I can't avoid killing druids. If I see a druid I just have to kill him. I hate druids.
I think you should probably get that checked out
I can't stand all that holier than thou 'this is our wood you can't walk in it' stuff and the way they pretend to be at one with nature while they really just want to exploit it for their own ends, summoning creatures to die for them and even manipulating the weather. I hate, loathe and despise druids.
I can't avoid killing druids. If I see a druid I just have to kill him. I hate druids.
I think you should probably get that checked out
I can't stand all that holier than thou this is our wood you can't walk in it stuff and the way they pretend to be at one with nature while they really just want to exploit it for their own ends, summoning creatures to die for them and even manipulating the weather. I hate, loathe and despise druids.
That's the way Shadow Druids behave, not all of them. On the contrary, the followers of Tolben (who was once the Archdruid of Kuldahar) actually promote the harmonious coexistence of civilization alongside nature. Or else you wouldn't have seen people living in the Great Oak of Kuldahar.
If you speak with Arundel, you might reconsider your views.
This is something he said that highlights their ethos (by "their", I mean the Druids of Kuldahar):
"Balance is the harmony that is achieved when man and nature learn to coexist, no longer contending with one another, but coming together as two parts of a whole."
@Permidion_Stark , You seem to have a chaotic alignment thing going on there, if you automatically bristle at what you perceive to be a "holier than thou" attitude. My guess is that you hate paladins and some clerics, too.
@Permidion_Stark , You seem to have a chaotic alignment thing going on there, if you automatically bristle at what you perceive to be a "holier than thou" attitude. My guess is that you hate paladins and some clerics, too.
I like paladins (I generally play as one when I am not being a backstabbing thief) and I don't mind clerics; I just hate druids (and monks, don't even start me on monks).
Well, away from this disturbing example of absolutism, who else always selects the most expensive option when they go somewhere to rest?
I do. I always go for the 'royal' option if it is available - and it seems to be offered in some pretty seedy looking joints, like the one full of drunken sailors in Baldur's Gate. I'm able to afford it because my purse is full of coin taken from dead monks and druids.
Did you know you get to kill lots of monks if you bring along that cool Rasaad guy, the kick-puncher fellow that refuses to kick-punch. I bet you'd really enjoy playing with him, he's a solid NPC without being brokenly good. *nods*
Does anyone else always approach the Slaver Stockade from the Sewers?
I get some nice EXP on the way, collect Lilarcor, surprise Captain Haegan and subsequently get the hardest encounter in the complex out of the way first.
It's also hillarious to read the dialogue of the other slavers talking about Captain Haegan and then thinking to myself "Oh the Captain? He's dead...sorry about that, buddy"
Yup. They will come right on after ya. Better places to hide and ambush in the sewers, plus if I need an escape I can high tail it back to the CC Inn. I agree, challenges are helpful at times. I find it impossible to even play without one anymore. I've actually been enjoying a challenge (when I am able) that is restrictive in it's own way in my Asylum. I wish I could say it was a challenge that would fix that, but my restartitits is due to my dissociative disorder, most especially as of late.
no matter what team composition i play/use i have to power game it, strictly for the lulz, not for the actual need
in bg1, i MUST play GP runs or else i get bored and can't continue on
in bg1 i MUST give all tomes to my guy, even if he is a melee warrior ( that lore value yo, i can eventually identify a dagger in ToB, hell yeah )
every team composition must be the same in any IE game:
3 melee'ers 1 sling user ( usually a cleric type ) 1 bow user ( usually a rogue type ) 1 sling/throwing dagger/axe user ( usually an arcane type )
in bg1 must save all 3 potions of power and all 6 potions of magic shielding for the final fight with sarevok that i rarely if ever battle ( in my mind as soon as i go inside that temple in the undercity the game is over )
in bg2 i must never use an actual potion that i ever find and sell them for the monies so i can buy the cewl i-tams right away ( or at least sooner than later )
in bg1, drizzt MUST die in every single run, those items are just too good to pass up whether it's for actual party use or goes towards the GP run
every melee warrior i ever make must have max CHA so they can lead the party
in bg1 i must grab the amulet of spell warding regardless of final team composition ( even if it's with a custom team )
in bg2 i must grab the ring of wizardry regardless of final team composition ( even if it's with a custom team )
if i can get away with slaughtering someone without losing REP then it will be done if they either give good XP or have decent loot
in bg2 in the underdark when its time to go kill the deep gnomes, i ALWAYS do it, even if Jan is in my party ( i just can't get over their attack banter: Back off! yer knee-caps are at me mercy! ) ah priceless
in bg2 i must always give the staff of the magi, robe of vecna, amulet of power ( unless i have edwin ) and the cloak of mirrors to my dedicated wizerd ( party member slot 6 )
in bg2 i shut down every romance right away, unless i run off to spell hold right away so then i can skip the "bodhi kidnapping jargon" aka; make your cleric type lose HUGE XPs crap
for my 3 melee types i must even out their AC as best as possible and by ToB they should average around -15 or so for the 3 of them
