Well, I can't believe it. I *finally* got the game to run fast without lag. At first, I was doing the whole Windows 95 compatibility thing which allowed me to move around but spell casting made it basically unplayable. No white screen issue.
Restarted the game and now had a new issue - the white screen. Googled the work around of Alt-Enter, exit game, restart game, Alt-Enter back to widescreen.
And guess what? Game runs perfectly fast now with no issues. I'm so pleased. Let the journey begin anew...
Which Intel CPU model do you have? I ask because in most cases, the CPU model dictates which Intel graphics chip you are saddled with. If you got your system to work, odds are that other people with similar systems can get it to work as well...
I have an HP 600-1120 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13 GHz RAM: 4GB System: 64-bit Intel(R) HD Graphics Windows 7 Home Premium
hey, i have an hp pavilion dv5 processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T 6400 @ 2.00 GHz 2.00 GHz RAM: 4GB System: 64-bit Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family (updated windows 7 proffesional,
and my char moves smooth excepto when there are other characters or i cast a spell
The 'problem' affects all systems where the Intel Integrated Graphics Proccessor is being used to drive the signal to your monitor. In practice, that will almost always be laptops unless you have a really crappy OEM desktop computer with no discrete graphics card.
Newer systems witn Core i3/i5/i7-2xxx and -3xxx CPUs will work fine once the drivers are updated. Older Core i3/i5-xxx systems will probably work once drivers are updated and old Core 2 Duo based systems with Intel HD graphics 4 series (typically X4500 IGP) will be very slow at this time.
As far as the Ubuntu suggestion, that's great, but not an option for everyone.
Why not?? If I wanted to play BBEE seriously I would do anything to do that Some people like to complain - all I can say - BE A MAN. Do. Or do not - there is no try (as master Yoda says Besides this is an option that really WORKS on Intel Integrated graphics. I'm almost at the end of the story (without problems).
As far as the Ubuntu suggestion, that's great, but not an option for everyone.
Why not?? If I wanted to play BBEE seriously I would do anything to do that Some people like to complain - all I can say - BE A MAN. Do. Or do not - there is no try (as master Yoda says Besides this is an option that really WORKS on Intel Integrated graphics. I'm almost at the end of the story (without problems).
The laptop that I have access to is a shared resource, and it's simply not an option for me to install Ubuntu on that system. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm just stating that installing a different OS on a laptop to then emulate Windows to run a game for Windows platform may not be an option for everyone. Whether it be reasons such as mine, or just that some people don't have the technical aptitude or know how to get something like that running.
That said, as I mentioned before, I think folks like @Anduin are doing the community a great favor by posting solutions like that, even if they aren't for everyone. At the same time, I am hoping that Beamdog can come up with a solution on their end as well.
In the meantime, I'm happily playing Baldur's Gate and Black Pits on my desktop PC. So I'm still getting to experience this great enhanced version of the game - just not whenever I want and wherever I want
The laptop that I have access to is a shared resource, and it's simply not an option for me to install Ubuntu on that system. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm just stating that installing a different OS on a laptop to then emulate Windows to run a game for Windows platform may not be an option for everyone. Whether it be reasons such as mine, or just that some people don't have the technical aptitude or know how to get something like that running.
That said, as I mentioned before, I think folks like @Anduin are doing the community a great favor by posting solutions like that, even if they aren't for everyone. At the same time, I am hoping that Beamdog can come up with a solution on their end as well.
In the meantime, I'm happily playing Baldur's Gate and Black Pits on my desktop PC. So I'm still getting to experience this great enhanced version of the game - just not whenever I want and wherever I want
There is an option to install Ubuntu like a normal Windows Program - it is called WUBI http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-with-windows . It's simple and only need some space (at least 20 GB). If you don't want Ubuntu just uninstall it in Add\Remove Program. By the way - Trent said that it will be a long process to rewrite BGEE to DirectX
@soulafein83 - no need to convince me. I'm aware of WUBI and have installed it before as well as installing Ubuntu separately. Aside from the space issue (I don't have 20 GB free space on the laptop), installing it just isn't an option for me. I saw Trent's post and realize the solution is probably a long way out, for me that's fine since I'm playing in on my PC, for others that might not be so great, and for those who can/want to install Ubuntu to run it, that's a good option for them.
Sounds to me like the OpenGL issue is restricted to people using Core 2 Duo based systems with Intel HD 4 series IGPs (X4500) and older, as well as Atom systems which are stuck with a craptastic old Intel chipset (Atom systems with an NVidia Ion chipset likely work just fine).
