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Beamdog Absent?

no updates or beamblogs for 3 months, whats going on???


  • fetito666fetito666 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 204
    edited May 2019
    Maybe there is important news waiting for us?

    I hope that it's something positive and related to NWN:EE Gog / Steam instead of console ports.

    I love Beamdog anyway.
    Post edited by fetito666 on
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Silence is never good. :/
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    No they are not absent. The info is bundled in monthly feeedback. You have to ask a question in the “ask Beamdog” thread and you get an answer:
    Link to thread
    They have answered two questions of mine out of the two I have posed - so I say it works.

    Try reading all the Beamblog updates from january - april before you pose a new question.
    Btw for NWN:ee the plans are:
    1) the new renderer
    2) 64 bit versions,
    3) hopefully an iOS version
    4) Whilst doing work on the consoles.

    Work is in progress. No ETA so far (they see usually tightlipped on timeframes, ETA and such...)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    no updates or beamblogs for 3 months, whats going on???

    You must have checked the old blog page. Please see the news section on the main site.

    Also, please check out the news section on the forum and all the stickied threads.
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    no updates or beamblogs for 3 months, whats going on???

    You must have checked the old blog page. Please see the news section on the main site.

    Also, please check out the news section on the forum and all the stickied threads.

    checked the beamblog page, the ask beamdog sticky and news and nothing is new news since feb. Plenty of new give us open code but nothing official in months unless you call convention interviews that reveal nothing new news
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    last beamdog update was made by you in march 19 and it was nothing but announcing new partnerships and axis and allies.
    No renderer news, no bug fix news, no news
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    last beamdog update was made by you in march 19 and it was nothing but announcing new partnerships and axis and allies.
    No renderer news, no bug fix news, no news
    Actually the latest was in april
    There should be a new one arriving shortly
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Patience... People have been waiting for Half Life 3 for how many years? Let them work in peace. Stuff will get released eventually.
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    april update as you call it was again nothing new, conventions and sales are not updates nor news imho
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Being absent is different from not saying what you want to hear. There's not going to be big "new news" every month.

    Beamdog used to be much more transparent about planned timelines, but that resulted in fans freaking out every time the plans changed.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    joluv wrote: »

    Beamdog used to be much more transparent about planned timelines, but that resulted in fans freaking out every time the plans changed.

    Most people would rather fans freaking out do to plan changes that than rumor mongering and “Beamdog abandoned us and moved to Mexico” type threads that are guaranteed to happen with lack of info.

    “We answer a select few questions vaguely on the ask Beamdog thread on a monthly basis!!!!!!!!!!”
    If you feel this is really enough. Really the same thing. Why were their weekly streams?
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2019
    When we mentioned in December it would take months before the actual news, we meant it.

    So then give us a rough roadmap and timeline. What quarter of what year, say. Subject to change. You guys already have our money, we're your biggest supporters and fans. Keeping the community in the dark about a game that depends on the community seems like a mistake. Wouldn't it be helpful for modders to know when to shoot for and to get more people involved in the Steam Workshop? Totally understandable if the game wasn't NWN and it was some unreleased game project that your customers weren't invested in for years, but c'mon. Have a think about it.

    "Search your feelings, Trent Oster. You will know it to be true."

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Try reading all the Beamblog updates from january - april before you pose a new question.
    Btw for NWN:ee the plans are:
    1) the new renderer
    2) 64 bit versions,
    3) hopefully an iOS version
    4) Whilst doing work on the consoles.

    So I guess I will never be purchasing NWN:EE. I was quite excited for it so that's disappointing. Still kinda blows my mind they have the easiest possible toolset to create content with and they didn't do it.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    It reads (to me) like the exact timeline cannot be determined, as the complexness of the issue defines the timeline as the project moves forward.
    Nobody wants an exact timeline. The guy above in this thread said
    “So then give us a rough roadmap and timeline. What quarter of what year, say. Subject to change.“

    I have been asking : this year? Even an estimated quarter?

    I have been a software developer and now just run a team of developers on some of the biggest most complex software development projects you have ever heard of for 25 years and often give Guestimates.

    These are iterative 8 year development projects worth quarter billion dollars in funding.
    The 8th year was two years ago. Should be out by next feb.
    See, I can do it.
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Why would they burden themselves with self imposed time restrictions/dead lines, which (if not met) would just lead to more crying? Which is all this thread is... crying.
  • MrDamageMrDamage Member Posts: 210
    Why would they burden themselves with self imposed time restrictions/dead lines, which (if not met) would just lead to more crying? Which is all this thread is... crying.

