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[v1.67] Kale, a Halfling Barbarian for BG:EE, SoD and EET



  • redlineredline Member Posts: 296
    Skitia wrote: »
    Sorry for the delay on this.

    This is unintentionally hilarious. Your transparency and productivity would be admirable in a professional developer, let alone an unpaid enthusiast. Keep up the great work!
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Hello. In my current installation on Android Kale & Alora seem to be repeating their banter where Alora isn't sure if Kale is really cheerful, and it ends with her saying "Okay...". Is there a variable that needs setting with the console?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Is the ‘bdbaldur.baf’ file’s existence an error given it seems there’s banter scripts in the NPC’s script file itself? I feel really bad if it is since I’m assuming you based it off how I did the same thing until I rescripted the banters entirely.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited May 2019
    Mantis37 wrote: »
    Hello. In my current installation on Android Kale & Alora seem to be repeating their banter where Alora isn't sure if Kale is really cheerful, and it ends with her saying "Okay...". Is there a variable that needs setting with the console?

    I'll check tomorrow and correct it if necessary. I can also tell you the variable to type to fix it after I look it up.

    This was caused by a misnamed variable, which I fixed. I'll upload it in a few hours, in the meantime typing SetGlobal("X3KaleAlora1","GLOBAL",1) should fix it.
    AionZ wrote: »
    Is the ‘bdbaldur.baf’ file’s existence an error given it seems there’s banter scripts in the NPC’s script file itself? I feel really bad if it is since I’m assuming you based it off how I did the same thing until I rescripted the banters entirely.

    I did base it off of it but adjusted it. I'll delete it in the next bug update.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Cheers, thanks for an interesting mod.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Kale is updated to 1.21, this should fix up any banter bugs and remove the unnecessary bdbaldur script changes.

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @Skitia - I am just about to install Kale. Is this verion up to date or are you just about to upload a new version?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    1.21 is the latest version. 1.3 is probably several weeks if not a month away.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @Skitia - Ok, thank you! :) Best wishes!
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    It really is hilarious reading "sorry for the delay" from a modder. Hey, just so you know, there's mods which took *decades* to actually see release (if they ever did). Really impressed by your productivity. All these look great and seem like they would feel like real characters rather than Mary Sues. Can't wait to try them out. There's just far too many interesting NPCs for this game; it'd take a lifetime to try them all.

    I love the idea of a halfling fighter. Barbarian seems like a strange choice though - why not have him as a ranger or a custom fighter kit? Barbarian Rage really doesn't seem like a very halfling thing, or is it just me? :D
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Isewein wrote: »
    I love the idea of a halfling fighter. Barbarian seems like a strange choice though - why not have him as a ranger or a custom fighter kit? Barbarian Rage really doesn't seem like a very halfling thing, or is it just me? :D

    While I'm not sure about 2nd Edition, in 3rd Edition, ghostwise halflings have Barbarian as their favored class.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Originally Kale was going to be a human male and the concept fit barbarian more, but halfling Kale is a lot different.

    For Kale's class I have to carefully consider the other four NPCs. While they still need a lot more inter-banter and interjections for one another, the design intent is to have them all in one party.

    So with the knowledge in mind there is a Cleric Kit (Emphasis on Offense), Bard Kit (Emphasis on Spellcasting), Archer (Possibly Arcane Archer), and a Shadowthief/mage (Possible Shadowmage) as the others, Kale would probably need to remain a fighter.

    My first preference would be one of AionZ's kit, because their mods are wonderful and don't get the attention they deserve, but they only have Vanguard for fighter and I definitely want Kale designed to be a two handed warrior that fights hard and doesn't go down. In fact the image with Kale in my mind is really the fearsome badger, small but very fierce, winning through his ability to outlast from sheer constitution/hitpoints. A custom kit may be the way to go, and I'll probably consider it for the BG2 entry.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Updated Kale to 1.31

    This includes crossmod files for Helga and unreleased Recorder, which may fix some odd installation issues with Helga if you had Kale installed already.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Updated Kale to 1.4

    Includes bug-fixes, music delay, and some spelling errors I've caught.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Updated Kale to 1.41

    1.41 includes only a delay on his talk timer for BG:EE1, so if you've already had all of his talks you can safely not update.

    Eventually I will make a BG2 Thread for this instead in January, when I begin development of their second half, but below is a very rough draft of a planned Kit for Kale to replace his Barbarian choice as his primary class (Barbarian will be an alternate selection.)

    Earthkin Guardian:
    Often regarded as small and inferior in combat against the taller racers, a few gnomes and halflings train and form themselves into the exception, tenacious warriors who do not know when to give up or back down. They are noteworthy both for their quick recovery and their ability to shrug off what would surely be a death blow to anyone else. Many trace their roots to the Purple Marshes, where many gnomes and halflings banded together to protect the lands in the chaotic wars that ravaged the land mere years ago. Training dedicated to their bodies however, is training time lost to arms, and their skill with weapons, especially range weapons, tends to be worse than traditional fighters.