If people like @Glorfindel can get BG:EE to run fine on a Core i3 M 330 with new drivers (and noting that people have reported success with Core i3/i5/i7 2xxx and 3xxx CPUs with HD 3000 and HD 4000 graphics as long as they use the latest drivers), then the issue is mostly restricted to those of us with rather old hardware for which no good drivers exist.
Can you please confirm this? EDIT: I wonder if the X4500 drivers work better with BG:EE on Windows XP than Windows 7?
I downloaded the game yesterday, found it unplayable, spent a few hours digging in the forum, installed various graphic card drivers, played around with compatibility mode and ended up with a game that is bearable, but not enjoyable to play.
I am running the game on win xp on a bootcamp partition of a macbook. Never had problems with either BG or BG2. All in all, I am dissatisfied.
All things considered, I don't think that a game that I paid for should be unplayable like this. I will either wait for a reliable remedy from the developers, or exchange my windows install for a mac one once it's released.
I very much appreciate the developers' effort to revive one of the best games ever made, but I think it was released just a bit too early and without appropriate support. I look forward to see a reliable fix being released (hopefully) in the near future.
Which CPU does you macbook have? From what I can tell, the unfixable graphics issues have been narrowed down to Intel Core 2 Cuo-based systems with intel X4500 Integrated Graphics Processors, which have poor OpenGL 2.0 driver support, even though they are marketed as officially supporting that standard.
Mind you, this is just based on my observations by following the threads dealing with this issue and should not be considered official advice in any way, shape or form.
GM945 chipsets may not be able to use this solution. Thank you to @Ibitato for finding this out for me. If you have a GM945 (0r 950) intel chipset please feel free to have a go trying it. I can then confirm the results...
I have a GMA X3100 card, and my processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz (so yeah, it's pretty old, but all Inifinity games performed well, including IWD2).
Installing Ubuntu is not an option for me, I only have a 10 Gb bootcamp partition and I wouldn't be able to squeeze a 5 Gb install in there.
The way I see it, I can either:
1. Get the proper configuration, and I already have the following:
*Running game in Windows 95 compatibility mode. *Updating your baldur.ini file to show OpenGL 1 *Disabled desktop composition *Updated to the latest drivers, either through Intel or forcing them through on you system for updating to occur.
2. Wait for a mac version of the game and hoping the devs play fair and will exchange the win version for a mac version for me. The win installer and files are useless for me, unless there's a better configuration that would allow me to play the game on windows xp.
I have a GMA X3100 card, and my processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz (so yeah, it's pretty old, but all Inifinity games performed well, including IWD2).
FWIW, I have a similar configuration, which won't play the game (which I always expected would be the case). I hasten to add that I have other, non-intel IGP systems on which to play BG:EE. And in any case, I wish to support Overhaul's effort in bringing the BG series back in a modernized form.
I've just installed the original BG+TotSC and BG2+ToB on my old laptop and noticed that BG2 only works if I disable 3D acceleration, which is unsurprising given the fact that even the old BG2+ToB uses OpenGL for 3D acceleration.
So the point is that, as long as I play the old BG2 without 3D acceleration, which means that the game effectively only uses 2D DirectX acceleration, it works on the X3100 IGPs. As have been said many times, the poor OpenGL support is an unfortunate Intel driver issue, which unfortunately didn't show up on Overhaul's radar until it was too late to add an alternative render path.
I don't know if Overhaul actually plans to release a separate renderer, as it might be cheaper to simply give people a refund or, as you suggest, give them a free Mac OS X copy of the game.
The game works perfectly on my Macbook Air (Intel HD 3000) + Windows7 running in Parallels Desktop. *Maybe* for you pc folks it would be also worth a try to install BG:EE on a VM instead of native, as (to my understanding) virtualization software doesn't rely on the intel driver but uses it's own driver instead…
2. Wait for a mac version of the game and hoping the devs play fair and will exchange the win version for a mac version for me. The win installer and files are useless for me, unless there's a better configuration that would allow me to play the game on windows xp.
Is wrapping your game using WineSkin not an option? My friend and I had great success with that and it's running perfectly on Mac OS X 10.8.2 (albeit on a Mac with an Intel HD3000 chipset). I'm not certain if WineSkin will solve the problem of your graphics driver issue, but it might be worth a try if you haven't already.
