TBD, Lets hope that modding will not be needed as much, maybe just maybe the game will rock!
maybe a few patches here and there of course. then a couple of expansions then modding if needed.
I can't comment on Larian as i've never played their games, but just about every original piece of content Beamdog has created so far I was genuinely entertained by, and felt that they understood the "soul" of BG. They would have been my first choice.
Pretty interesting how polarizing Beamdog's content is--I guess it's to be expected though. Personally, I find most of Beamdog's original content against the "soul" of BG. I really wish Siege of Dragonspear had been its own thing like originally planned, as it honestly would've been better for it. There are glimpses or excellence with the characters of Corwin, Glint, and Baeloth. But a lot of other things they did I find don't fit at all... like completely changing Safana's character (which, although it's ultimately an improvement, is a massive retcon), their evil characters Hexxat and (BGII) Dorn being unapologetic-ally, disgustingly evil with no redeeming qualities, tying vital items to their NPCs and their quests to coax you into trying/buying them, no race restrictions on new romances... There's just a lot I take issue with.
I will give Beamdog's writers this: they have been brave. It wouldn't have been too hard to make really "safe" content that didn't surprise players at all. And chances are we wouldn't be having this debate. So there ya go!
Beamdog didn't have the team or track record of making a new engine and new product. Some people on here seem delusional to me. WotC isn't going to squander the sequel to their IP's biggest CRPG hit on such a small studio. They're going to want a big game that makes lots of noise.
I thoroughly enjoyed SoD and absolutely loved the EE's, but man, even the Beamdog staff knows they could not deliver what a full game studio like Larian can.
This is the reality of it. Given how soulless companies can be due to the ultimate goal being to create revenue, BGIII getting Larian Studios is about the best-case scenario. And boy oh boy does WotC like their money.
If Beamdog made Baldur's Gate III, we'd be waiting 5 years for the first patch (sorry to say it, but where is 2.6?), so Larian was definitely the right choice.
They got the nod because 1.) Obsidian basically already did their modern Baldur's Gate. 2.) inXile has been wholly underwhelming in the totality of their Kickstarter titles 3.) Beamdog is probably viewed as a combination of simply being a company that updates games for modern systems and would be the victim of an instantaneous internet lynch mob if they got the nod based on the nonsense surrounding SoD. So Larian is the ONLY choice out there.
Yes, 100%. Your whole post absolutely nails it. And good point on Obsidian--Pillars of Eternity is so similar to Baldur's Gate, a sort of spiritual successor, that they already got what they came for--and I very genuinely say, good for them!
Yeah, I also do not understand much about such hate about the writers of DoS. Both games have plot holes, but the quests, dialogs with npc and especially the companions´interactions are fairly well written IMHO. I´ve read far worse (Bg novels of Abdel Adrian, for example XDD)
Oh jeez, you went there. We don't talk about Abdel here.
Could be worse. Imagine if was M$/EA/Bugthesda/Blizzard.
This companies would probably make BG3 into an battle royable. At least the worst thing that Larien can make is SCL2.
This comment oversimplifies things a bit but I think it's a wonderful point. I find it baffling people can be so upset about a game studio like Larian being given what appears to be free reign, when the IP could've easily been swiped up by a really greedy publisher and turned into something completely different. Yes, chances are Larian will modernize a few things instead of making an extensive Infinity Engine modpack and calling it a new game. I don't see how this is a bad thing.
This companies would probably make BG3 into an battle royable. At least the worst thing that Larien can make is SCL2.
This comment oversimplifies things a bit but I think it's a wonderful point. I find it baffling people can be so upset about a game studio like Larian being given what appears to be free reign, when the IP could've easily been swiped up by a really greedy publisher and turned into something completely different. Yes, chances are Larian will modernize a few things instead of making an extensive Infinity Engine modpack and calling it a new game. I don't see how this is a bad thing.[/quote]
You talk as if "modernize" is a good thing. AS if modernize is bring new graphics, destructive envoriments, verticality, etc. By modernize i believe that they will re write the spell system to add post wow mmo-style itemization, bs mechanics such as cooldowns and no saves, no armor who deflect blows, etc. The last good Larian game was Divine Divinity exactly because is the least contaminated by post wow design...
If Larian do that to BG3, i really wish the same fate of SCL devs to then. Is not by the lack of examples.
