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The Politics Thread



  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    America is past compassion the violence from the protests and counter protests are proof of that. I am also not certain that the violence will end when trump is elected out. Mobs crave power.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    My opinion Joe should said that a while ago, also throwing bottles full of piss should be a biological warfare offence. trying to be an ally and getting splashed by some idiots piss is not cool. Lot of diseases around not just covid.

    Biden has made unequivocal condemnations of violence and looting several times already. From June 2:

    "But there is no place for violence. No place for looting or destroying property or burning churches, or destroying businesses — many of them built by people of color who for the first time were beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families. Nor is it acceptable for our police — sworn to protect and serve all people — to escalate tensions or resort to excessive violence. We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest — and opportunistic violent destruction."

    This is just one of several public remarks he's made on the subject. Folks who are just hearing about this for the first time might want to reevaluate their own news consumption.

    This was the first time Biden has denounced the rioting and looting without a but in his comments. There is a lot of news out there and we all know they cater to their base of viewers. Telling people to reevaluate their news consumption sounds a little third reich. Still think piss bombs are gross.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    My opinion Joe should said that a while ago, also throwing bottles full of piss should be a biological warfare offence. trying to be an ally and getting splashed by some idiots piss is not cool. Lot of diseases around not just covid.

    Biden has made unequivocal condemnations of violence and looting several times already. From June 2:

    "But there is no place for violence. No place for looting or destroying property or burning churches, or destroying businesses — many of them built by people of color who for the first time were beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families. Nor is it acceptable for our police — sworn to protect and serve all people — to escalate tensions or resort to excessive violence. We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest — and opportunistic violent destruction."

    This is just one of several public remarks he's made on the subject. Folks who are just hearing about this for the first time might want to reevaluate their own news consumption.

    This was the first time Biden has denounced the rioting and looting without a but in his comments. There is a lot of news out there and we all know they cater to their base of viewers. Telling people to reevaluate their news consumption sounds a little third reich. Still think piss bombs are gross.

    If you're going to continue to post misinformation on here, I'm going to correct the record. If you think you know the truth but are posting misinformation, then, yes, you should actually take a second to reevaluate where you're getting your information. Whether certain news outlets "cater to their viewers" doesn't change the fact that you are stating misinformation here.

    You already changed your objection from "My opinion Joe should [have] said that a while ago" to "This was the first time Biden has denounced the rioting and looting without a but in his comments." It would be nice if you at least acknowledged this shift.

    Below is an article with a comprehensive list of comments he's made on several dates, condemning violence.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    I haven't come into this thread to argue or to be told that I giving out misinformation, conspiracy theory much? From my brief and quick scan of past comments it is clear that many in here are passionate about social issues that are at the forefront of todays America. Going into conspiracy mode is not an excuse to beat down someones comment or a good way to make friends. We can all agree that Trump is not good for America at least, the rest is just dogs trying to piss their territory, all bark no bite.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2020
    Trump now appears to be implying that Cobra Command is remotely controlling Biden and they are airlifting ninjas in American cities. One wonders if they had such a clear picture of what the people on this so-called plane were doing, why the people on board weren't stopped when they landed, but that would require someone to believe he isn't just making the entire thing up, which he is:

  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    Trump now appears to be implying that Cobra Command is remotely controlling Biden and they are airlifting ninjas in American cities. One wonders if they had such a clear picture of what the people on this so-called plane were doing, why the people on board weren't stopped when the landed, but that would require someone to believe he isn't just making the entire thing up, which he is:

    He's playing to his Q base, pretty sad.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Æmrys wrote: »
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    Trump now appears to be implying that Cobra Command is remotely controlling Biden and they are airlifting ninjas in American cities. One wonders if they had such a clear picture of what the people on this so-called plane were doing, why the people on board weren't stopped when the landed, but that would require someone to believe he isn't just making the entire thing up, which he is:

    He's playing to his Q base, pretty sad.

    Someone would need to explain to me, IF they are interested in public safety, how this in ANY way goes toward achieving that goal, rather than the total opposite. We know it's a lie, he knows it's a lie, but he knows there are people who will believe it wholeheartedly. What is his expectation that some of those people will do?? I think the answer is pretty clear.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    The only safety Trump is interested in is his finances. He bamboozled everyone.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    One can concurrently hold the views that the police is systemically racist and needs to be reformed, as well as denounce burning buildings and opportunistic looting. I dont think Biden should only respond to the protests, but should continue to push that the police needs to be reformed.

    He is already pretty soft on reforming police. For my personal view, I dont want him to move to the right any more than he already has on this issue.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited September 2020
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    One can concurrently hold the views that the police is systemically racist and needs to be reformed, as well as denounce burning buildings and opportunistic looting. I dont think Biden should only respond to the protests, but should continue to push that the police needs to be reformed.