Minsc must always wear the gauntlets of DEX regardless of what game he is in
Jaheira will never be a melee character in my bg1 play throughs
i must pick up EVERY single item that is basically worth more than 1 GP in sendai's enclave because why not
every map i visit in bg1 i must do everything in my power to get rid of all the fog of war without using the clairvoyance spell
i will never allow a team mate to die in combat ever, regardless of game or difficulty setting, power word reload
still laugh my ass off when i get way laid by 10 bandits and have dynaheir on my team with virtually no items and the very instant i unpause the game she dies instantly ( seems pretty fair lol? )
in ToB i steal every needed spell scroll from holmes that sells the spell scrolls in saradush ( because why pay for them when you have no money, but enough money to buy potions of pick pocketing from HIM, so you can steal for free, lulz )
if i start a fresh ToB game, Sarevok MUST be on that team
when entering the slave lord compound and they say; "this is private property, you better leave or do we have to teach you a lesson?" I must respond: "why don't we try the lesson?"
in bg2 i must have the shield of balduran before i either do the cult of the unseeing eye quest, or if i run off to spell hold right away
i must always play on insane difficulty regardless of IE game, and play it like a casual scrub with no SCS
for the BG series i cannot play with mods ( unless they are of my doing ) or else i feel that im not playing a BG game and i instantly get bored and stop playing
every time i play ToB i must grind to 8 million XP before i fight mellisan
in bg1 i must keep every wand of fireballs/paralyzation even though i dont use every charge
in bg2 i must never use wands or potions unless they are potions of superior healing ( the ones in ToB )
any time i can summon a familiar i wait until ToB so then i get a 24 HP bonus instead of 12
the only time i EVER use traps are as follows: to kill off the cowled wizerds in athkatla for the final seal fight in watcher's keep that warps in the insane baddie team when i spam rest for huge XP to grind to 8 million XP ( after the game is pretty much finished )
every spell must be learned without fail ( and now adays i dont have to change the difficulty setting because i just used NI to make it impossible to fail regardless of INT )
team mates must have maximum HP ( unless they are joinable PCs, then they will get max HP from when i pick them up )
keldorn's final weapon is the purifier+5 regardless of play style/ team composition
if keldorn is in my team i cannot bring minsc along ( since there is only one pair of gauntlets of DEX )
if i make a custom team 3 member MUST be male and 3 members MUST be female
when i make posts in the forum, i must make them long as hell because somtimes i have too much time on my hands
in bg2 i must make the updated version of the mace of disruption even if no one is skilled with it ( although in the end someone finds a way to be skilled with it )
in bg2 i will never bring cernd or haer'dalis with me and they must be called: cernd the nerd and hair my dallas until the end of time
in bg1 i will never use faldorn, eldoth, skie or tiax, they are either to far away or to boring to use, or just crap characters ( although i will use alora and quayle the very ODD time )
if i use Shar-teel she will NEVER use two weapons at once, and i will use the dual class exploit to get her 4 proficiency points in scimitar and make her use defender with the cursed helm of opposite alignment even if its not practical for most of the game
in vanilla bg1 when dual classing imoen i always made her a conjurer because why not
in the bg games, my 3 melee guys need to share saving throw items to make their save vs death/spell as even and as low as possible
i will never play LoB mode, and from here on in i will always refer to it as legacy of LOL mode ( and since i already got the achievement for all 3 games i never need to play that boring difficulty again fufufufufufu )
the only time i use potions of invulnerability/cloud giant STR/heroism is when im fighting the demon holmes in ulgoth's beard
in IWD i always buy 24 elixirs of health and 2 packs of potions of extra healing x24 for each party member and barely if ever use them
in IWD when i hit chapter 6, i never sell my big ticket items and keep them on my character so when i import over to HoW i can start the game with unnecessarily huge amount of gold to buy scrolls
every time i make a monk character i must use the jon irenicus sprite for it, because it looks kind of badass and actually fits really well
with every team i make, i color code the circles underneath them to the colors of the rainbow so then i can easily tell what party member is doing what ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple )
i risk typing out large posts on crappy hotel internet without saving my work hoping that i dont lose all this progress
i can never use EE keeper to make my character stats or crtl+shft 8 or else i will never use them because i will get bored instantly
i must always keep a save file of that play through when i hit the inside of the temple in the fallen city
in bg the city there is a house with 5 ogre mages, even on GP runs i have one rule: i am allowed to reload this fight until one of them drops a scroll of invisibility 10' radius
on other gold piece runs i am not allowed to reload areas to get a better chance of "treasure" from baddies
on GP runs when it comes to ankheg shells, i am only allowed to carry as many shells as my team can manage for that area, never returning again to collect more
and now my left hand hurts from typing so much, so i will keep it here
Use CTRL-Y on random schmucks who try to initiate conversation like noober, the glowing guy in nashkel and similar. I can't stand them. Also on Jaheira, Khalid, Monty and Xzar.
