[NPC] Pfaug Hammerlust - SoD-only [WIP]

Pfaug Hammerlust
STR: 18/94 DEX: 16 CON: 19 INT: 11 WIS: 8 CHA: 7
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Fighter (6)/Thief (7) (Mercenary)
Race: Gray Dwarf (Duergar)
Proficiencies: Axe ** Dagger ** Flail/Morningstar **
Thieving Skills: Open Locks - 35 / Find Traps - 60 / Pick Pocket - 30 / Move Silently - 40 / Hide in Shadows - 40 / Detect Illusion - 30 / Set Traps - 40
Location: Pfaug may be found at every camp.
Biography: When asked about his past PFAUG grumps a little, saying that he doesn't want to talk about it, but after a couple of mugs of ale he ends up talking anyway.
He was born into a merchant family of the clan Hammerlust in Dunspeirrin. His father, a weak despicable bastard, whose name he never mentions, was killed for racking up more debt than he could pay for. Pfaug had to flee the city, being only a little more than a child back then. From town to town he lived by theft and scams. One day he tried to pickpocket a priest of Abbathor who beat him badly and took him back to his own home.
What was supposed to be the end of his life was actually a new beginning. For unknown reasons, the priest decided to raise him as his own son among his family and clan. Even on his drunkest nights, Pfaug never revealed the name of the clan that embraced him, as he knew it would be shameful for them. As he grew older, he started to notice all the problems he was causing to his adopted family and clan. He departed one night without telling anyone where he was heading, Thay, the city where he had always heard that one could make 'easy gold'.
Thay turned Pfaug into a different person. Working as a leg-breaker, and occasionally being thrown into the arena, he lost all sense of empathy and compassion. As soon as he had gathered enough gold, he paid for his freedom as he left Thay for good, looking for another promising opportunity, the Crusade.
Download Here - First Beta
This mod is not complete yet, all banter and interjections are yet to be done, but Pfaug will join and leave the party normally and will comment about (a lot of) events.
This mod is not complete yet, all banter and interjections are yet to be done, but Pfaug will join and leave the party normally and will comment about (a lot of) events.
* Pfaug's starting XP will be adjusted accordingly to Charname's XP (following the pattern of SoD's NPCs).
So, I've been working on a new NPC for SoD: Pfaug.
Yup, the same fellow we see when leaving Baldur's Gate - now he is a joinable NPC.
I don't have a proper release yet, but I would say that things are 80% done for a first version. I'm making this post as a precaution because I'll probably not be on this forum much longer.
That being said, for download, information and support, please contact me on Twitter (/raduziel) and I'll gladly provide them.
I'll try to add more info to this thread when and if possible.
Quick Q&A:
1) What about Pfaug's race?
He's a duergar. He has almost every duergar trait except the immunity to illusions and (to offset that) the XP penalty - this includes being able to cast Invisibility and Enlarge. Be aware that he will take some penalties when exposed to sunlight.
3) Is Pfaug romanceable?
Definitely no.
4) Tips on party composition?
He has a closer relation to Viconia and some weird interaction with Dorn and M'Khiin (as he hates and fears them). With his low Charisma, he will tease and provoke pretty much everyone except for the above and Voghiln.
5) Any other recommendation?
Pfaug has a dirty mouth. He curses when he feels that he needs to. If you're oversensitive or feel uncomfortable with this kind of language, I wouldn't recommend this mod.
Also, Pfaug has different reactions for dwarves and non-dwarves PC/NPC. You may want to take him for a ride more than once to fully experience this mod.
6) Any banters and interjections?
Yup. A minimum of two with each NPC, some with the PC and a lot of head-strings to react to some in-game events.
7) Any personal quest?
A very quick fetch quest. As this is my first NPC mod and SoD is such a short game where the player pretty much can't travel around I had to limit myself here.
8) Will he be expanded to BG2 eventually?
9) Wow, max HP! Why?
The only other evil front-liner in SoD is Dorn and he is frail as a flower.
10) Release date?
TBA here or in Twitter - future will tell.
I would like to thank @LavaDelVortel and @jastey for guiding me through this, @kjeron for helping me obtain the BAMs necessary for the Enlarge spell @argent77 and @CamDawg for all the helpful macros, @Ardanis , @Bubb and @AionZ for occasional troubleshooting and @Zaghoul for proof-reading.
That's it.
The portrait was taken from BG2.
The voice set was taken from IWD.
Both are properties of Beamdog.
Post edited by Raduziel on
Pfaug will do nothing but comment on some events (quite a lot actually) and have his joining and kick-out dialogues.
When I finish the other dialogues (with party-NPCs, PCs and comments with other NPCs) I'll make the official first release.
After that is polishing, traifing and crossmodding if someone shows interest.
RL things are kind of pressuring me ATM. This year is being tough for me with a lot of important things to handle and I have to sacrifice something.
As this something can't be my daughter, wife, job or studies, I'll sacrifice modding.
Pfaug will be released and I'll work on bug fixes, but that's it for this year. No crossmodding and no traification.
2020 will probably be better.
At least the strings are there to add some flavor. No quest and no banters yet, though.
I'm glad everything worked fine. At least bugs will not be an issue.
I'm curious about how you implemented enlarge; Did you just add a static animation for him or did you actually add the whole dwarf animation, weapons, armor and all?
The whole dwarf animation, weapons, armor and all - @kjeron helped me with a code that made things pretty much automatic though.
It is by far the largest part of the mod.
Oh, that is cool.
I might steal your code some time in the future and use it to add smaller gnomes to the game.. because gnomes really should be smaller.
Seems like I remember reading it though as we were proofreading the dialogue. Anyway, just reporting it in for future reference when (if- hehheh
And, of course, banters and dialogue. Those I really left behind as disclaimed above.
Thanks, @Zaghoul