@SorcererV1ct0r Ok, I constantly read (in almost every thread concerning BG3 a also other games like Diablo 4) about the same things, like cooldowns, mmo style, character power depending on the item stats, homogenization (whatever that is, seriously, I don't know) and... wait for it... SCL2 and apart from the fact that it's really tiresome to read the same arguments in almost every post you write about BG3 and D4, I still don't understand how did you figure, based on previous Larian titles, that BG3 will be exactly like your worst nightmare. Sure, cooldowns mechanic is not the best solution out there, but surely it's not something that can make a game unplayable or really really crappy. I also don't like MMO's (I really wish Rockstar invest in RDR2's single player rather than online mode), but I also don't feel modern RPG's (except maybe Bethesda titles) are even close to MMO. And I have experience with PoE1, PoE2, DOS1, DOS2, PK, Numenera, Shadowrun titles, Tyranny, Age of Decadence, Numenera, Disco Elysium. Non of these titles are like MMO's and I really don't expect BG3 will be too. Sure, it won't be the same as BG2, but I really don't understand this pesimistic approach. You keep bringing SCL2 example. Do you really think that Larian will make BG3 like SCL, the very game that made the studio behind it basically closed? I'm 100% they won't, because that would make them... unwise. My main gripe, but that's not Larian's fault, that it will be based on 5 ed. and I find everything that was done in FR world after 3 ed. as crap.
Ok, I constantly read (in almost every thread concerning BG3 a also other games like Diablo 4) about the same things, like cooldowns, mmo style, character power depending on the item stats, homogenization (whatever that is, seriously, I don't know) and... wait for it... SCL2 and apart from the fact that it's really tiresome to read the same arguments in almost every post you write about BG3 and D4, I still don't understand how did you figure, based on previous Larian titles, that BG3 will be exactly like your worst nightmare. Sure, cooldowns mechanic is not the best solution out there, but surely it's not something that can make a game unplayable or really really crappy. I also don't like MMO's (I really wish Rockstar invest in RDR2's single player rather than online mode), but I also don't feel modern RPG's (except maybe Bethesda titles) are even close to MMO. And I have experience with PoE1, PoE2, DOS1, DOS2, PK, Numenera, Shadowrun titles, Tyranny, Age of Decadence, Numenera, Disco Elysium. Non of these titles are like MMO's and I really don't expect BG3 will be too. Sure, it won't be the same as BG2, but I really don't understand this pesimistic approach. You keep bringing SCL2 example. Do you really think that Larian will make BG3 like SCL, the very game that made the studio behind it basically closed? I'm 100% they won't, because that would make them... unwise. My main gripe, but that's not Larian's fault, that it will be based on 5 ed. and I find everything that was done in FR world after 3 ed. as crap.
About RDR2, imagine this post wow mechanics that i mentioned into RDR2, doesn't matter if is single player or MP...
As for "none of this games are like mmos", DOS1/2 itemization, progression and gameplay are very mmoish. Same for Tyranny.
And when i say that i fear that BG3 wil lbe more DOS like is because for him, missing a thing who exists since 1988 adaptations like Pol of Radiance not only doesn't work in "video games", but is a obvious fact... Do you really think that he will not re write the rules?
I don't know whether they will rewrite the rules or not, but I think every creative team deserves to be given a chance, especially if they have a good record. Saying goodbye to anything just based on early interviews without actually trying the game is not fair. It's your choice, of course, but it's just something I will never agree with. Remember how a lot of people hated SoD just because of the interview and a few arguments suitable for the phrases shared in that interview? It wasn't fair, what was fair was to actually try and see for yourself, try to feel how it played.
There is no one ideal recipe for success, or for a failure. If cooldowns are bad in one game, or 10 games, it doesn't make the cooldown approach dumb and evil as a fact. And we don't even know if cooldowns are a part of BG3.
I liked random loot in DOS games, I like it in D2. So actually magic find and chances to find good items are actually strong points for me. I liked cooldowns in DA:O.
And I like missing in BG. But it doesn't mean I think a game which doesn't include misses is a trash. Let's first see and try the game, and then review it. Just as the time put everything into its place re/PoE and PoE 2 sales, the time will solve everything with any other game.
I didn't find progression or itemization bad in the DOS games. In a way, these games became "the new BG" for me. Even with different systems, I felt that connection. Others didn't, and that is alright.
I like D2 much more than D3, but I like what I see about D4, from the tone to the runes comeback. I have concerns about a MP component. But I want to first try and judge myself, based on the released game.
I'm ready to give any creative team a chance. I want to see what they will accomplish. Same for the Elder Scrolls team and for the Assassin's Creed team.
@Quartz You have an example of how they changed Safana's character? Because I seem to remember her entire "character" in BG1 being about 5 lines of sleection dialogue. All of which are her flirting with you. Which does in with EVERYBODY in SoD.