I like the colored circles. They're based on each character's major color, so they make it easier to distinguish party members. Besides, colors are pretty!
If you speak with Arundel, you might reconsider your views.
This is something he said that highlights their ethos (by "their", I mean the Druids of Kuldahar):
"Balance is the harmony that is achieved when man and nature learn to coexist, no longer contending with one another, but coming together as two parts of a whole."
but....but Rasaad
My New Party Challenge might be able to help with that
I get some nice EXP on the way, collect Lilarcor, surprise Captain Haegan and subsequently get the hardest encounter in the complex out of the way first.
It's also hillarious to read the dialogue of the other slavers talking about Captain Haegan and then thinking to myself "Oh the Captain? He's dead...sorry about that, buddy"
You can DO that?
Seriously though, I think that giving yourself a challenging restriction like the one above may be just the cure you're looking for.
I agree, challenges are helpful at times. I find it impossible to even play without one anymore.
in bg1, i MUST play GP runs or else i get bored and can't continue on
in bg1 i MUST give all tomes to my guy, even if he is a melee warrior ( that lore value yo, i can eventually identify a dagger in ToB, hell yeah )
every team composition must be the same in any IE game:
3 melee'ers
1 sling user ( usually a cleric type )
1 bow user ( usually a rogue type )
1 sling/throwing dagger/axe user ( usually an arcane type )
in bg1 must save all 3 potions of power and all 6 potions of magic shielding for the final fight with sarevok that i rarely if ever battle ( in my mind as soon as i go inside that temple in the undercity the game is over )
in bg2 i must never use an actual potion that i ever find and sell them for the monies so i can buy the cewl i-tams right away ( or at least sooner than later )
in bg1, drizzt MUST die in every single run, those items are just too good to pass up whether it's for actual party use or goes towards the GP run
every melee warrior i ever make must have max CHA so they can lead the party
in bg1 i must grab the amulet of spell warding regardless of final team composition ( even if it's with a custom team )
in bg2 i must grab the ring of wizardry regardless of final team composition ( even if it's with a custom team )
if i can get away with slaughtering someone without losing REP then it will be done if they either give good XP or have decent loot
in bg2 in the underdark when its time to go kill the deep gnomes, i ALWAYS do it, even if Jan is in my party ( i just can't get over their attack banter: Back off! yer knee-caps are at me mercy! ) ah priceless
in bg2 i must always give the staff of the magi, robe of vecna, amulet of power ( unless i have edwin ) and the cloak of mirrors to my dedicated wizerd ( party member slot 6 )
in bg2 i shut down every romance right away, unless i run off to spell hold right away so then i can skip the "bodhi kidnapping jargon" aka; make your cleric type lose HUGE XPs crap
for my 3 melee types i must even out their AC as best as possible and by ToB they should average around -15 or so for the 3 of them
Minsc must always wear the gauntlets of DEX regardless of what game he is in
Jaheira will never be a melee character in my bg1 play throughs
i must pick up EVERY single item that is basically worth more than 1 GP in sendai's enclave because why not
every map i visit in bg1 i must do everything in my power to get rid of all the fog of war without using the clairvoyance spell
i will never allow a team mate to die in combat ever, regardless of game or difficulty setting, power word reload
still laugh my ass off when i get way laid by 10 bandits and have dynaheir on my team with virtually no items and the very instant i unpause the game she dies instantly ( seems pretty fair lol? )
in ToB i steal every needed spell scroll from holmes that sells the spell scrolls in saradush ( because why pay for them when you have no money, but enough money to buy potions of pick pocketing from HIM, so you can steal for free, lulz )
if i start a fresh ToB game, Sarevok MUST be on that team
when entering the slave lord compound and they say; "this is private property, you better leave or do we have to teach you a lesson?" I must respond: "why don't we try the lesson?"
