The difference is insanely huge. 1.1 score. It's more than 20%.
72% instead of 50%. SoD rating on Steam (and on Steam only owners can leave the review) is also 72%.
You can also click and ask to show you only reviews written by owners. And voila: top "most helpful" 3 (!!!) reviews (and all of them are very negative reviews) are gone from the page.
Under the previous system you had to go to the 27th (!) "most helpful" review to find a non-1/2 star review (4 stars).
Now, if you enable showing reviews by verified owners only ... you will see the 5 star review as the 4th (!) "most helpful" in the list.
Of course, it's not so impressive to notice how stupid are some kind of people... Shitstorm is always a prerogative of idiots, who talks without even knowing the subject. Thank you for sharing this, another brick on the wall for my desire of Apocalypse
Huh. So gog verified owners gave the same score as steam users (who are all verified owners)? Yeah, that makes sense. I remember people saying there was no review bombing going on. Steam only allowing owners to rate their games is something people have been wanting gog to do. Sometimes the problem is high nostalgia scores or scoring an older version of a game.
Another change I would bring to Steam reviews, I wouldn't allow anyone to review a game until the refund period runs out. That way, they can't buy a game, review bomb it and then refund it - all within 10 or 30 minutes.
When the refund period has expired, then I would give owners a chance to pour that venom on the reviews section. Not before, it's too easy to abuse.
72% instead of 50%. SoD rating on Steam (and on Steam only owners can leave the review) is also 72%.
You can also click and ask to show you only reviews written by owners. And voila: top "most helpful" 3 (!!!) reviews (and all of them are very negative reviews) are gone from the page.
Under the previous system you had to go to the 27th (!) "most helpful" review to find a non-1/2 star review (4 stars).
Now, if you enable showing reviews by verified owners only ... you will see the 5 star review as the 4th (!) "most helpful" in the list.
Thank you for sharing this, another brick on the wall for my desire of Apocalypse
When the refund period has expired, then I would give owners a chance to pour that venom on the reviews section. Not before, it's too easy to abuse.