New Trent Oster interview

in News
In the latest interview with The Fly, Beamdog CEO Trent Oster discusses Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Editions, console ports, creating original games, and more.
That's it, folks. Party's over. Say goodbye to Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick Obscura: Enhanced Edition, Neverwinter Nights 2: Enhanced Edition, Forgotten Realms: Archives Collections 1-3: Enhanced Edition and [put-your best-favourite-title-in-here] Enhanced Edition.
At least now we can abandon this sliver of hope that we clinged on for all these years.
you are understanding it as it is
it would be nice if they did a NWN 2 EE but if they don't have the resources are the confirmed fan base to do so, that will forever be a pipe dream unfortunately
I hope your future titles interest me, I’m not going to lie and say that I’m here because I was interested in Beamdog rather than Baldur’s Gate. The IE titles are precisely the reason why I hung around but I am more than willing to find out what you guys have in the works. You’ve earned that much for bringing these titles back to us and revitalising them. Axis and Allies will have my attention and I hope the future might contain the possibiliy of an original RPG of some sort.