Assburgers, really? I preinstalled and it took less than an hour to get the first 1.7gb or whatever it was. Now I'm downloading the "patch" and I'm at almost 4 hours now to get the last 100mb I needed.
Assburgers, really? I preinstalled and it took less than an hour to get the first 1.7gb or whatever it was. Now I'm downloading the "patch" and I'm at almost 4 hours now to get the last 100mb I needed.
You're lucky, I did the predownload and mine won't even start "patching," still the "getting info..." stuff :P
So, call me old fashioned, but I love this game. It was in every sense imaginable my childhood, including the tedious loading of the discs. Is there any way I can buy a disc set?
That reminds me a Witcher 2 premiere for whom bought collector's editions. We had to have special access to game day before anyone else. In fact i could play 2 days after official premiere. LOL. The same seems to have place here. As for Witcher I've finally played 15 minutes and drop it, bad taste remained.
I would suggest you give witcher 2 another go, once you get the hang on the controls, and get past the prologue part.. one of the greatest rpg's ever made...
I had to let the screen sit for a few minutes on my lap top before it let me click the preload complete button
I'm letting it sit...but after 4 hours trying to play I'm almost asking for my money back, I pre-ordered it so I wouldn't have this kind of problems...
So, call me old fashioned, but I love this game. It was in every sense imaginable my childhood, including the tedious loading of the discs. Is there any way I can buy a disc set?
I had to let the screen sit for a few minutes on my lap top before it let me click the preload complete button
I'm letting it sit...but after 4 hours trying to play I'm almost asking for my money back, I pre-ordered it so I wouldn't have this kind of problems...
You could also try deleting the 766.beam and 766.status files in the data folder and then running the launcher. I did this but Im not sure if it was necessary.
I gave it up...uninstalled and started re-downloading again! I'm going to bed, since my wife is looking p... with me, if I can't get it working tomorrow I'LL WANT MY MONEY BACK!
Same problem as @alaundo game crashes straight after pressing Play button. Im using windows 7 as well and i have same report. Any help??
Someone said something about updating drivers someone else said run in compatibility mode which worked for me initially then when I finished make character and went to finally start playing it froze and now I can't launch anymore
Still downloading. I'm really, really disappointed with the release. I pre-ordered more than two months ago and got nothing that I would not normally get. After 4hrs of downloading "1.8GB of 1.8GB" I can as well go to sleep and see if it downloaded tomorrow in the evening. I will most certainly not pre-order BG2:EE.
I hate to preach from one side of the fence, but we have been waiting for this game with an intense degree of fervor, most of us following it since the project announcement. Almost everyone understood taking an extra two months to finish, but I feel like the game should be downloading by now a little bit faster and with fewer glitches. Fairly disappointed, hopefully the game play doesn't follow suit. Though it's hard to taint perfection.
I just changed the download location in the BeamDog client after having played a bit. It instantly wiped the entire BGEE folder, including saves, as far as I know. Plus I have to redownload the whole thing. Unless someone knows where my saves might have gone...? If not, absolutely terrible. A word of caution. Edit: Found the save games, so that's alright. But BGEE still to be redownloaded.
Eh, I'm a little disappointed that I have to download anything (and that it's going so slowly) since I preordered and preloaded, but I'm still just really happy the game was made at all.
Same problem as @alaundo game crashes straight after pressing Play button. Im using windows 7 as well and i have same report. Any help??
Someone said something about updating drivers someone else said run in compatibility mode which worked for me initially then when I finished make character and went to finally start playing it froze and now I can't launch anymore
I have exactly the same issue!
Sometimes I crash to a Windows error message that reports an error with the atioglxx.dll (ATI GL drivers, I think), sometimes I just get a black screen which totally freezes my computer. I tried to start in compatibility mode and had the very same experience: game started but froze after character creation.
I have a laptop equipped with a more than decent ATI card. I repeatedly updated my drives, but to no effect.
I am starting to lose hope about this. Really a bummer after a 20$ pre-order and much excitement...
Well to be honest with you all I don't think I'll be picking this one up after all unless the game stability issues are fixed that so many people have been reporting about. Given even if I got it I wouldn't be playing it anyway (crazy I know) cause I'm playing through all the forgotten realms RPGs in chronological story order:
Icewind Dale 1 and Heart of Winter Expansion Icewind Dale 2 Planescape Torment BALDUR'S GATE Baldur's Gate 2 and all subsequent expansions Neverwinter Nights and all subsequent expansions Neverwinter Nights 2 and all subsequent expansions
So yeah I have a bit to go seeing as I'm still on Icewind Dale 1 right now. Sorry Mr. Ostler and company but it seems I may not invest in your product after all ;(
Completed the pre download. Tried to fully download the balance of the files and the patch but the download speed is that of an arthritic snail. So I have given up for tonight and will try again tomorrow. I now note that there may be performance issues if and when I get to launch the game. Not the most encouraging experience so far but will see what tomorrow brings.
I cant even get the Dl client to work anymore... tried both..this is so weak... really bad bad bad..2'd time i took free time from work to play with game..2'd time it was wasted.
That said, its got 5mins to go AND I"M VERY EXCITED!
I will most certainly not pre-order BG2:EE.
Edit: Found the save games, so that's alright. But BGEE still to be redownloaded.
Sometimes I crash to a Windows error message that reports an error with the atioglxx.dll (ATI GL drivers, I think), sometimes I just get a black screen which totally freezes my computer. I tried to start in compatibility mode and had the very same experience: game started but froze after character creation.
I have a laptop equipped with a more than decent ATI card. I repeatedly updated my drives, but to no effect.
I am starting to lose hope about this. Really a bummer after a 20$ pre-order and much excitement...
Icewind Dale 1 and Heart of Winter Expansion
Icewind Dale 2
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate 2 and all subsequent expansions
Neverwinter Nights and all subsequent expansions
Neverwinter Nights 2 and all subsequent expansions
So yeah I have a bit to go seeing as I'm still on Icewind Dale 1 right now. Sorry Mr. Ostler and company but it seems I may not invest in your product after all ;(
It's super! XD