    He is already pretty soft on reforming police. For my personal view, I dont want him to move to the right any more than he already has on this issue.

    Dijon Kizzee is the latest to be killed by the forces.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.
    Grond0 wrote: »
    I was assuming

    Also don't assume too much, the only thing you'll get for your troubles is a headache.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.

    And this is exactly why Trump will tear Biden a new one. Clinton tried the adult approach to Trumps school yard bully and she might of won in the eyes of scholars and pundits but she lost in the peoples eyes. America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trumps tactics. The masses have been programmed and Trump paid the right companies to put out his propaganda that they ate up. They will eat it up again in November unless Biden and Co change their battle plan. There is no debate on this. They play his game or its over.

    Also it's time for the DNC to tell that decrepit carcass called Nancy Pelosi to shut up. Let someone else speak like maybe one of the new women in the party that have fire in their belly.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    There's a big downside to that argument. Trump has not just been challenging the outcomes of American democracy, but also its underlying principles (like separation of powers and freedom to vote). Trying to embrace the American radical left is not only difficult (because it's such an amorphous body at the moment), but would also risk reinforcing Trump's assault on democracy. I think that only a small minority of Americans support radical street protests - whether for or against Trump.

    I think it's unlikely Biden would successfully win an election against Trump using those tactics, as it would be such a huge change from his previous stance on law and order and desire for harmony in the country. Even if he did win, it's doubtful whether Trump would acknowledge that result (rather than, for instance, declaring the election null and void on the grounds that Biden had coerced votes through threats). And if, somehow, Biden did find himself President in that situation, I can't see that he would then have any chance of getting the country to feel more united - and, unlike Trump, I think Biden does want to work on behalf of people in general and not just his supporters.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.

    And this is exactly why Trump will tear Biden a new one. Clinton tried the adult approach to Trumps school yard bully and she might of one in the eyes of scholars and pundits but she lost in the peoples eyes. America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trumps tactics. The masses have been programmed and Trump paid the right companies to put out his propaganda that they ate up. They will eat it up again in November unless Biden and Co change their battle plan. There is no debate on this. They play his game or its over.

    I... dont really know what you're talking about. Can you provide evidence to back up this claim. Here some that only took me a minute to find:

    If you scroll down to the "Reception" segment for each of the 3 debates between Clinton and Trump, you'll notice virtually everyone agrees that Clinton won, and usually won by a pretty substantial amount. Those numbers are a polling of the people. So, contrary to your claim, in the "People's eyes" - she won. Convincingly.

    IIRC, she also saw modest debate performance bounces in her polling.

    As an addendum - I'm not really sure what you're saying. The arguments you're putting forward dont seem verifiable. How are we supposed to evaluate the idea that "America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trump's tactics". At a minimum, I dont think this is even accurate because the DNC's ratings were higher than the RNC. Apparently people were more interested in watching Biden than Trump as of even last week.

    As a parting thought: You took umbrage earlier in the night over someone claiming you are giving misinformation, and you responded "Conspiracy theory much"? If you cant substantiate your claims, they start to sound like conspiracy theories themselves.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    Grond0 wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    There's a big downside to that argument. Trump has not just been challenging the outcomes of American democracy, but also its underlying principles (like separation of powers and freedom to vote). Trying to embrace the American radical left is not only difficult (because it's such an amorphous body at the moment), but would also risk reinforcing Trump's assault on democracy. I think that only a small minority of Americans support radical street protests - whether for or against Trump.

    I think it's unlikely Biden would successfully win an election against Trump using those tactics, as it would be such a huge change from his previous stance on law and order and desire for harmony in the country. Even if he did win, it's doubtful whether Trump would acknowledge that result (rather than, for instance, declaring the election null and void on the grounds that Biden had coerced votes through threats). And if, somehow, Biden did find himself President in that situation, I can't see that he would then have any chance of getting the country to feel more united - and, unlike Trump, I think Biden does want to work on behalf of people in general and not just his supporters.

    This is what I fear more than a Trump win in November a movement that would put people closer together, so we can tackle other issues that plague society together with a louder voice of people united, die in the wind.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125

    As a parting thought: You took umbrage earlier in the night over someone claiming you are giving misinformation, and you responded "Conspiracy theory much"? If you cant substantiate your claims, they start to sound like conspiracy theories themselves.

    Now I understand why you are riding me. Are they a close friend and if so how close?
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited September 2020
    As @smeagolheart said, there's an implicit "too" at the end of "Black Lives Matter". The reason why it's left specific to Black Lives is that the movement was fundamentally started due to police brutality that disproportionately targeted Black communities and Black people.