Every time I alter the Baldur.ini file, it reverts to that clusterfuque text the moment I boot up the game. All changes I make are returned to the default settings. Could this be why Nathan's suggestion isn't working for us?
I tried running BG:EE on my laptop which has an Intel HD Graphics Chip, all it gives me in-game is a black screen with the UI on the sides surrounding it.
Edit: Looking around, finding the NVIDIA Optimus thingy, with that it seems to have fixed it.
Just an FYI: I updated my graphics drivers and it now runs at regular speed although there is some flickering on the title screen as well as some minor display glitches around the edge when I clear the side panels. Still much more playable.
I still have to wonder if I am doing something wrong with regards to the baldur.ini file. As soon as I start the game, any changes I have made in the file are gone and it returns to the default settings. Has anyone else had this problem?
I still have to wonder if I am doing something wrong with regards to the baldur.ini file. As soon as I start the game, any changes I have made in the file are gone and it returns to the default settings. Has anyone else had this problem?
That happened to me, I just set the .ini to read only.
For those who have tried everything and seemingly failed, I have a laptop with an Intel Pentium B950 processor with Intel HD Integrated Graphics. I was getting the white screen problem, tried compatibility then weirdest thing. I tried running both baldur.exe and the baldur's gate enhanced edition shortcut (bgee.exe i think) as administrator, then applied, and it fixed the white screen problem. Try this out, it worked for me.
I have an Intel p6200. Baldur's Gate Enhanced majorly slowed down movies and game play. If this happened to you, go to the Intel website and update all processor drivers, especially the HD Graphics driver. The newest version fixed all issues. http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect?iid=dc_iduu
I must say that I found a temporal fix to slow in-game performance and its very easy to do, with just a few simple steps. This does not fix the audio/video stuttering. Also, do what Gangolas suggests above ^
My computer specification:
Renderer: Intel 865G chipset Video Adapter: RAM 96MB - driver is up-to-date OS: Windows XP Professional 32-bit Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz OpenGL ver: 1.3 DirectX: 9.0c - June 2010
NOTE: The game doesn't use the 'Hardware Mouse Cursor', meaning, I just enabled the resource hog fix to flickering mouse cursor. My chipset is very old and obsolete compared to other chipsets, so I speculate that this solution must be compatible to other chipsets. If this doesn't fix your game issue, well I'm sorry, but this all I can provide.
'Game Options','Memory Level','1', TO 'Game Options','Memory Level','5', //I don't have any idea about this? You'd rather not change this//
'Game Options','Difficulty Level','3', TO 'Game Options','Difficulty Level','5', //Configure the difficulty before saving your .ini file, 5 is the MAX difficulty//
***NOTHING*** TO 'Graphics','OpenGL Version','1', //Really necessary to add for intel chipsets alike//
'Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','30', TO 'Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','32', //Frame rate of the game, don't make it higher than 32, or the game will become too fast! If you want to test try 60//
'Game Options','Area Effects Density', '100', TO 'Game Options', 'Area Effects Density','25', //Graphic density of AOE spells, i.e. Stinking Cloud//
Backup first your original 'baldur.ini' then open the original 'baldur.ini' using 'wordpad', from 'edit' click 'select all' where you will copy-paste the code into your 'opened wordpad', (hold ctrl then press 's' to save [keyboard]).
If you are satisfied with the configuration and don't want the game to overwrite your newly config 'baldur.ini' then right-click the baldur.ini icon file, click properties, tick 'read-only' then click apply.
////////////////////////////////////COPY BELOW///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////DON'T INCLUDE THIS/////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////COPY ABOVE///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////DON'T INCLUDE THIS/////////////////////////////////////////////
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ABOUT HMC - ON vs OFF;
Hardware Mouse Cursor - ON, CPU AGREES with this, no virtual software, no extra thinking, just pure hardware! Hardware Mouse Cursor - OFF, intensifies your CPU, thus make it overheat, always check your CPU temperature!
My in-game performance on BG:EE is par with 'Hardware Mouse Cursor' - ON' when I applied these fixes. In other words, BG:EE is running smoothly on my toaster with Hardware Mouse Cursor 'DISABLED', which is the primary cause of in-game slowdown. Happy Gaming! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
alrighto, i tinkered with various settings on my laptop (Acer 1810TZ) and finally made the game playable. just thought i´d let others know what might help.
