) The 99% is getting screwed by the 1%.
2.) 12 years ago we bailed out Wall Street crooks, and now their bill is coming due.
3.) Healthcare is a human right.
In a country where over 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck according to some surveys, if you don't think that strikes a chord, you're dreaming. And I'm not sure any amount of clips of him supporting left-wing governments in the 1980s will change that. Bernie Sanders is proposing nothing more or less than returning the Democratic Party to the one of FDR, but this time, including EVERYONE. Here is one of FDR's most famous quotes. This is Bernie Sanders at his core:
"We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hatred!!"
There is a reason this guy got four terms (before the Constitution was changed). The Japanese internment camps are a blight on us forever, but this was a great, great man. Perhaps only a hair below Lincoln. And by great I mean the sense of how he shaped a better society for the future. Republicans have been attempting to dismantle what he did ever since. Without the internment camps, I'd probably rank him as one of the greatest leaders in human history.
I don't agree with everything Bernie stands for by a long shot, but I can get behind the working class getting fucked and universal healthcare. That's enough for me. Guns and the (so called) green new deal are far behind those on my priority list. Just stating my priorities...
IIRC, the only real difficulty is getting enough of the right materials for the fuel. Heck, you can find diagrams of what exactly goes into rocket fuel in any college textbook.
@smeagolheart This reminds of non-sense memes. The ones that make absolutely no sense, and get circulated on pure absurdity. I'm not even sure what the cartoon is trying to go for. The Communist imagery is clear at the end, but how does that tie into the previous panels? What about his platform would indicate what the first few panels seem to be saying?
I give it a -5/10
Completely fails to be satire or any kind of coherent criticism. Amusing in an absurdist way.
I can't even begin to express how much I hate meme-culture. My cousins and aunt made me play "What's that Meme", a board game that is like a mixture of Pictionary and Cards Against Humanity at Christmas and I was absolutely miserable the entire hour.
Yeah I don't get it either. But I don't know what triggers some people. Anyway, I too found it somewhat amusing.
and this
have the real possibility of becoming awfully important in the coming weeks. I have no idea what is going to happen with this outbreak. But what we do know is that Trump already cut our ability to respond to such a situation off at the knees, and that he views any problems that DO arise from it not from a public health and safety perspective, but only through the lens of his own re-election chances. Frankly, this is why it matters who's in charge. There is a real possibility coronavirus could cause a global recession, and Trump's single concern is making sure he isn't blamed for anything.
Repeat after me “México will pay for it all.”
And as absurd as that sounds, it shifts the conversation away from his price tag. And it shifts it, not only Trump’s stupidity and people’s belief in it, but how Trump was actually able to pay for it, taking Congressionally approved money that was slated for the over bloated military budget, declaring an emergency that wasn’t an emergency and using it for his pet project.
He can then follow it up with, “it’s not like everything I am proposing will be made into law on my first day of office. I am willing to work with the other branches of government to get my goals completed, to get creative as possible when it comes to the cost, so they will not be a burden to the average American family. America needs to say that they want this, more than they want a racist wall or another branch of the military.”
It. Is. Not. Hard.
This is why Sanders won’t win. He doesn’t know how to attack and swing controversial questions towards his opponents.
It’s going to be bad enough that everything from the right is going to be screaming “Socialism” 24/7 talking about him and will feature a story about his campaign which will probably be quickly followed up by something happening in Venezuela to tie the two together. He needs to fight back and dictate his message on spending.
Since Republicans as high as the Chief of Staff have ADMITTED in the last few years that their concerns about deficits and spending for the last half-century have been a total ruse, I legitimately don't think Democrats should answer another question about spending again for the next 50. They have TOLD us in no uncertain terms that it was a completely bad faith argument. But STILL, we have this standard where Democrats are called upon to account for every single nickel and dime of everything they propose, and Republicans can put $3 trillion dollar wars on the credit card and never be asked a single question about it. It's absolutely maddening. I'm dead serious about being in total agreement with what you say here. This is not me being a smart-ass. Bernie Sanders should answer every question about how much his proposals cost with "Mexico is going to pay for it" and walk the hell away from the person asking it, if for no other reason than to prove a point that he isn't going to play by a completely different set of rules. ESPECIALLY when the people ostensibly making the case against that spending have confessed to it being nothing but a cynical political tactic. Most of us who pay attention have known this for decades. But they now think they have worked the refs (the media) so well that even if they basically sign a written confession that it was all bullshit, Democrats still get hammered with the same shit. Fucking nauseating.
AOC actually understands this dynamic PERFECTLY. Every time she is asked a question about spending she says "why is it you only ask that question when it's about programs that could help the average person, but never when it's a corporate tax-break or military boondoggle??". A-goddamn-men. Just the other day, she did the same thing on "The View", cleverly pointing out that whenever a Democratic proposal is discussed in the media, it's always a ten-year cost, but when it's a Republican proposal, it's talked about annually. She gets it, and as I've said before, this woman should be holding seminars on how to properly deal with this nonsense for every Democratic politician in the country.
Spending and the deficit. Give me a break. There are NO Republican politicians who care about it, and there might be, 15% of Republican voters who do. If that. Want to know how I know this?? The deficit under Trump continues to go up. Where is the Tea Party?? Which we were told for YEARS was a grassroots movement about fiscal responsibility. Of course, it wasn't. It was a Republican re-branding effort meant to erase George W. Bush from the public consciousness, and also had the added side effect of attracting alot of people who saw a black man in the White House and decided to cosplay as Revolutionary War soldiers.
On February 23, 2020, President Trump spoke with Alabama Senator Richard Shelby and promised to protect the people of Alabama by not sending Coronavirus patients to that state even though the facility there is a former military base, a multi-jurisdictional training center for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, and one of the most suitable in the country to handle the unique challenges of isolating and treating Coronavirus patients. Yet Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar confirmed to Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers that no one exposed to Coronavirus would be sent to the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, Alabama.
Instead, Trump is using the Coronavirus as political weapon to punish California and ‘reward’ red states according to a lawsuit recently filed against the Trump administration. This is malicious and dumb and when the outbreak breaks loose in earnest in California, it won't stay there. Vote blue no matter who.