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Top 10 BG Background Characters

Well, this is the countdown that won out so here we go:

Just so we're clear, my criteria for "background character" is any character that plays little to no important role in the story. I am also excluding important characters from the major quests such as secondary villains like Firkragg but minor characters from those same sidequests are fair game.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let us begin

#10: Mad Cleric (BG2)

This guy is just a gem and probably my second favorite follower of Cyric behind our great Lord Tiax (praise be to him). So you're party is wondering around the Docks District and making their way to the Shadow Thief Guildhall for one of one of the quests there when all of the sudden you are meant by a crazed man demanding that you join him in worshipping Cyric. There are a few ways that you can resolve this, most of which end in violence but my personally favorite is tricking the man into believing you already follow Cyric. Just the man's reaction alone is enough to put him on this list, it's so...well I just want you to experience it for yourself.

#9: Oogie Wisham (BG)

It's just...paladins you know? The way they look at you it's like they just...know. This nutcase of a medieval conspiracy theorist can be found on the 2nd floor of one of the Jovial Juggler in Beregost and like most of the NPCs on this list, he is great to waste a minute or two on. Go fuel the flames of his paranoia, you won't be dissapointed

#8: Maple Willow Aspen (BG)

Another gem hidden away in one of Baldur's Gate many taverns, Maple Willow Aspen doesn't provide much in the way of conversation, but just her name alone is noteworthy enough to be on this list. If you DO decide to talk to her however, she does have a few things to say about her parent's odd choice in name.

#7: Reginald "Longtooth" Worthington III (BG)

Ah yes, NPCs. Whether they be companions or persons of no real consequence, one will always find something of noteworthy value in those who chose to divulge another personage in conversation whether it be enlightening or trivial or perhaps somewhere in between one can only discover the truth of the matter by engaging in words with another mutual interested individual for what would one's journey be without the intricacies of a mutually beneficial intercourse of remarks. Wouldn't you agree, dear fellow?

#6: Portalbendarwinden (BG)

This tired old hermit is a hillarious encounter for all players if you bother to find him, but the real reason Portalbendarwinden is on this list is because of what YOU can say to guys know what I'm talking about and again I won't spoil for those who haven't had the privileged of talking to this old man themselves. (...AND HIS HAT!)

#5: Viekang (BG2/TOB)

Perhaps the most classic example of a random encounter that Baldur's Gate 2 has to offer (other than a certain unsuccessful assassin who ISN'T on this list) Viekang is....odd to say the least. You first meet him in Trademeet where he teleports away in a bolt of lightning at the first sight of you, giving you very little exposition as to why. After a long enough time that CHARNAME likely forgot about the man, you run into Viekang again when the party reaches Saradush in Throne of Bhaal. Now equipped with knowledge on Viekang's strange abilities and Mellisan's ill fated attempt to "help him" the party can choose to assist him in escaping Saradush. What becomes of him afterwards is a mystery for he does not make a third appearance, though one can assume that he eventually faced a fate that he could not escape from.

It is beginning to get rather dark where I am and I wrote down my list on paper, so I will finish the other half of this list tomorrow. In the meantime feel free to give your thoughts on my list so far.

I look forward to this and more countdowns in the future.


  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited November 2018
    The Blade and Stars Inn would surely stage the best medieval sitcom ever,just look at the cast : Maple Willow ,Reginald Longbottom , The priestes of Leira who speaks in cryptic words and has multiple personas, the elven Seer ... it's consistently full of disturbingly funny characters that it seems like they made it on purpose.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Longtooth, but yes.

    And I don't think all of those characters are in the same inn...are they?

    Hmm, I just checked and apparently they are.

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2018
    Salvanas (lecherous Elf who hits on all females, including NPCs, Copper Coronet, SoA).

    Especially Salvanas-modNPC dialog like Tashia ("This is going to be a wild ride, Salvanas! Prepare yourself, for this night you shall never forget!" "Er, I think I hear my captain calling! COMING CAPTAIN!").

    And Salvanas-Edwina.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Salvanas is great, but not on my list.

    Thanks for the feedback though, I almost forgot about him. I'll have to scrounge up a list of honorable mentions when I'm done
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    Salvanas is great, but not on my list.

    Thanks for the feedback though, I almost forgot about him. I'll have to scrounge up a list of honorable mentions when I'm done

    I'm also fond of the love triangle between Priss, Rumar, and Tiana. And Bubbles, Carbo, and Shank.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    *Carbos and yes, those are both hilarious.

    Never explains how Shank and Carbos are alive in BG2 though.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    Salvanas (lecherous Elf who hits on all females, including NPCs, Copper Coronet, SoA).

    Especially Salvanas-modNPC dialog like Tashia ("This is going to be a wild ride, Salvanas! Prepare yourself, for this night you shall never forget!" "Er, I think I hear my captain calling! COMING CAPTAIN!").

    And Salvanas-Edwina.

    Salvanas also has some goodies that a larcenous Charname can divest him of if he's so inclined (and has a high enough pickpocket skill of course). I vote for him!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Thank you for the suggestion but while the selection of a Top 10 was up for vote, the actual contents of the Top 10 are my own opinions.

    I both appreciate and respect your opinion however.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    *Carbos and yes, those are both hilarious.

    Never explains how Shank and Carbos are alive in BG2 though.