    Due to intersectionality, a lot of BLM activities also speak out about other forms of injustice. At a march I went to earlier in the summer, one of the speakers at the end talked about Palestinians oppression.

    A comic I saw that sort of gets at why it's "Black" and not "All"
    @BallpointMan @Smeagolheart Thank you both for your explanations. It put it quite a bit more in perspective but I think I will never truly understand since I am not a resident who experiences it first hand.

    I find the comic to be an expression of the issue of itself in that it is representative of thinking in extrema that plagues the US to force attention to only the biggest issue.
    The solution I want to suggest is to address multiple issues at the same time. Like giving the hose to the burning house and get a smaller one for the other house to stop fire spread. However, I am interpreting that the country is not ready for that... nor is it ready to address the biggest issue in the first place. And for that I think it is a representation issue. Going on a demonstration shouting BLM, that will not accomplish anything. Instead you need a buy in from people with the correct mandate.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    edited September 2020
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.

    And this is exactly why Trump will tear Biden a new one. Clinton tried the adult approach to Trumps school yard bully and she might of won in the eyes of scholars and pundits but she lost in the peoples eyes. America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trumps tactics. The masses have been programmed and Trump paid the right companies to put out his propaganda that they ate up. They will eat it up again in November unless Biden and Co change their battle plan. There is no debate on this. They play his game or its over.

    Also it's time for the DNC to tell that decrepit carcass called Nancy Pelosi to shut up. Let someone else speak like maybe one of the new women in the party that have fire in their belly.

    It seems like you think the person who has the most macho debate performance is going to win. That will certainly be the case for some voters, but many of those are already decidedly in Trump's column.

    I'm confident Biden will expose one thing at the debates: Trump's lack of empathy. And this is going to be enormous for moderate voters.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.

    And this is exactly why Trump will tear Biden a new one. Clinton tried the adult approach to Trumps school yard bully and she might of won in the eyes of scholars and pundits but she lost in the peoples eyes. America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trumps tactics. The masses have been programmed and Trump paid the right companies to put out his propaganda that they ate up. They will eat it up again in November unless Biden and Co change their battle plan. There is no debate on this. They play his game or its over.

    Also it's time for the DNC to tell that decrepit carcass called Nancy Pelosi to shut up. Let someone else speak like maybe one of the new women in the party that have fire in their belly.

    It seems like you think the person who has the most macho debate performance is going to win. That will certainly be the case for some voters, but many of those are already decidedly in Trump's column.

    I'm confident Biden will expose one thing at the debates: Trump's lack of empathy. And this is going to be enormous for moderate voters.

    Like Trump's lack of empathy hasn't been on display for 3 1/2 years already? I don't see anything good happening for Biden in a debate with Trump. Good God, for the first time in almost, well...ever, I'm agreeing with Nancy Pelosi!
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    @Æmrys I'm unsure from your comments what your concern is. From your first post tonight I was assuming you were criticizing Biden for not condemning violence clearly enough, but from other posts it seems possible you think he should be taking a more partisan line specifically against Trump. Would you mind clarifying your position?

    He is too soft period. Harris has more balls then he does. Those protesters in the street need a strong leader to push ahead with real change. Uncle Joe won't cut it, Trump will eat him alive at the debates and that will put America back another four years with a Trump republican win. There is no more mr nice guy, Trump does not play fair you have to beat him at his own game.

    I will never understand this canard. I would love to know where the idea ever came from that Trump was some ace debater. I watched the 2016 Republican primaries, and they were decidedly mediocre in debate performance (Trump included). Heaven help me, I think Cruz was probably the best on stage.

    In the 2016 election, Trump lost all 3 of his debates with Clinton, most by a pretty wide margin(She was above average as a debater, but not great. She probably out debated Sanders 1 on 1, but those were also pretty close. Closer than Trump vs Clinton debates). I'm old enough to remember when Obama lost his first debate against Romney in 2012, so I dont feel as though I'm viewing this only through a partisan lens. (Pence came out better than Kaine as well, although that one was closer)

    Trump isnt a talented orator. He isnt a good debater. His one skill is reading a room full of fawning supporters and saying provocative things. That's not going to work in the debates because they'll probably have no audience, and the Moderators will control the topics.

    Seriously. Go watch the Axios interview he gave a few weeks ago. *That* person isnt going to be good at debating.

    Biden's Democratic primary debates were mediocre as well, but against a better field than Trump's. Also, the GOP has lowered the bar so much for Biden that even a passing debate performance will make him look good. Just like he did in his DNC speech.

    And this is exactly why Trump will tear Biden a new one. Clinton tried the adult approach to Trumps school yard bully and she might of won in the eyes of scholars and pundits but she lost in the peoples eyes. America is so jacked up on reality tv and gotcha moments that they resonate more with Trumps tactics. The masses have been programmed and Trump paid the right companies to put out his propaganda that they ate up. They will eat it up again in November unless Biden and Co change their battle plan. There is no debate on this. They play his game or its over.