    I tend to agree with this. Do people want an update because:
    A/ excited and impatient?
    B/ worried no real work is actually happening save for a token ethnic guy called Tebor in the corner battling the bugs.
    C/ all of the above.

    Sadly, i beleive that whatever the reasons for your question, your answers will not be fourthcoming. Further, i think the reason lays in the nature of the beast. If they were assembling a chair from Ikea, a timeframe would be reasonable, however this is an act of creativity, so when one asks how long? They may as well ask how long is a piece of string. You could guess, but thats all your doing isnt it.
    Of course, i could be wildly mistaken and have missed the point completely, but none the less its food for thought....maybe
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    I made this post not in crying or asking for time restrictions or etas. Since the renderer and 64 bit was announced as main focus, all we have seen is console news axis and allies news, mobile news we are at a convention news we are at another convention news.

    IMO this is not news to the 99 % who play on PC. The above updates are not updates, they are filler. Good Luck with Axis and Allies, but its not my interest or concern.

    When you go from weekly Q&A sessions in live stream to hey we are at a convention look at us playing on a console, people get frustrated.

    Someone who actually works for the company could still be having weekly Q&A live streams, and then people wouldn't think one guy is doing the work while the rest sit and watch drinking coffee. ( think road crews when you pass by construction slowdowns)

    Not a Forum Moderator, Someone who actually could give an hour each week to let people know what is the status of things.

    Not really to much to ask.
  • DazDaz Member Posts: 127
    Someone who actually could give an hour each week to let people know what is the status of things.

    "Sorry, we're still working on it"

    </end stream>
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Ebonstar If this is indeed a question about livestreams, then everything explained before still stands.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Why would they burden themselves with self imposed time restrictions/dead lines, which (if not met) would just lead to more crying? Which is all this thread is... crying.
    Because that is the nature of the industry that they chose to be apart of. Timelines, costs, resources are absolutely inseparable to application development.
    It’s like becoming a doctor to help people but get mad at all the paperwork that is involved and saying “if I write these report I can’t help as many patients”. It is the nature of your field.

    And again, not time restrictions...estimated timelines.
    Project management isn’t a mechanism or methodology for whinning or complaining.
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    Its been a decade and bg:ee multiplayer still has gamebreaking bugs and instead of fixing it their focus has been making it playable on phones lol. If thats any indication of whats to come for nwn:ee we’ll see.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I think this might be a case of be careful what you wish for. Certainly the situation on several fronts seems to be what some people wished, but perhaps the result of that wish isn't quite what they wanted. Maybe it will all be worth it in the end, who knows. Like many things in life, it's too late to go back now and change your input to get a different result.

    If it's about the streams then to be fair they were getting repetitive due to how slow progress was wand how people kept asking the same sorts of questions over and over.
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    @Ebonstar If this is indeed a question about livestreams, then everything explained before still stands.

    there was no reason to stop actually talking to us, even if you just come on to say you are stuck and working around the impass. That would be an update, not oh look we are at a convention

    My job has conventions, its when you're not at work
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    Someone who actually works for the company could still be having weekly Q&A live streams, and then people wouldn't think one guy is doing the work while the rest sit and watch drinking coffee. ( think road crews when you pass by construction slowdowns)

    Not a Forum Moderator, Someone who actually could give an hour each week to let people know what is the status of things.

    Not really to much to ask.

    Julius does work for the company; he's not just a forum moderator.

    An hour per week of status updates is a lot to ask of busy people. I guarantee you -- based entirely on common sense, not on any special knowledge -- that they aren't just sitting around drinking coffee.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I could give you the status update if you like. Here it is: They're still working on it, things take time, when people ask for big things and the developer does it then it takes lots of time, please be patient.

    If you want I could repost that every week if it makes people feel better, but I don't see how useful that is.
  • DFDarkDFDark Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2019
    To be honest, I think what would help more than weekly streams is if some additional info on progress was included into monthly news. That would help alleviate current frustration.

    I.E.: "We have redone some of the old placeables from low-poly to high-poly. See the difference in the screens."

    if there would be new premium module with those new features then add some info about it, not to create hype but to create at least some anticipation.
  • MrSpudMrSpud Member Posts: 6
    Hi just wondering if they are still working on the Android version, it's been about half a year since the last patch and the controls are still backward, complete opposite than all the other games I play.

    I'm concerned since they claimed that the Android version didn't sell well, that and the complete lack of info... it makes you think that maybe they have abandoned it, sure looks that way, unfortunately there's no info to proove me wrong.

    Can somebody "official" please tell me if they have abandoned the Android version? Thanks.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @MrSpud Oh yes! We're currently testing (in a closed beta) a new build of NWN:EE on Android, and it contains a lot of neat features (based on the Input Trello - and bug fixes.
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