    Thre must have been a sale at the temple. It seems almost every named NPC from BG1 who shows up in 2 can potentially have been dead.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Potentially? Sure, but only as an option if that character did indeed die in BG1

    Shank and Carbos are the only two that without question were killed, unless the canon timeline actually dictates that Shank and Carbos never showed up in Candlekeep at all.

    In any case

    #4: Troll Cook (BG2)

    A clever gem hidden away in an optional corridor of Firkragg's dunegon, the Troll Cook wishes only to pursue his craft. The only problem? His craft is you. Seriously though, just the level of sarcasm and politeness makes Troll Cook seem relatively harmless and almost a good guy if it weren't for the fact that he was trying to kill you.

    #3: Nuber (SOD)

    With the exception of Throne of Bhaal, each chapter of Baldur's Gate has it's own pestering peasant whose curiosity gets the best of the them. What makes Nuber from SOD so great in comparison? Well mostly his refusal to die. Noober and Neeber can both be killed without issue, but if the party kills Nuber they will discover that he will simply continue talking as a ghost. You may kill the ghost if you wish but Nuber will only come back and do something and nobody would've expect...attack you (I mean, can you blame him?) to finish the job you can kill him a third time if you wish, but at this point it's overkill to an absurdly comical degree. So in conclusion, he's Noober but actually competent.

    And the good news is, he's not dead for long....I GET TO KILL HIM AGAIN!

    #2: Volo (BG/TOB)

    Perhaps the most famous background NPC in the entire game, Volo is hidden away from the well trodden path inside the Belching Dragon Tavern of Nashkel and the Tankard Tree of Saradush respectively. Speak to him in Baldur's Gate and he will provide meaningful lore and conversation, speak to him in Throne of Bhaal and he will spin a tale of your own party's exploits that it worth a nice little two minute deversion. Volothamp Geddarm is in my opinion is without question the best canon D&D character stuffed into the background of Baldur's Gate, though there are several (such as Cadderly) that make an apperance.

    #1: Mutamin (BG)

    In my opinion the great villian that time forgot is none other than the twisted gnomish mage that waits patiently for his next victim just north of Gullykin. When arrive in Mutamin's Garden you'll find the place invested with Basilisks (and a few gnolls, but who cares about them) and eventually you'll come across the mad wizard himself. And this delicious evil and very terrifying experience while by no means an impressive challenge really made it's mark on me. I always look forward to putting an end to this very evil man's existence...if only for the EXP farming (seriously, 7000 xp each for those Greater Basilisks...I need to stop drooling every time I think about that)

    So what do you think?

    What countdown would like me to do next?

    I look forward to making another list in December as well as scrounging up a list of honorable mentions for later.

    Thanks for reading

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    Shank and Carbos are the only two that without question were killed, unless the canon timeline actually dictates that Shank and Carbos never showed up in Candlekeep at all.

    Both Shank and Carbos can be missed entirely.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Point Taken.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    No love for Schlumpsha the Sewer King...? Blasphemy!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    I HATE the Baldur's Gate Sewers, sue me :P
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    B-but... sewers are FUN!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Look Puffin Forest is great and the sewers in Athkatla are great but the ones in Baldur's Gate? Not so much...and don't even get me started on the Saradush sewers...
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited November 2018
    Biff the Understudy deserves honorable mention imo. Such a hilarious way to fix plot holes.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited November 2018
    Mutamin is an interesting little fellow, nice choice. I always wondered what power Mutamin had over the basilisks. I mean he must have had at least some problems at first. If we could call it 'taming' or 'charming' them somehow, his robe that gives a bonus vs petrification ST's certainly fits. Seems like that area around him would be full of ideas on how to introduce new NPC's (BGRomantic Encounters expands on Tamah) from all the petrified people (and the bear of course). The area is itself looks great as well, esp. the area with the giant creature boneyard. I 'spose one could be a wyvern that got a little too bold and took on more than he could chew. B)

    As far as countdowns, BG movies or cut scenes might be interesting. Although it's a little hard to find some that allow playback off of youtube.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Hmm...that is an interesting thought. I'm sure I can find more than a few of the original cinematics on Youtube.
  • @ZaramMaldovar just want to say this is a fantastic thread. Thoroughly enjoyed reading.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309

    Why thank you.

    Originally I was going to come up with an honorable mentions list, but I've opted out of that simply because there are too many good NPCs for that.

    I may eventually do a list of worst NPCs though, but not any time soon.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371


    I may eventually do a list of worst NPCs though, but not any time soon.

    If you do then I want to pre-vote for Habib the scimitar dude. I know he was supposed to be funny but I thought he was really, really dumb...
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309

    Oh don't worry pal...he's on the list

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    A list of the Top 10 Worst NPCs? Bring on the hate!
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147

    Bondari, Nanoc the Barbarian and Tim from TOB have to be included surely?

    Such a welcome addition and surprise in TOB where nothing much alleviates the slog through the game.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Damn, I completly forgot about them.

    Let's make them #11 then.

    Bondari Reloads.

  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    A list of the Top 10 Worst NPCs? Bring on the hate!

    1. Saerileth
    2. Saerileth
    3. Saerileth
    4. Saerileth
    5. Saerileth
    6. Saerileth
    7. Saerileth
    8. Saerileth
    9. Saerileth
    10. Habib Khalid Achmed Allafif
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Wow...somebody hates an NPC named Saerileth apparently.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited November 2018

    Wow...somebody hates an NPC named Saerileth apparently.

    Who? What?

    Not me, surely.
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