in bg2 i must have the shield of balduran before i either do the cult of the unseeing eye quest, or if i run off to spell hold right away
i must always play on insane difficulty regardless of IE game, and play it like a casual scrub with no SCS
for the BG series i cannot play with mods ( unless they are of my doing ) or else i feel that im not playing a BG game and i instantly get bored and stop playing
every time i play ToB i must grind to 8 million XP before i fight mellisan
in bg1 i must keep every wand of fireballs/paralyzation even though i dont use every charge
in bg2 i must never use wands or potions unless they are potions of superior healing ( the ones in ToB )
any time i can summon a familiar i wait until ToB so then i get a 24 HP bonus instead of 12
the only time i EVER use traps are as follows:
to kill off the cowled wizerds in athkatla
for the final seal fight in watcher's keep that warps in the insane baddie team
when i spam rest for huge XP to grind to 8 million XP ( after the game is pretty much finished )
every spell must be learned without fail ( and now adays i dont have to change the difficulty setting because i just used NI to make it impossible to fail regardless of INT )
team mates must have maximum HP ( unless they are joinable PCs, then they will get max HP from when i pick them up )
keldorn's final weapon is the purifier+5 regardless of play style/ team composition
if keldorn is in my team i cannot bring minsc along ( since there is only one pair of gauntlets of DEX )
if i make a custom team 3 member MUST be male and 3 members MUST be female
when i make posts in the forum, i must make them long as hell because somtimes i have too much time on my hands
in bg2 i must make the updated version of the mace of disruption even if no one is skilled with it ( although in the end someone finds a way to be skilled with it )
in bg2 i will never bring cernd or haer'dalis with me and they must be called: cernd the nerd and hair my dallas until the end of time
in bg1 i will never use faldorn, eldoth, skie or tiax, they are either to far away or to boring to use, or just crap characters ( although i will use alora and quayle the very ODD time )
if i use Shar-teel she will NEVER use two weapons at once, and i will use the dual class exploit to get her 4 proficiency points in scimitar and make her use defender with the cursed helm of opposite alignment even if its not practical for most of the game
in vanilla bg1 when dual classing imoen i always made her a conjurer because why not
in the bg games, my 3 melee guys need to share saving throw items to make their save vs death/spell as even and as low as possible
i will never play LoB mode, and from here on in i will always refer to it as legacy of LOL mode ( and since i already got the achievement for all 3 games i never need to play that boring difficulty again fufufufufufu )
the only time i use potions of invulnerability/cloud giant STR/heroism is when im fighting the demon holmes in ulgoth's beard
in IWD i always buy 24 elixirs of health and 2 packs of potions of extra healing x24 for each party member and barely if ever use them
in IWD when i hit chapter 6, i never sell my big ticket items and keep them on my character so when i import over to HoW i can start the game with unnecessarily huge amount of gold to buy scrolls
every time i make a monk character i must use the jon irenicus sprite for it, because it looks kind of badass and actually fits really well
with every team i make, i color code the circles underneath them to the colors of the rainbow so then i can easily tell what party member is doing what ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple )
i risk typing out large posts on crappy hotel internet without saving my work hoping that i dont lose all this progress
i can never use EE keeper to make my character stats or crtl+shft 8 or else i will never use them because i will get bored instantly
i must always keep a save file of that play through when i hit the inside of the temple in the fallen city
in bg the city there is a house with 5 ogre mages, even on GP runs i have one rule: i am allowed to reload this fight until one of them drops a scroll of invisibility 10' radius
on other gold piece runs i am not allowed to reload areas to get a better chance of "treasure" from baddies
on GP runs when it comes to ankheg shells, i am only allowed to carry as many shells as my team can manage for that area, never returning again to collect more
and now my left hand hurts from typing so much, so i will keep it here