    Also it's time for the DNC to tell that decrepit carcass called Nancy Pelosi to shut up. Let someone else speak like maybe one of the new women in the party that have fire in their belly.

    It seems like you think the person who has the most macho debate performance is going to win. That will certainly be the case for some voters, but many of those are already decidedly in Trump's column.

    I'm confident Biden will expose one thing at the debates: Trump's lack of empathy. And this is going to be enormous for moderate voters.

    Im sorry I do not share your confidence in Biden relating to debating Trump but I hope you are right.
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    Trumps lack of empathy is something we can all agree on.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2020
    So, there was a story out yesterday from a book the NYT's Michael Schmitt wrote that when Trump took his infamous unannounced trip to Walter Reed last year, Pence was in stand-by ready to take over. Now, Trump is insisting on Twitter that he did not, in fact, have a series of mini-strokes. one accused him of having a series of strokes........
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    So, there was a story out yesterday from a book the NYT's Michael Schmitt wrote that when Trump took his infamous unannounced trip to Walter Reed last year, Pence was in stand-by ready to take over. Now, Trump is insisting on Twitter that he did not, in fact, have a series of mini-strokes. one accused him of having a series of strokes........

    You can't make this shit up! I don't think you could write a fiction book with more twists and turns than the US political system right now...
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2020
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    So, there was a story out yesterday from a book the NYT's Michael Schmitt wrote that when Trump took his infamous unannounced trip to Walter Reed last year, Pence was in stand-by ready to take over. Now, Trump is insisting on Twitter that he did not, in fact, have a series of mini-strokes. one accused him of having a series of strokes........

    You can't make this shit up! I don't think you could write a fiction book with more twists and turns than the US political system right now...

    His aides should sit him down for 5 minutes and explain how, with his unending history of lying his ass off, alot of people are going to call this "projection" or "telling on yourself". I was mildly interested in what that trip was about for a bit, but now, based on who we're dealing with and his history, I'd say it is more likely than not that the thing he is saying didn't happen is exactly what happened. Would also explain his obsession with proving he can drink water, pass a cognitive test meant for people with dementia, and walk down a ramp.

    I initially (near the end of the primary) said some things about Biden not seeming "all there". That was before I learned about his stutter. As you get older, it gets harder to continue to manage that condition. Alot of what seems weird when Biden is making an off the cuff speech is him substituting in words for one he feels he can't get out in that instant. It's a tactic that is widely used by people who stutter to keep their speech flowing. So I was wrong about Biden's cognitive ability. Yeah, he's older, but he has been perfectly fine lately.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    To be clear - the VP is always on standby to take over the powers of presidency during medical procedures for the President. Literally, Trump could get a tooth taken out and Pence would need to assume the powers until Trump is no longer knocked out.

    I cant remember the exact details, but this happened not so long ago. I want to say it was HW or GWB that had to cede the powers of the presidency for like... 30 minutes.

    The mini-stroke thing is weird and new, but everything else is normal.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    So, there was a story out yesterday from a book the NYT's Michael Schmitt wrote that when Trump took his infamous unannounced trip to Walter Reed last year, Pence was in stand-by ready to take over. Now, Trump is insisting on Twitter that he did not, in fact, have a series of mini-strokes. one accused him of having a series of strokes........

    You can't make this shit up! I don't think you could write a fiction book with more twists and turns than the US political system right now...

    His aides should sit him down for 5 minutes and explain how, with his unending history of lying his ass off, alot of people are going to call this "projection" or "telling on yourself". I was mildly interested in what that trip was about for a bit, but now, based on who we're dealing with and his history, I'd say it is more likely than not that the thing he is saying didn't happen is exactly what happened. Would also explain his obsession with proving he can drink water, pass a cognitive test meant for people with dementia, and walk down a ramp.

    I initially (near the end of the primary) said some things about Biden not seeming "all there". That was before I learned about his stutter. As you get older, it gets harder to continue to manage that condition. Alot of what seems weird when Biden is making an off the cuff speech is him substituting in words for one he feels he can't get out in that instant. It's a tactic that is widely used by people who stutter to keep their speech flowing. So I was wrong about Biden's cognitive ability. Yeah, he's older, but he has been perfectly fine lately.

    Didn't know about the Biden stutter. That explains things a bit. Unfortunately, that doesn't correct the 'feeling' that he's a bit off or, as you put it, the 'seeming that he's not all there' for many people. Most Americans aren't going to know or care about his struggles with speaking. Unfortunately, this just makes me feel even more strongly that he should avoid a debate like the plague...
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