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What do you not want to see in BG III?

drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
edited June 2019 in Baldur's Gate III
I see a lot of posts from people saying what they want to see in BG III but what are things people don't want to see from BG 1 + 2?

Be it combat mechanics, certain D & D rules, quests, camera angle, exploits, level design etc

Edit: I'm specifically talking about things from Baldurs Gate 1 + 2, not other games.
Post edited by drawnacrol on


  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Colour coded, RNG loot and Crafting material.
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    I don't remember crafting material in BG 1 + 2. Unless you mean the recipes you bring to Cromwell and Cespener?
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    edited June 2019
    An overly comical talkative halfing or gnome. Give us a mean badass one or serious type. Feel like the lighthearted small folk comic relief is played to death.

    Focus on romances. Maybe an unpopular opinion and it was unique in Baldurs Gate 2 but I've kinda gone off romance choices. Personal quests sure! But in depth romances have started to feel a bit weak since Dragon Age and Mass Effect ran them into the dirt.

    RNG loot. Unique gear please not some random blue name breastplate with a bunch of percentages of stat changes.

    I kinda don't want every single line of dialogue voice acted. It works well in Baldur's Gate with some opening lines voiced then leading into lots more dialogue that might be cut or simplified if it needs tons of voice acting especially for regular townsfolk and stuff.

    Actually yea I would also say MMO like crafting stuff. Dragon Age Inquisition tried to do some kind of MMO lite crafting system and it sucked. Please do not do that.

    Oops. Read the OP. Comical small folk probably still applies and Romances from BG2.

    Other than that? Hmm. Maybe lack of specific weapons like making Spear proficiency a bit usless. Making all weapon types pretty viable. Also resting only healing how many hours you slepts. Just make rest fully heal always.
    Post edited by spacejaws on
  • ShadowdemonShadowdemon Member Posts: 80
    1. Pay to win mechanisms of any kind(this wasn’t in 1 or 2 of course but I have mention it because it is infecting most AAA titles today).
    2. Loot boxes(see rant on #1)
    3. Romances. Probably going to draw comments on this one but personally I just don’t care for them. The time it takes to design and write them would be better served at other things like quests and encounters IMO.
    4. Random weapons/armor(although this one was used more in the IWD series).
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    The opening post mustn't be clear. I'm specifically talking about things from Baldurs Gate 1 + 2, not other games. Why did you not like from the original two games that you don't want to see in III.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    1. Pay to win mechanisms of any kind(this wasn’t in 1 or 2 of course but I have mention it because it is infecting most AAA titles today).
    2. Loot boxes(see rant on #1)
    3. Romances. Probably going to draw comments on this one but personally I just don’t care for them. The time it takes to design and write them would be better served at other things like quests and encounters IMO.
    4. Random weapons/armor(although this one was used more in the IWD series).

    Sort of agreed on romances having seen them from DA:O and Deadfire. They're pretty bad in those, partly because they were made so systematically -- all the NPC's, any gender, and all the same length of dialogue. Ironically tho BG2 introduced them, I haven't really seen a game do them better. In part because they felt organic with how few and how different they were. I'd be fine with that for sure, but definitely against the kind of systematically-written romances we see now.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    The reputation system for one. I'm okay with it for vendor pricing, but there needs to be a multi-faceted reaction mechanic (at least in addition to charisma). Something like what PoE games did would be good.

    There needs to be melee engagement, imo. Or at least some other kind of punishment that forces some planning ahead in combat. RTS style cheesing was fun in the late 90s and early aughts, but give us something more complex now.

    No kobold/hobgoblin/gnoll genocide in the early parts. Some of those are fine to warm up, but I don't want to spend the first 20 hours of the game mostly fighting melee-only mobs.