- force-install the latest drivers for your graphics chipset (although at this point, duh) - set the game to be executed in win95 compatibility mode - in the baldur.ini-file, located in your My Documents -> Baldurs Gate EE, change the lines as recommended at the beginning of this thread. also, locate the line 3D-Acceleration '1' and set it to '0'. You can also up the frame rate here if you want, and since this game involves a ****-load of walking around, i suggest you do. now, you have to look into the properties of the file and deny the system the right to change or write this file. otherwise, the game will overrride your adaptions when you start it.sorry i cant be more detailed as to where to find these options, but my system is not in english...
SAFETY WARNING: as recommended at every step and turn, you should: 1) set a rebooting point for your windows so you can change back to how things were in case the graphic driver screws you over 2) make a copy of the baldur.ini-file before you change it, just in case you mess it up.
As always, no guarantees, and all measures at you own risk. also, this did NOT fix the videos for me, only the actual gameplay which now runs smooth as a well-oiled waterslide.
im gonna go play some more now, hope this was helpful
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13 GHz
System: 64-bit
Intel(R) HD Graphics
Windows 7 Home Premium
Not sure if that answers your question.
processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T 6400 @ 2.00 GHz 2.00 GHz
System: 64-bit
Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family (updated
windows 7 proffesional,
and my char moves smooth excepto when there are other characters or i cast a spell
Newer systems witn Core i3/i5/i7-2xxx and -3xxx CPUs will work fine once the drivers are updated. Older Core i3/i5-xxx systems will probably work once drivers are updated and old Core 2 Duo based systems with Intel HD graphics 4 series (typically X4500 IGP) will be very slow at this time.
By the way - Trent said that it will be a long process to rewrite BGEE to DirectX
Sounds to me like the OpenGL issue is restricted to people using Core 2 Duo based systems with Intel HD 4 series IGPs (X4500) and older, as well as Atom systems which are stuck with a craptastic old Intel chipset (Atom systems with an NVidia Ion chipset likely work just fine).
If people like @Glorfindel can get BG:EE to run fine on a Core i3 M 330 with new drivers (and noting that people have reported success with Core i3/i5/i7 2xxx and 3xxx CPUs with HD 3000 and HD 4000 graphics as long as they use the latest drivers), then the issue is mostly restricted to those of us with rather old hardware for which no good drivers exist.
Can you please confirm this? EDIT: I wonder if the X4500 drivers work better with BG:EE on Windows XP than Windows 7?
I am running the game on win xp on a bootcamp partition of a macbook. Never had problems with either BG or BG2. All in all, I am dissatisfied.
All things considered, I don't think that a game that I paid for should be unplayable like this. I will either wait for a reliable remedy from the developers, or exchange my windows install for a mac one once it's released.
I very much appreciate the developers' effort to revive one of the best games ever made, but I think it was released just a bit too early and without appropriate support. I look forward to see a reliable fix being released (hopefully) in the near future.
Keep up the work, the game's worth it.
Which CPU does you macbook have? From what I can tell, the unfixable graphics issues have been narrowed down to Intel Core 2 Cuo-based systems with intel X4500 Integrated Graphics Processors, which have poor OpenGL 2.0 driver support, even though they are marketed as officially supporting that standard.
All newer Intel systems using the Intel Integrapted Graphics Processor can typically be made to run decently by forcibly updating the Intel graphics drivers in Windows per the How to forcibly update your intel drivers at your own risk-thread.
Mind you, this is just based on my observations by following the threads dealing with this issue and should not be considered official advice in any way, shape or form.
GM945 chipsets may not be able to use this solution. Thank you to @Ibitato for finding this out for me. If you have a GM945 (0r 950) intel chipset please feel free to have a go trying it. I can then confirm the results...
Installing Ubuntu is not an option for me, I only have a 10 Gb bootcamp partition and I wouldn't be able to squeeze a 5 Gb install in there.
The way I see it, I can either:
1. Get the proper configuration, and I already have the following:
*Running game in Windows 95 compatibility mode.
*Updating your baldur.ini file to show OpenGL 1
*Disabled desktop composition
*Updated to the latest drivers, either through Intel or forcing them through on you system for updating to occur.
2. Wait for a mac version of the game and hoping the devs play fair and will exchange the win version for a mac version for me. The win installer and files are useless for me, unless there's a better configuration that would allow me to play the game on windows xp.
I've just installed the original BG+TotSC and BG2+ToB on my old laptop and noticed that BG2 only works if I disable 3D acceleration, which is unsurprising given the fact that even the old BG2+ToB uses OpenGL for 3D acceleration.
