Android Mod Request

Hi guys, I'm currently playing BGEE on Android (version 1.3.2079). I would like to mod it but unfortunately, I have no PC right now. I've noticed some request threads for Android mods here so how does this work? Can I post a list of things that I want and some good soul will upload these files for me? I'm a minimalist so I'm looking only for a very few modules from BG2 Tweaks and BGT Tweaks.
For BG2 Tweaks, please use the replacement, Tweaks Anthology, to make the list from. BG2 Tweaks is no longer being updated. If there was something specific in BG2Tweaks that is no longer in Tweaks Anthology then no probs, I still have v16 floating around somewhere.
I don't have BGT Tweaks, so if you could also provide a link.
- 1ppv4: Smart Avatar & Armour Switching by Galactygon
- Remove Blur Effect from Equipped Items
- Add Bags of Holding
- Change Experience Point Cap (remove completely)
- Wear Multiple Protection Items (no restrictions)
- Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table
- Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table
- Alter Mage Spell Progression Table (P&P table)
- Alter Cleric Spell Progression Table (P&P table)
- Add Save Penalties for Spells Cast by High-Level Casters
- Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
- Happy Patch (NPCs get angry, but never leave)
- Invisible Cloak of Mirroring
Also, I woud like this one from aTweaks:(
- Improved XP rewards from locks, traps and scrolls (first component)
I originally wanted to restore XP for locks, traps and scrolls to vanilla BG2 values but sadly that's the module from BGT Tweaks. Now aTweaks should work. It gives less XP but still better than insanely nerfed BGEE values. BUT - if You know a way how to restore it to BG2 XP I will take that mod instead.
For the 1PPv4:Smart Avatar & Armour Switching by Galactygon, I did manage to get the 1PPv4.10 version of Armour Switching (and only Armour Switching) for the EE Series installed for my games. From memory, it is slightly better than that of the BG2 Tweaks (because I stopped using it maybe...). If you have no probs, I will use that instead. If that is the case, I will also use the Tweaks Anthology for the rest (in case you wanted to add something else).
Edit: Having a quick look at BGT Tweaks, the component you are looking for is only a copy and paste of the xpbonus.2da, so this could probably be used if you want. Ignore this, the remove cap takes it through to level 50 but the .2da only has upto level 40.
Edit: btw, no progression tables on the Bard or Druid?
The component Invisible Cloak of Mirroring is only available for BG2EE.
Give this on a go. It contains what you wanted less Invisible Cloak of Mirroring. If you want the Bard and Druid tables, along with anything else from the Tweaks Anthology, let me know and I will redo. It is quick and simple (most of the stuff I do myself so adjusting that batch file to suit took only a couple of minutes).
To install, just copy the file to the root of:
To remove, delete ''
This assumes that there is no other override folders in play. If there are, they may work but you might get unexpected results.
The other thing is the version difference in the games. For this modfile, there was only one touch of the dialog.tlk which was the Bag of Holding entry. If you get problems in the game, then try this installation method:
1. Download '' to your device and place into:
Unpack override folder only and place contents into:
This will use your current dialog.tlk but just not have an entry for Bag of Holding so wont be available in any dialog. If you are able to get the Console working on your device (have a look in the Andoid Modding discussion for info), then you could console it in with:
I have included the WeiDU.log for you well.
Hope it all works for you
I can't use console on Android.. I can't cheat items. I'm starting fresh so I need to play for a while to test some of the stuff. I have no saves or override folder right now. I'm playing dual so I'll have to create multi and somehow test that armor switching because my dual will take long to activate hehe.
Oh... maybe that I will need your help again with BG2EE in the future.
- Icewind Dale Casting Graphics
- True Grandmastery
- Remove Delay for Magical Traps
- Bottomless Bags of Holding
Eidt: Update below
Btw, everything went fine with your BGEE mod, I had zero issues except for that Trap Delay.
Edit: Deleted files. Updated version below.
- XP for lock/traps/scrolls (aTweaks)
I would like to add:
- Hooded Vecna Robe (aTweaks)
- zero casting time for warrior innates (aTweaks)
- Invisible Cloak of Mirrorring (BG2Tweak)
Also, would it be possible to add Miloch's PnP Free Action v2? I wouldn't be able to find the link for this mod but you seem more capable than me.
Here's the new version with the changes made.
Good to see you got it going though.
Attached is the requested modfile. All it contains is the Revisioned Shapeshifter. It is only for BG2EE v2.5.16.6 English. If you needed another language, let me know.
To install copy the .zip file to the following folder:
For this modfile, there is no need to unpack at all as it is made to run packed. Once finished and you want to delete, then just delete the file and you are back to Vanilla.
If you are running any other modfiles, they will need to be deleted first, same with any override folder. Actually, I would rename the override folder first, test the game with the modfile, then try with the override folder renamed back if you have any important override mods you want to keep...
Enjoy the game and your stay with the forum. If you have any problems, let me know.