    The trap detection-disarming needs a complete iteration. Standing around and waiting for a skill check timer then inching forward then waiting again then inching forward then... that is no longer cutting it. They need to invent something a little more dynamic here. The OS games show promise in this regard.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    1. turn based combat. most crpg that come out these days that use it are way to slow.
    2. to much descriptive text. another isssue with crpg these days. they seem to think having a lot of text is good. most of the time however the text is to wordy and alot of it could have been cut down and nothing would change. see pillars
    3. bringing back fan favorites just for the sake of it. say they bring back minsc for a small cameo and no role in the story. that sort of thing
    4. having the returning character not like themselves. due to these not being the original writers it is safe to say if a character like minsc does come back he will be over exaggerated to an extreme.
    5. ruining the story of bg 1 and 2. retcons mostly. i seee this one actually happening as this is 5th edition and a certain major part of the series was brought back.
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    I'm specifically talking about things from Baldurs Gate 1 + 2, not other games. Why did you not like from the original two games that you don't want to see in III.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    drawnacrol wrote: »
    I don't remember crafting material in BG 1 + 2. Unless you mean the recipes you bring to Cromwell and Cespener?

    I kinda miss read. Anything from BG1&2 would be welcome IMO. Oh ya, just read @DinoDin’s the reputation system has to be replaced with something better, that is probably it.
    Ardanis wrote: »

    I want a noober family. You go into a house to rob it or explore. Go upstairs and down stairs the noober family of like 8-10 NPCs spawn in trapping you.

    So noober, but an avoidable Easter egging Noober.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676

    Since they're bringing in Spelljammer elements.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Romances would the major one for me too I guess. Really don't care for that in games and consider it a waste of resources to implement.

    I would also like, as something that was not in the original games, a full implementation of familiars and animal companions.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i like romances in rpgs. but from what i saw with how larian writes it during a reviews of dos 2. yeah lets not have that.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited June 2019
    I can do without romances. If Larian could code it with an option to not have them, at least.

    In the BG series the romance conversations pop up regardless of circumstances which is actually immersion breaking, although I would imagine that today's engines can be much smarter about when to activate romance dialogues.

    I've got both Jaheira and Viconia in my current BG2EE game and the two romances are almost more of a distraction really. To me, anyway. (I could tell them both to keep quiet but that's not in character lol.)
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    Baldurs Gate really lacked options for evil parties. I only realised when I did a play through recently. It was nice to have totally new party members.

    Not working with the modding community absolutely baffles me, especially with how easy it is to communicate and send files nowadays. Its crazy how fan patches don't get implemented into official releases.
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    AMP1972 wrote: »
    Hm... from BG, past mistakes:
    • Pretending a minor dialogue IS making playing of EVIL or CHAOTIC alignments possible. I remember my test-halforc merely having one different punchline, and then the same plot is enforced nonetheless. In BG and IWD btw.
    • Lack of NPC, which one wants in the group. If 9 alignments are offered, then a full team per alignment is actually the minimum of proper Dungeon Mastering.
    • Decisions by fighting. If the game offers classes, which are not half a living tank, then the game should have different kinds of problem solving for a rogue or a sorcerer, and not just bla bla, now we smack each other to the death.
    • Lack of interest and lack of cooperation with the MODDER community. The Gibberlings were by far not the only ones, who really contributed the cost-free way. And not even officials die from saying 'thanks'.
    1. Yes, agreed.
    2. Neither in PnP nor in D&D CRPG have I ever played with an alignment wise "pure" team, on both axes. And it would require at least 5*9 NPCs, more if you also want to cover a few classes and kits. That kind of quantity comes at the price of quality. So disagree.
    3. More non-violent resolutions should be fine. Though I don't think every situation should be resolvable without combat in a D&D game.
    4. Are you talking about the original games or the EEs?
  • hybridialhybridial Member Posts: 291
    ah... I would go with the alignment system as they applied it in those games.

    "Lack of NPC, which one wants in the group. If 9 alignments are offered, then a full team per alignment is actually the minimum of proper Dungeon Mastering."