If was up to me, i would choose CD projekt red, From Software or Obsidian. Preferentially From Software since Dark Souls games doesn't have most awful modern mechanics and Obisdian did a amazing job with Outer worlds, despite being own by M$...
As for SoD, i never played so i don't have a honest opinion...
If was up to me, i would choose CD projekt red, From Software or Obsidian. Preferentially From Software since Dark Souls games doesn't have most awful modern mechanics and Obisdian did a amazing job with Outer worlds, despite being own by M$...
As for SoD, i never played so i don't have a honest opinion...
@SorcererV1ct0r Worth noting, The Outer Worlds was being developed before Micro$oft grabbed Obsidian and so they contractually had no hand in it at all. Their next game will showcase whether or not MS has ruined the studio.
Also, I agree; Obsidian would be a great pick too. They'd probably be my second choice after Larian.
maybe a few patches here and there of course. then a couple of expansions
Pretty interesting how polarizing Beamdog's content is--I guess it's to be expected though. Personally, I find most of Beamdog's original content against the "soul" of BG. I really wish Siege of Dragonspear had been its own thing like originally planned, as it honestly would've been better for it. There are glimpses or excellence with the characters of Corwin, Glint, and Baeloth. But a lot of other things they did I find don't fit at all... like completely changing Safana's character (which, although it's ultimately an improvement, is a massive retcon), their evil characters Hexxat and (BGII) Dorn being unapologetic-ally, disgustingly evil with no redeeming qualities, tying vital items to their NPCs and their quests to coax you into trying/buying them, no race restrictions on new romances... There's just a lot I take issue with.
I will give Beamdog's writers this: they have been brave. It wouldn't have been too hard to make really "safe" content that didn't surprise players at all. And chances are we wouldn't be having this debate. So there ya go!
This is the reality of it. Given how soulless companies can be due to the ultimate goal being to create revenue, BGIII getting Larian Studios is about the best-case scenario. And boy oh boy does WotC like their money.
Savage burn, I chuckled out loud at that.
Yes, 100%. Your whole post absolutely nails it. And good point on Obsidian--Pillars of Eternity is so similar to Baldur's Gate, a sort of spiritual successor, that they already got what they came for--and I very genuinely say, good for them!
Oh jeez, you went there. We don't talk about Abdel here.
This comment oversimplifies things a bit but I think it's a wonderful point. I find it baffling people can be so upset about a game studio like Larian being given what appears to be free reign, when the IP could've easily been swiped up by a really greedy publisher and turned into something completely different. Yes, chances are Larian will modernize a few things instead of making an extensive Infinity Engine modpack and calling it a new game. I don't see how this is a bad thing.
You talk as if "modernize" is a good thing. AS if modernize is bring new graphics, destructive envoriments, verticality, etc. By modernize i believe that they will re write the spell system to add post wow mmo-style itemization, bs mechanics such as cooldowns and no saves, no armor who deflect blows, etc. The last good Larian game was Divine Divinity exactly because is the least contaminated by post wow design...
If Larian do that to BG3, i really wish the same fate of SCL devs to then. Is not by the lack of examples.
About RDR2, imagine this post wow mechanics that i mentioned into RDR2, doesn't matter if is single player or MP...
As for "none of this games are like mmos", DOS1/2 itemization, progression and gameplay are very mmoish. Same for Tyranny.
And when i say that i fear that BG3 wil lbe more DOS like is because for him, missing a thing who exists since 1988 adaptations like Pol of Radiance not only doesn't work in "video games", but is a obvious fact... Do you really think that he will not re write the rules?
There is no one ideal recipe for success, or for a failure. If cooldowns are bad in one game, or 10 games, it doesn't make the cooldown approach dumb and evil as a fact. And we don't even know if cooldowns are a part of BG3.
I liked random loot in DOS games, I like it in D2. So actually magic find and chances to find good items are actually strong points for me. I liked cooldowns in DA:O.
And I like missing in BG. But it doesn't mean I think a game which doesn't include misses is a trash. Let's first see and try the game, and then review it. Just as the time put everything into its place re/PoE and PoE 2 sales, the time will solve everything with any other game.
I didn't find progression or itemization bad in the DOS games. In a way, these games became "the new BG" for me. Even with different systems, I felt that connection. Others didn't, and that is alright.
I like D2 much more than D3, but I like what I see about D4, from the tone to the runes comeback. I have concerns about a MP component. But I want to first try and judge myself, based on the released game.
I'm ready to give any creative team a chance. I want to see what they will accomplish. Same for the Elder Scrolls team and for the Assassin's Creed team.
As for SoD, i never played so i don't have a honest opinion...
Also, I agree; Obsidian would be a great pick too. They'd probably be my second choice after Larian.