So the point is that, as long as I play the old BG2 without 3D acceleration, which means that the game effectively only uses 2D DirectX acceleration, it works on the X3100 IGPs. As have been said many times, the poor OpenGL support is an unfortunate Intel driver issue, which unfortunately didn't show up on Overhaul's radar until it was too late to add an alternative render path.
I don't know if Overhaul actually plans to release a separate renderer, as it might be cheaper to simply give people a refund or, as you suggest, give them a free Mac OS X copy of the game.
i had no idea what i did cuz i spent 5 fucking hours working on this....
and for hopeless ones. i got here a old HP intel 945 chipset family
Edit: Looking around, finding the NVIDIA Optimus thingy, with that it seems to have fixed it.
I still have to wonder if I am doing something wrong with regards to the baldur.ini file. As soon as I start the game, any changes I have made in the file are gone and it returns to the default settings. Has anyone else had this problem?
I have an Intel p6200. Baldur's Gate Enhanced majorly slowed down movies and game play. If this happened to you, go to the Intel website and update all processor drivers, especially the HD Graphics driver. The newest version fixed all issues. http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect?iid=dc_iduu
I still have problems with really slow gameplay.
I have a Intell Integrated Grahipcs card 965 express chipset
on a Windows Vista 32 bit machine.
I already tried the new drivers, altering the ini file, running it in Windows 95, but still no solution.... Frustrating.
Does anybody have any other solution to this problem??
Or does somebody know if Overhaul is still working on a solution?
I must say that it's sour to notice that Overhaul is releasing a mac version but I still can't play this game!
I must say that I found a temporal fix to slow in-game performance and its very easy to do, with just a few simple steps. This does not fix the audio/video stuttering. Also, do what Gangolas suggests above ^
My computer specification:
Renderer: Intel 865G chipset
Video Adapter: RAM 96MB - driver is up-to-date
OS: Windows XP Professional 32-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz
OpenGL ver: 1.3
DirectX: 9.0c - June 2010
NOTE: The game doesn't use the 'Hardware Mouse Cursor', meaning, I just enabled the resource hog fix to flickering mouse cursor. My chipset is very old and obsolete compared to other chipsets, so I speculate that this solution must be compatible to other chipsets. If this doesn't fix your game issue, well I'm sorry, but this all I can provide.
EFFECTIVE FIX # 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Windows XP
1. Right-click on desktop, and click properties
2. Click settings tab
3. Set Color quality to 'Medium (16-bit)'
Windows Vista
1. Click, vista start button. Type the keyword in Start/Search line 'control desk.cpl' hit Enter
2. Click settings tab
3. Set Color quality to 'Medium (16-bit)'
EFFECTIVE FIX # 2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
'Game Options','Memory Level','1', TO 'Game Options','Memory Level','5',
//I don't have any idea about this? You'd rather not change this//
'Game Options','Difficulty Level','3', TO 'Game Options','Difficulty Level','5',
//Configure the difficulty before saving your .ini file, 5 is the MAX difficulty//
***NOTHING*** TO 'Graphics','OpenGL Version','1',
//Really necessary to add for intel chipsets alike//
'Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','30', TO 'Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','32',
//Frame rate of the game, don't make it higher than 32, or the game will become too fast! If you want to test try 60//
'Game Options','Area Effects Density', '100', TO 'Game Options', 'Area Effects Density','25',
//Graphic density of AOE spells, i.e. Stinking Cloud//
Take note, 0 means 'OFF' while 1 means 'ON'
'MOVIES', 'INTRO', '0',
'MOVIES', 'REST', '1',
'MOVIES', 'CAMP', '0',
Backup first your original 'baldur.ini' then open the original 'baldur.ini' using 'wordpad', from 'edit' click 'select all' where you will copy-paste the code into your 'opened wordpad', (hold ctrl then press 's' to save [keyboard]).
If you are satisfied with the configuration and don't want the game to overwrite your newly config 'baldur.ini' then right-click the baldur.ini icon file, click properties, tick 'read-only' then click apply.