    See, that's not gonna happen. It's just not going to. So the Alignment system if it's kept does need to be rethought as to how it applies in gameplay. The rep system sucked. I actually liked that NPCs could get into fights with one another or tell the player "it's me or them". I liked it because the way it was applied, alignment rarely came into it. I think only Keldorn outright refused to join a party with most evil characters and you know what, gnarled old Paladin, that makes sense. But everyone else tended to only do it over genuine personal animosity, and I hope they keep that kind of thing in.

    The other thing would be the resting system needs reworked from the ground up. There's only two things I use the tweak mod to disable in these games that's major, one is the rep system causing characters to leave (Most characters who left at high rep, it made little sense why they would, those who left at low rep made more sense but, I just don't do low rep runs but I like using most of the evil characters so I use that fix) and ambushes while resting because I'd just be tapping that rest button till I got to do it anyway.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    AMP1972 wrote: »
    [*] Lack of NPC, which one wants in the group. If 9 alignments are offered, then a full team per alignment is actually the minimum of proper Dungeon Mastering.

    9 x 6 = 54 NPCs! That is too much and will definitely water down the writing between them. I don't know why people think they can't dip into neutral to complete their evil or good party and I personally like parties that have conflict - having all these types of people band together for a common purpose, attempting to put aside their differences rather than like minded people striving for the same goals.

    Let's break it down a bit further though and do a proper count on how many recruitable NPCs should be in the game (Of course, this is my opinion):

    3 Clerics (G,N,E), 1 Druid (N)

    2 Rogues (N,E), 1 Bard (N)

    2 Wizard (G,E) 1 Sorc (N), 1 Warlock (E)

    1 Barb (N), 1 Fighter (E), 1 Monk (E), 1 Paladin (G), 1 Ranger (G)

    16 NPCs. Covers all the classes and with 8 different Handbook races, gives each race 2 NPCs. I think that would be reasonable.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited June 2019
    Balrog99 wrote: »

    I believe Volo is long dead...

    Forget it. I just discovered he's still alive somehow...
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    I would like to have a lot of companions to cover more personalities, alignments and classes. Even if that would mean more shallow writing.

    In BG2 I have a really hard time making a party. NONE of my favourites from BG1 made it to BG2 (Dynaheir, Coran, Ajantis, Kivan, Branwen) which was extremely annoying. The only pure Wizard is evil and obnoxious. The only pure Cleric is evil and a difficult personality. There are way too many mage/thieves and no fighter/thieves and too many ladies who are a bit whiny. I basically only liked Keldorn, and then he wanted to stop adventuring and I had to let him go. :expressionless:

    So I'd like to see a big enough cast to make parties you like and changing them up for news playthroughs.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited June 2019
    Mmo bs mechanics like cooldowm and an combat where you never miss but enemies require 40javelin shots in the head o. Any deviance from rules being optional is the ideal but i dont expect the ideal... Carnival looking armor will be awfull too
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited June 2019
    Balrog99 wrote: »

    A century after the events of BG2 Volvo will have passed on, so no worries there. :-D

    Oops, I see now that he was trapped for a century by an Imprisonment spell prior to the Spellplague.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    @Skatan in 5e dual classing/multiclassing works similar to 3rd edition, except that it has been nerfed a bit for balance reasons.

    About thac0 and classes attack bonus it's totally gone , in 5e all classes use the same modifier (proficiency + ability) .
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    -The lack of unique dialogues based on sex, race, alignment...
    -Bonuses on races are minimal besides stats and the elves´improved proficiency.
    -Bards´casting and songs (That will change if they go with D&D 5e)
    -The entire sneak-detect traps system. Requires too much micromanaging and the ui is not very friendly (see cleric-thieves, for example).
    -Lack of equipment for monks/shaman/pure druids.
    -Not being able to customize your companions from the beginning.
    -Not having a camp or a complex resting system like the one in Pathfinder.

    I am fine with the romances if they are optional, as with whatever mechanic that will add banters. And please, just give me more lore, books, and text to read.

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