you can access the areas by putting files into your override folder and then starting a new baldurs gate 2 game and click on the prison cell to the south with the dead guy in it was my favorite game still is. needs to be in the baldurs gate
turns out the lines are caused by a game setting not something i did i fixed the problem go into graphics settings near neighbor scaling needs to be turned on a line or 2 will pop up from time to time but it will almost instantly disappear thank goodness i was getting frustrated it looked terrible haha now i dont need to remake the first 2 maps next up Sewers im assuming this is wide screen issue only but dont realy know for sure
for those asking about animations / visual related items those will be dead last i will get everything operational and then after that implement those being as they take a large amount of time and are not required to get everything going very easy to make just super time consuming. THRI KREEN!!!! i will be using defaults for everything spells included. those will also be done after. the Llod's Rod is probly not going to happen but who knows will put more thought into it after extremely complex item to make scripts associated among a bunch of other things i cant even think of atm haha. i scaled up the arena from regular size so it feels more massive
was my favorite game still is. needs to be in the baldurs gate
now i dont need to remake the first 2 maps next up Sewers
im assuming this is wide screen issue only but dont realy know for sure
this is still one of the best intros to any DnD game. I never wish I could fast forward the Slave Pens the way I do something like Chateau Irenicus.
I'd like to know this as well. Is this project still ongoing?
I notice every post was edited by the OP on Jan 27. Was this project shut down or something?