////////////////////////////////////COPY BELOW/////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////DON'T INCLUDE THIS/////////////////////////////////////////////
CREATE TABLE options (
section string,
name string,
value string
'Window', 'Full Screen', '1',
'Window', 'Maximized', '0',
'Window', 'w', '271',
'Window', 'h', '227',
'Window', 'x', '384',
'Window', 'y', '393',
'Game Options', 'Footsteps', '1',
'Game Options', 'Memory Level', '5',
'Game Options', 'Mouse Scroll Speed', '36',
'Game Options', 'GUI Feedback Level', '5',
'Game Options', 'Locator Feedback Level', '3',
'Game Options', 'Bored Timeout', '10000',
'Game Options', 'Always Dither', '1',
'Game Options', 'Subtitles', '1',
'Game Options', 'Keyboard Scroll Speed', '110',
'Game Options', 'Command Sounds Frequency', '2',
'Game Options', 'Selection Sounds Frequency', '3',
'Game Options', 'Effect Text Level', '63',
'Game Options', 'Infravision', '0',
'Game Options', 'Weather', '1',
'Game Options', 'Tutorial State', '0',
'Game Options', 'Attack Sounds', '1',
'Game Options', 'Auto Pause State', '0',
'Game Options', 'Auto Pause Center', '1',
'Game Options', 'Difficulty Level', '5',
'Game Options', 'Quick Item Mapping', '0',
'Game Options', 'Environmental Audio', '1',
'Game Options', 'Heal Party on Rest', '0',
'Game Options', 'Terrain Hugging', '0',
'Game Options', 'HP Over Head', '0',
'Game Options', 'Critical Hit Screen Shake', '1',
'Game Options', 'Hotkeys On Tooltips', '1',
'Game Options', 'Area Effects Density', '25',
'Game Options', 'Duplicate Floating Text', '1',
'Game Options', 'Tiles Precache Percent', '100',
'Game Options', 'Pausing Map', '0',
'Game Options', 'Extra Feedback', '0',
'Game Options', 'Filter Games', '0',
'Game Options', 'All Learn Spell Info', '1',
'Game Options', 'Footsteps', '1',
'Game Options', 'Color Circles', '1',
'Program Options', 'Font Name', '',
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '0',
'Program Options', 'Double Byte Character Support', '1',
'Program Options', 'Drop Capitals', '0',
'Program Options', '3D Acceleration', '1',
'Program Options', 'Maximum Frame Rate', '32',
'Program Options', 'Path Search Nodes', '32000',
'Program Options', 'Tooltips', '10',
'Program Options', 'Translucent Shadows', '1',
'Program Options', 'Sprite Mirror', '0',
'Program Options', 'Gamma Correction', '0',
'Program Options', 'Brightness Correction', '0',
'Program Options', 'Backwards Compatible 3d', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume Movie', '60',
'Program Options', 'Volume Music', '0',
'Program Options', 'Volume Voices', '80',
'Program Options', 'Volume Ambients', '60',
'Program Options', 'Volume SFX', '60',
'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1',
'Graphics', 'Hardware Mouse Cursor', '0',
'MOVIES', 'INTRO', '0',
'MOVIES', 'REST', '1',
'MOVIES', 'CAMP', '0',
'Language', 'Text', 'en_US',
'Lua Edit', 'String0',
////////////////////////////////////COPY ABOVE/////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////DON'T INCLUDE THIS/////////////////////////////////////////////
Hardware Mouse Cursor - ON, CPU AGREES with this, no virtual software, no extra thinking, just pure hardware!
Hardware Mouse Cursor - OFF, intensifies your CPU, thus make it overheat, always check your CPU temperature!
My in-game performance on BG:EE is par with 'Hardware Mouse Cursor' - ON' when I applied these fixes. In other words, BG:EE is running smoothly on my toaster
Happy Gaming!
- AbsoluteFall
- force-install the latest drivers for your graphics chipset (although at this point, duh)
- set the game to be executed in win95 compatibility mode
- in the baldur.ini-file, located in your My Documents -> Baldurs Gate EE, change the lines as recommended at the beginning of this thread. also, locate the line 3D-Acceleration '1' and set it to '0'. You can also up the frame rate here if you want, and since this game involves a ****-load of walking around, i suggest you do. now, you have to look into the properties of the file and deny the system the right to change or write this file. otherwise, the game will overrride your adaptions when you start it.sorry i cant be more detailed as to where to find these options, but my system is not in english...
SAFETY WARNING: as recommended at every step and turn, you should:
1) set a rebooting point for your windows so you can change back to how things were in case the graphic driver screws you over
2) make a copy of the baldur.ini-file before you change it, just in case you mess it up.
As always, no guarantees, and all measures at you own risk. also, this did NOT fix the videos for me, only the actual gameplay which now runs smooth as a well-oiled waterslide.
im gonna go play some more now, hope this was helpful