    -Hit Die: D12
    Level 1:
    -Innate Regeneration: 1 hit point per 48 seconds, -6 seconds less every five levels (1 hitpoint every 12 at character level 40).
    Level 10:
    -Unyielding Stand: Once per day, may activate this ability for seven seconds. While active, cannot be dropped below one hit point. When the ability expires, the target additionally is healed 10 hitpoints. This further increases by 10 hitpoints/1 second every ten levels, up to 40 hitpoints/10 seconds.

    -May not be more than one proficiency point in any range weapon
    -May not take more than three proficiency points in any melee weapon.
    -Only selectable by gnomes, dwarves, and halflings.

    Any balance feedback is perfect. This may be retroactively added into BG1 later, but isn't a high priority.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Going to try a different idea over a regenerating fighter, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'll take them.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Well, you could go weird option: every time he is hit, he will get a regeneration (1 HP / 10 seconds for 30 seconds). That would mean he wouldn't actually have a permament regeneration, but would only activate when someone hits him. That means if someone wants to kill him (especially in the early game), it must be done with powerful attacks rathen than many little cuts. Regeneration could get better with levels, but you would need to make sure it's not becoming too powerful.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited January 2020
    I worked it in a spell way, hopefully it is interesting!

    Kale 1.5 includes a new optional kit in place of his Barbarian called Warden:
    Warden: A warrior tradition placing emphasis on fighting in pairs, these warriors work best with a partner next to them, who they choose to elevate their ability in combat. The Warden takes on the defensive role in the pair, while their partner, the Ward, receives elevated offensive prowess. This comes at the cost of the own Warden’s skill with weapons being inferior to other fighter traditions, but there are few other partners one would wish to stand next to.

    -Hit Die:d12
    -May use WARD once per day. Gains one use at level 1, one use at level eight, an additional use every eight levels thereafter.

    WARD: Designates Target as the Ward. The Ward is granted greater offensive prowess, while the Warden gains penalties for the same amount in place of bonuses to their defense for one turn. The bonuses vary on level. It does not stack with itself, and if the ward is changed, the previous ward loses their bonuses.
    Level 1: The Ward receives +1 Damage bonus, -1 Thaco. The Warden receives penalties for the same amount, but gains 10% resistance to physical damage and regenerates 1 Hitpoint per 6 seconds.
    Level 8: The Ward receives +2 Damage Bonus, -2 Thaco. The Warden Receives penalties for the same amount, but gains 20% Resistance to Physical Damage, and regenerates 1 hitpoint per 3 seconds.
    Level 16: The Ward receives +3 Damage bonus, -3 Thaco. The Warden receives penalties for the same amount, but gains 30% Resistance to Physical Damage and regenerates 1 hp per second.

    May only become specialized in ranged weapons, and may not exceed mastery in any other weapon.

    This will be his default kit in BG2. His proficiencies are situated around the shield and bastard sword, making him a little bit more of a proper tank at expense of offensive capability, though he can buff a single other party member in a pinch. He is also less effective against mages than his barbarian class would be, but his halfling saves should still be helpful. WARD does stack with Hardiness, so he could temporarily absorb a lot of physical attacks.

    This update also changes his cloak from giving him +2 Constitution to giving him +10% hitpoints, and does some minor adjustments with his banter with Emily.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Kale is updated to 1.51

    Changes include:
    -Compatibility with Nightmare Mode.
    -EET compatibility is now full versus partial.
    -Changed Warden Spell Icon.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Kale is updated to 1.53...apparently I must have done some minor update to him and forgot to increment it.

    -Adjusted Quest Item Reward to be a little more balanced.
    -Adjusted Item description accordingly.
    -Adjusted some dialogue spelling.
  • StormfinStormfin Member Posts: 28
    Do you have a recommended install order for your NPCs?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    It shouldn't matter, but oldest->newest is the safest in case one of the older ones is missing cross-content. So basically Emily/Kale/Vienxay/Helga/Recorder would be the answer.

    If you're playing Emily as an AA, she should be installed after AionZ's Kit Mod. And if you're playing with AionZ's NPCs, they should be installed after them too, else you won't see the cross-mod.
  • StormfinStormfin Member Posts: 28
    Cheers, look forward to playing them? Hope BG2 content is going well!
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited April 2020
    Updated Kale to 1.54, just a minor bug fix in this one:
    -Fixed an installation failure due to a lack of exit for Recorder Cross-Mod material (Thanks AionZ for catching it!)
    Post edited by Skitia on
  • parmenides14parmenides14 Member Posts: 11
    Kale is great! His crit line makes me laugh every time. Thanks for this mod!
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.
  • TrancingBearTrancingBear Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2020
    Hi Skitia, I have really been enjoying your mods! Time to go through the series again, so I'm installing your latest mods. Helga, Recorder and Emily installed without issue, but Kale produces an error. DEBUG information attached. It looks like the mod is expecting additional dialog entries for Tazok. Does this mod depend on another mod being installed first? Thanks in advance!

    Post edited by TrancingBear on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    No, it doesn't depend on any other mod. Tazok should have 38 entries, but I know the 38th is an EE only addition, or maybe EET changes things.

    Regardless I'll just remove the interject and update this mod in a few hours as it's not integral to the mod anyway. (But if another debug error comes up like this it could be an issue with your game's strings not all being there.)
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